63 posts categorized "Supernatural"

Identity - Our Original Design

Hey, first, apologies as the sound on the videos is challenging. So sorry. Bad iPhone recording at the time. grin 

Today, Let's listen in as we consider, Original Design. We are almost there. And watch for video training in the future for the new book as I flesh out the concepts and share true stories of the supernatural in our lives and how we partner with God.

Download PDF Field Guide → Original Design



The Story Behind the Pair-Shaped Promise

My friends, Pair shaped

Thank you ever so much for cheering me on with this book draft I've written. I got quite a few messages from you in the comments and privately, and do you know, that really encouraged me -- To keep going, and get the story out there.

It's Friday early evening as I type, my feet are up, my worship music is on, and now I'm settled in on my couch to tell you the story behind this book. It is rather a gorgeous story.

I wrote part one of this book way back in 2017. It was my testimony: My testimony of being an adult convert, and all that came with that. I described deeply what it meant for my marriage, but also the stunning things God did to show me he was real.

Once a week while Bryce and the boys would go out to swimming lessons I would write one chapter. Chapter by chapter over the following weeks the testimony took shape. But it had a core message that was at the crux of the book:

God had given me a specific promise. Ann Bryce 3

About my husband. And more.

After writing eighteen chapters, one day I heard God say "It's a wrap". Just like that. He was saying to me "Now wrap up this book, put it away somewhere, and I'll tell you when it's time to write part two."

"Should I get it published now?" I asked him.

"No. There's definitely part two," he showed me. "Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Dot dot dot .....

And so I did just that. I decided to wait. 'Part One' of The Pair-Shaped Promise sat wrapped up under my bed while I waited for my promise to come, for six whole years. I barely told anyone about it. But sometimes I would pull the manuscript out and read it as a reminder of where God had taken me, and what I was believing for next. 

Well, my friends, after six years of waiting, God said to me in February of this year, "It's time to write Part Two". He gave me about ten confirmations that this was what I needed to do.

And so I pulled my laptop to me ... And I began to write .... About how the promise was fulfilled. 

Because, my friends, the promise was fulfilled. It did come. It surely came. And I've written barely anything about it yet on the blog, so the book is a special little surprise story for you.

I find myself bouncing on the couch as I type this, in anticipation. But what I'll also say is this: 'Does God ever do things the way we expect him to?

Well, the plan is to get the manuscript proof-read next. Ian has offered to do a read-through too as he's a writer and has judged memoirs in writing competitions: What a blessing to have him. And then I'm thinking of self-publishing it.

On that note, I'd better hurry up and get it done so you can enjoy reading it. For, somehow, I feel this story will be an enjoyable one for you SUMites. You'll 'get' it. 

Well, have a lovely weekend everyone!


How I Read My Bible: Ann's Story

By Ann Hutchison How I read my Bible 2

When I was 19, I was at University in Texas. My parents, who were in England, sent me money from home: "Go and buy a Bible, our gift," they said. 

So I did. I chose a beautiful leather-bound New King James Bible in a box.

Well, that box sat mostly unopened for the next nineteen years. But now I'm now going to fast-forward to myself as a 38-year old agnostic, living in New Zealand:

I had met Bryce in Texas shortly after buying that Bible, and moved to New Zealand, his homeland. The Bible moved with me. And one day while my two children were at school, in my house in Auckland I knelt down beside a cupboard to retrieve that precious box.

A golden moment!

Setting the box on my bed, I peeled back its lid and withdrew the treasure within. I ran my hand over the red-brown leather, fingering the gold leafed pages. Would I find the Bible to be supernatural, or the hand of man? Bible in a box

And so I carried it over to an armchair, settled in and started to read. The house was peaceful. Genesis 1:1 'In the beginning...'

Well, once I opened that book, I can tell you, something happened to me. All the way through the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy I read with fascination. The minor prophets felt like gripping page-turners. I realized there was a man called Paul who wrote much of the New Testament -- who knew? And by the time I reached Revelation 22, I sat back and closed its pages. "WOW", was my reaction.

That first time through I googled as I read. For example, I looked up the historicity of every king in Kings and Chronicles. The empires in the book of Daniel, I googled. I asked God questions throughout, sticking those questions on post-it notes into the Bible. My mind and heart were hungry. It was a highly personal experience.

And needless to say, by the fact I'm writing this, it's clear that I decided the Bible was supernatural. After that, it became my daily food.

Now I'm going to fast-forward to 2022: Old Bible

I rise with bleary eyes, throw on a robe and brew a cup of tea. I grab Bible, ruler and pen, and carry all that 'equipment' to my bed. I prop the pillow up, throw myself back into bed and read, luxuriously. I underline things and write prayers, thoughts and questions in the margin.

Bryce potters in the kitchen or gets dressed while I'm reading.

After that, the Bible and I move into the main area of the house, where I carry on reading, this time with the boys pottering around me, getting ready for school.

And then after they've gone and the house is peaceful, I read a little more.

How do I do it now? I read all sixty-six books of the Bible in no particular order, and tick off every book once I've read it so that I give all the books attention. I say to God, 'which book shall I read next?' and then I dive in, letting it speak to me. I've just finished Judges, and then jumped into Philippians today.

Why do I read all of it rather than just the New Testament? I feel that the whole thing is God's love letter to humanity. What's more, the Old Testament tells me just as many valuable things as the New Testament does about how God works with people, and about Jesus.

I write lots of questions for God as I read, but I don't mind mystery either.

And what I love is that the Bible I bought all those years ago was so fit for purpose -- God knew exactly what I'd need and like. It has wide margins for all my questions, and references to show where the same word or idea is found in other verses. I use those references daily, looking up linkages across the Bible and seeing how the different parts link to each other.

Wow... I could write so much more, but my word count's up. Funnily, I wrote this before I read Ian's post on Wednesday, and it delighted me to read his version. Amanda is next -- I can't wait to see her take on it.

In the meantime, have our two posts so far brought anything to mind for you? Share away in the comments!


Paul and Silas Show Us What To Do in 2021 -SUMMER Bible Study

SUMite Summer Study 2021

Vignettes of Paul

Paul and Silas


Paul 2SUMites,

Lynn here. I’ve noticed that many of us are living smack in the middle of the fight. And the fires are burning molten. For me, I experience more enemy push back than in any other time in my life. EVER!!

There was a day I felt battle weary, bloody and broken. I ask you, have any of you ever thought of me as broken? I was. I truly relate to the scars that are healing on your soul. Mine are too.

And for all of us who find ourselves beaten and chained by the enemy forces of evil, I want to say one thing:


Let’s take a look at the midnight story from the life of Apostle Paul. -ACTS 16:16-34

  • Paul and Silas rebuke a demonize girl and set her free. (Doing the right and Godly thing.)
  • The greed of men rocked the city and set the “government officials upon Paul and Silas (This sound far too familiar to our current day.)
  • Beaten and chained in the depths of a prison. (They were completely helpless.)

Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul shouted to him, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” -ACTS 16:25-28

SUMites, we are facing a countdown to the midnight hour.  We may be rounded up.  Shut up. Denounced and abandoned by those who should love us. But midnight quickly approaches and God will show Himself and the prison doors will open. The chains will supernaturally pop off. This TRUTH is an utter mind blow!

As this hour draws near, there is no longer space for powerless Christianity. There is no place to hide our faith. Many of us are in a prison right now. A prison of our fears. A fortress of perceived failures. A marriage of iron resistance to Jesus.

BUT…….. Midnight is at hand! We have done the hard work of sanctification. Our vessels are filled with the midnight oil and we linger wide awake, waiting with anticipation for the King!

We will watch as the prison doors fling open. Then we will follow the angels as they lead us through the gates of our personal hell into the freedom Christ purchased. We will watch as Jesus sets captives free and release the oppressed from from their distorted prison of lies.

Keep singing. SING A LITTLE LOUDER. Shout to the Lord. Raise a Hallelujah.

We are not forgotten orphans. We are sons and daughters. Our Father awaits for the midnight hour at the gates with Jesus. Jesus holds the keys to death and hell. He paid the price. 


Thank you, Paul and Silas, for showing us the way. Your faith and example will save many of us from a fate worse than death.


I love you my friends. Keep marching. We will comfort one another. Bear with one another. Tend one another’s wounds and celebrate when one comes home. Love and hugs, Lynn

Paul & Silas Summer Study 2021

Supernatural Happenings

Photo supplied courtesy of imagery majestic and FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hi! Ian here. Lent began last Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. I’m observing this season once again as I enjoy being intentional about seeking more of God and Lent and Advent seem to help me do that. Yes, I ‘give up’ something (sugar and Instagram this year) as it helps me focus on the wilderness element of the season; Lent, of course, mirroring the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.

But this isn’t a post about Lent rather a sense I’ve had in the past week about stirrings within me that I thought I’d share. Recently, I’ve read a couple of short passages on the supernatural happenings of God. Abraham and Sarah only birthed Isaac through supernatural intervention. Mary and Joseph birthed Jesus only through supernatural intervention. Paul and Barnabas’ ministry work that took the Gospel to the Gentiles is attributed to supernatural means (Acts 14: 27)

And here in SUMite land we read in Ann’s previous post of some of our tribe’s spouses experiencing a revelation of God in being saved. Hallelujah! Yes, salvation requires a supernatural happening as it is not something that will occur in the natural.

How Does This Happen?

If we look at the lives of Abraham and Sarah, Mary and Joseph, Paul and Barnabas, what can we glean?

Deep intimacy with God

They all had their wilderness experiences. God uses these times to clear everything else away so we can be with Him. He wants us to let go of control so He's in charge. Interestingly, in Mary’s experience it was after she was impregnated supernaturally as we really didn’t know about her prior to her angelic encounter.  Similarly, Paul’s wilderness time was after his miraculous Damascus experience. God had to deal with his years of being a Christian terrorist before unleashing him on the Gentile world.

As frustrating and painful being in the wilderness can be, step into it. It’s a clear tactic of God’s to draw people closer to Him, so He can equip them for something more. Such seasons can involve unemployment, illness, relocation, sabbaticals and more.

Remember God wants deep intimacy with each one of us. It’s why He made us. For Himself.

This is why I love Lent because I get excited about being with God. Like one of our kids gets excited when Dad or Mom arrives home from work. Remember those days?

What do I do?

1. Soak in His Word – look at Psalm 1:

“Instead you thrill to God’s Word,
    you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
    bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
    always in blossom.” (v2-3 MSG)

I love that idea of the Word thrilling me? I want it to thrill me everyday. The Word is alive with supernatural wonder desiring to reveal Himself to us. Reflect on Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness and how He batted back the temptations Satan put before Him: He used the Word. Don’t just rely on wonderful devotionals where it’s someone else’s interpretation that fills most of the page; read God’s word in the Bible. If you’re not sure where to start, start with the Gospel of John and/or the Psalms. I’ve been reading the Psalms repeatedly for the last three or four years; I just can’t get enough of them.

