8 posts categorized "Video Log"

Lend a Listening Ear

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comSUMites,

In the past week I taught live on different venues.

The First video is a short Back-to-School video I made a few years ago that addresses the changing moral culture and how to guide our children into faith. If you are a mom or dad, this will inspire you as a parent.

The second video: Wives Needs . This teaching was shared live on the Facebook page on Wednesday. It's taken from a conversation I had with a psychologist and counselor, Rebecca Saville. It's practical and full of truth and how-to meet our needs and give our husband a break. Approximately 20 minutes.

Understanding The Trinity: The third is the audio from the teaching I offered in our virtual class room. If you want intimacy with any of the three God, head, Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit THIS teaching is for you. It also concludes with a powerful prayer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Listen to the teaching as that will prepare you for the prayer time. This is a long audio. Put it on when you are driving, washing dishes or listen instead of watching something on television. I would love your thoughts on each. 

To view all of these videos, please click here.

Today, I'm intrigued by the words of Jesus:

But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” -John 4:23-24


For those of you who listened to the teaching, please share your thoughts. Were you edified? And was the virtual classroom a good format for that type of teaching. 

Bless you my SUMite family. I pray you are filled with the truth that Jesus is the answer to your question. Hugs, Lynn 

Weary From Long-Term Issues

There is enormous insight in a well know passage in the book of Luke. If you have issues. If you are weary. If you are wondering where your breakthrough is... THIS VIDEO LOG is for you. 

I love you my friends. Have a great week. Lynn



A Woman With An Issue of Blood by: Lynn Donovan from Spiritually Unequal Marriage on Vimeo.

this is a profound story within a story from the book of Luke. Chapter Eight. Join me for several profound insights you may have missed.

SUMite -Brie Testimony

Hi SUMites,

What follows is an email from SUMite, Brie Gutierrez. Brie's story is one of God's faithfulness and the beauty of the body of Christ. WE LOVE THIS SUM FAMILY. We love you too Brie. Lynn & Dineen

From Brie:

Hello my beloved mentors, 

I hope you are both well. Thank you for always leading and encouraging us SUMites through our journey. I always find I read the blog at just the right moment and it always speaks to my heart. 

I wanted to share the video my church (30k people) will see this weekend. It's a story of how Gods people come together for one another.  

Thanks for praying for me in the hospital - I WILL never forget that. Those prayers by Gods people pulled Julian out of a dangerous place and gave him life. 

BRIE GOD STORY from Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale on Vimeo.

How funny my pre-believer is apart of it and my pastor will even mention his name this weekend. Our men are being assaulted with the Holy Spirit! May they embrace and surrender. 

I know Julian's story will show the power of our GOD. 

Love you ladies, 

Brie Gutierrez

It's Community Miracle Time

Good Monday Morning Sumites,  (This is a Community Miracle of the #SUMite Nation)

I have been praying to have the heart of God for a few months now. And as we move into the month of December, I feel God asking this community to LIVE THE GOSPEL. 

How do we do that? How do we impact people around us with the Gospel? 

The answer: WE LOVE

How do we love? 


The video below is Todd White sharing his love with strangers. If you have ever watched the movie, Father of Lights, Todd appears in the last scene and it's a Holy Mind Blow.

This video is roughly 15 minutes long but it will inspire you to lavish love and give it generously. Take the time to listen and be inspired. 


You may say to yourself, I'm unable to be generous like Todd. How can I give like that? Well, my friends, give what you can. Be outrageously generous with what you have.

I have an experiment to offer you this December. See this photo?

Random Act of Kindness

Well, how about if each of us put a $1 or $5 or even $10 in a plastic ziplock bag. Include a blank sticky note and put at least 3-5 of these prepared bags in your purse or wallet. And then ask God to bring about an opportunity to share. Then leave a note taped somewhere, hand someone the ziplock with the money, or buy someone a coffee, pay for their groceries.

