May 01, 2015
I’ve become a tech-no-nerd! And not because I want to be one. But this past week I’ve coded websites, downloaded and uploaded files, set designs and created artwork. I’ve migrated mailing lists paid for new web services, transferred domain names and am preparing our multiple websites to be mobile friendly…. just to name a few of the many tasks.
I’m telling you this because some things may look a little different. Some things may not be working exactly right. So, here is what I hope happens.
All of you who are receiving email blog posts, we changed providers because our last provider was including offensive ads. So, today, you should receive blog posts via Mailchip. If you want to receive our posts via email, sign up in the sidebar --->.
I’ve redesigned and transferred our existing sites, Winning Him Without Words and Mismatched & Thriving Ministries to our main host, Typepad. I’ve made both sites mobile friendly. (The links are previews, sites go live next week.)
We’ve changed our commenting service. You can join the host, Disqus by signing up or post with them as a guest. Register in the sidebar --->.
If you have problems, email me. Email link is in the sidebar under the search feature --->.
Thanks for your patience. I will be working on the SUM mobile friendly redesign in the next two weeks, so if you pop in and things are wonky, be patient. And for those of you who want to give $5 toward our web expenses, click on the; If you love SUM button in the sidebar --->.
At the end of the day, I hope all of our sites are beautiful, functional across all devices and that you continue to be blessed by the love and support of our amazing community.
Dineen & I love you deeply. Thank you for trusting us with your hearts and your time. Hugs, a frazzled techy, nerdy, Lynn