2. Spend time Adoring God

Talking about the Word thrilling you, there's a lady who helps us bring the Word alive. I’ve mentioned Sara Hagerty’s before. She's been on this “Adoration” journey for over five years now. She provides a monthly one-verse a day adoration prompt. It’s how I’ve started my day for the last five years.

Sara says: “Adoration is finding a pulse behind that Word and then saying that Word back to Him, in our own dialect … it all starts with a simple conversation, a friendship that ends in our destiny: falling in love with God.”

Try it for a few days, a month. Sit and speak the daily verse back to God. Thank Him, praise Him, adore Him using the words in the verse. 

3. Spend time Listening to God

My hunch is that the modern church lacks listening skills. In some ways it goes hand-in-hand with a lack of Bible awareness, we ‘listen’ to the Word when we read it. I discovered recently that the word, obedience, comes from a Latin word which means: “to listen attentively”. My logical brain tells me that if we lack listening skills, we’re lacking in obedience. And what does Jesus tell us is the way we demonstrate our love for Him?

“If you love Me, keep My commands” (John 14:15)

Jesus tells us that the sheep know His voice. But it takes time to learn to discern His voice and that’s why knowing and meditating on the Word is so important.

May I encourage you to use some of the time you wait, perhaps it’s in the school pickup line, at the grocery store, in the medical clinic, etc just to be quiet and invite God into this moment and say hi! And ask him a question or two. He may not answer immediately, especially in the beginning, but over time you’ll be surprised to find how many times He does give you an answer.

Let me stop there.

Believe the supernatural will happen. Think how often Lynn finds balloons on her prayer walks.:) Keep being intentional connecting with God. He wants it more than anything. Believe that deep in your heart. He made each one of us so we would fall in love with Him. I'm praying that we all will develop greater intimacy with the Lord and that He is indeed birthing something in each of us and our spouses that only He can bring to life!

Anyone else observing Lent this year? If yes, what are you doing to be intentional in drawing closer to the Lord? Please share in the comments.

The Power to Accomplish

God wants to draw us closer to Him. He delights in using unusual and strange means to speak to us, drawing us away from the mundane routine of our lives to pursue Him. Since most of us are prone to living our lives independent of Him, He uses something unusual to catch our attention and draw us to Himself. He speaks in a cryptic fashion so that we have to seek Him for understanding. Many times He will use a vision, dream, impression, or some other phenomenon to get our attention. When we are captured by the phenomenon and begin investigating, God then speaks to us and brings us into His presence. -- Steve Thompson (You May All Prophesy! p. 52)

Hey SUM family, Tiffany again!

Over the years I have always been amazed at the God-sized things that people have done in ministry and missions. I have been overwhelmed by the time, talent, and treasure of the Church and yet I never believed that I would be able to do something as great as....fill in the blank.

5 years or so I came across a quote (for the life of me I can't remember the source) about how God doesn't set us aside as in cast us out but set us apart as believers for a greater purpose and calling. Sure, sure, I would think. I hear you, but that isn't a word for me. I am truly nothing special or unique. In looking back I have believed this lie for many years before that quote hit my eyes. Up until more recently I have been crippled by this line of thinking. What could God possibly want to do with me? I disqualified myself.

It wasn't until this last year when God really got my attention through my 40 hour a week job (one that I didn't even WANT in the first place) that I was FORCED to see how uniquely and wonderfully made I was for such a time as this. Honestly, it started with a hunger and deep desire for something more. It really is that simple. God WANTS to draw us closer to Himself. When we come hungry, begging for His presence...when we are feeding on His word and devoting time to know Him...He is so pleased!

Check this out:

Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was buringing with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So Moses said, "I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up." When the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush, and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." (Exodus 3:1-4 NAS).

Let me be the voice to say, don't get familiar with the mundane. Jesus didn't come for that type of life. He came to give us abundance. How amazing that we are seeing miraculous things going on in our midst! We are living in some pretty amazing times. I wonder if maybe God has been allowing such hardship and trial and suffering in our lives lately (even if lasting for a few years) to create a deeper desperation for Him. When we get too familiar with comfort, we end up getting lazy. We don't tend to fan the flame as diligently...as least I don't.

I am not sure what is coming but I get this impression of expecting...as if pregnant...expecting and waiting with anticipation for delivery. A birthing of something new, something special, something unique, something for such a time as this.

1530070820845_26738696-1529963978484I came across this verse this morning and I was absolutely blown away by the word accomplish as this is my word for the year. How blessed we are to have such talents and giftings unique to our own situation and lives. I think of the beautiful drawings/paintings, visions, dreams, renderings, hobbies etc that have been revealed in our community. 

If you are gifted to paint, by all means paint! If you are gifted to write, by all means write! If you are gifted to render images/collages, by all means do so! If you are gifted to write music or sing, by all means do so! I think it no coincidence that we are seeing so many works of art showing up and God using our talents and gifts in such a way. People are leaving the church buildings and I think we will be able to reach more and more by new ways of communication through the artistic!

Share in the comments some things that God is prompting you to do. After all, only YOU can fulfill this because it is God's purpose for your life. Lets lift each other up and spur each other on to ACCOMPLISH the callings on our lives. I'll go first: write a book called Vicarious to Victorious: stepping into the destiny that God had in mind for you; write a 30 day devotional on #FingerprintRevelations; pickup with Connecting Verses - where music and scripture collide.

Suicide Is Defeated - Read This!


Last week, news feeds displayed faces of two celebrities who committed suicide. When there is a celebrity suicide, such as Robin Williams, the national suicide rates jump 10 %. Well not this time! Upon reading the headlines and then a Facebook friend sharing about his experience, see below, I was compelled by Jesus to share a story with you.

Several years ago, the Lord had me in an advanced classroom where I learned many of the secret weapons the demonic realm employs against us. And one of the things I learned is how the voice of suicide is perpetuated into a person’s life, so much so, that they take their own life.

I am compelled to share this because when someone reads it, they will be immediately set free. It may be challenging to process but ask the Lord to reveal the truth in what I share.

During this season of study, I read a ton of books about our authority, identity, and the workings of demons. I came to a place where I realized that the demon of death and the demon of suicide gains influence and a voice into our conscious in certain circumstances and misaligned beliefs.

In my study, a question was proposed: Have you ever felt, while you were driving, like you just want to run your car into a wall?

Let me be clear. This question spews forth directly from a voice of a demon. It is unholy, filled with hatred and motivated to destroy. Our heavenly Father would NEVER speak such a thing into your mind. At the time my daughter was in high school and really battling on many of fronts in her life. One day while we were driving somewhere, I asked her this question.

She paused before answering but quietly, “Ya, I have.”

“Caitie, this is a voice of a demon.”

Let me explain why she or others who think a thought like this become vulnerable to the devil’s whispers. I asked her another question, “Have you ever in some point of fear or frustration said to yourself, ‘It would just be easier if I died.’”

When a person gives consideration to the voice of the enemy, even once, they are vulnerable to oppression because they have come into agreement with the devil’s primary mission:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10a)

A person opens a door, through legal rights, for a demon to speak to them. When someone rejects the truth of God; life, love, hope, etc. and embraces a lie of the demonic, they unknowingly subject themselves to oppression and/or torment. In this particular case, torment of ongoing thoughts of death, suicide, and escape through dark means.

When I shared this with Caitie, immediately the voice stopped. In fact, years have passed but recently I asked her again the same question, “No mom. I’ve never heard it again.”

AWARENESS ….. I’m convinced awareness is 75% of our spiritual warfare. The remainder; repentance. And finally, embracing the truth of who we are and Whose we are.

If you have thoughts along these lines. Pray: Father, in the name of Jesus, I repent for coming into agreement with the enemy that death is an answer to my life’s problems. I ask for forgiveness and I receive your forgiveness, covered in the blood of Jesus. Lord, from this day forward I belive what you say about me. That you have life abundant and a hope and future for me. I renounce any influence and silent any voice that is counter to Your truths. In the powerful name of Jesus. AMEN

If you want all of heaven to join you in this battle, you can say AMEN in the comments. There is NO judgement in this House of SUM. There is no condemnation in this House of SUM. There is only love, acceptance and FREEDOM. HALLELUJAH!! We stand with you for you full freedom! I love you, brave SUMites. Our victory is hard fought, but our awareness is at hand and we will be free indeed. Hugs, Lynn

Hunger, The Broken, The Fulfillment Of An Impossible Dream

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comPRE Fast Day FOUR 

Fast Begins January 8 at Sunrise. Ends Sundown, January 12, 2018

My friends,

This past fall, I fasted often. Sometimes for two days in a row and sometimes for only a day in a week. Amazing thing can happen during a fast. I want to share with you what happened one Friday not long ago.

I was fasting seeking a breakthrough for a project I was working on. What is interesting is that when you fast, I’ve discovered you become extraordinarily sensitive to the voice of God.

It was about noon on this particular day and I was feeling the effects of fasting. Tremendously dizzy, no energy, lacking motivation. But I promised God I wouldn’t break the fast. I went into my prayer room and just sat.

Within minutes God arrived with power. He began showing me pictures in my mind of those who were suffering right now on planet earth.

Say what? Why is this happening?

I saw a burn victim laying in a hospital bed with third degree burns over half of her body. I squirmed in my seat as I beheld a vision of her treatment. The doctor was removing the dead skin. It was excruciating. I gulped at the perceived pain.

Geeze… Ya, this is what I want from my fasting…. NOT!

But, the Lord went on. He showed me children who were victimized in Thailand at the pedophile brothels. Ugh, now I’m really messed up. Then I saw many young women who were kidnapped and forced into prostitution, lost to their families, drugged and abused.

Why in the world was this happening when I was praying for a silly project? Because God has a heart. His heart breaks for these innocents who are in pain, who are suffering horrifically. God began to break my heart for them. I ALL OUT BAWLED! Right there in my prayer room. I was messed up most of the day. I will never forget this experience.


God was breaking my heart because I am aware, and so is God, that I walk in tremendous power to bring relief and freedom to others through my prayers into the spiritual realm. And gang, I did pray. I wept, and I prayed. God broke my heart for these people and He reminded me that the luxury and comfort I live in, is only by His grace.

I pledged that Friday that all proceeds from this project I will pour into a ministry that serves the orphans and young girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking.

I promised. And I mean it. (I think I’ve found a place to support in Uganda.)

