14 posts categorized "You Are Loved Coloring Bible Study"

Need A Gift For Your Small Group, Bible Study Ladies, Special Friend?

I was on a walk-n-pray and God came up with this idea. Really!

Every holiday season, as a Bible study leader, I would give a small gift to each of the ladies in my group at Christmas. I would give a gift to my friends at church and my neighbors, friends who I do life with. It was always a struggle to come up with a great gift and no go bankrupt.

May I offer you a suggestion. You Are Loved, Bible study and Coloring book

YAL Book Pencils Holiday II 2017

This is a short, 24, page, fully illustrated, and written Bible study by our own, Dineen Miller. And right now through the end of November, you can order it for only $9.99. Add a box of colored pencils that you can pick up cheap at a discount store for .99 cents, tie a bow and add an ornament. Awesomeness.

YAL Book Pencils Holiday 2017

I would love to receive this gift! Now think about who you know would like to receive this gift from you this year? 

I put together this bundle below and it totaled $13. Add in ribbon and the postage and they are about $15 . A truly unique and faith-based gift for Christmas. I may give some of these to the women pastors at my church and my friends at Christmas Dessert. I may even send one to Dineen for Christmas. -just kiddin'.

YAL Wrapped 2017

If you want to order the books, click on the link below. This will take you to PayPal. Order the number you need and I will get them in the mail. 

Gang, I'm not so great at wrapping and decorating, so that is your part. Don't forget to buy the pencils. 

I feel such a beauty and excitement in this season....

You are Loved Coloring Bible Study
For a limited time only $9.99 

<<<<----- click here. Hugs, Lynn

You Are Loved: How Much Does God Love Us?

My friends, did you experience a breakthrough through our study together? What do you feel God did in you through the revelations of His love and promises for you? Please share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages.

And thank you again for joining me as we walked through the truths of Romans 8 through Scriptures and coloring. I pray you are continually embraced in and transformed by God's great love for you!

Love you so much! 


“Jesus has the authority to condemn, but He chose another way—the way of sacrificial love. For He knew to condemn would drive us away and His desire was to be the solution to draw us near.” pg. 50 #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT



Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

You Are Loved: Is God Good?


Remember to share what you're learning in the comments. Did you identify a struggle? What is God's promise and provision for that? For you? Share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages! Hugs! ~Dineen


“His loves reaches us from the past of the cross, carries us through the present, and ushers us into eternity. It’s constant and relentless—for us and for those we love and pray for.” pg. 46 #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

Another 'You Are Loved' Bonus Coloring Page!

Download Paisley Proverb

Hello my friends! Here's our second bonus coloring page, Paisley Proverb. Just had to finish with paisley, of course! 

If you can't download it, email me and I will send it to you directly.

Enjoy the coloring, my friends! Hope you're having a blast with the study. Hard to believe we're almost at the end!



You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

You Are Loved: Why Do We Wait and Hope?

Remember to share what you're learning in the comments. What is your believing statement? Share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages! Hugs! ~Dineen


“God’s Word will transform you. Reed it, believe it, and trust Him to do it—because He watches over His Word to fulfill it (Jer. 1:12).” pg. 37 #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 23: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

You Are Loved: How Do We Live Free?


Remember to share what you're learning in the comments. What is God's promise for you? Share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages! Hugs! ~Dineen


What is God's promise for you? pg. 33  #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 21: (Share pages!)
Video: Why Do We Wait and Hope?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Is God Good? (pages 43-48)

Aug 23: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon


You Are Loved: Who’s Really in Control?


Hey there, friends! I hope you enjoyed coloring 2 Cor 5:17. Like I said, I’m particularly fond of that page. And the truth it imparts to us! We are new creations in Christ Jesus. The last part of that verse says, “The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

The Greek word for come is ginomai and holds such meanings as to be made, finished of miracles, to be performed, wrought, to become. What Jesus did for us and what the Holy Spirit does in us is miraculous! I hope that brings to your heart just how important you are to God.

