190 posts categorized "Thankful Thursday"

Thankful Thursday - Marriages

Every once in a while we give thanks on Thursdays here at SUM. And considering all that transpired in the past few days, Dineen and I have so much in which to be thankful.

As I think over the opportunities we had to reach out to people who are unequally yoked, I'm undone. Let me just share just a few of the miracles and praises. Please celebrate with us.

From the Forum on Tuesday at Focus Communities: Hello Ladies, my name is Mark and I heard the announcement about this FOTF program while on the way to pay for a divorce with my wife....... The Lord stayed my hand on divorce yesterday, so I know He's up to something.

From 1 Peter 3 Living: Gill ~My mom was married to an unbeliever for 19 years. She prayed and prayed of course, but she didn't push, just lived her quiet example. In 1999 we were at a baptism or a first communion celebration for some family friends and for the first time in years he went up for communion, and when he came back and knelt down beside her she could tell he was really praying. A week or so later he had a stroke and died 2 days later.

With God, as long as our spouse is alive there is time, there is hope!

From Facebook: Tisha ~I realize now that I can do this, that I am not alone, and my faith has been strengthened by letting the truth sink in that my God will never forsake me, no matter what circumstances I find myself in. I also have renewed hope that my marriage can be everything I have always dreamed it could be, and that I TRULY need to get out of the way, not just say it, but do it!

From the comments: Brenda ~ I want to be sure to give God all the glory for turning my life around when He did... the light dawned for me that IT'S OK TO STAY WITH MY HUSBAND! IT'S OK TO HAVE A HAPPY MARRIAGE! IT"S OK TO GO TO CHURCH ALONE!

Juliane ~  I left a little later for work today and caught FOTF in its entirety. I cried all the way to work. I believe the message you both delivered today was God's way of telling me that there is always hope and that I am never alone with Him. Thank you for sharing your story!

CamDon ~ Hearing you guys on FOTF this morning gave me hope and reminded that we serve an amazing God that has everything planned out. Like one of you ladies said this morning, "God does NOT need our help" That simple phrase convicted and humbled me at the same time! I just wanted to say thanks for being obedient to God and giving a woman like me hope!

From email: Dave ~ I just wanted to thank you for articulating so well what many of us in unequally yoked marriages feel and, more importantly, reminding us that God still has a plan for us, our spouses and our children.

My friends, Dineen and I are in the trenches with you. We are only servants. But we are servants of the MOST HIGH God and His son, Jesus. It's all about our Lord. Every word of honor belongs to Him.

Giving thanks and praising our Lord can change everything. 

What are you thankful for today?

And tune in tomorrow because a few days ago when I was out on my walk and pray God gave me a question to ask every single one of us who is in an unequally yoked marriage. Your answer to this single question will determine what God will do in your marriage. Stay tuned.

Be blessed and let's storm heaven's gates with praises. Lynn 

Thankful Thursday - A Focused Moment

Hi Everyone,

It's a bit late in the day to join Thankful Thursday but my heart and Dineen's heart overflows with gratitude. We thank our Lord for allowing us to share the hope we have for our unequally yoked marriages with the team and eventually the listeners of the radio program, Focus on the Family.

We arrived at the Focus campus yesterday and went straight into the recording session. We will share more at a later date. For today, Dineen and I want to offer praise to Jesus for this day and to thank our Lord for the community here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.

You are our eternal family and we love you very much. Lynn and Dineen

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Thankful Thursday - My Good Bye

Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of October. Next week visit Laurie at Women Taking A Stand for Thankful Thursday.

I have been a participant in Thankful Thursday since 2006. Whew, a very long time indeed. I have been a host for this online gathering for a very long time as well. And I LOVE sharing my thankful heart with all of you and reading your posts of thanks.

But, I'm now following the call of the Lord as He moves my focus and time to new areas of service so today will be my last time to HOST Thankful Thursday.

I still plan to participate in Thankful Thursday as time allows but my hosting of the event is ending. I have LOVED to read your posts. I have walked through many seasons, struggles, triumps..... There have been births, marriages, adoptions, changing of the season, pumpkin butts, silly jokes, sharing of the Lord, miracles.......

There has been LOVE.

We have shared love and community with one another and I will alway hold a special place in my heart for all of you who offered praises to Jesus, who left words of encourgement, who wrote about your faith and your spiritual journey. These are the gems in my crown that I will one day throw at the Father's feet.

