My friends, we are now up to chapter two. I love the fact that it is a favorite book of both Lynn and Ian. Doesn’t the book just … glitter … so far? 
It glitters in its promise.
But you know what? The overriding thing about this chapter, for me, was that it gave me a great big portion of humble pie! It humbled me because it made me consider my life before I was a Christian. I can tell you, that life wasn’t pretty.
What were you like in your pre-believing days, I wonder? Me: Well, I was a different Ann to the one you see here. And I’m guessing many of you would say the same.
Verses 1-5 press the point that we all writhed around in an evil state before we became Christians. As children of wrath, we conducted ourselves in the lusts of the flesh. Thoroughly. All of us.
For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles – when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. 1 Peter 4:3 (NKJV)
I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me Psalm 51:5 (NKJV)
This fact alone shifts my perspective. See, as the only Christian around often, I can get a bit self-righteous. A bit? Haha .. Mm. I am extremely frustrated by the fact ‘they’re rejecting God’. The way I see it is it’s their free will, and they’re rebelling.
But this chapter reminds me that… ahem… There went I, until HE came and changed me.
How could I possibly boast of what he’s done to me and for me? It was all His doing, the change that happened in me when I converted.
With that fact in place, verses 6-10 specify what He did:
There we were writhing around in our muck, when he swooped down with love, plucked us from the mud, and flew us high, seating us in Heavenly Places and somehow turning us into a ‘masterpiece’ of goodness.
I need to spend some time reflecting on that visual.
Ephesians 2 is all about what HE has done, and verses 11-22 spell it out. He has:
Lifted us up and ‘seated us in Heavenly places’. This speaks of a new elevated view of life, a new positioning.
Made us alive, when we were previously dead. We used to be ignorant, blind, alienated, dead, enemies, a target of God’s wrath, aligned with the enemy, the sons of disobedience, children of wrath, full of the lusts of the flesh, hopeless, without God. No longer! We are ALIVE! And here we are, now, suddenly finding ourselves rich with a heavenly bank account.
Reconciled us to him so that we are no longer far away from him.
Given us access to him. Wow.
Made us into a brand new creation, a masterpiece.
And finally, woven us together with other believers into a living, breathing body – A temple, that carries His presence; a body that shares one Spirit – His Spirit.
It’s all a bit mind-blowing, really. It feels like I’ve gone from a grubby Cinderella slave to a princess.
A page turned, a new leaf, God did this to us:
Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. (v. 19).
So here’s a final thought on the household of God:
I mentioned I’m on holiday this week. Well, I’ve had a young friend house-sit who doesn’t have parents around. I wanted her to feel a ‘daughter of the house’, so as I got the house ready I thought of that sentiment. I deliberately told her to just use any food she wanted from the cupboards so that she would feel like my kids feel: At home.
I remember an older lady doing the same for me when I was at uni: ‘Come over and bake!’ she said once, knowing that I was far from home. I felt like a daughter of her house.
Well, we’re sons and daughters of HIS house.
And so we finish another glittering chapter.
Did you enjoy this chapter, SUMites? What does it look like to you to be a daughter/son of God’s house? What else in this chapter particularly spoke to you?