I did this once. I saw a women who I knew from church. Her and her husband were both unemployed. She was in the checkout lane at Walmart with her mother. They were counting change and looking for more money in their purses. I walked up, swiped my card in front of their astonished faces. They cried, I cried, the Walmart employee stood speechless as she watched.

or just ...... Allow God to direct you. I will make a bold promise. God will reward you and this Christmas will be the Best Christmas you have ever had.

I'm headed to Virginia on Wednesday. I'm loading my purse with prepared ziplocks and I plan to be generous. Sometimes anonymously but I'm hoping to love on someone in person to share "the Gospel" of love and generosity with strangers. 

God is a generous God. He lavishes his love and provision upon His children. The more we give the more He will give us..... And the more we give. The more He gives. What a fun and cool plan. I LOVE God's ways!!

Let's meet up here again in few weeks and share photos, experiences. But let's share how we loved God' and His people by our generosity. Email me your stories and photos of where you left bags. 

Please email me.

Are you up for this? Because those who dare to participate in this love experience will be the ones God blesses generously.

Here is my sticky note. I hope people will visit our #SUMiteNation on Facebook and Twitter to find out what it's all about. 


I love you. God is generous and wants you to experience the joy and miracles that happen when we love others with His generous and outrageous love. And people are so open to the love of God during this time of year. Hugs, Lynn

Welcome To The Intentional Marriage

They say.... Love is blind. But, marriage is a real eye-opener! 


Well that is true. However, isn't that what God's ideal of marriage is all about? 

Walk with us as we explore the mystery and brilliance of marriage under the sovereign hand of God. 

Today on our first broadcast, The Intentional Marriage, we will chat about the mysteries of how God works through our married life to bring about His plans for us. It is the highest calling on a life and the Lord's most favored tool to teach us how to overcome, to discover joy, live in peace, figure out our struggles and to live in authentic relationship.

Find us at Christian Women Affiliate at:

The Intentional Marriage - You can view the show from this page.

Eastern Daylight Time 11:30 a.m.

Central Daylight Time 10:30 a.m.

Mountain Daylight Time 9:30 a.m.

Pacific Daylight Time 8:30 a.m.

GMT for all of you outside of the US 15:30 (and, thanks for joining us at odd hours)

Then join us for our new monthly meme as we share some giggles, insight, wisdom and practicality we each other.

(Link up below)

This month let's share words of advice from our now mature married self to the young married girl we were in the first year of marriage. (post a photo from your wedding.... please, please, please) Here are photos of Dineen and I as new brides.  Imported Photos 00016  

We will be writing words of advice from our now more mature married self to the young married girl we were in the first year of marriage. You can write about any or all of the following three things. 

  • See the Humor – humorous anecdotes and funny advice about the hilarity and fun in marriage and how to relax and not take ourselves too seriously. 
  • Powerfully Positive - wisdom and perspective that comes with living with our spouse over time. What wisdom or perspective would you share with your young self that would make married life more fun, fulfilling, and joyful for you and your spouse. How has the power of God worked in your marriage through forgiveness, commitment, and unconditional love. 
  • Dineen-NewBride Practically Practical – Everyday things that show love to your spouse, yourself, your family. This can be anything. A favorite recipe or a story about letting the laundry go so you can watch a movie together. Anything practical that is edifying and helpful. 

Then over the next several our months the meme will focus a single issues such as respect, communication, the bedroom and apply these three themes to that specific area of marriage.

Remember we will be compiling your words of advice for a book. there is so much wisdom, grace and humor in our online community. We want to share it as well as pass it on to our daughters. So write well and let me know you have an entry. Also, you can contribute through the comments.

Finally, I will be giving away to five of you who join our meme or add to our book through comments a copy of The Dream Giver. This book will inspire you to follow your God given dreams.

Thank you for loving us all these years. Thank you to all who can join our LIVE SHOW. Thank you to all who are joining our meme. Dineen and I will be by to read and chat with you. 

So, grab the code, LINK UP and visit us today at The Intentional Marriage.

Discovering the joy and beauty of marriage....

as God intended it.




Reflecting Jesus... The Intentional Marriage

How to watch and participate in Christian Women Affiliate TV, tutorial.

Join in Chat and participate in The Intentional Marriage, tutorial.
