Begin Thanksgiving With Thanks
November 19, 2017
The predawn light slips through the window as I sleepily rub my eyes and wait for the coffee to trickle into the pot. The aroma awakens a gentle smile. I swirl in the creamer then shuffle to my prayer room. There I gather my life-line, my Bible and the spiral binder.
All is quiet. The family slumbers. It’s peaceful in this early morning hour.
My hands clasp about the cup, glad warmth seeps into my fingers. The warm air from the heater begins to circulate the room, as do the angelic. Seated under the lamp, I slowly open the pages. The precious and powerful pages that literally saved my life, changed my heart and continue to do so. These are the very pages where I met Jesus. I turn to the latter days of November. Rough and worn pages reflect scribbles of familiar writing, my thankfulness across the top, of years passing.
November 19, 2007 Praying for wisdom that comes from heaven.
November 20, 2009 My husband received offer for employment after a year of no work. Thank you, Lord!
November 22, 2004 Submitted article to magazine. Thank you, Lord.
November 22, 2007 Thanksgiving Day. Thank you Lord for your boundless mercy that God has given us the privilege of being born again.
November 26, 2006 Thank you for the new blog.
November 27, 2003 Thanksgiving Day. My Jesus, salvation, my daughter, son, time off, our home, my husband….Lord, may this year be the year of husband’s salvation.
The handwriting speaks softly to me of years gone by. Of markers of God’s provision, His love, His grace and His ever-present love in my simple life. I step into the words on the page this November 24th, 2011 and thank Him for the rich blessing of another year, a book, a chance to share the hope I have with others, a family that is healthy and under the profound protection of God Almighty.
Faithfulness. This is a record of faithfulness of a good Father in a life of an ordinary daughter.
Daniel, chapter one: I hear the LORD's voice, beckoning through the sentences, Be a woman of courage, of integrity, commitment and purpose. Serve God alone and never bow to idols of greed, gluttony, and self. In Peter chapter three: I’m met with such power. I'm wrecked and overwhelmed. It’s as if on this cold morning God is confirming once again, keep walking the walk, talking the talk, living it out the truth I hold in my heart before my unbelieving spouse. Jesus died for sinners that he might bring them safely home to God (vs 18).
Another sip of sentiment and little Peanut jumps up beside me. He paws the sleep from his eyes and waits for me as I speak tenderly to my Abba, Father.
I smile at his tawny face, pat his back. I sense he smiled.
Turning to my journal, I'm touched by the softness of the morning. The Presence of the Living God falls, heavy. Rushing to my knees, I whisper thanksgiving. Praying from the depths of my soul, filled and overflowing earnest for what truly matters in this world.
O Lord Jesus, my Savior,
Step with me before the throne of grace on this special morning. Allow me favor that I recount my blessings to our Father. Lord, You, have protected and prospered me with all the power of heaven this past year. You have saved my family and my friends from evil and sheltered from disaster. Lord you have spoiled me. I know life is unexpected. Nothing is a guarantee. Yet, today, I acknowledge that the luxuries of Your provision, exceed my dreams. I rejoice that You love me and delight to give gifts to Your children.
Father, thank you for my salvation, for knowing the truth that sets me free, for the healing of hearts, souls, and bodies. Thank you for sharing your Words with me that draw me closer to your heart and conform me to the likeness of Jesus. Thank you for my husband, my children, my home, my church, my online sisters and brothers. You know that my love for them is eternal, passionate, and sacrificing.
Thank you that ……. I am chosen.
I am chosen. I am chosen. I am chosen. Thank you that on this day day in November millions of your people pause with gratitude for Your hand. I love you Lord, your humble servant, Lynn
Moist lashes, trembling hands. The room has grown lighter. Peanut is scratching for his breakfast in the kitchen and I hear a stirring in the distant bedroom. The house is awakening. A full day awaits but for this moment on this day of thanks, I spent time with my King.
And I experienced HIM.
THAT is a perfect Thanksgiving.