One day I will meet each of you face-to-face. I will hug your neck and celebrate the days we gathered over a computer and raised our voice, our written voice to give thanks to God. I can't wait for that day.

I am so utterly thankful for all of you my online community of believer in Christ. You are my treasured friends. 

Lord, I bring each one of these, your children, my brothers and sisters before your throne. Lord, bless them as they use their voice to bring glory to your son, Jesus. In His powerful and life-changing name, Jesus.

Here are some of the memories from TT posts and days gone by. Hugs, Lynn


The Chicken Chickentop

The Pumpkin Butt

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Does anyone have some pants for this big boy???

This is our season to shine.


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And Well Done kiddo! These are only a few.

THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES. Love and hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday -

Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of October. Woo Hoo!

Achoo! Sniffle, sniffle. 

Good day every one and pass the Kleenex. Where's the Nyquil? Do you feed a cold and starve a fever or feed and fever and starve a cold? 


Yep, cold number four this year. Thankfully, I don't need to use my voice for blogging because I have laryngitis as well. This morning I reached down to pet my dog and say, “Do you want some breakfast?” And my voice came out sounding like a cross between a drugged up bear and a Giant South African Bullfrog.  Bfrog

The dog freaked out and ran away. 


I don’t look much better than that bullfrog either *grin.* 

In spite of the dramatics (too much Nyquil is my guess) and the cold, I’m still filled with joy. It’s Thursday and I love Jesus. That is all I need. But God has given me so much more than I could ever dream. 

I’m thankful for so much my heart could explode (or could that be my sinuses?). 

My Top Ten:

  1. Daughter’s play opens tonight ~Break a leg Caitie. I know you will ROCK it.
  2. Husband is home from business trip.
  3. The dog warmed up to me by two in the afternoon *grin*.
  4. My BFF, Pam, covered for me at Bible Study.
  5. Enjoying this beautiful fall day, even if it’s from the view of my kitchen window.
  6. God is still on the throne.
  7. My sins are at the bottom of the sea.
  8. Jesus is the answer to every problem.
  9. I have a hope and a future.
  10. I will live forever. 

Can I get an AMEN? 

What’s your Top Ten? Achoo and God bless you my friends, Hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Honor God

Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of October. Woo Hoo!


Yesterday I was privileged to sit down and share lunch with Pam Farrel. Many of you may know Pam and her husband, Bill. They have been writing and speaking about Godly marriages for years and years. One of my most favorite books they authored is, Men are Like Waffles and Women are Like Spaghetti. This book is a hoot. If you want to understand your spouse better, I highly recommend it. 

Pam spoke yesterday at our church prior to lunch and shared a verse and a story that filled me with such hope, I shall never be the same. 

1 Samuel 2:30... Those who honor me I will honor... 

Did you know that Pam was raised in an unequally yoked home? She faced enormous struggles as a child. Too much of a story for today (a later post). It was her mother who was intentional to raise Pam and her siblings to know God. I will be interviewing Pam's mom soon and will share more. 

But what strikes me so much about Pam and her story is this. Pam believed God. She was saved at age eight and believed this verse so much that she has lived to honor God all of her life. In turn, God has honored Pam, her husband and now her children and down to the next generation even her grandchildren. 

Pam poured Christ’s love and teaching into her children, determined like her mother, to instill Godly principals as the strength of their character. 

Pam told the story of her eldest son who stepped into a new high school and was determined to live for Christ. All those years of teaching him as a boy were about to be placed on display. Her son started a chapter of Fellowship of Christian athletes and he also determined he was going to honor God with his life. Pam shares that as the football captain he asked his players to join him at the 50 yard line following their big rival game to pray and give thanks. This was a first for his school. 

The game was a route and they lost something like 30-0. They players were in no mood to pray following the loss but Pam’s son made his way alone to the center of the field. 

He knelt. 

He prayed. 

Slowly her son’s Youth Pastor made his way toward the 50-yard line, following him, his Young Life Leader, they knelt, heads bowed. Then the players on the opposing team began to shuffle out onto the field as hundreds now knelt before the Lord in humble thanks. 

Pam’s son was living out his love and giving honor to his Lord. 

He was awarded athlete of the year, received numerous scholarships. He is now married to a wonderful Christian woman whom Pam adores and has kids. This is a legacy of love. This is what happens when we honor God. 

What we do today, no matter our past, our pain, our circumstances, if we live to honor the Lord, He will honor us. 

Pam, her husband Bill, their ministry, and their legacy is living proof that God’s Word is true and He delights to honor those who honor Him. 

Give Him thanks this day. Honor Him with your words, your actions your whole life. 

Praising Him, Lynn



Thankful Thursday - It's all about Perspective

Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of October. Woo Hoo! We have a busy month around here and for all of you joining us today, welcome to our marriage challenge. 

Out-Love Your Husband/Wife 

If you missed the video posted Monday, I promise it’s worth your time. Just read the comments. AND join us this month to put God’s love in action in our marriages and then watch and see what our Great BIG God will do. 

I love this time of year. Our first winter storm rolled in off the ocean and I headed for my sweatshirt and jeans. I turned on the central heat to chase the morning chill away and that familiar smell of fall washed over the house. Yep, burnt dust. But, there is something about the fall colors the smell of the heater the first time it fires for the season this fills my heart with joy. 

I looked around my home and was moved to stop and just thank God for all I have. For the changing of the seasons. The provision of a job for my husband. The amazing community of believers, all of you, with whom I share my life. My husband, daughter, son and my wacky dog Peanut. I could go on and on. 

If you are struggling in your life, stop right now and write down 10 blessings that you know are from God and thank Him for each one. If you are in on the marriage challenge, make this specific to your spouse. 

  1. He’s ferociously loyal to me.
  2. He loves Fantasy Football (so do I)
  3. He is tall, dark, and handsome with blue eyes.
  4. He puts his butt in a plane every week to provide for his family.
  5. He loves his mother.
  6. He is a great dad (and can still help her with high school math. Sheesh I gave up when she was in fourth grade *grin*)
  7. He fixes computers for me and the entire neighborhood.
  8. He respects my faith even if he doesn’t get it (that was a long time coming.)
  9. He puts up with my impulsive need for change.
  10. He loves me, really loves me. 

What are you thankful for this week. If you are a blogger, join the fun. If you aren’t write your list in the comments. Honor the Lord with your thankful heart. Thankfulness is at the core of our heart change. Thankfulness is perspective that can change everything. 

Happy Thursday. I will be around to read your posts this week. Love you all, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Eerie Beauty

Thankful Thursday is hosted this September with Iris.

Yesterday I stepped outside for my morning walk; the fog had rolled in overnight. As I was walking I watch the grace sky melt away and the brilliant blue appear overhead.

As the sun spayed its light around me it illuminated the many spider webs that are present this time of year. The webs were sparkling with tiny drops of crystal dew.

Spectacular in their eerie beauty.

The webs appeared to be everywhere and would normally go unnoticed if it weren’t for the fog that brought them to light.

I walked.

I worshiped.

I’m thankful for the unexpected beauty found in an ordinary garden spider web.

What are you thankful for? Join us over at Iris’ place and let’s praise the Lord. Have a great day, Be blessed, Lynn


Thankful Thursday - The Miracles

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Hosted here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage each Thursday in July. August- Laurie and September- Iris. Remember we are at Laurie's next month.

Wow, my month to host Thankful Thursday is over. My friends, time is rushing forward. Prepare yourselves as the days hasten when every knee will bow and every tongue confesses that....


Earlier today I sat in my favorite Fresh-Mex restaurant with four of my Bible study gals. We caught up on life and as always, our conversation turns toward what God is working out in our lives. I love that. I hope you have friends who love to talk about the Lord.

Taco I listened to one of the gals share that once again her husband is unemployed. We have prayed for their employment situation for over two years now. I felt moved by this unexpected turn in the employment situation in her life but as I listened and watched her face I saw something.

There were no tears. There was no mention of "poor me." She actually glowed. She looked better than I have ever seen her. You know why? Her spirit was soaring. She was still a little fearful of what their future holds and earnestly prays for full-time employment for her and her husband.

BUT, she sat at the table today and said this:

"I have watched all the tiny miracles of God all around me."

"I have seen His provision in crazy and the most unexpected ways."

"And my husband has even started to take interest in the things of God."