Okay, now don’t freak out. I don’t want you to think God is going to throw something like this onto your shoulders during prayer. But, I want you to be aware that my fasting opened up a realm where God took me to see suffering. I “felt” His broken heart. I “felt” His tears, His pain. I felt His hope that believers would help those who are in these prisons of pain and fear.

I experienced God, intimately and profoundly. It changed me! Wow!

During this fasting period, I didn’t receive the breakthrough I was seeking. Currently, it’s postponed but something utterly amazing happened instead. God showed me the path to the fulfillment of a LIFE-LONG dream I’ve held in my heart for more than three decades.

I’m not kidding… A…. LIFE….. LONG…. DREAM!

This is so huge that I’m about to freak out. I’ve held this dream secretly and prayed about it often. Something like this, “God, I know it would take Your hand and multiple miracles and the changing of hearts of others to make this happen, but it’s a dream within that you gave me, and it will not die. So, I ask its fulfilment.” I have to tell you I didn’t posses the faith for this one, truly, because I thought it was impossible.

My friends, it’s about to happen. It’s so wildly unexpected and fantastic I couldn’t, wouldn’t have expected this in a million years. This dream is rapidly coming together and when I arrive at the finish, you will be the first to know. I continue to pray and follow His leading. I can’t wait to fast this month because of all of this.

So, you may be praying for one thing. But GOD!

But God, may show you something different. He may show you a new dream. An area of healing. He may begin to speak to you in fantastic and miraculous ways. He may break your heart or fill and heal your heart or ALL OF THE ABOVE!

No matter what, if you truly fast and honestly sacrifice something that is really hard to give, YOU WILL HAVE AN ENCOUNTER. He loves us that much.

Some of you may need to fast longer than five days. If God calls you to do so, do it and He will help you. Because the astonishing awaits at the end of the journey.

My friends, what are you praying for this next week? Allow me to pray with you. Share in the comments because I’m walking close with our Papa and I’m bringing your life before him.

I love you….. I love Jesus…. I praise our Father, God!

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. —Matthew 5:6

The Mystery and Wonder of Esther

Esther, mosaic, Jerusalem-The Church of Hagia Maria Zion-The Dormition Church

For such a time as this...

Hello SUMites! I mentioned last week that I was feeling led to do an series on Esther. Since then I can’t seem to stay away from this book and have poured hours of research into digging into the deeper places of this astonishing story. So consider this an introduction to Esther and what I have in store thus far to share with you. And I encourage you to read the book yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal its truths and promises to you too.

One of the most significant aspects of the story of Esther is that God is not mentioned by name once in the book. He isn’t even referred to. But He is very much implied. However, there are actually clues I believe the author put in place to make indirect references to God’s presence, something I hadn’t noticed before. So fascinating!

In researching the people highlighted in this story, I discovered the Hebrew meaning of their names to often be significant and indicators of their place in this God-driven story. And that even key attributes of God’s character are clearly yet indirectly displayed.

On a larger scale Esther is the story of the birth of a Jewish tradition and celebration (Purim) that has had significant historical impact in that last century alone that is unmistakably God’s work to save the nation of Israel. 

My friends, Esther is a very multifaceted true story that holds romance, power, intrigue and much more. I am excited to explore its depths with you and look forward to hearing your comments too. We are going to have fun with this one, SUMites, and in reading about Esther and the nation of Israel, I’ve no doubt we will discover our own stories and God-driven purposes in the lives of our spouses and our families. And in our nation as well.

So, are you with me on this one? Ready to go an adventure with me? If so, give a shout out in the comments and share anything else that’s on your heart, my friends. I know the Holy Spirit is already at work among us, the SUM Nation, stirring our hearts for “such a time as this.”

And in the mighty and saving name of Jesus, I say, AMEN!

Love you so much, my friends!

Copyright: zatletic / 123RF Stock Photo

Moving Day!

My daughter Leslie wrote this in the entry.

SUMites, today’s the big day. As you read this, hubby and I are moving into our new home. I can’t begin to tell you how excited we are. I can’t wait to pray over the Scriptures you sent as I sit in my “war room,” knowing those same words that are written on the interior beams of the house. Yes, I will have a small room that I can call my “war room,” my friends, where I can meet with God and pin my prayer concerns to a big bulletin board I can’t wait to design. Have any ideas on that? Send them to me or leave them in the comments.

I don’t fully understand what God is doing in this symbolic representation our home and our SUM family. I can only tell you that He has some crazy big kingdom purposes for this house. Already I can see people in our home for Bible study and ministry, and many coming to Christ in those times. I can see people being baptized in our swimming pool(a standard feature here in Florida) and people in our neighborhood being drawn to this home that holds the presence of the Holy Spirit, because deep in their soul they know something’s missing and they want—need—that hope. 

But you know what absolutely brings me to tears of joy? I believe this is what God is doing in all of us and all our homes. I can’t tell you how I know that, I just do. I firmly believe God’s word to me about this latter house being greater than the former is symbolic of what God is doing in the “House of S.U.M. too.”

“The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace,” declares the Lord of hosts. — Haggai 2:9

And that is a word I want to release over each of you today. 

Abba Father, thank You for the promise of Your Word. We pray in agreement that the latter glory of the House of S.U.M. and every SUMite’s home will be greater than the former. We dedicate this ministry and our homes to You for Your kingdom purposes and for Your glory alone. Lord, we ask that the heavens would open even wider over this church without walls and each of our homes to pour out more of Your presence, provision and blessings so that the world will take notice—our spouses, our children, our families and friends, and even our neighbors. And fill our homes with peace, Lord! Great peace! In the name of Jesus, amen!

SUMites, I have more hope to share with you next week. So much more! I’m praying already that it will knock your socks off. I believe it’s the next part of “moving day” and some pretty amazing things God is going to be doing.

Love you!

Here are a few of the Scriptures written on the beams. :-)





The Tale of Two Houses

NewHouseMy friends, I pray you are still discovering sweet revelations and blessings from last week's fasting and praying for Rosh Hashanah. Dawn did an amazing job leading us. Thank you, my friend! We love you so much! 

And my friends, your comments were moving and inspiring. If you didn't read Ann's comment about her revelation dream for us that she posted on Thursday, please go read it in the comments. It's very encouraging and confirmed many things for me. In fact, God used her comment and Dawn's story about her house to show me what I was to share with you next. 

Can I just say, I love our Father's heart for us and our spouses? He is so passionate about us, my friends! I'm overwhelmed by His love and heart for us.

Now about our house...we are just 16 days away from closing. We have watched our house transform from a cement slab and framed walls to a nearly completed home full of details—cabinets, counters, painted walls and landscaping. My husband and I are so excited that we go by our house about twice a day just to see what new things have been done that day.

Now something happened early on in this process that came full circle just a week ago and God has show me it's a word for us. But first, I need to tell you a story of how this all began.

Back in 2004...

My husband and I decided it was time to buy a house. We'd moved back to the U.S. (to California) from Switzerland two years prior and had rented a house so we could get acquainted with the area and figure out where we wanted to settle. However, as you may or may not know, the housing prices in California were/are quite high. And the houses that were in our budget sold fast, usually through bidding wars.

One Sunday I went to church full of despair. We'd not found a house and had decided we would continue renting. I asked my Sunday school group to pray for us. We planned to check one more area that afternoon, but if that didn't pan out, we'd call our landlord and negotiate another lease.

That afternoon we drove to the area a friend had suggested but didn't find it. We had a fairly small area to work in because of our oldest daughter's high school district. When we reached that outer street, we resigned ourselves to just go home.

Just a few blocks down, we saw an open house sign on a house that was just renovated and hadn't even been officially listed yet. We debated stopping and finally did. 

My friends, I kid you not, as I walked into that house and barely saw more than just the front living area, I said to my husband, "This is our house."

We contacted our realtor, who was (is) a believer and told her to make an offer. And then we went to war. Several offers came in for that house. We'd offered the full asking price but knew the chances were slim to get it. Mike and discussed offering more and decided we'd take the risk. Our budget would be stretched, and we weren't sure how we'd do it, but my ever-optimist husband said we'd figure out a way. 

I called our realtor and asked if we should offer more. She asked for a little time to pray about it. A half hour later she called and agreed it was a good plan. Then we waited. 

The next day my husband came home with a story of his own. He'd received an unexpected raise that day, and it was exactly what we would need to afford the higher price mortgage. 

We got the house. SUMites, every time I looked at our house after that, all I saw in my mind was this big red bow around it, because it was a gift from God. We walked through a lot in that house (including the miracles of my daughter’s cancer recovery) and God us blessed us richly, even in the sale of the home to a sweet family with a little boy.

Now, fast forward to our house we are building now. As I shared in my post in July, God showed me this new house is a also a gift from His hand and that I was to rejoice in it. 

On September 8th, God led me to the book of Haggai. 

"'The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.’” — Haggai 2:9 ESV

As I read this, I began to tremble, my friends. That may sound crazy, but I knew that God had spoken something very deep to my spirit. And He reminded me of two other times this Word was spoken over me in the last year and half. Now He was affirming that the house He was giving us  ow and all that He has planned and purposed for it (which He's given me just a glimpse of His kingdom plans there and let me just say, "WOW!") will be greater than our former house.

SUMites, as I have shared in this past, this new house has become a monument of God's presence, provision and plans for this community. Our SUM family.

This word, that our latter "home" will be greater than our former one is for all of us. Ann's comment last week confirmed this for me. And showed me now was the time to share it as we near the completion of this home.

But God has given me another specific word, my friends. One that starts with an event that would require me to forgive someone connected to the completion of this home for lying and breaking our trust. It's a crazy story of God's unexpected justice and protection of His provision and plans. You will be utterly amazed.

Please be sure to come back for the rest of this story on Friday and to hear God's heart for us right now. This is a message you don’t want to miss, straight from the Father’s heart.

We are on the precipice, my friends. I know it's challenging to be on the mountain top with an assuredness and determination to pray into what God reveals to us, then to wait and pray, wait and pray, wait and pray and not see any visible change. But let me be the voice of truth to you and reassure you that our God is working diligently to bring forth His promise in reply to our prayers. 

Today I'm asking you to make a new declaration in the comments that you trust the Lord for all that He has promised you because He is your God.

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” — Psalms 31:14

Declare what you are trusting Him for too, my friends. Let's speak out into the natural what God is setting into place in the heavens! (Heb. 11:3)

I love you, SUM family. Please know that I am faithfully praying Jer. 24:7 and the Scriptures you sent me over you and your spouse. God is faithful to His Word!
~ Dineen


The Power of God’s Words

"Jesus is your sword."

One of the things I love about living in Florida is the cloud formations. They are tall and fluffy, filling the sky with a terrain of fluffy like cotton. Then other times they are imposing and dark, flashing with lighting and pouring down rain. Rarely is the sky completely devoid of these puffy wonders.

One bright and humid Florida morning, I went for a walk to worship and pray. My conversation with God that day was about prayer and words. I wanted to understand more about what He seemed to be impressing upon my heart to understand.

I looked up in the sky and noticed a could that looked just like a sword, which I thought was so interesting. But what made it relevant was what the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I looked at this simple formation.

“Jesus is your sword.”

My friends, this truth clicked into place in my heart and then my mind and the Scriptures I’d ready many times seemed to take on even deeper meaning. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. — John 1:1-5

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. — John 1:14

This truth already blew my mind, SUMites, but then to think of it in terms of our spiritual armor, brings a whole new level of awe. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, — Ephesians 6:17

Jesus is the Word and the sword of the Spirit is God’s Word, so Jesus truly is our sword! So what does that mean?

The Ezekiel Model

In the book of Ezekiel, God tells Ezekiel to prophesy over dry bones to hear the word of the Lord. First of all, prophesy simply means to speak by inspiration. We are all call to do this and since we have the Holy Spirit living in us, it makes sense that we can do this. (That’s a whole other series best saved for another time.)

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! — Ezekiel 37:4

So Ezekiel is told by the Spirit of God to speak God’s words of life over these bones. The word ‘hear’ in Hebrew is šâma’ and holds such meanings as to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention, obedience, etc.), declare, discern, give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), listen, make (a) noise, (be) obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation), publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, tell, understand, whosoever (heareth), witness. And that’s the edited down version. 

In similar intensity, ‘word’ means ḏâḇâr in Hebrew and translates to such meanings as a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause: act, advice, affair, answer, commandment, commune(-ication), concern(-ing), confer, counsel, decree, deed, duty, effect, eloquent, errand, glory, manner, matter, message, portion, power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request. Again, the edited down version.

These are two hefty words that hold a lot of meaning and impact. Which then led me to Jeremiah 1:12 where God asks Aaron what he sees. 

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.” — Jeremiah 1:12

Did you know that word ‘watching’ means to be alert i.e. sleepless? Now look at Isaiah 55:11

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. — Isaiah 55:10-11

My friends, this is like a double promise. God decrees (shall) His Word will not only be life giving but also powerful and effective to accomplish His purposes. So, think about this in context of praying Scriptures, which are God’s Word and are thus in alignment with His heart and purposes, and what could happen as a result of doing so. And I mean literally praying Scriptures out loud, word for word. 

For example, our salvation word this year is Jeremiah 24:7. Almost every day I am praying this:

Lord, thank you for giving every one of our SUMite spouses a heart that knows You are God. Thank You that You have declared they will be your sons and daughters and You will be their God. Thank You that they are returning to You wholeheartedly and will follow You all the days of their lives.

We can do this with any Scripture in the Bible, SUMites. Speak God’s Word out as truth. 

Lord, Your Word says that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed, therefore I declare that I am healed of (name specific illnesses, diseases and conditions). (Isaiah 53:5). And I declare the blood of Jesus over my entire body and declare I walk in divine health. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Lord, you are not willing that any should be lost so I rejoice and thank You that You are pursuing my spouse, my children, my family members with your relentless love and I stand in agreement with You that me and and my entire household will be saved. In the name of Jesus, amen! (Matthew 18:14, Acts 16.31).

My friends, whenever you read your Bible and find yourself stopped or stuck on a piece of God’s Word, ask the Holy Spirit what it means, what you need to know about it, and how you are to pray into it, believe it and then decree it. 

One last story…

In my post last Friday I talked about Isaiah six and how the praises of the seraphim shook the place. Did you know this happened in the New Testament too, with the disciples? The disciples were faced with great opposition, so they joined together and prayed.

And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness. — Acts 4:29-31

What did they pray for, my friends? Boldness to share His Word. They asked for healing power, miracles and wonders (what Jesus had taught and sent them out to do), all done in the name of Jesus. And what did God do? He shook the place with His presence! They prayed according to His Word (Jesus) and God answered.

So, my friends, I’m not saying that every time we pray, our houses are supposed to shake, but what if they did? What if we asked God for that kind of boldness and courage to pray and share Him with others and walked in miracles and wonders as the evidence of it? What if we already are?

I believe our prayers “shake” the heavens more than we realize. And the more boldness and courage we have, the more we shake the rafters!

O Lord, give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching Your word. Stretch out You hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of Your holy servant Jesus. Amen!

Love you, SUMites!

Breaking The Principalities

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comHello SUMers, can you believe its September?

Say What?

It’s back to school. Back to church. Does your church start a whole ton of stuff this month? There are tremendous opportunities in the fall in which to participate. Just remember to find balance and not over commit yourself and leave your husband/wife feeling left out. Choose wisely!

In the last few weeks I’ve shared six prayer strategies. I absolutely believe that our prayers are magnified and moved upon by the Lord. And as I was considering wrapping up this series, the Lord reminded me about a tactic of prayer that I’ve yet to discuss: Fasting

There are times when we have prayed and prayed. Employed our will, the Word, etc., etc. And…. Nothing.

This brings me to the wild story in the book of Daniel. Chapter 10, let’s listen in to this conversation:

Daniel speaking: Then I heard the man speak, and when I heard the sound of his voice, I fainted and lay there with my face to the ground.

Just then a hand touched me and lifted me, still trembling, to my hands and knees. And the man said to me, (Gabriel, whom I had seen in the earlier vision): “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling.

Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven.”

There are so many things about this exchange that blow my mind but I want to point out something that most of us miss when reading this passage. Notice that it says since the first day you began to pray. What is amazing, beautiful and loving is that God heard Daniel on the very first day… And even better, God sent an answer immediately.

My friends, I’m fully convinced that this is true today for us. God listens and wants to give us our answers. But here is where it gets really interesting.

Answers are delayed, thwarted by our own words remember, and can be amended if we change our prayer or God has another plan in motion. But in my heart I’m convinced that His love and goodness moves Him to reply with immediate answers to our heart-felt prayers.

Let’s listen into the rest of this astonishing conversation with Daniel and the angel Gabriel.

Gabriel: I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia. Now I am here to explain what will happen to your people in the future, for this vision concerns a time yet to come.”


God replied to Daniel immediately but there was an epic battle in the spiritual realm for 21 days! SUMites, this passage is in the Word so we can understand that this is how prayer and answers to prayer unfolds. We must know that contending in relentless prayer is often needed. Prayer when combined with fasting is needed to break a block in the spiritual realm.

We could spend months on the study of prayer with fasting. But we won’t as we cover fasting every January during our powerful community fast. We will be fasting again as a community, next month and it’s going to be amazing, stay tuned. More to come on that.

When you fast to gain access to the Father’s heart and to hear His voice, can facilitate an answer so commanding that it can breakthrough powerful principalities of the dark realm.

Wow and Wow!!!

I wonder if any of you have sensed that you were battling in prayer on the spiritual plane, against a strong darkness, right before a breakthrough? Things that make you go, hmmmmm.

I would love to hear any fasting stories from you, SUMites. I know this can be a confusing area for those who have never fasted. So, if you have a testimony about prayer and fasting and how you saw God move, please, PLEASE share it in the comments. Someone may need to read it. And that someone could be me.

I love you deeply my friends. I’m praying for our community and I’m expecting breakthrough!!!  BIG HUGS, Lynn

Essential components of effective prayer:

  1. Create a time and space devoted to Bible reading and prayer.
  2. Use the Word of God in your prayers.
  3. Believe – Hebrews 11:6
  4. Confidence
  5. Engage you Will.
  6. Courage
  7. Fasting

Dancing With Jesus..... The Miraculous Happens

Part II .......  

And indeed, a second and successful surgery saved her life. AMEN!

My privileged vantage point has been awesome. I have a front row seat to view the life-long, faithfulness of God in these very later years of my mother’s life.

Over the last few years as my own spiritual journey expanded and intensely grew, I shared so much of my faith experiences with my mom. I told her about the many freedoms I’ve attained through Jesus and also how some of the bondage that has lived in our family blood line has been cancelled  I prayed over the phone with her to free her from familial spirits of Free Masonry and other issues that have plagued our family line for generations.

In these her latter years, my mother is experiencing areas of heart healing from our Savior. The memories bring a smile of Godly joy to my face as I bear witness to my mother stepping into further freedom. And the next story is such an amazing event.

Several months ago my mom received an unexpected phone call. Her granddaughter, my brother’s daughter, wanted to visit and spend the weekend with her grandma. Plans were set in motion and indeed the reunion was more than either could have hoped or dreamed. Many misunderstandings were reconciled and love was shared. Old photos were looked over and crazy antics of my brother were told. Laughter and love all were given as the Lord looked down with a great smile of satisfaction. Years of hopeful prayer came into their fullness in those few days. And this relationship has been fully restored. In Jesus name. Thank you and hallelujah!

But wait…. There is more, so much more. Just because He can…

For several years I’ve invited my mother to attend the Open Heaven’s Conference with me. You may have been a reader here for some years and know that my life, as well as Dineen’s, forever altered at that conference in 2012. The spiritual fire that was set loose in me recalibrated every aspect of my faith, my love of God and how I love people as well as defined and focused my Godly purpose. And I’ve shared so much of my experiences with my mom but she always hesitated to join me for this annual event.

Mom Lynn Heidi LV Conference II
This is SUMite, Heidi, myself and my mom at the conference.

However, in January several amazing speakers, including Bill Johnson, were going to be at a conference at a church in Las Vegas. So I invited my mom to join me as a celebration of her 76th birthday that coincided with the event.

She said yes.

So two women, bearing bibles, head to Las Vegas…… to go to church. The irony is not lost on my heart.

Now here is where the story moved into the realm of our miraculous God.

The first evening of the conference near the conclusion of the night, Bill, offered prayer for healing. My mother stands. For at least six months she has been nursing, treating and bearing up under a weird ulcer-like-sore, the size of a golf ball, on the belt-line of her waist. The thing is an ugly, open, and painful sore that has been infected numerous times.

As an interesting side note, my mother has never, in all her years of faith, seen God heal anyone, physically. But at this moment, after the Spirit lead teaching and worship, my mother stands….. she stands in faith for healing and she receives prayer over this ailment on her abdomen.

Two people who were seated around us step over and lay hands upon her and pray. Then I place my hand upon this area of concern and pray. It’s in this holy moment that I feel heat leave my hand and warm the area on her stomach. My mom feels nothing but I know what just happened.

Jesus was in the room!

Prayer ends. Hugs all around and we depart for our hotel.

Early the next morning my mom steps from the bedroom area and finds me on the couch in our hotel room. She exclaims, “Lynn, look at this.” She raises her shirt, “Look, there is a scab on this sore." The astonishment on her face was beautiful to behold.  "I have prayed for months for a scab to form.”

“Oh, Mom. Jesus has healed you.” I leap from the couch.


Gang, I take a closer look at the scab. Indeed, a round scab now covers the previously red and irritated area. My head still blows up when I think back to this moment.

And now let me bring glory and honor to our healer, the Lord Jesus Christ. By the time the conference ended and we departed, the entire area was healed, the scab fell off and all that remained was a shadowy area, a scar, that is a permanent marker of her supernatural healing.

But, my friends, wait as I grab tissue to dab at the tears, there is STILL MORE. So much more to tell........

But, alas this post has already gone too long.... So on Friday I'm going to share the best part of what happens next... Stay tuned!


Side note: It's so interesting to me that I'm finally getting over of a month and a half of illness myself. I've prayed extensively about health and healing in the past several months. So has Dineen. Today during my prayer time, the Lord was very specific about sharing a healing prayer with all of you. I posted  the prayer on our SUM Facebook page. It's also posted on my personal blog. Lynndonovan.org.

If you are struggling with health issues, perhaps this prayer would be helpful to you. Read it and pray it, aloud and often, over yourself for the next 30 days.

Finally, in faith I stand with you and I say: Be healed and whole in Jesus name.


Okay, see you Friday. Let me know what you think of my moms story in the comments and share your prayer for healing as well. I love you my SUMite family! Make it a fantastic week ahead. After all, you are a Child of the Most High God. LIVE LIKE IT!!!  Woo Hoo! Hugs, Lynn

A 76-Year Love Dance With Jesus

Isaiah 46 4
My friends, can I just tell you how GLAD I am to be back at my desk and typing. I’m thrilled. After traveling in January, I came down with some serious illnesses and one in particular could have been devastating. I will share more about that as we move through the story I’m about to tell.

Already in this Jubilee Year, I’ve been utterly privileged to watch Jesus restore, heal and save. And today I’m compelled to ascribe Great Glory to our Jesus because of His endless and fathomless love, mercy and kindness. I have a testimony to share that is partly mine but mostly it’s a magnificent story belonging to my mother.

This story is a telling of a love dance between an old woman of 76 years of age and our timeless Lord Jesus. I pray I bring him honor through these words.

I’ve watched as a close up participant, and also from a distance. I have perceived and viewed from many angles, a life-long love dance between my mom and Jesus. But it’s only been in the last few months that I’ve born witness to the truly profound and supernatural moves of God in my mother’s life.

Let’s set the stage.

My mother, Sharron Sue Parks, was born in a small-town, a farming community in southern Colorado. Her childhood was wonderful and she was adored by my grandparents. My mother told me years ago that the Lord called out to her to draw her unto his love and a life of faith. On Sunday mornings as a child of eight or nine she would set out to walk to Sunday school alone. Sometimes her Aunt would take her to church because her parents didn’t attend (another story for another time). But she was drawn to Jesus and many a Sunday morning walked, by herself, to church. She grew up in the First Christian church in her small town and married by father there in 1959.

The newlywed couple moved to Denver and I was born a year later. Married life was challenging from the beginning but she pressed into living for her family and marriage. Three kids later and a few moves of the family found us in Las Vegas. I was a teenager and my siblings and I were shuffled into new schools, a new culture and a new life, once again.

May things occurred over the years. My father left my mom after 25 years. Following a long and protracted divorce proceeding, she found herself alone. The night the divorce was finalize, she cried herself to sleep. When she woke the next morning, she vowed to herself that crying didn’t solve anything and that she would never cry again.

She never did. Years and years passed. Not a single tear.

My mother’s tender heart was crushed further when my brother passed away at a young age of 41, following a long illness where he battled with cancer. Her pain and emotional beating was barely survivable. But she never stopped praying. Even on the day of my brother’s passing when three demons appeared before her and said hissingly, “We’ve got him now. He belongs to us.” My mother in her darkest moment said the only truth she knew and held in her heart, “I believe in Jesus.” And the demons immediately left. (BTW, demons lie. My brother was a believer.)

Her pain increased in other life circumstances but somehow through all the pain, she still remained loved and in love with her Jesus. The same kind Savior who once walked with her to Sunday school when she was a small girl. He adored her then and never left her even in the darkest of years that passed. Even when her questions and doubts overwhelmed her faith.

Sue eventually retired from her management and nursing position in a large Oncology center. She moved back to her home state of Colorado. It was during this time she faced a life-threatening surgical complication. She virtually faced death’s door. I remember praying and praying for her life. And I clearly heard the Lord give me this passage of scripture for her:

In those days Hezekiah became sick and was near death. Isaiah the man of God, the son of Amoz, came to him and said, “The Lord says, ‘Make those of your house ready, for you will die and not live.’” 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord, 3 and said, “O Lord, I ask you from my heart to remember now how I have walked with You in truth and with a whole heart. I have done what is good in Your eyes.” And Hezekiah cried with a bitter cry. 4 Then the Word of the Lord came to Isaiah, saying, 5 “Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘The Lord, the God of your father David, says, “I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears. See, I will add fifteen years to your life. — Isaiah: 38 1-6 NLV 

I knew the Lord intended to extend her life. God had heard the years of prayers uttered by my mother to one day be reunited with her granddaughter, her son’s only living child. She had not seen her for years following my brother’s death because there was great pain on both sides of this family when he died. Yet, in my prayer time, I KNEW, THAT I KNEW, THAT I KNEW, IN MY KNOWER, God would reunite them and all would be forgiven.

My mother didn’t have the faith for this but I did and I stood in the gap with faith for her reunion and knew God had granted her extended years to answer this old woman’s heart’s desire.

And indeed, a second and successful surgery saved her life. AMEN!


Okay, this is the end of part one of the story.. But it's also the beginning of even more amazing testimony. Stop back on Monday as I share what happened next. I love you my SUMite family. This testimony bears witness to the love of Jesus and becomes a powerful in our own lives. My mom is 76 years of age but Jesus is moving with great power in her life right now.

Jesus never stops redeeming, healing and restoring our lives no matter how many years it takes.
Never, ever. AMEN!

See you Monday. Hugs, Lynn

The Belt of Truth

Spiritual warfare Umbrella Statement

Okay, I feel better. Let's get going.....

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comDo you have a Buddha statue in your front yard? How about a stone idol that you worship in your front room?

Ahem, NO!

My friends, the enemy isn’t that obvious. Do you know how he goes about with his deceptions?

He asks a question.

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” —Genesis 3:1

He said to Eve, “Did God really say”……. And vwala, doubt rushes in.

Guess what this looks like today?

Unbelieving spouse says, “You don’t really believe all that stuff do ya? I mean really, the science is irrefutable.”

In an instant a seed of doubt is planted.

This is the main tactic the enemy uses to draw us out from under the umbrella. His most effective weapon is to attack our identity in Christ. Dineen’s posts on identity are spot on and truth. We must stand in our identity and BELIEVE.

We answer the questions of doubt with absolute truth. What is truth? It is an objective standard by which reality is measured. There is a reality that is unchangeable and its origin begins with God the creator. His Word is the truth. Period. The end. Anything that comes up against this fact is deception of the dark Kingdom. So, today, rest in the fact that their is a true reality and then believe. The origin of life, truth and our purpose is fully God. Science cannot explain away this fact. (Side note: Scientific discoveries of recent, are directly pointing to alternate realities, unseen universes and to intelligent design. But alas, that’s a topic for another day.)

Truth is more than a fact or information.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. —John 8:32  It’s freedom. Truth is a person, Jesus.

Take out your Bible and turn with me to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

SUMites, this is the battle ground. Our thoughts and emotions. We believe a lie (pretension or argument that set up against the knowledge (truth), of God.

Now here is the truth. When we believe a lie, in place of the truth, we have just given a demon permission to move in. And once in, kicking that thing out can become a battle for your very life.

With truth, however, we can take wrong beliefs and our thoughts captive to Christ. We MUST destroy speculations (our ideas) and lofty things (anything that blocks God’s point of view).

Let’s begin to dress in our armor, The Belt of Truth.

What I want to do now is share a video. The kids in it are children of a long-time SUMite. Each morning before school these kids dawn their wardrobe. And my friends, I believe we need to do the same. This became profoundly obvious to me through my recent studies. I came across a story of a pastor who was called to a home by frantic parents. Their teen son and friends were found in the dark in the backyard, cutting themselves and all manner of weirdness was going down.

The pastor arrived went out back and into the drainage ditch where these teens were. He came face to face with one of the teen boys. And out of this normal American kid’s mouth came a voice and accent that was of ancient Asian descent speaking all kinds of vulgar language and cursing. He looked right at this pastor and said, “I want to kill you but I can’t because you are always wearing your armor.”

Say what?

Let’s learn what this armor is and how to wear it every day. Listen in and practice the same this week.

Video is from Debra Alley and her kids. Thanks!!!



Quiet Time Study: (Take these questions to the Lord in your quiet time. Then listen.)

  • Today I want you to look up a truth that will empower you John 8:31-31. I want you to get paper and pen. Write it out and allow the truth to penetrate your mind and soul.

Community Questions (answer in the comments):

  • Okay, don’t look at the other comments below you just yet. I want you read this scripture and then personalize it in the comments. 

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. —2 Corinthians 10:3-5


On Monday we are going to look at other ways the devil creates strongholds, a spiritual thorn you can’t shake, in our lives. There are doors we open and the vermin will walk in. This is called legal permission. Stay tuned. And do not fear. You are a child of The Most High God. You are sheltered under his wing. (Psalm 91) Read it. It’s powerful.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

Also, for those who need an inspiring story, hop over to Lynndonovan.org where I share: I'm Ashamed That I Prayed So Small.

Are You Stepping Out From Under The Umbrella of God's Protection?

Under the Umbrella series small 400 versionThe response to our series is overwhelmingly enthusiastic. It’s becoming crystal clear that God’s people are yearning to know the truth about whom we battle and how to win. I’m so encouraged by your eagerness and your commitment to the process.

We need to start with understanding the Theater of War of the Kingdom of God.

It’s earth baby!

We are intricately involved in war whether we want to be or not or whether we realize it or not. So it’s WAY past time to put on our armor and recognize that:

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. —Ephesians 6:12

It’s war. —Move and Countermove

Move: God Created the angelic

Countermove: Lucifer sinned.

Move: God kicked him out of heaven to earth and created people to deal with and subdue the planet and the devil.

Countermove: The serpent deceived Adam and Eve and they forfeited their authority over earth.

Move: Jesus was born. The Godhead came to earth, fully human, to regain the authority for mankind.

Countermove: Satan temps Jesus

Move: Jesus rebukes satan. Satan flees.

Countermove: Satan kills Christ…….


Move of God: Jesus is resurrected from the dead. Descends to hell and returns with the keys to death and hell (Revelation 1:18) and with the following for all of His followers:

15 He (Jesus) said to them (His followers – US), “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” —Mark 16:15-18

My friends, the resurrection of Christ was the final move. His perfect life sacrificed, broke the spiritual laws that kept people in bondage and returned authority to people through the blood and name of Jesus. We are protected under the umbrella of God’s love, authority and purposes. So you may ask, “Well then, why do I still struggle so much with sin? Why is there such upheaval and pain in my life if this is true?”

The simple answer?

Because most of us step out from under the umbrella of God’s love and protection and out of His Kingdom. We remain clueless as how to remain under His umbrella and we have no idea how to make Mark 16 a reality in our life.

BUT…… That is about to change. (Queue cheering crowd) Hallelujah Jesus!!!

It’s critical to learn first how to stay under the protection of God who is the ruler of the spiritual & physical realms. We also must learn there are spiritual laws in effect just as there are physical, unbreakable and unchangeable laws in effect such as the law of gravity. In all my research, the pundits aren’t able to explain why God set it up that way but He did. And we were created to live and navigate through both the physical and the spiritual.

Let’s start with the first rule of battle: #1 We must acknowledge that we live in two worlds. The visible and invisible.

Battle Rule #2: Everything that we deal with, all that we face, everything that happens to us is first orchestrated, manifest, and/or created in the spiritual realm before it is evident in the physical realm.

Battle Rule #3: We have everything we need to battle and win this war. It was accomplished at the cross. When Jesus said, “It is finished.” We attained everything we will ever need for abundant living. All was accomplished – Past tense, at the cross!  (John 19:30) (John 10:10)

Battle Rule #4: Fight from victory not for victory. Stay under the umbrella of God’s love and operate in the authority of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Quiet Time Study: (Take these questions to the Lord in your quiet time. Then listen.)

  • Lord, do I truly believe these Battle Rules? Help me to understand and believe.
  • Am I willing to do what it takes to live under the umbrella of God's protection and provision even if I don't know what "all it takes" means right now?
  • Pray: Lord, I ask you to give me supernatural courage and wisdom as I walk through this study. Look up Ephesians 1:17 and pray it every day. Look up and write down Ephesians 6:10-17.
  • If you are journalist or taking notes, the scripture verses in this post are crucial. Look them up and write them down. I've provided links to most of them.

Community Questions (answer in the comments):

  • So how do we stay under the umbrella my friends?
  • What can remove us from the protection of the umbrella? 

I’m going to shed more light on the last two questions Friday. SUMites that is when the hard work begins. But it’s so worth it to live continually under the umbrella and not out in the rain where every drop adds to the rust of our armor and to the pain and struggle of our life.

Step out of the rain. Dawn your armor and your wield your sword. IT’S OUR TURN TO DO SOME DAMAGE TO THE DEVIL AND HIS MINIONS. AMEN JESUS. AMEN!!!

Upcoming posts:

  • Umbrella crushers – The truth about our protection (umbrella)
  • The Devils game – Our identity
  • What is legal permission?
  • Authority
  • The Full Armor of God
  • Demonic structure
  • Defeating lies and restoring truth. Truth=freedom
  • Curses, vows, ancestral encroachment
  • And more…. Much more.

Hang on to your hats because it’s about to get real. Real dangerous for the dark king.

In Jesus name. AMEN

Jesus, as we leave today we ask that you would conceal us from the devil. In Colossians 3:3, you say we are hidden with Christ in God. Hide us and our family from all demonic plans and assignments. We ask to be continually under the umbrella, the wings, of the Most High (Psalm 91) Jesus walk with us and teach us how to live out your commands through your name and authority. We ask that you continually speak to us through the Holy Spirit. Be our hope, our peace and our security this day and forever more. In Your powerful name. AMEN

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

Under The Umbrella - The Battle For My Life!

Under the Umbrella series small 400 version
Standing Under The Umbrella-

               The Battle For Our Life!

Ephesians 6 Series

Earlier this week I posted a question to our Facebook Reader page the following:

There is a need to write and study through the SUM blog about many practical needs for the spiritually mismatched such as tithing, friendships, sex, attending church alone, prayer at the dinner table, etc. Yet there is also a need to develop our spiritual life because out of that all the rest flows.

Currently I'm feeling the prompt of the Holy Spirit to write about our Spiritual Armor and preparing for spiritual warfare as we deal with these battles in our homes with our spouse, DAILY... So, I'm wondering what would you like to study? Both, at the same time? Tackle one subject on Monday the other on Friday? What other topics do we need to review for all the new readers who are just getting started on their mismatch journey and/or spiritual journey???

Well the response was strong for the Spiritual Warfare study but also we need to feed those who haven’t dealt with common marriage struggles. So after praying this is what I’m sensing from the Spirit.


Dineen and I have been writing since 2006. Our archives are filled with real-life and workable solutions to common challenges for the mismatched. Archives are often difficult to sift through and hard to find. So on Saturdays I’m going to repost some articles that address universal topics. If I think hard and blow up the cobwebs on my brain, I remember that there are really, really great messages, videos, questions and discussion that will help you with the daily and unique aspects in a mismatched marriage. So watch for those on the weekend.

I’m also convinced that NOW, more than ever, the Lord is leading His people into the truth about the spiritual realm and how much it truly impacts our physical and daily life. With that said, I plan to lead us through a study titled: Standing Under the Umbrella – The Fight For Our Life!


I’ve written spiritual warfare series before but this one is different. Why? Because I’ve walked the Biblical truth out in my own life. I’ve studied video series and articles for years and have read numerous books, titles I intend to share, because they will change your life. I have actually experienced praying for people and watching the demons flee. I’ve freed myself, my mother and my sister from ancestral curses and real freedom has come to our family. I’ve prayed for people for their cancer to leave and for depression to depart and Jesus healed those people. Our battles are deeply rooted in the spiritual realm and we must understand how that realm wreaks havoc upon our lives because once we “get” it, we will become free and so will others for whom we pray.

So THIS series will be unlike the priors.

Victory In Spiritual Warfare EvansWe will be referring to the unerring Word of God for this series. Primarily our text will come from Ephesians 6. I’m likely to also tie in the books I’ve studied from time to time. Watch for recommendations to pop up in the sidebar. And I find it fascinating that the current Bible study at my local church is: Victory In Spiritual Warfare by Tony Evans. I guess God wants us to really, REALLY get this message. So I will likely be using some of Pastor Evans information.

I also sensed from the Holy Spirit that at the end of each post I’m to ask 1-3 questions. These questions are for you to take to God. Print them out or write them down. Go into your quiet time and pray them. Ask God the questions and then listen and let the Holy Spirit speak into your heart about the answers.

Finally, before we launch into the teaching I WANT EVERY PERSON TO HEAR THIS: Do NOT be afraid. We are stronger than the dark Kingdom because of Jesus. The devil will do everything possible to keep you from reading this series. He will try to intimidate you and tell you that you aren’t strong enough that you won’t be able to understand or that you should be very afraid. LIES… LIES…. LIES..

The truth is: The devil is terrified right now that you are even reading this post.

Let him quake in his pointed boots because it’s time to kick butt and take names.

My SUMite family, are you ready for true freedom? Are you ready and wanting to understand what the Bible really says about our authority in Christ Jesus?

Let’s get started. Take your Bible and read Ephesians 6:10-19

Quiet Time Study: (Ask these questions of the Lord. Then listen.)

  • Am I equipped for battle in the spiritual realm?
  • Do I employ the tools in Ephesians 6 in my life?
  • Lord, will you walk with me through this and show me where I am allowing the enemy access?

Community Questions (answer in the comments):

  • On a scale of 1-10 what is your awareness of spiritual warfare?
  • Have you ever felt like you’ve engaged in the invisible realm?
  • Pray the following prayer and answer AMEN in the comments. I will pray your name for this series and for your understanding and breakthrough.

Jesus, I am tired of the enemy stealing my joy, my health, my marriage, my kids, my very life. I’m willing to do the hard work and study Your Word so that I will be empowered by your love and authority to discover the deceptions of the demonic realm. I will be brave because You are walking with me. I will absolutely stand for nothing less than full victory in my life and for the Kingdom of God. I am fully committed to battle from victory and not for victory because everything I need was accomplished at the cross.

Thank you Jesus that you are my Savior. Thank you that you love me and that you are opening the door to greatness and victory in Your Kingdom. I pledge my love, my life, my eternity to you. In Your powerful name, Jesus. AMEN

It’s a great season in the Kingdom of God. We are entering the season of amber, orange and red beauty. We have Rosh Hashanah promises this Fall. We are pursuing a life of holiness. So let’s trample of the Kingdom of darkness!

Woo Hoo!!! I can’t wait to see what a group of ordinary believers can bring about in this world!! I love you my friends. So very much. Hugs, Lynn

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

Our Authority to "Pass It On"

Heb10-25Dear friends, I feel like I'm on a treasure hunt through the Bible and the Holy Spirit keeps revealing these nuggets of wisdom and knowledge. In fact, I shared this verse on Facebook last week because it keeps showing up:

In him [Christ] lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. — Colossians 2:3 NLT

I have prayed into this for myself and for you, SUMites. Jesus wants to give us these treasures! We just have to ask for them.

So, this latest treasure is one that the Holy Spirit showed me builds on a truth we have talked about in the past, but builds upon it in regard to our authority in Jesus, the authority spoken of in Luke 9:1-2 and Luke 10:17. Our authority given us through our salvation in Jesus. 

But this nugget is revealing that we have specific authority, which I find fascinating. First let's start with 2 Corinthians 1:4:

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. — 2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT

I've always loved this verse, because it reflects God's heart for us individually and corporately. He is our comforter and we are to pass the comfort on to others. He intends it to work that way. That is why we encounter others who are going through the same trials and difficulties we have gone through. Sometimes even as we are going through them. Abba wants to comfort us so we can comfort others, and encourage each other. This is the body of Christ working in love and unity.

But did you know that the very places that you have overcome give you special authority? Take a look at 2 Corinthians 4:17:

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. — 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 ESV 

That word "weight" in the original Greek is baros and it means weight, burden, authority.

What does that mean? It means that the sicknesses and trials that you have overcome are now places of authority in which you can pray for others. You are essentially passing a blessing you have received to another person. It doesn't take it away from you at all or lessen its affect or presence. You are sharing it with another, which honors God because you are being obedient to His Word. And God always increases His blessings in these times.

Guess what else? It's a form of worship. An "eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison"! 

 That which we overcome gives us authority to pray for the same breakthrough for others and in combination with the glory of Jesus, it becomes an act of worship and praise.

My friends, I believe we are called to boldly pray and believe for others the very same things we have received. Remember the story of healing I shared a while back about praying for a friend's thyroid to be healed because my thyroid had been healed. And she in turn was healed! I simply passed on the blessing I'd received and was doubly blessed to see God do this in another person. See the increase?

And don't be surprised if Jesus sets you up with divine appointments to encounter people who need your prayers. It is a beautiful set-up, my friends. One that will bless you even more profoundly than the first. It's absolute nonsense to the world, but it's exactly what God will use to make Himself known (1 Cor. 1:27-30). 

My friends, I thought this post was done when I wrote the above paragraph but this morning I had an experience that so profound shows how this works. In my last post, Waiting in the Delivery Room, Holly shared an amazing encounter she had with God. I asked her to pray for me to have an encounter like that too. And she did! 

I DECLARE that you will have an encounter with the God of all creation that will be even greater and more profound than that which I testify to!! Holy Spirit please fall on Dineen with power and fill her to overflowing with Your liquid love and supernatural peace! Get her good Lord so that she is forever changed by the love of her Father!!! You are a good good Father and worthy of our praise!!! In Jesus name....AMEN!!!!!!

That prayer was answered today in a most unexpected way. I was walking around the nearby park, listening to worship music, praying and praising God. I needed this terribly too, my friends, because I’d let in some “stinkin’ thinkin’” recently. God revealed to me that my heart wasn’t thankful. 

So, I chose to walk in my authority over my heart and feelings and turn that frown upside down, to use a cliche. Halfway into my second lap, I felt something…different. I looked up at the magnificent sky and it was like the presence of God fell on me!

And guess what happened next? You won’t believe it… I burst out in laughter. Big laughter. Belly laughter. Holy laughter… And I couldn’t stop. Right in the middle of the park. My friends, I kid you not. 

Holy laughter is something I’ve been asking Abba for for a while. And today was my day. I continued to laugh the rest of my walk around the park—in sudden bursts that doubled me over! I haven’t a clue what other people there thought, and, honestly, I don’t care. 

Today, my Papa God made me laugh! And I believe that was in part a result of Holly passing on her blessing to me (thank you so much, Holly!), which came in an unexpected (and foolish to the world perhaps?) way, and I believe this was also Abba’s way of honoring my decision to be obedient to rejoice in Him, to choose joy, and to walk in that attitude. No more stinkin’ thinkin’! 

And now, my dear friends, I pray for you to experience holy laughter. 

Lord Jesus, You came to set us free and to know Your peace and joy. I ask for holy laughter for our SUMite family. You know best when and how to bring it, Holy Spirit. Do what You do best! In the JOYFUL name of Jesus, amen!

Laughing with you, my friends, and rejoicing in Him!

They Heard A Voice

This week something supernatural happened that made national news. I will say that I'm not surprised as I have expected that the world is going to see more and more of God's supernatural intervention in our world. What so great about this story is that four men corroborate the story.

A mother and baby were in a car that careened out of control and cashed upside down in a river. The mother was killed on impact and the baby survived for 15 hours strapped upside down in her car seat. That is a miracle in itself but what I'm interested in is what happened when the fire and police arrived to initiate the rescue. 

Rescuers Heard A Voice

Then, suddenly, they started hearing the distinct sound of a woman’s voice, calling to them to help.

We heard a voice saying 'help me, we're in here.' It was clear as day. We replied back 'hang in there, we're trying what we can.'

“We replied back ‘hang in there, we’re trying what we can.’ ”

The voice motivated them to push harder because they believed there may be someone inside who was still alive. With their adrenaline pumping they pulled the heavy, water-filled car onto its side and discovered the driver was dead.

The officers had no explanation for the mysterious voice that appeared to come from inside the car. Beddoes said he said he wouldn’t believe it really happened had not the other officers heard it, as well.

“I don’t know what I thought I heard,” he said. “I’m not a typically religious guy. It’s hard to explain — it was definitely something. Where and why it came from, I’m not sure.”


Listen to this video and share your thoughts in the comments. Hugs, Lynn

PS. You know I'm just seeing the title of this video and NO I don't think the voice is the mothers. Just sayin'.

Empowered Living: Romans 8:9-11

Psalm119-1622Hello, dear friends! Today we will delve a little further into Romans 8. I may need to include less translations so that I can cover more ground and the posts don’t get too long, but for this section of Romans I did want to include more. There’s so much to be gleaned here in verses 9-11.

First of all, these verses say we are not controlled by our sinful nature. We are controlled my the Spirit if we have the Spirit of God living in us. I’m sure you’ve noticed changes in yourself—things you used to do no longer hold any appeal or may even repulse you. I believe it’s also an ongoing process as we learn to be more spirit controlled in our minds and less controlled by our “fleshy” nature. Just as I’m sure you can see this in your pre-believer, we battle with it too at times, but we have the power to overcome! 

NLT: 9 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) 10 And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. 11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

NIV: 9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

The Voice: 9 But you do not live in the flesh. You live in the Spirit, assuming, of course, that the Spirit of God lives inside of you. The truth is that anyone who does not have the Spirit of the Anointed living within does not belong to God. 10 If the Anointed One lives within you, even though the body is as good as dead because of the effects of sin, the Spirit is infusing you with life now that you are right with God. 11 If the Spirit of the One who resurrected Jesus from the dead lives inside of you, then you can be sure that He who raised Him will cast the light of life into your mortal bodies through the life-giving power of the Spirit residing in you.

The Message: 9 But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won't know what we're talking about. 10 But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God's terms. 11 It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he'll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's! 

Now I ended my last post with a hint at what that power is in us. You probably already know what it is, but what is astounding is the full ramification of it. It’s kind of like this: I know I have an engine in my car, but I couldn’t tell you how powerful it is.

Scripture tells us that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the same spirit that dwells in us. Did you get that? How about this verse from Ephesians: 

I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 1:19 NLT

And let me broaden this understanding just a bit with another translation:

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places… — Ephesians 1:18-20 NASB

First, understand we are saints, my friends. I remember the first time I said that in the Sunday School I taught years ago—everyone fell silent and looked at me as if I were crazy, but there it is, right in God’s Word. Every single one of us saved by grace is a saint. We are Christ’s inheritance and we are His. And His power, His Holy Spirit, is placed in us in accordance to same degree as was place in Jesus Christ to raise Him from the dead!

So why do we walk around thinking and feeling like we’re powerless? Because we’re deceived by the enemy (and the church, I dare say) into believing this. We are deceived and taught to live by what we see and not by faith. Our unenlightened eyes (see how Paul prays that in the beginning?) are still looking laterally instead of vertically. Look up at your God in Heaven and then measure every challenge and trial by His size, not by your scope of vision.

Now back to Romans 8:11 specifically because the promise there is not to be missed. I’ll use the Message translation to repeat it here:

It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he'll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's! — Romans 8:11 the Message

I chuckle at the start of this verse in this translation. “Stands to reason…” Yes, we can reason this out and it holds its truth and promise. God lives and breathes in us, empowers us with the Holy Spirit—His Spirit, just as He did to bring Christ back to life and back into Heaven from this place of death. Thus it also “stands to reason” that if we are also in this state of living, we are also seated in the heavenliness with Christ. Yes, we’re back to that verse again, my friends.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. — Ephesians 2:6

Even as I am teaching this here to you I am learning as well and am even more convinced that we have barely tapped into the full potential of our supernatural place and position with Jesus. I so want to break down all the barriers that hinder me in this race so as to walk more fully in the promises of my inheritance in Jesus.  

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:1-2

How about you, my friends? What spurs you to keep persevering? What does it mean to your soul and spirit to know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from death lives in and empowers you? And how do we walk more and more in this truth?

I will meet you in the comments! Love you!

Empowered Living: Romans 8:1-4 (part two)

Psalm119-1622Welcome back to our study of Romans, dear friends. During the night the Holy Spirit pointed out to me that we are not just spiritual beings but supernatural beings. I love that verse that says we are seated in the heavenly realms with Jesus (Eph 2:4-7). The deeper I go in my relationship with Abba Father, King Jesus and Holy Spirit, the more this makes sense. The Word says He is in us and we are in Him. And Jesus is seated in the heavenly realms, thus, so are we. Amazing! That makes us supernatural beings as well.

Now back to Romans 8:3-4… When we go further into verse three, Paul gives more clarification as to why the law had failed. I so appreciate the way the Voice translation brings that understanding to the surface:

NLT: 3 The law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. 

NIV: 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,

The Voice: 3 God did something the law could never do. You see, human flesh took its toll on God’s law. In and of itself, the law is not weak; but the flesh weakens it. So to condemn the sin that was ruling in the flesh, God sent His own Son, bearing the likeness of sinful flesh, as a sin offering. 

God’s law did and does serve a purpose in that it reveals sin, but it lacks the power to truly free us from the power of sin and death because of our sinful nature. Thus why Jesus says He came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it (Matt. 5:17). He was the empowered solution that would restore the purpose of the law with the heart and love of the Father, that all would be saved (1 Tim 2:4-6).

What amazes me is to think of all the preparation that went into this. Have you every wondered why God chose the time that He did to give Jesus to the world? I believe God wanted to prepare us to receive Jesus in the fullness of our need. And the laws that established the animal sacrifices and brought understanding to the importance of the blood sacrifice were part of this.

As I’ve said in the past, so much of the Bible is about preparation and the Bible itself is our preparation—to understand, learn and grow from experiential stories—those we read about and those we live and learn from in our lives as we walk in faith and trust in God. These are the ones that “stick” with us because we relate to them. By setting the pattern of blood sacrifice and establishing the importance of God’s holiness in it, only then would we be able to understand the full magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus would be and is the final blood sacrifice. 

NLT: 4 He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit.

NIV: 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

The Vocie: 4 Now we are able to live up to the justice demanded by the law. But that ability has not come from living by our fallen human nature; it has come because we walk according to the movement of the Spirit in our lives.

The Message: 4 And now what the law code asked for but we couldn't deliver is accomplished as we, instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.

Here is the rest of Paul’s point that there is no more condemnation for us who belong to Jesus. Since Christ sacrificed his life for our sins and was raised to life for our justification(Rom. 4:25-Rom. 5:1), no one, nothing and no-thing can tell us otherwise. This IS the truth, our truth. Anything that brings condemnation is not of God and is therefore of the enemy. 

My friends, the battle is truly in our minds and learning to recognize the difference between the enemy’s condemnation and the Holy Spirit’s loving correction is key. Though we are no longer identified as sinners when we know Jesus, we still sin and will need to confess and make amends as needed. This process, in the hands of the Holy Spirit, brings relief, freedom and empowers us to live godly lives (2 Peter 1:3). 

And that is the rest of verse four that we need to take note of and trust the Holy Spirit to do. He does this in us, we don’t. I find this very freeing indeed to know I don’t have to “fix” myself. Jesus did it with His death and each day the Holy Spirit is helping me to be more and more Christ-like.

The next section of Romans 8 that we’ll study will be verses 5-11. In these Scriptures we will see more insights as to what happens in our minds AND how we can relate this to our pre-believers. I’m looking forward to what the Holy Spirit has for us there!

Holy Spirit, we ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Jesus more and more. Bring the full power of God’s Word into our hearts and transform our minds. Make us hungrier than ever for more of You and Your Word. In the transforming power of Jesus, we pray and ask all this, amen! 

We are established in Him, SUMites!





An Introduction to Empowered Living

Prov119-162My friends, we're already two weeks into 2015. Can you believe it? Our fasting and praying brought us into this new year (our year of freedom, remember?) in a powerful way, and I believe we will continue to see breakthroughs as we are being brought to new levels of faith and living in Christ even now. 

Before Christmas I was feeling led to write a series on Romans 8, a very powerful chapter and one that the Holy Spirit brought me to over and over again in 2014 for understanding of what walking in the Spirit means. I'm still on this journey but want to share with you some of the things I've learned as key to empowered living in Christ Jesus.

But first, I want to start with a key verse in Proverbs. I came across this nugget in my Passion Translation of Proverbs as the Holy Spirit's answer in how I should pray for my "kids" (Rachel, my son-in-love Keith, Leslie and her awesome boyfriend, Brian) in 2015. I am praying for them all to be "lovers of God" who "chase after righteousness.”

Here are both the NIV and Passion translations:

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. — Proverbs 21:21 (NIV)

The lovers of God who chase after righteousness
Will find their dreams come true:
An abundant life drenched with favor, 
And a fountain that overflows with satisfaction.
—Proverbs 21:21 Passion Translation

I really like how the Passion Translation brings more understanding to what the heart of dreams are about and what makes them truly satisfying. That colon indicates that clarification of the promise is coming. The NIV holds this promise as well. Those dreams are rooted in who we are in Christ as children of God who live the abundant life Jesus came to give us “drenched” in God’s favor and overflowing like a fountain with satisfaction.

Here is the mystery revealed: When we make Jesus the focus of our lives with a desire to know and love Him, our dreams wind up shifting and falling in line with God’s heart, purposes and plans for us—His desire to delight us with an abundant life full of God’s favor so that we are fulfilled and satisfied. 

And here’s the mystery revealed for us, SUMites: In this place of fulfillment and satisfaction, which is centered in Jesus, the rest falls into place. We begin to see God work in our marriages and pre-believers to bring His will (which is always for our good) about. And He gives us strength and teaches us to rest in Him in that process.

Now that does not mean an easy life. Easy and comfortable is rarely fulfilling, my friends. Leave that misconception at the door along with the one I used to carry that as I got older, life would get easier. This is not a bad thing, it’s just how it is while we are on this earth. So, my philosophy has shifted from seeking an easier life to seeking God for a more fulfilling life. This is challenging but so worth it.

Why? Because we were never intended to be limited earthly beings. We are supernatural beings, seated in the heavenly realms with Jesus even as we walk this earth. To live in anything less than the supernatural presence and life of Jesus will never satisfy us. 

Naturally (i.e. earthly or of the flesh) the enemy will try to convince us otherwise, try to distract us from this place of truth with the lures of earthly success and satisfaction until we are living more for this life now instead of our heavenly destiny to be like Christ. Which brings me back to Romans 8 and the astounding and empowering truths that lie in this one chapter of Romans. I’m only beginning to peel back the layers of this one chapter and my heart is to share with you these foundational truths that are building blocks to living an empowered life in Christ Jesus, fueled by the Holy Sprit and by the grace of Abba Father.

Want to go on this journey with me? Yes? AWESOME! Then start by studying Romans 8 in your favorite translation and also in one other translation (more if you’re motivated to do so). Push out of the box and stretch your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding and divine revelation. He loves requests like that about God’s Word! And write down what the Holy Spirit shows you. I hope you’ll share those revelations with us too (as is appropriate). 

My friends, let’s dig into God’s Word as if digging for treasure (Psalm 119:162)!

Holy Spirit, reveal to us the treasures in God’s Word. I pray for every person reading this to know You better, for the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge to fill them so they may know Jesus better and better through the revelations in Your Word. Abba, thank You for Your promises revealed in Your Scriptures. In Jesus’ powerful and holy name, amen!

 With love in Jesus,





Let's Get Ready!

My friends, your comments this week have been so powerful and encouraging! I'm in awe of how God is moving in this community to bring such unity. We ARE the church of Christ, right here and online, of all things. Who would have thought that possible? ALL things are possible with God, AMEN!

I want to share Angie's comment from my Wednesday post. Such a testimony to the miracles that our Abba Father is releasing into our lives to honor our faithfulness. And I agree with Lynn—we will see amazing things happen during this fast and through the rest of the year as a result of our fasting. I BELIEVE! And my friends, after what I have walked though spiritually this year, it feels so good to be able to say that. God didn't let me go and I didn't let go of Him. 

So, if you are still wondering where you are in all this, grab hold of Him and don't let go! He will not fail you.

Here's Angie's amazing testimony:

This year was one of the hardest and best years of my life...my husband left us and our five children shortly after the birth of our fifth child...But God reached down into my pain...and quickly let me know I was not alone and never will be...he was so present in my pain and I had so many breakthroughs and so much needed growth with The Lord..one of the main events this year that brought growth was the Jewish New year dreaming big with God...and the day of attonment fast(my first fast). Shortly after that God sent my husband for a visit...it did not look like anything was happening but God clearly communicated to me he was working...after that visit the communication started increasing...and than it happened my husband told me he did not want to be separated forever...and the very last day of that month My prodigal returned to his family...one of my big dreams with God had already been answered by a faithful God...so many prayers have been answered. I have been a "Christian" my entire life...but I never knew this was what the God of the universe was like...that he is so personally involved. That he cares about every detail...and he loves marriages...he is a God of reconciliation...restoration...and resurrection...my dead marriage was resurrected and God reconciled us and now he is restoring us, but it is not just my marriage that is being restored...Praise God. All glory and honor to him to forever... I am so grateful to this community...

SUMites, let's get ready for next week with prayer...

Abba Father, Your goodness outshines the stars in the sky and exceeds any expectations our limited human minds can perceive. You are the God of ALL possibilities and we declare today, right here in this online community, that You are here, that You are GOOD, and that You withhold no good thing from us, for Your plans for us are good and are for a future and purpose that You have created for us, for our good and for those we love and pray for. Thank You, Abba Father, that Your heart is that none should perish. You never give up on us. Your love is relentless and unending. You ARE love.

King Jesus, as we are in You and You are in us, bring with this week of fasting an abundance of Your supernatural grace. Give us strength, wisdom and discernment each day to hear and see You. Protect each of us and our families from the enemy's attempts to unseat and undo us as we fast and pray. Release the heavenlies to move and interact with us doing this week, to protect and guide us.

Holy Spirit, draw us into a deeper relatioship and awareness of Your presence this week. Restore our health, our strength and our hearts to alignment with You. ALIGNEMENT is prevelent for 2015 as our hearts and wills will be brought into ALIGNMENT with You, LORD.

And ESTABLISHMENT of Your Kingdom here in our very homes as You have established it in the Heavenly realms. The gap will be closed for 2015!

Thank You, LORD! Thank YOU! All praise and glory and honor are Yours! We are Your SUMites! We are Your children! We are YOURS! Our hearts are Yours and Your heart is ours. You are always for us!

Dear and Precious Lord, give us everything we need this week out of Your glorious riches in Heaven to make You proud, Abba! Make our fasting smooth and strong, full of Your grace and presence. Lord Jesus, we plead Your blood over our hearts, our wills, our stomachs, our spirits, our souls, our minds, and our families and prebelievers.

Not by our might but by YOURS!!! In the HOLY and PRECIOUS name of JESUS, amen!

I think I already have my word for 2015—Sanctuary. Abba's slowly revealing His heart to me about this word that holds the promise of deeper intimacy with Him. He loves us that much, my friends. He longs for us to know Him more and more. We were created to know Him! Wow! Can't wait to see what He shares next week!

So grateful we are together, my friends, and I give our Great God thanks for each of you!

The Three Deadly Ds: Dubious Doubt, part 2

21139604_sOn Wednesday I shared the first part of the first of the Deadly Ds, “Dubious Doubt.” Scroll down and read part one if you haven’t already, that way you get the full picture of how doubt can impact our faith and what happens when we start to see it and push it off, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I’m excited to tell you the rest of this story because I want you to learn this valuable lesson and begin to walk in more breakthroughs like I am, praise God!

Now the conclusion of Dubious Doubt

As a result of God lifting this shroud and showing me the full scope of what doubt does to our faith, I have been praying for Abba to remove this doubt in my mind and heart, I have chosen to believe all the things God has told me and I have begun reclaiming what the enemy has taken away from me. I believe that was lost will be restored, just as God’s Word says:

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. — 1 Peter 5:10

My friends, I have been praying this truth for months and declaring it will be done. And that is exactly what is happening as I have begun to refuse doubt and choose belief. An astonishing shift and breakthrough has come as a result.

On Tuesday I worked in the Healing Rooms in our area. Nothing was going to keep me from going—the enemy often tries to prevent me from going. Knowing that I had been praying for God to clear the way and prevent any hinderances. We are in the middle of a repipe in our house and issues have cropped up, keeping me at the house to monitor the work. And it was looking like I would have to be at the house again on this day.

But God answered my prayer in my sweet hubby, who offered to work from home so I could go. My pre believer husband stayed home so I could work in the healing rooms. How cool is that? God makes me laugh a lot at how He does stuff.

Now, I had been asking God for more for our healing room’s team and for those coming for healing. I stepped into belief as I never have before in asking God for more of His presence and healing power to be present and released in our healing rooms. If you look at the accounts of Jesus’ healings, it always says everyone was healed. