18 posts categorized "Winning Them With Prayer"

When a Spouse Leaves the Faith -- Part 3

Hi friends, Ann here! Tears

When a spouse leaves the faith -- part 1

When spouse leaves the faith – part 2

I’d like to thank those SUMites whose stories have helped inform the last two posts on this topic. It is an intensely difficult path.

The grief of a lost shared faith in marriage is an extreme thing to live with, but several of the SUMites I talked to said they can look back and see how much they have learned through it all. So I thought it might be nice to finish with a few ‘tips’, or insights, from these SUMite soldiers.

If I can summarize, what most said – in one way or another -- is this:

Once you realize the battle is spiritual, a shift takes place.

Once you realize that it's a blinding of your spouse's heart, the fight changes its flavor.

Once you realize that your spouse is not the enemy but the prize worth fighting for, then you begin to battle as an overcomer.

I guess those comments point to this well-known verse:

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, NKJV)

With that in mind, here are some final insights -- pieces of wisdom -- from those SUMites:

(1) Winning without words is the way to go.

Yes, 'Winning him without words' is one of our favorite mottos, from 1 Peter 3:1. In this scenario, it most likely means not bashing the faithless spouse over the head with arguments. In fact, those ones who have lost their faith probably know every argument there is and will not appreciate a head-walloping. A couple of our SUMites said they tried hurling apologetics at their spouse for a good few months; then gave up. It didn't do any good. A gentle and quiet spirit was the better formula.

(2) Upgrade your spiritual warfare

Several SUMites said how much their journey changed once they enhanced their understanding of spiritual warfare. There are quite a few resources out there, and several mentioned the book Marching around Jericho had been a big help. Many of our blog posts on here in the archives also cover the topic of warfare.

(3) Fight for that marriage

Said one SUMite: "I learned how to fight for my marriage. I learned that the entire situation was because the enemy wanted to destroy my marriage and destroy our family. I stopped contending for my husband's soul with angst because, frankly, it was exhausting, and it wasn't MY JOB to save him!”

(4) Your faith will never be the same again – And it's a good thing!

Several SUMites said this situation has changed their relationship with God for the better. This statement was pretty powerful:

“If God gave me the choice for my husband and I to each go back to the faith we had before all this, I wouldn't choose that. My husband's faith was obviously lacking and built on shifting sand, and my relationship with God was also lacking. So, if I don't want to go back, then the only way to go is forward, and God's already there.”

(5) Finally, God is not surprised by any of this!

It's true -- He knows. He knows all about it. And he will use it. In the words of one SUMite:

“And then it dropped that He is good and this is not a surprise or an 'oh crap, I didn't see that coming' moment for Him. And that was a turning point for me.”

So, my friends, that brings our series on this topic to an end for now. I can't help but feel there's so much more we could say. For example, what is it like for the spouse who loses their faith? How can we walk it with compassion? I'm sure we will be back to revisit this. But for now, we'll leave it there. 

To conclude, are there any other key tips that you would share with someone walking behind you on this path?

Till next time,


SUMites, You Are Brave Enough.....


All of the undertones that we uncovered in Esther are powerful and new gifts to our faith.

Today, I want to talk about the unequally yoked aspect of this story. I also want to point out Esther’s divine calling and how it’s fulfilled.

In reality, all of us that are unequally yoked, could take a few notes from Esther. What truly is astonishing is the influence she extended over the most powerful man in the world. Whoa!! So, how did she achieve this kind of power?

She listened. Esther must have been extraordinarily bright. Upon her arrival in the Kings palace, she was intentional to keenly follow the instructions of Hegai. Now, most of you know I have a vivid imagination so go with me here. Hegia was no fool. He knew what the King liked – in the bedroom- I’ll bet money he told Esther what and how to do…. It…. *grin* Also, she wore and took with her only what the King’s eunuch suggested (Esther 2: 15)

What is suggested all over the place but isn’t mentioned emphatically is this: Esther realized the implications of her potential. She was selfless and willing to follow advice from wise counselors. She listened to Mordicai. She listened to Hegai.

I wonder, who are we listening to? Where are we obtaining our truth? Esther listened to the right people and she perceived the greater assignment that awaited. She saved a nation! One little girl!

Esther fulfills her highest and greatest destiny that God wrote in her book before time began (Psalm 139:16). She gathered her courage and stepped before the scepter, risking her life. She was brave in the face of fear.

If we take anything from this study, let’s choose to be brave. We must petition the King for the deliverance of our unsaved family members. It’s risky to stand up for what is right. Let’s choose to be self-less in our pursuit of the highest and best.

So today let’s choose BRAVE:

  • You are brave enough when you choose to believe the impossible. (With Christ all things are possible.)
  • You are brave enough when you forgive. (Forgiveness frees you.)
  • You are brave enough when you are patient (The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9)
  • You are brave enough when you wake up every morning and choose LOVE over fear. (For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7)
  • You are brave enough when you say “NO” and when you say “YES.”
  • You are brave enough when you ask for help and prayer.
  • You are brave enough to show your love even in difficult and risky relationships.

Well done Warriors! Esther has nothing on you. For you were born for EXACTLY such a time as this!

SUMITE, what are you being brave about right now? What holds your heart in the night? What do you pray in the morning? What is your brave heart asking of God today? Share with me. I want to pray with you in the comments. Your petitions will be heard in heaven because I’m asking with you.

Keep showing up! You are BRAVE!

Hugs, Lynn

“Woman! How Would Like Your Husband Saved?” by Martha Bush

“Woman! How Would Like Your Husband Saved?”

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com
I can see you screaming at your computer after seeing this picture pop back up, “Oh no, I can’t go through another fast; give me a break, Lynn!”  

Hold on; Lynn is not calling for another fast. I want to share with you about a fast I had several years ago in regards to my husband’s salvation.

An evangelist was invited to speak at my church on Spiritual Warfare. All of a sudden, he bellowed from the pulpit:

“Woman!  How would you like your husband saved, and keep your mouth shut to him and pray only to God?  You fast and pray, you do everything you can do until that prayer is manifested, or you hear a word from God that gives you peace!”

Something leaped inside me. I desperately wanted salvation to come to my home, and that thing leaping up inside told me that I wanted to partner with God to bring it to pass.

And so it was - I went out from the sanctuary that day and started fasting. No solid food during the week, lived on water, revived myself over the weekends, and got back to the fast on Monday for another week, and another week, and another week.

The evangelist had also said, “Do everything you can.” So, I called all my friends in other churches, weeping and pleading, “Please pray for Glen’s salvation.”

I also summoned my two teenage daughters together and announced, “Girls, this is urgent. Nobody is going to pray for your dad’s salvation like us, so we are going to start having prayer meetings in this house!” From the look on their faces, I could tell they were thinking, “My mama is going nuts.”

Even my husband knew something was going on.  Many nights, I would wake up in the middle of the night with something pounding in my stomach to get up and pray. I’d slip out of bed and close myself up in the bathroom. Some nights, he would wake up and come looking for me.  Lucky for me, I had enough sense not to say, “Go back to bed, sweetheart; I am just praying for your salvation!”

Finally, after about three months, I cried out to God, “He’s not saved after all these months of fasting and praying, nor do I feel any peace that he ever will be. But, I am tired and hungry; I feel like my backbone is touching my belly button. Where do I go from here?”

I turned on a tape from a lady minister in our area, and she was teaching on How to Pray. She said, “There are many ways to pray, but the best prayer I know is found in 11 Chronicles 20: 9-22.”

The story goes that an army was invading Jehoshaphat and the Israelites. Jehoshaphat cried out to the Lord, “We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

Jahaziel, the prophet, came forth with a word: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army; the battle is not yours, but God’s. March down against them, and the Lord will be with you.” 

You know the rest of the story, but for the record, they met the enemy singing and praising the Lord. The Lord set ambushment against the invading army, and they were defeated.

As I read this passage, I checked off my “to do” list. 

  • I had feared the army coming against my husband for his salvation; I called upon the Lord.
  • I had fasted!
  • Praise? Hadn’t done that one.  Is this my next step?

The next morning, I went to a Bible study. Right in the middle of praise and worship, a prophet came forth with these words:

It is not a day of weeping, sackcloth, and ashes. It’s a day of praise. Just as Jehoshaphat went into the battle, did I not send ambushment and did not the enemy kill themselves?  So, pick yourself up and rejoice in the Lord. It is a day of victory; it’s a day of praise.”

Talk about an overnight express answer!

Let me tell you, I had a PRAISE FEAST that day – my man was gonna be saved, and it would be the next Sunday!!  Wrong!  It still hasn’t happened all these many years. 

But, I am at PEACE, because I have heard from the Lord! Oh yes, there are other battles to fight in my unequally yoked marriage, but that salvation battle is over and done with!

So, I encourage you:  “Whatever word the Lord gave you during Prayer and Fasting 2018, start singing and praising. He will send ambushment, and the enemy will be defeated.



Hunger Slays The Dragon

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comPRE Fast Day THREE

On Monday (January 8) as you reach mid-afternoon most of us will begin to experience hunger pangs. Grrrr, the drive of our physical body is powerful. And it’s often our weak responses to the physical that cancel what is about to triumph in the spiritual. I’ve determined that a LARGE part of our journey through life on planet earth is all about growing our spirit (soul) to the point that it takes captive the desires of our physical body.

When we begin to mature in faith, we take captive our thoughts to Christ. Often, we find freedoms from addictions and harmful thought processes and more. But eating is something we will participate in for the duration of our earth-life. Taking captive the god called -stomach- is a HUGE issue for so many of us. It is for me.

But this fast, which I started yesterday and plan to continue for 40 days, I intend to finally kill that god called appetite and offer my hunger as a living sacrifice. It is my offering to take captive my eating and then receive the reward that our Father gives to those who seek Him with all of their heart.

So, when the hunger pangs strike, they will be my prompting to go to prayer. No matter where I am I will whisper a prayer to sustain me, take captive the pangs and tell my Father…. I am hungering and thirsting for righteousness and Father, fill me with YOU. I WANT YOU!

SUMites, let the pangs hit you. Pray upon those prompting pangs and seek this amazing mystery of hungering for righteousness because right behind the pangs, the GLORY ARRIVES! HALLELUJAH!

2018 is the year! It’s about intimacy. It’s about learning to walk in purity and that leads to walking in power. Power to defeat depression, anxiety, the spirit of anger, to walk in confidence and leadership. It is our year. SUMites, we’ve walked the long road of struggle and persecution within our own home. God knows our pain and has brought us to a place of holy access.

Step in and BEHOLD!

Love you, Lynn

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. —Matthew 5:6

Winning Them With Prayer

Hunger Touches The Heart of God

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

PRE Fast Day TWO

Question: Do you know what to do while you fast?

What am I supposed to do? Do I pray normally, pray more? Do I just sit in silence? Do I just starve myself and hope something happens?

Perhaps some of you are scratching your head just like I did a few years ago.


I want to share some insights that make your fast powerful and effective.

Make time every morning to rise before the house wakes, go into your prayer place with your Bible, journal and any other book that you are reading to grow in your faith. Open up your spirt by inviting the Lord to come in. Give God your heart and ask Him to speak to you. Start your prayer time with worship,  or/and prayer language, or/and surrender.

Read a chapter or verses in your daily reading. If you don’t have a reading plan, read chapters from the book of Matthew, specifically the chapters where Jesus is teaching. Listen to the promises that jump out at you and WRITE THEM DOWN. Write that date and write a prayer that you claim this promise for your life. For example, I’m always move by this passage:

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. —Matthew 16:19

This promise ROCKS my world. I’ve used this passage to bind my heart to God’s heart. I’ve used it to loose angels to dispatch the demonic to the pit of hell. I speak this passage in faith and I ask Jesus to give me more keys and teach me how to use them to unlock the Kingdom of God.

This is just one example. There are so many that I just get excited to speak them out and watch what happens.

Pray prayers that others have written. For example, during last year’s fast we read through the book, Winning Them With Prayer. It was powerful and praying aloud the prayers written in the book brought about change for many of you. Get it out and read it again. Or if you are new with us and want powerful prayers to pray during the fast, order it from Amazon.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you how to respond to our growing hunger throughout the day.

Pray now for the resolve of the Holy Spirit to walk with you through this fast because right now the veil is very thin between earth and heaven. It’s NOW that our petitions with prayer and fasting are bringing us before the Throne. In Jesus name. AMEN

Love you, Lynn

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. —Matthew 5:6

Winning Them With Prayer

I Can't Write Anything Like THIS Miracle

SUM Family: Today I was going to start writing about 1 Peter 3 but I’m overwhelmed by the miracle stories that were posted in the comments on Friday. I want to share one of them. I know many of you don’t have time to go back into the comments but this story is a living example of 1 Peter 3 and the love of Christ in the life of a SUMite. I can’t write anything that can compare to this.

Behold, the love and faithfulness of one woman and a good Father.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com 

Roxanne S.

Hi Sumite Family,

Remembering back to some beautiful miracles...

My step daughter was going through a dark time, and moved back in with her mom. Through her dark time for several years of her life, she stole from me, broke my things, told lies about me to my husband and in-laws. Broke my heart to say the least. This caused strife between my husband and his family to me. I was so down and feeling lost, I almost left my husband.

I had started to see God telling me, hearing God tell me everywhere and in everything in my life, from music, to Bible reading, to sermons, to friend’s wisdom, and so much more, telling me to go DEEPER with Him. Pray, fast, trust Him, AND to STAY, STAY, STAY, not leave my husband. So, I stayed.

Then I heard God tell me again in multiple ways, pray for your step-daughter. I did not want to pray for someone who caused me so much pain!! But, I did. I wanted God to bring about a miracle.

Within a year, late one night, my step- daughter's mom called us, and said my step- daughter ran away from home. So, I began to pray for my step-daughter and her safety, and to bring her home. My husband had been watching me do a lot of this, and I had no idea.

Then, that morning, she showed up at our house. All she wanted to do was talk to me, and cried about the choices she had made. God opened the door that night for her to need me, and for the next year she lived with us, and needed me. A lot of healing happened that year.

AND my husband gave his life to Christ during a Christian music festival, which by the way, he only went to, because he saw what I was doing in my prayer time, and what was happening to his daughter individually and as a mother/ daughter relationship. He apologized for not backing me up all those years too.

God is still doing major work in our family. There are so many miracles that I could tell you about. They all have been answered through being on my knees praying, fasting, speaking his word, reading his word, and a lot of "tough love" and trusting God in the end for whatever His plan would be.

I am still praying for my husband to have a personal relationship with God. God is good though, and he is always working on our behalf.

Could You Walk Around Nude?

Canaries in fig tree SUMDo you read the stories in the Bible about those who died, who gave their lives up, for the cause of Christ? What about modern martyr accounts of believers in the middle east who are being killed for their Christian faith? Do you walk in faith that you could do the same?

I often cry out in prayer, “Lord, I want more of you. Lord, make me so strong in faith that if one day I must choose to die or take the mark of the beast, that I would be willing and able to die for the cause of Christ.”

Perhaps you don’t pray like this. It’s just that for me, I sometimes wonder if I could stand on my faith and die for Jesus. After all, there are believers right now, today, who will stand for Christ and ISIS will kill them.


Recently I was reading in the book of Isaiah. I arrived at this passage and I wept:

In the year when King Sargon of Assyria sent his commander in chief to capture the Philistine city of Ashdod, the Lord told Isaiah son of Amoz, “Take off the burlap you have been wearing, and remove your sandals.” Isaiah did as he was told and walked around naked and barefoot. Then the Lord said, “My servant Isaiah has been walking around naked and barefoot for the last three years. —Isaiah 20: 1-3

I wept out loud, “Lord, I couldn’t do this. If you told me to go around nude for three years, I COULDN’T DO IT. If I can’t do this, how in the world could I die for you?”

Geeze, as I type this is sound overly dramatic. Ahem, ya! I’m NOT nuts!

But when you cry out for more of God and tell Him you are a servant that follows hard after Him, you think about these things.

So, while on my walk-n-pray today, I asked God about all this. I prayed, “Lord, I don’t know if I could do i. But I pray that if the situation should ever arrive, I could walk through whatever you have asked of me.”

It was in that moment that I heard the Lord’s kind and gentle voice reply. “Lynn, you walk through your own challenges every day. You willingly submit to your marriage vows, even when it’s difficult. You remain steadfast and committed to praying for your spouse and family. This is immensely important to me.”

“Many, people crumble under way less that what all of you, the SUMites, live out. So many people, carelessly cast away their marriages. You choose to remain steadfast. Your faithfulness is way more important. I know you can’t perceive the end of the story but your prayers for that one man are impacting. Your lifetime of sacrifice fills my heart with a special love for you.”

I felt as though the Lord wants all of us to know that because we haven’t bailed out on a challenging marriage, He is proud. He is helping us. He hears our prayers and somehow in a way, this life-long sacrifice IS the giving of our life for the cause of Christ.

Well done SUMites! Well done!

And for those of you who are walking through divorce, there is absolutely NO CONDEMNATION in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) I spend time with so many of you who have fought with all you have to heal your marriage and yet it didn’t happen. Please know, your faith and your love in very challenging circumstances is a precious gift to our Lord!

Hugging all of you today! Lynn

Next post: I want to share from the archives:


Gang, can I just say – Grrrrrrrrr

This is so hard. I know that for me this was an area that was of intense and great struggle. Even today, I truly desire my husband to join me for church on Sunday. I’ve had to wrangle through all of the different aspects of church non-attendance with my husband. I’m certain many of you have as well…..

When I Was In Prison.... SUMite, You Visited Me.

Woman prison SUMThe last few questions of the Survey were about attending some of our events. Such as a conference, a virtual classroom or one of our charity events. As one of the leaders of our SUM community, I’m personally overwhelmed each and every time we offer or host one of these kind of events. These events are where names on a screen become people in front of me. I SEE JESUS IN YOUR EYES. I have so much love for you that I could burst with hope and joy.

My favorite event of all time was the Wal-Mart prayer event. Still, to this day, I’m deeply impacted by two things from that day. One, the utter generosity of our community who gave to provide gift cards and flowers to the patrons that day and also prayed. Two, those who stopped to receive prayer outside of Walmart on a warm Thursday morning a few years ago. You can read about it here if you have time.

We haven’t offered an event like this since because I truly wait to hear from the Holy Spirit. And you know what?

IT’S TIME. It’s time again to be a community who reaches people with the hope we have discovered through Jesus.

A few weeks ago, I asked friends of mine who has a ministry to our local women's prison if  they would be interested in a donation of our some books, Winning Them With Prayer, for the women? Both her and her husband were THRILLED and replied with thankful surprise and resounding, YES! They went on to tell how desperately they needed a prayer book.

A couple of years ago I actually met a woman from this prison. She was a woman who had been recently saved then released and was staying with the couple I mentioned, until she found a job. I listened as she gave her testimony. I bawled through most of it. You see, she was my age. She wasn’t born into the life that I was blessed with. She was born into abuse. In and out of jail for drug abuse, violence, theft and few other things. She looked haggard with skin and teeth suffering the years of drugs and her voice was graveled from chain smoking. But I looked at her and wept….. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN ME.

Many women such as this one, come to faith right there while doing time because of the prison ministry. They study and read the Bible. They pray and then they worry and cry. Many of them fear their release as they must return into very difficult situations and to family members who are far away from Christ. Friends, they make our unequally yoked marriages look easy.

The ministry works diligently to equip them as fast as they can so they don’t lose their faith when they leave prison. It’s a monumental task. So when I offered the prayer book, the ministry leader was thrilled. (I wish you could have seen her face.)

Now what is also interesting is that within a few weeks following my offer to the prison, a SUMite made a large donation to our ministry to cover the cost of the first shipment of books. God is so cool. And thank you to that SUMite because your donation will have eternal ramifications on families who are in desperate need.

So SUMites, we have an opportunity to give another set of books to another prison ministry. Will you think about giving $5, $10 or $20 toward these women?

Or would you consider giving a recurring donation monthly of $5, $10 or $20 to our SUM ministry to be used to pay for the postage of books, the internet expenses and the furthering of the SUMite ministry to other countries. We need to get our books translated and published in Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin and few other languages. These expenses are simply way outside of what Dineen and I can afford.

God is telling me that it’s time that the "church" embrace us, the spiritually mismatched. It’s time for us to step up and be a missionary for others besides our family. And we can do it.

Pray and ask the Lord, Can I make a small donation monthly?

AND a GIANT THANK YOU to all of you who already give. We are utterly thankful and use every penny for further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let your heart guide you. And if you can’t give, pray for the women in the prisons that these books transform their faith life and families as ours is transformed. In Jesus name. AMEN

There are two buttons below to choose from and consider:

This button is for a donation of any amount to our 501c3, tax-deductible Non-profit Ministry, Three Keys Ministries. To give to the book ministry, use the button beneath it.


 The button below is to make a donation to the same ministry but specifically to give to the prison book ministry. THANK YOU.  Lynn & Dineen

Prison Book Ministry

THANK YOU.... THANK YOU.... THANK YOU... And may the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine down upon you. Hugs, Lynn & Dineen


image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comSUMites,

Here are a few more responses to the survey.

Q: What have you learned or experience through SUM that has transformed your life?

  • I was searching for your website to find out how my husband can change. What I really learned is that the relationship with Christ needs to start with me.
  • I've learned about my identity in Christ, and how to use that authority in my prayers.
  • Reading other people's stories shows what God can do and gives me hope
  • Praying the word with bold faith. Covering my family...1cor7:14 (I can’t tell you how many different people and how many times I have referred people to Chapter 8 of Winning Them With Prayer. This scripture changed everything for me – Lynn)
  • Overall, I would say just the experience of being with a community of like circumstances has transformed my life the most. Up until 5 years ago, I knew no one unequally yoked---my friends all had Christian husbands and did not have a clue about this type of circumstance.  I always got the impression they thought because my husband was a good man, the spiritual side didn't matter.
  • That God can still use anyone even if they are struggling in some area of their life
  • That I'm not alone. There are literally thousands of us called to this lifestyle and blessing of having a mission-field right in our own living room!
  • A community of people going through the same circumstances and thriving; and even when they hit bumps, being transparent-asking for prayer, having dialogue with folks that truly care about them. This has caused me to be more transparent in life; to take that step out there when talking to people. It has made me brave, as I never walk alone. 
  • Trust God in the hard
  • The weekend Lynn came to speak at our church! God's love became so overwhelming!!
  • The first time I read Winning Him Without Words - I was joyfilled! It was the first book I read on SUM that lifted me up and made me want to share it with others like us.
  • That I'm not alone and Lynn, Dineen and the SUM community are my home and safe place.
  • I am not responsible for my husband's salvation, that will be in God's timing. I, however, can draw closer to God.
  • I now know that God still loves me!!
  • Too many things to narrow it down. I have been in regular contact with a new friend in Texas, however, through SUM as a prayer partner for the last 6-8 months. That has been such a blessing to share life with her and pray for a sister in similar shoes.
  • My faith has grown

I think as I read this last entry, My faith has grown. I pray this for all of us. I know that for Dineen and I, our faith has grown as we have grown up with all of you. I wish I could share each of your replies. SUMites, we are helping each other. We are learning to pray, to have powerful faith, to BELIEVE that mountains will move and to cheer on others as they battle the demonic and WIN!!!!

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. —John 14:12-14

I release the truth and power of this verse over your life, faith, marriage, home, finances and family. It is for the SUMites today. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the blood and name of Jesus Christ and by the love and affirmation of our good Father. AMEN

If you agree, type AMEN in the comments. SUMites. Today we walk in VICTORY!!  Hallelujah. AMEN. Love, Lynn

NEWS: Winning Them with Prayer Now on Kindle!

WinningThemWithPrayers-CoverLR2_grandeMy friends, we are thrilled to announce the Kindle version of Winning Them With Prayer is now available! This process has been fun and challenging as I've learned to expand my graphic design skills into the realm of book layout and ebook design. The book has a fully interactive table of contents that allows you to click directly to the prayers assigned to each chapter.

The only thing you would need to add to your reading experience is a journal to personalize your prayers, and SUMites, that's when things change and hearts are moved. Our prayers are powerful (Jam. 5:16) and when we personalized Scripture as these prayers do and turn them into declarations, God is already there watching His over His Word to perform it (Jer. 1:12).

And here is some of the feedback we are receiving about this powerful book that has been birthed from the Holy Spirit's leading in Lynn's teaching and the prayers we wrote for it. We are more powerful than we know, SUMites! Love you! ~Dineen

Thank you Lynn, for this book! Over the years, I have printed out many of your prayers and prayed them over my family over and over. This book is way beyond anything I expected. I am rejoicing and praying OUT LOUD over my family each prayer. I am excited to see what God is going to do in my life and here in the Sumite community! — Diane W.

This book is powerful and exactly what I needed! Thanks for the prompting of the Holy Spirit and your obedience to Him! May the Lord continue to do a work in you and through you in Jesus’ name. Amen. — Jessica B.

This book is so AMAZING!!!! ... Those prayers in the book are just soooooo good!!!! — Laurie

Order Winning Them With Prayer, hard copy or Kindle at Amazon.


FAST 2017: Day Five

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

We arrived. Hallelujah!

My fast went fairly decent. Wasn’t perfect but fasted mostly for five days, (I still have today to go). I lost four pounds and gained new awe in my heart for our Father.

I feel almost melancholy that our fast is ending. This week has brought tears to my eyes, laughter to my heart to read what happened in your lives through the book and the fast. I’m humbled and in awe that our Lord is so powerful on the move to bring breakthrough to our SUM House of believers.

Today, is a special day because chapter 13 is a gift. I wrote it following a powerful prayer session. And what I received, God says is for everyone who contends for an unsaved spouse. So I pass it along to you.

Pray and release.

Don’t carry the burdens you are not to carry. Jesus died to bring us into a life of peace. And peace is His gift. Release your spouse and your worry to the King of Kings.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. —John 14:27

Read chapter thirteen and the conclusion on page 139. Also, there are more prayers in this book than I was able to connect to the chapters. READ ALL OF THEM.

Today, I ask that if you are a SUMite that you take five minutes to stop in and leave a prayer of peace in the comments. Pray peace over yourself, your family, your marriage, whatever the Spirit leads.

I will start. Jesus you said that you came to leave us peace. I know peace is only something that comes from You. I receive it. I receive peace into my home, my marriage. I speak peace over my son, Brad, daughter, Caitie, and grandchildren. I speak a new peace over my husband, Michael. I will not be troubled or afraid. You have proven your faithfulness to me year after year. Thank you for peace that surpasses all understanding. I am utterly grateful for everything you lavishly provide year after year. I love you with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. I am yours forever. I pray now for peace to reign, love to win, hate to fail, and for Your Kingdom to be made known to a lost and desperate world. In Your Powerful Name, Jesus. AMEN

You can add your prayer and include the names of those who you are praying for. I will pray along with you. Or copy my prayer, add name and then type: AMEN

Pray in the comments. Share what has happened this week in the comments. Did you struggle? Was there breakthrough? Let me know if you experienced something new in your time with God and let’s celebrate this fact: God is good!

I love you. Lynn

*THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those who contributed to Winning Them With Prayer. Your love of our Savior shines bright in these pages. Well done good and faithful servants!

Ian, Tara, Heather, Martha, Christi, Lynette, Jim, Dorothy, Ramona, Flavia, Joanne, Heather, Dee, Taylor, Patty, Barb, Evie, Maira, Gillian. I heart you! And Dineen, I adore you. Your design and layout efforts made this book a reality. One a saw a long time ago in my mind. You made it come alive!!

Stay tuned as we start our next series on January 23rd: Emotional Healing: How Jesus heals shame, guilt, wounding and pain.

What Is Your Assignment From God For Your life?

2017 Chapter One
I’m completely overcome by what is happening in our community this week. Gang, reading the comments and the emails that I’m receiving… It’s just wild and awesome!

Winning Them With Prayer Front CoverI’m undone by how God is moving in the pages of the book, Winning Them With Prayer. Some of you are experiencing breakthroughs at home, with husbands and even feeling the spiritual bondage break off….. THIS IS THE REASON I WROTE THIS BOOK. God has purposed THIS book with power from on High to break the chains of Satan.

This is what Anja from Switzerland wrote at the end of her astonishing comments on the Day Three post: Needless to say…I’m without words. I’m humbled, amazed and feel as if years of burdens have been lifted off my shoulders. It is the answer to so many of my heart’s cries. I got a long way to go but now I am certain I am not alone!

Anja, heard the Voice of God and what she shared was miraculous.

I told you…. I was certain that God was ready to bring breakthroughs. And there are more ahead… For all of us whether you are fasting or not. I’m certain of it.


Today on Day Four, I am compelled to help our community to step into a new season. So many people don’t have any idea how to discover their purpose or ministry on this earth. Well, today let’s take a few questions with us into our prayer time and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal His calling and purpose for your life.

And can I state clearly here, everyone has a purpose and everyone who is a believer has a ministry.

So what is your assignment from God?

I want you to ask yourself these questions:

What makes you cry?

What makes you angry?

And, why doesn’t someone do something about it?

SpirituallyUnequalMarriage.com was born one day when I realized that there were very little resources to grow my faith and to walk in victory in my marriage. In 2006 there were three books on the market and I personally only liked one of them and there was nothing online to help support me.

Thus, our blog was born.

You may not be called to write or serve in full time ministry even. But you may have an assignment to start something at your workplace, after work, or participate in a missions trip. You may be gifted to paint, to dance, or to have empathy and compassion for people, or children, animals. You may be gifted in business (God loves to promote a business with a leader that is a believer). God has a calling on all of us. And you specifically have a unique was of doing what He has made you to do.

When you serve in your calling it makes you come alive. When you are working in your assignment your creativity is release to fulfill your heart, your soul, mind and your assignment.

And it is possible to serve God’s purposes even when you are married to a pre-believer. Dineen and I are living proof.

Go into your quiet time and ask God if you are serving in the right place. If you are serving at church but it isn’t fulfilling, I would think hard about what you are doing and pray about making a change.

It’s been 10 years that I have served the SUM community and I STILL LOVE TO GET UP EVERY DAY AND BE PART OF IT ALL. And that’s saying something because I usually lose interest in things after about three years.

I’m speaking now in faith that a breakthrough in your creativity and purpose would be released today. That you are filled with dreams on how to use your creativity to serve the Kingdom. That God will open doors for you that were previously shut that you may walk into your holy and divine calling this year. In Jesus name. AMEN

Today read chapters nine through twelve. Work through the assignment. Also, take time to discover the amazing life God has for you in 2017.

In the comments share what you are hearing. Share how the Lord is speaking to you as you work through the chapters. Share anything that you feel would encourage another.

Stay strong as you fast. Forgive yourself if you couldn’t make it. And just pick right up and keep going. The breakthroughs are happening. I will share some of mine later in the month when we tackle the next series, Emotional Healing.

I love you….. I love Jesus. It’s a great time to be alive and I have so much HOPE for all of us that I’m giving it away to you now. In Jesus name. Hugs, Lynn

SUMite Fast 2017: Day Two, Promises

IStock_000012723220XSmallMy friends, we are on day two of our fast. I’ve chosen to fast from sun-up to sun-down each day. I also sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance on anything else I should fast from, to honor the Lord. He’s impressed upon my heart to fast from television. Not that I watch that much, but it is a routine thing for hubby and I in the evenings to relax and watch old reruns. I find this time very cathartic.

But God told me He wants to do something different so maybe this is part of it. The unexpected part of it is when I told my husband I was “considering” doing this, I asked him what he thought and if he’d like to join me.

He said yes! So, Mike is joining me in a fast from television this week. I’m fascinated to see what God does with that, my friends. Really and truly, the Lord is so surprising! 

Our assignment yesterday was to read the first three chapters in Winning Them With Prayer and write down our prayers. Also to read and personalize the SUMite prayer listed at the end of each chapter. I hope you are greatly encouraged, my friends, to see and know we are all pressing in together for God’s heart and Words for our lives. I find that so comforting too.

Chapters two and three speak of belief and praying God’s Word. These are vital keys to our faith walk! I know at times we battle doubt and fear—I know I do—but I continually find the answer in God’s Word and the power His spoken Word holds. I will never tire of Jeremiah 1:12:

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” — Jer. 1:12

To know our Lord watches over His Word to perform it is so powerfully reassuring in my life, SUMites. I pray that’s true for you too. Believe it! Believe Him!

I shared some words the Lord spoke to me last Friday and mentioned there was more. What God shared with me just after the New Year is that 2017 will be A Year of Promises. And it’s two fold:

  1. The revelation of promises already given.
  2. New promises to be given and released

My friends, I am especially excited about this because I received some prophetic words from my church family on Sunday that confirmed and answered three cries of my heart and this word God gave me about A Year of Promises. Amazingly, they were given to me by four different people at different moments who had no knowledge of any my prayers or what God had been showing me.

That is how wonderful our Lord is, and how much He loves us. So I encourage you to keep pressing deeper into His presence and love. Be like the widow who goes before the judge and continually asks (Luke 18). I have been doing this for weeks to counter some heavy spiritual warfare and finally the answers came. I am a bit weary from it, but very relieved to know God’s heart, my friends. It was the confirmation and affirmation I desperately needed. Our Father God cares so much for us and though we don’t understand His ways, He is very present and active in answering our prayers.

Let’s continue our prayer and fasting today with chapters four through six in Winning Them With Prayer. As I said, God wants to do something different in 2017. With an open heart ask Him what that means for you and your family. I do so hope you’ll share too. I’ve no doubt God will speak to and through each of us astonishing ways!

I love you, SUMites! Your heart for God and love for each other are two of the most beautiful things I have witnessed in this lifetime. And if that’s how I feel, can you imagine how our Lord Jesus feels to behold this amazing family?

Yes, I am in awe. Of Him…and you.



SUMITE Fast 2017: Monday, January 9: Day one.
New Life Chapter One
SUMites…. Who wants a new beginning? A fresh start? A year of new possibilities, promises fulfilled and a deeper walk with our Lord?

We are a people who are endowed with new starts. Believers have been given a gift of new starts and new beginnings. It’s in our nature. We experienced our first new beginning when we came to faith in Jesus. I’m convinced that the Lord gives us new beginnings, new starts over and over again throughout our life. And this fast is going to be the start of significant changes and fulfilments in our lives in 2017.

I am CONVINCED that this year is a breakthrough year. I have enough faith in this statement for all of us, even for those of you who aren’t feeling it yet. I’m convinced that God is leading us toward significant person healing. I’m convinced that there are even more prayer strategies that He is anxious to teach us in the months ahead.

So, buckle in. Set your mind on the prize (Philippians 3:14) and BELIEVE for your new beginning to become reality because Jesus loves you that much.

I’m in for the long haul. The Lord has commissioned me to fast from food the entire five days. I write that sentence in faith that God will see me through. But I’m convinced that on day three spectacular answers, breakthrough, provision will result. It’s usually on day three that a shift will happen because of our faithfulness.

Join me and fast in accord with how the Lord has called you!

Sometimes we can start a fast and say to ourselves that yes, I will pray. Then what happens is we go into our room and sit down and then think, It’s hard to pray. I don’t know what to say. What to ask. I’m bored, distracted, etc.


That is why we are using the prayer strategies book. You can read the prayers aloud. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and rest upon you before you start. Ask God to rest His glory upon you.

Record notes in this book. Like Sarah, she wrote notes and prayers in the margins. There is a place to write prayers in the book and I urge you to get a prayer journal.

This small book scares the devil. This small book is filled with prayers that change hearts, lives, marriages and our faith.

Today, read chapters one, two and three. Read the prayers suggested at the end of each chapter. Write your prayers in the book. Put the date next to the prayer. This is a permanent record of our petitions to the King. And one day we will look at this book again and SEE THE FAITHFULNESS OF OUR GOOD FATHER.

If you don't have a book, write in your prayer journal. NO ONE in our House of SUM is left out. Pray and write your prayers, hopes, and the words God gives you in a journal.

The Holy Spirit is with us. Jesus adores us and our Father IS GOOD, EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY GOOD!!! On Thursday, we will ask the Lord to reveal our divine purpose/calling. It will be a powerful day of shifting in the Spiritual realm of your life. That’s why I decided to wait until after day three.

Today in the comments, let’s encourage one another to grow in our belief (chapter three). Let’s post our thoughts. Share your struggles if you are needing prayer support. When you’re hungry, stop in and share and let someone cover you in prayer. Then pray for another SUMite. 

The devil trembles when the SUMite Nation prays!!!!

And God rejoices when we pray and He sends answers (Chapter seven.)

Woo Hoo. My excitement is electric. I will be praying for you this week. I love you so very much. Hugs, Lynn

Winning Them With PRAYER

Good morning, Lynn & Dineen!

I'm sorry to bug you by email, but the Lord has lead me to send you praise....  I received my book yesterday and decided this morning to open it up and flip through a few pages before I started my day.  But....OH WOW....an hour later and pages and pages of prayers written along the margins...I'm having trouble putting it down.  

I'm overcome by the palpable manifestation of his presence in my home.  You are true intercessors and the power of your prayers comes pouring off the pages from the instant the book is opened. Blessings to you both.  You are such valuable gifts to this community.  I often feel that we are such a misunderstood community of believers!  The lies I hear that speak out against us, saying "God said don't be unequally yoked, so your situation/marriage/struggle is your fault." can be so discouraging. But, obviously it's a lot more complicated and you both have brought power to all of us.  

You have brought hope through your faith and through your perseverance to stand firm on the TRUTH that every promise is YES and AMEN and the TRUTH that HE watches over his word to perform it and HIS WORD WILL NEVER BE RETURN VOID.  I'm blown away, ladies!  This is truly an anointed book and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Blessing and prosperity to both of you in this coming year!  




I opened this email up on Sunday morning just before the service began. 

I wept!

SUMites, let these prayers change your life!

I will have books again on Monday and can get them into the mail on Tuesday. We are using this book as a record of God's hand in our lives in 2017. It will become a heirloom for your children. 

I will also be sending you to it during our series on Emotional Healing. If at all possible, order a copy. Not for me or Dineen but because the prayers are truly anointed with power and will help you pray with more effectiveness and grow your confidence in prayer. You can order for two day delivery as well and still have time to work in them during our 2017 FAST.

I'm convinced this book is one of my primary assignments in this life, especially chapter eight. Wow, it's not often you glimpse something that was completed which God prepared before time began. 

(lump in throat)

I LOVE you. I have so much to share with you in the weeks ahead. Truly, with full faith I say this: 2017 is going to be a significant year of breakthrough, provision, and HEALING! 

Get ready. Commit to the process FULLY! And tell your friends! Hallelujah and glory to our Father, the Son and the Spirit that makes us ONE! Hugs, Lynn


2017 Fast

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

My friends, The New Year fast is going to be different than in years past. I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to walk all of us through a season of healing. One of the ways believers encounter healing is upon our discovery of our divine purpose and calling.


Day one you can expect a few questions that you will take with you into your prayer time. And as your hunger grows throughout the day, I’m convinced that the answers will flow from the Throne of Grace and Mercy.

Dineen EnvelopesWe will also be using the prayer book as a prompt and it will also become a record of our fast and so much more. It’s not too late to order you copy. However, we are sold out. Every book that Dineen and I order has been purchased and shipped. We have more on the way and hope to offer them again through our SUM Shop.

1/5/2017 You can now order through The Sum Shop.

I can see so many of you holding this book in your hand alongside your Bible. I see the Lord speaking to you and teaching you new strategies of prayer that are powerful to intercede for your family and marriage. This book will become a blessed heirloom to your family, to one day look at your notes in the book, the prayers you wrote and the dates and finally…. How the Lord moved upon your utterances. Neat.

Today, I want you to pray and pray every day leading up to January 9th for supernatural faith, discipline, self-control and desire to walk through this fast faithfully. Pray that the plans the Lord has for you in 2017 are revealed. Ask Jesus to teach you to walk in these prayer strategies and that the prayers will manifest the Kingdom in your life. In Jesus name. AMEN

In the comments, tell me what is something you are hoping will come from your time of prayer and fasting. See you there. Hugs, Lynn


2017 FAST & Emotional Healing

Healing Prayer
Hello SUMite Nation,

Wow, I have missed all of you!

I feel like I could burst because I’m keeping inside all of this amazing stuff that has happened in the past several weeks. A-MAZ-ING stuff that I can’t wait to share with you…. I can’t wait to start teaching about emotional healing. (And other surprises.)

I PROMISE YOU THIS, you WILL experience freedom and healing if you work through the series of posts that we will tackle beginning January 23rd.

Before we get to that we need to focus on our prayer life for 2017. Our emotional healing happens through prayer, so I find it perfect timing that we will focus on prayer during our annual fast week. We will fast as a community the week of January 9th through January 13th. Dineen will be providing some links to how to fast, January 6th.

Every year I’m fascinated at the large number of us who fast together and something significant from the Lord always comes out of our focused time of prayer and fasting. So plan now to fast with us. Let your family know so you can set expectations with them. My practice is a daytime fast with a light and healthy meal after sunset with my family. But I may attempt a complete five day fast with a hamburger on Friday night. *grin*


Winning Them With Prayer
Winning Them With Prayer

This year we are going to fast and use the prayer strategies book along with it. So much of my spiritual growth in my life in 2016 was the result of new prayer strategies that I used in my prayer time. This book has POWERFUL prayers written by SUMites. I tell you that I have prayed through them and would literally begin to shake under the power of the Holy Spirit.

These prayers can move mountains, save the lost, heal the sick and deliver us from the bondage of satan.

I will share more about how we will use the book on Friday. There is a place to write in it and these books will become a record of our prayers that we will look at to see how God moved at the end of 2017. And I promise you, HE WILL MOVE!

You can order your copy here (SUM Shop). Order it early because shipping will take at least a week.

This Fast will prepare you for the Emotional Healing Series that follows: Jesus Heal My Soul!!!!!

SUMites, do you want real freedom? Freedom from memories that sting? Freedom from trauma and hurts? Do you want to be healed from wounds to your heart? AND DO YOU WANT PHYSICAL HEALING?

I’m convinced that this is my assignment in 2017. I’m compelled and commissioned to teach the SUMite Nation these amazing prayer strategies that will truly change the course of a life and launch us into our destinies, divine assignments, ministry, freedom, healing and more.

WHAT SAY YOU?  Are you in?

Tell me in the comments what is on your heart at this very moment? It’s likely the Holy Spirit speaking. I want to hear and share your hopes for 2017. Then order your book so I can get it in the mail to you.

I LOVE you so much. Our Jesus is so near and He is telling me that it is NOW that the church is to receive EVERYTHING He died to give us. Don’t leave anything on the table that Jesus wants for your life.

Hallelujah and AMEN. See you in the comments. LOVE YOU SO MUCH, Lynn

The New Prayer Book -Sample Chapter

Hello, SUMites!

WinningThemWithPrayers-CoverLRBoy howdy, I’ve missed all of you so much. I have so much I want to write about. So much that I’m learning from the Lord. So much that has happened in a short 30-day window. I want to continue our conversation about boundaries and emotional healing. And I also feel as though the Lord is teaching me a great deal about how to cope and walk through weariness, defeats and relationship challenges. So, watch for a few posts about all of this in the weeks ahead.

But today, I’m humbled to share with you a chapter from the new prayer book. I will tell you that about a month ago, I went to lay down one afternoon. While in the quiet the Lord spoke to me a new title for the book and I saw the cover at the same time. Thus, the title of the book is Winning The With Prayer – Prayer Strategies for the Spiritually Mismatched.

I shared the cover design that I saw in my head with Dineen. Did you know that she is a brilliant cover designer? She designed the front and back cover to resemble exactly what I saw in my head. Amazing.

The book will officially launch January 2, 2016. We will be using it in conjunction with our annual fast that will be the week of January 9-13, 2017. Currently, we are in the final phase of production. You will be able to order through Amazon after Christmas and have it in plenty of time for our fast.

What I LOVE about this particular book is that it is a collection from many of us who meet together at SUM. The prayers are beautiful, healing, powerful and honest. I can’t wait for you to read them, pray them, speak them and watch the words change lives. THANK YOU to each of you who contributed. Thank you to each of you who spend your hear-earned dollars to buy a copy.

To read a sample chapter, click here. And below is a sample prayer written by our own Dorothy Fleming:

Praying on the Armor of God for You and Your Spouse!

By Dorothy Fleming

I often “pray on” the Armor of God (Ephesians 6) not just for me but for my husband as well.  It is very powerful to pray God’s Word back to Him, and He reminds us that His word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He desires in us (Isaiah 55:11) and in our spouses! This is an awesome weapon against the evil one. We cover not only ourselves with God’s Armor, but provide protection for our spouses! How I pray on my armor changes as well as the verses I’m led to pray, depending upon what life circumstances I’m facing. Join me and let’s pray on the armor daily with the Lord’s power, love and protection for ourselves and our spouses!

Belt of Truth: Dear Lord, please help me to remember this day that Your Son Jesus is beside me, and You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). You go before me and follow me (Psalm 139:5). You will show me the path where I should walk this day. You will point out the right road for me to follow. You will lead me by your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long my hope is in You (Psalm 25:4-5), as I trust in You for (spouse’s) salvation.

Breastplate of Righteousness: I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect my heart, which belongs to Jesus. Please help me to guard my heart above all else, for I know that everything I do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23) and that my mouth will speak what fills my heart. Please help me to be a reflection of the love of Your Son Jesus to (spouse) this day, Oh Lord!

Helmet of Salvation: I pray that the Helmet of Salvation will protect my mind and my thoughts this day. That the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14). Please help me to remember that You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You (Isaiah 26:3). Please help me to trust in You, O Lord, for (spouse’s) salvation.

Feet Fitted with the Gospel of Peace: That I may know and proclaim Your Word to those You place in my path, O Lord, especially (spouse). I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with me and that You will grant me the wisdom to recognize the opportunities placed before me this day and the courage to be obedient to Your commands. Please help me to be the aroma of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:15) to (spouse) and help me to remember that You love (spouse) more than I do. You do not want anyone to perish, for You want everyone, including (spouse), to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). I pray that You will put people of peace in (spouse’s) path today.

Shield of Faith: Please help me, Lord, to use my Shield of Faith to extinguish the flaming arrows that the devil hurls at me and (spouse). Please help me to remember that the devil has no power over me, and that You have not given me a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and self-discipline (1 Timothy 1:7)! I pray Your protection on us both, O Lord. Please command Your guardian angels to walk with each of us this day (Psalm 91:11). 

Sword of the Word: For me, Lord, Your word is my most powerful weapon against the devil’s attempts to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). But he has no power over me because I have been redeemed by the blood of Your Son, Christ Jesus. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in me, creating an ever-burning desire to know Your word and commit it my heart that it may be ever on my lips (Psalm 34:1). Please keep me from becoming weary of doing good, for at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I do not give up (Galatians 6:9)! Please help me, O Lord, to never give up!!! Lord, I ask that You will give (spouse) a heart to know You, and You will be (spouse’s) God, and he will return to You with all his heart (Jeremiah 24:7).

About Dorothy Fleming

I live in Texas with Alan, my loving husband of 27 years! We have a furry, four-legged rescued family. I take our 80-pound dog, Teddy along with our blind cat, Iris, to visit our local nursing home several times a month. I love outdoor activities and also yoga. I love to cross-stitch or crochet while watching old movies with my husband. I have grown in my faith through participating in small church groups and studying God’s Word. In 2012, after reading quite a few books on unequally yoked marriage, I found Winning Him Without Words and have been thankful to call Lynn and Dineen friends ever since!