She went on to say that their budget is so tight she was wondering where she would find the money to get her son a hair cut. She said she even mentioned it to her mother. Then the next day, in the mail arrived a coupon for a free haircut.

You should have seen her face where she shared this story. Glowing, rejoicing and absolutely filled with belief in her God of provision.

Now, this may seem like a silly coincidence but I assure you, God KNOWS exactly what we need and He is faithful, if we are faithful, to give us exactly what we need. And if you ask anyone who is utterly dependant on God, He gives you just enough. Not too much, not too little. Just enough. She needed a $10 haricut. Not much to many but it was a lot to her and God sent her that coupon exactly when she needed it.

Many of you know that we, The Donovan Clan, were unemployed for nearly a year in 2009. I, too, have witnessed these tiny miracles. You can read about some of those miraculous accounts in the archives.

As the four of us sat around the table we rejoiced because we have discovered how to open our eyes and see the miracles all around us.

I pray that you also learn to see God's miracles all around you. Every. Single Day.

On this, my final day of hosting for July, share a miracle that the Lord revealed to you. I can't wait to read your posts on your blogs and if you don't blog, leave your story in the comments.

Happy TT. Be blessed, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Random Abundance

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Hosted here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage each Thursday in July. August- Laurie and September- Iris.

Dineen did such a great job last week with the Thankful Thursday topic. Thank you my friend. 

I'm back home from Wisconsin and we have another Thursday.

Jack in the Bean stock has nothing on me. I returned home from Wisconsin and in just a week my garden exploded.

Take a look at this:

  Imported Photos 00004I'm in there somewhere. Can you see me?

That sunflower is at least 16 feet tall. Sheesh. It's a beauty.

And look at this tomato bush. 

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This is a yellow pear tomato plant. I have three words to say about that. 

Yum and eee.

I write about my garden in our book, Winning Him Without Words, it is a special place. And gals and guys may I say, God has blessed it abundantly. I can't wait to see what kind of pumpkin shapes grow this year. Remember last years butt pumpkin? Ahem, *grin*

I am up to my elbows in zucchini that weigh more than a small infant. And tomatoes are abundant. It's salsa time.

I wish I could share my garden with you. That is where I meet with the Lord every morning, coffee and Bible in hand. That time is the best part of my day.

I'm thankful for God's grace in my ordinary and abundant life. What are you thankful for today.

I will be around to read your posts this next week. I can't wait to visit your place. Please leave a comment and a link if you have a blog. 

Also, Dineen and I have added several new free resources to our Freebies page at www.winninghimwithoutwords.com. Please use them. Share them with your Bible study friends. Email them to others who need encouragement. It is our desire to serve the community of God and to help others as others have helped us. Hugs, Lynn


Thankful Thursday — Dineen is in the House!

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Hosted here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage each Thursday in July. August- Laurie and September- Iris.

Hi Friends! Lynn's on vacation and asked me to do Thankful Thursday this week. Woohoo! I get to play. :-)

So this week, let's talk about a turning point in your life that you are so very thankful for. Small or big, what event changed your mind, your heart, your life and took you on a unexpected path that turned out to be better than you could have imagined. Those are the moments I love because I know without a doubt that God was orchestrating them for a bigger purpose.

The book of Esther is a great example of this. Esther never imagined she'd wind up queen. We don't even know if she already had other plans for her life. I wonder if  her Uncle Mordecai wanted better things for his niece than being a concubine or throw away queen for King Xerxes. We just don't know.

So what's your moment? I can think of many but the one that stands out is when we moved back from Europe to the U.S. My husband's company had three places he could move to: two in Florida which would put us near both our families, and one in California in Silicon Valley. Both doors to Florida closed and the one for California opened wide!

Turned out to be the best place for us to be when our daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer six years later. We had access to the best doctors and pediatric neurosurgeon in the world. God knew in 2002 what we would need in 2008 and put it all in place. And you know the happy ending there—our daughter is cancer free now and healthy.

Does that not just shout how much God loves us? He knows what we need before we need it and plans it all out for us. To the smallest of details. I'm so very thankful for that!

Can't wait to read about your turning points! Or should we call them God Points?

Praying and believing,


Thankful Thursday -

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Hosted here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage each Thursday in July. August- Laurie and September- Iris.


I am loving summer!

And right now on my morning jog, I run by my neighbors house and see this.