Remember to share what you're learning in the comments. What lie did the Holy Spirit reveal to you? What truth did He show you to replace it with? Share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages! Hugs! ~Dineen


“Look at your God in heaven and then measure every challenge and trial by His size, not by your scope of vision.” pg.26  #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 18: (Share pages!)
Video: How Do We Live Free?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Why Do We Wait and Hope? (pages 37-41)

Aug 21: (Share pages!)
Video: Why Do We Wait and Hope?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Is God Good? (pages 43-48)

Aug 23: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon


You Are Loved: How Do We Live Empowered Lives?


Remember to share what you're learning in the comments. What lie did the Holy Spirit reveal to you? What truth did He show you to replace it with? Share your heart, your doodles and your coloring pages!


“The Holy Spirit's revelations of truth, healing, strength, and growth transform our minds more and more to have the mind of Christ.” pg.20  #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy  goo.gl/qG9HBT

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

Aug 14: (Share pages!)
Video: Who’s Really in Control?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Do We Live Free? (pages 31-35)

Aug 18: (Share pages!)
Video: How Do We Live Free?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Why Do We Wait and Hope? (pages 37-41)

Aug 21: (Share pages!)
Video: Why Do We Wait and Hope?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Is God Good? (pages 43-48)

Aug 23: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon


You Are Loved Bonus Coloring Page!


Download the SUMerfly

Hello my friends! It's time for a bonus coloring page and this one is extra special there's something about us in this page. Can you see it? Can you see the SUMerfly?

If you can't download it, email me and I will send it to you directly.

I loved creating this page for you, SUMites. And a special nod to Ann H. for being the inspiration behind the SUMerfly!

Enjoy the coloring, my friends!

Part 2: You Are Loved! &The Mystery Revealed

Dear friends, I'd love it if you'd post a quick review on Amazon. We so appreciate that. Every sale benefits this ministry and pays our bills. And reviews help us tremendously. Thank you! Love you! ~Dineen

Tweet this!: “So my philosophy has shifted from seeking an easier life to seeking God for a more fulfilling life.” pg. 9 #youarelovedcoloringbiblestudy


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

You Are Loved: Introduction & What's Coming Up!

You Are Loved Coloring Book Study Schedule

July 31: 
Video: Introduction of You Are Loved
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: You Are Loved and The Mystery Revealed (pages 5-11)

Aug 4: (Share pages!)
Video: You Are Loved—The Mystery Revealed
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Who Is Jesus to Us? (pages 13-17)

Aug 7: (Share pages!)
Video: Who Is Jesus to Us?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Do We Live Empowered Lives? (pages 19-23)

Aug 9: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 11: (Share pages!)
Video: How Do We Live Empowered Lives?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Who’s Really in Control? (pages 25-29)

Aug 14: (Share pages!)
Video: Who’s Really in Control?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Do We Live Free? (pages 31-35)

Aug 18: (Share pages!)
Video: How Do We Live Free?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Why Do We Wait and Hope? (pages 37-41)

Aug 21: (Share pages!)
Video: Why Do We Wait and Hope?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: Is God Good? (pages 43-48)

Aug 9: Bonus Coloring Page Download

Aug 25: (Share pages!)
Video: Is God Good?
Decorate, Delight & Discover!: How Much Does God Love Us? (pages 49-53)

Aug 28: (Share pages!)
Video: How Much Does God Love Us?
Wrap up!


Order from The SUM Shop or Amazon

Just a Reminder...


Hello, my friends! Just a reminder that we start our summer Bible study, You Are Loved, on Monday. Be sure to order your book this week so you can join in.

Order from the SUM Shop or Amazon.

If you want to know more, check out my video post here about the study. Lots of fun and a few surprises! I'll be doing video posts for this study, my friends, which will make it even more fun! 

Love you!