Silk tree
Isn't it stunning. I giant beautiful tree in full bloom with wispy, tiny, silky-hair-like flowers. Take a closer look. 

This is a bloom on a Silk Tree. Spectacular hug? Now why do you suppose God created a beautiful tree that grows hair??? Such a sense of humor!!!! Such a sense of beauty and surprise.

There are days when I take in God's creation and it stirs me to the core of my being. In worship. In love. In awe of our Almighty Creator. 

Today was one of those days. I am loving summer and the beauty of God's world. Are you thankful for summer? Give your praises to the King. Join us for Thankful Thursday and let's rock heaven with our praises. Hugs, Lynn



Thankful Thursday - Random Richness

It's Thankful Thursday. In June we are at Iris', Grace Alone. Next month, July, we are back here. WOO HOO! Dineen will be helping with Thankful Thursday in July, as I will be in Wisconsin.

 Do any of you live in or around Door County? Let's meet up.....

Half of 2011 is OVER. Say What?

I'm so thankful for the answered prayers in the last six months (read Monday's post for just one answer to my words of prayer).

I'm thankful that tonight the Women's Leadership Team will gather at my house for Sunridge Women - Foodnetwork. We are going to cook together, Roman Chicken, A Southwest Salad, Cheesey garlic bread. Three words: Yum and eee. We are celebrating the victories of the past church year. Lives were changed. Bondage broken and Jesus was glorified.

I'm still humbled to the core that as an unequally yoked woman, my church embraced me and has encouraged me to serve my local church body. In some churches, if your husband is unsaved, a woman cannot serve. I am deeply thankful.

I'm thankful for my sister in Christ, Dineen Miller (My Jerry McGuire). I love you my friend.

I am so thankful for all of you who spend your precious time here with me reading. You grieve with me over setbacks and shout with joy and praise through the victories in my ordinary life. My extraordinary life, because of Christ. 

I love each of you who stops in here. What are you thankful for this week. Leave a note in the comments and honor Jesus with your praise. Hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - In The Storm

“Everything in our lives has to go through the filter of God first.  Just like Job.  His disaster’s were not a surprise to God— God didn’t keep it from happening.  God filters what happens and what is kept “from happening” in our lives on a daily basis.” ~Aimee Douglas 

 Every tear. Every question why. Every pain. Hurt and every disappointment. God has filtered it and will use it for good. I am living proof of this truth.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I'm not thankful for disaster. I'm thankful that God will not waste it. That out of it He will bring good and all for His glory. 

It's Thankful Thursday. What are you thankful for this week? Hugs, Lynn

I't's Thankful Thursday. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live.

May we are over at Laurie's, Women Taking A Stand and in June we are at Iris', Grace Alone.

Thankful Thursday - Small Group Community

I't's Thankful Thursday. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live.

May we are over at Laurie's, Women Taking A Stand and in June we are at Iris', Grace Alone.

Today I sat outside of a local coffee house with a few of my friends. Eleven of us to be exact. These are some of the gals from my small group Bible study. We were having a reunion.

I can't tell you how thankful I am for God's people. Today we shared triumphs and new challenges some of us face but you know what we celebrated the most.


And our friendship through Him. Our hope for our future and the relationships we have with one another. Imported Photos 00007

You know, when we leave this earth all we take with us is our relationships. THAT is the entire reason we are living day to day in Christ. 


With Christ and with each other.

In the early years of my marriage, I desperately needed those relationships I formed through a small group Bible study. All these years later I still treasure my small group. I have been leading this small group for years and it is one of the absolute richest rewards I have from the King.

If you are not enjoying a small community, find one. If you are, give thanks today.

I'm thankful for my small group and so thankful for our relationship with Jesus and with one another.

(Love you gals)

Hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Hope

I'm so excited that Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of April. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live.

In April we meet here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage in May we are over at Laurie's, Women Taking A Stand and June at Iris', Grace Alone.

At Home With The Donovan Clan:

Several days ago I stood in the bathroom working my usual routine, blow dryer, make up, hair spray, hair spray and ……. more hair spray. (I heart BIG hair -- Loved the ‘80s) Okay, I’m dating myself here.

My husband, at the time, was also working through his morning ritual. Please join in on our conversation.

“Yes, you do snore.”

"I DO NOT snore,” I replied resolute in my voice. *I grin*

Now you have to understand this conversation. My husband can snore with the best of ‘em. One time he snored so loud while on a business trip, the guy next door checked out and move down the hall. Yep. Ahem. Sorry Honey, probably didn’t want me to share that tidbit of info with the world. Moving along…..

“You are the one who snores loudly, “ I quip back.

He looks into my eyes through the reflection of the mirror, grinning as if he knows a telling secret of mine, “You do to….. snore. I heard you last night.”

Not to be outdone, I stubbornly reply with a telling grin across my face, “I reject that lie,” as I begin to giggle knowing I am about to be had.

My husband turns, faces me squarely, and pronounces, “You snore. That’s the truth and the truth will set you free.”

I look at him stunned for a split second then I bust out laughing as my man quotes scripture at me. I start laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I reach up and give him a high five, “Honey, are you speaking scripture?” I giggle and hoot. “Dude, I’m impressed. There is hope for you yet.”

He’s laughing. I’m laughing. All is right with the world.

We went on with our morning routine with joy in our hearts and a giggle in our step.

As I recall this silly exchange and now share it with all of you, there is a smile resting upon my lips. My man is a fun guy but you know what really makes me smile?

Somehow, he is hearing the truth of scripture.

Someway God is sticking it in his brain.

Someday that scripture will become more than a funny retort in our morning habit.  

Something will happen to cause my man to surrender to Jesus.

I have hope.

I have a GREAT BIG hope that all the years of praying and loving this man, none are wasted. I have hope that the Bible verses that sometimes escape my lips in everyday and ordinary conversation are landing squarely where Jesus wants them to land, on his heart. I have hope that Jesus always hears my prayers for my husband’s salvation.

I have hope.

A GREAT BIG God sized hope.

I serve the Creator of the Universe. He is my hope. He is my joy. He is my laughter. He is optimism for today, tomorrow, and my eternity. He is my hope over my past, my sins, my mistakes, my failures. He redeems it all and then uses it all to reflect just how powerful and how fully loving He really is.

I have a hope that transcends understanding and it makes me smile.

It has been a great privilege to host Thankful Thursday this month. I love all of you. I can’t wait to read your posts on HOPE. Love and hugs, Lynn

PS. Sometimes I DO snore, but only very quietly. Don’t tell. *grin.*


Thankful Thursday -

I'm so excited that Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of April. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live.

In April we meet here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage in May we are with Iris at Grace alone and June over at Laurie's, Women Taking A Stand.

Sometimes we spend a significant amount of time pouring ourselves into other people, writing on our blogs, teaching at church, just so that we might help one person discover what we already know..... That Jesus can change anything, redeem anything, save anyone. He can restore joy and purpose, hope and love.

Often we don't see the results from our hours of efforts. We never see the fruit. But on rare occasions God allows us to see what all of our writing, talking, working, serving has done for a single life.

This past week, I have receive not one but several emails from women who have read our book or who are regular readers here and they have shared with me and Dineen that our efforts are helping. They are finding hope, and a renewed strength to press forward in their marriage.

THAT is why I write. That is why I continue to share my story. THAT is what brings honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are wondering if no one reads your blog, no one cares about your life, no one responds to your efforts, I have a few words for you. 

You make a difference to someone. The enemy wants to discourage you. Reject that lie. You keep following the Lord's direction and trust Him to send that one individual who needs your words at that exact moment.

I'm so thankful that God started me on this crazy, harebrained journey called blogging. What a fantastic ride it's been. I would be the least likely of women to start a blog.... Go figure. God ALWAYS knows what He's doing though. I'm SO glad I follow Him.

What are you thankful for? Lynn

PS. If you missed my Go Ahead, Pray Really Big story about God answering the most fantastic of prayer requests in the most fantastic way, stop over to Laced With Grace today. Leave me a word here in the comments and one there too, if you can. 



Thankful Thursday -

I'm so excited that Thankful Thursday is back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of April. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live.

First, I have missed all of you so much. I can't wait to catch up on what's happening around your place. The Lord has been up to BIG things and I can't wait to read about them.

Please post your thankful post on your blog/Facebook or in the comments here and join the community and let's be intentional about giving thanks to God for our abundant blessings. Be sure to visit at least five others and share their praises.

Let's get going.

 One of the greatest blessings of our internet community is to FINALLY meet you face-to-face. And last week after knowing my friend Angela for nearly five years through this blog, we met... Face-to-face. Here she is between Dineen and me.

I about hurt myself getting out of the car to hug her neck when I first saw her. Anyhoo, I'm so thankful for our online community here. And, I look forward to almost hurting myself again getting out of the car when it's my turn to meet you, face-to-face. Sure hope it's this side of heaven. 

What are you thankful for this week. Let's give praise to the LORD for He has done great things. Be blessed, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - A Garden

Thankful Thursday is at Grace Alone in March, back here in April and at Women Taking a Stand in May.

I'm so excited that Thankful Thursday will be back here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage next week. I put up my TT posts around 5:oo PM PT on Wednesday so the gals who live on the other side of the world, can join the fun while it's still Thursday where they live. Plan to stop in and participate in the praises.

Today, I am thankful for the warm breezes. It's 82 degrees right now at 5 in the afternoon. (Sorry to all of you in the north) Imported Photos 00038 Spring is here and my garden will be planted tomorrow. 

I can't wait to see how things progress. New this year, green beans, roma tomatoes, egg plant.

I give thanks today for something seemingly so simple yet full of joy, a garden. Thank you God for the lessons you teach me every year through my backyard garden. 

What are you thankful for this year? Hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Bible Study

Thankful Thursday is at Grace Alone in March, back here in April and at Women Taking a Stand in May.


Bible study ended today.

Last September a group of women gathered together in the upstairs room of our church. Many of us were strangers or merely acquaintances. Yet, we set out on a journey together to know more about the Lord, whom we serve.

We traveled through the difficult yet powerful and healing study, Breaking Free by Beth Moore. Chains were broken, sins forgiven, freedom found, eternal friendships were forged. Then we moved on to learn more about Jesus through the study, Jesus, The One and Only by Beth Moore (I'm a Beth Moore fan).

Today our long journey ended and as I looked around the table at the the 15 women sitting there, I wept. Overcome with emotion that I will love and know these friends forever. That I was selected by God to see their freedom at hand. That I was able to pray with one of them to accept Christ as her Savior. That I was able to serve the Lord that I love.

The women cried with me and then we laughed and then we all reached for Kleenex. 

Oh, how I will miss them.

Oh, how I love them.

Oh, how HE loves all of us. Forever and ever.

THAT is what I am thankful for this Thursday.

Be embraced by the King. Lynn

If you are not part of a group of believers and trying to travel the unequally yoked road alone, I encourage you to find a Bible study, a small group a friend. Bible study was a rock in the early years of my spiritual mismatched marriage. Hugs, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - Under God's Hand

Thankful Thursday is at Grace Alone in March, back here in April and at Women Taking a Stand in May.


Two days ago I sat in the church office with my friend, Pam. We were talking about the developing nuclear disaster in Japan. Pam looked at me and said, "The arrogance of man that we think we can control nature. " 

No one thought a 9.0 earthquake was possible in Japan. 

I'm grievous for the people in Japan. Please join me today to pray for them. To pray for our world. 

But mostly today, let's remember that our God, the Creator of all things, He has His hand over this world. Pray that He covers Japan and in and through this event, Jesus is revealed to many.

Be Embraced by the King, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - 2,920 days

Thankful Thursday is at Grace Alone in March, back here in April and at Women Taking a Stand in May.


Bible study is a lifeline for those of us who are unequally yoked. In the early years of my marriage, I was desperate to have someone of faith come along side me and love on me, teach me and pray for me. My small group of gals from Bible study was God's provision in a time of my much needed spiritual growth.

I have served as a small group leader of women's Bible study for many years now. It remains one of the most rewarding adventures in my life. 

Yesterday I was privileged to pray with one of the women in our group when after eight years of inviting her to study, she gave her heart to Christ. 

Angels and this lil' ole Bible study leader are rejoicing!

I'm overwhelmed the Lord would pursue this woman for all these years and allow me to watch as He captured her heart. He never gave up and you know what, I didn't either. Her journey to the cross was nurtured through so many in our group and I am a humble participant.

Rejoice with me today for God loves people and He never, NEVER gives up. 

Praising Him, Lynn

Thankful Thursday - It Takes a Giant Family

Thankful Thursday is at Laurie's of Women Taking A Stand and then over to Grace Alone for March and back here in April.


If you are new here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage, let me introduce you to one of my favorite days of the week here at our home.

A day we are intentional about recognizing our blessings and naming them to give praise to our Lord. It's a fun opportunity to participate if you are a blogger, on FB, or in the comments here, to add your praises and link up with an entire on-line community to give praise.

Today, I want to thank the Lord for the many, many people who support SUM behind the scenes. There truly are a significant number of people who contribute to make this place a home. They volunteer to help because of their love for their Savior and because they love and care for all of us in this community.

  • Prayer Warriors. We have friends who pray for Dineen and I, our marriage and our ministry. Without these vital intercessors, we would be a weak force for the Kingdom.
  • Technical people who help with our many web responsibilities, here and at 1 Peter 3 Living.
  • Our publishing team who invested and still invests hours, hearts and finances to help reach others who have not found us on the internet.
  • Mentors, friends who share knowledge, people who connect us to others, so, so many who encourage us and help direct our path.
  • And all of you, our friends, who come here to share a part of your day with us. You are the reason we are here.
  • And there is one person who financially gives generously to provide the resources to make our home here a place that is free to anyone who needs love and encouragement. Thank you Sue. 

Today, I'm so thankful for how God brings so many together in His Kingdom. Our on-line home here with you is a taste of our future in heaven. It thrills my heart to know each of you, to pray for your marriage, to rejoice in the victory the Lord has for all of us.

If you blog or FB, join us at Laurie's today. If you don't blog, add your thankfulness to the comments below. Writing out your thanks to Jesus has a profound effect on your heart and it brings honor to our Savior. Be blessed, Lynn   

Thankful Thursday - No Weapon

Thankful Thursday is at Laurie's of Women Taking A Stand and then over to Grace Alone for March and back here in April.

After spending a week in bed with the worst cold ever, I'm starting to feel like a human again. The enemy tossed every obstacle possible at me two weeks prior to our book launch but I would have none of it.

I told the devil yesterday that in the name of Jesus, I would make it to Bible study today.

And I did.

I am behind schedule and set back but not defeated. 

I serve the Lord Almighty and the devil is hereby put on notice. No weapon formed against me will prosper. Is 54:17

So, my challenge to everyone on this Thankful Thursday is to speak these words of power into your life. Put the enemy on notice that your home and everyone in it belongs to Jesus. 

Can I get an amen?

I will praise the name of the Lord. Be blessed, Lynn

Tomorrow on The Intentional Marriage Show Dineen will be answering questions from our Facebook page and she has a really, really great story to share. Tune in on Friday at 11:30 ET 8:30 PT for our live streaming tv show. Check out our page here.

Also Dineen has a story to share at Laced With Grace today: The Promised Land


My long time friend Lori who I met through our amazingonline community, posted a review of Winning Him Without Words on her book review site, Lori's Book Reviews. Take a peek. Hugs. Lynn

Thankful Thursday


Thankful Thursday is at Laurie's of Women Taking A Stand and then over to Grace Alone for March and back here in April.

Hi Everyone! Dineen here...Lynn's sick with a bad cold (please pray for her speedy recovery!) so I'm filling in for Thankful Thursday.

We have so much to be thankful for...Lynn and I are delighted and overwhelmed by all the support we are receiving to get our book out there and helping others. We're counting down the days to the official release.

Friday, we have a huge surprise for you, but you have to come back and find out what it is. LOL! Oh the suspense! We promise you won't be disappointed.

I would like to give thanks myself today for surviving our first radio interview. Oh, if you could have seen me before the call, pacing my office, trying to breath! LOL! And I did it! God gave me the words and helped me stay focused and composed. I didn't pass out or thow up on the phone. :-)

If you want to listen in, Daybreak with Dave & Deb will air it Thursday at 7:40 a.m. CST. They'll also have it posted at the SITE this week. It's a short 10 minute spot.

Please keep us in your prayers. As I said, Lynn is sick but needs to have her voice for Monday to do some radio interviews too. One we are both so excited to do together. 

We are so thankful for the S.U.M. community here! We love sharing every bit of all this with you. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You've walked this journey with us and we have just delighted in the privilege to walk it with you. God's message is clear—He wants us to thrive in our mismatched marriages and rejoice in what He does in the midst of them. Amen?

Much love!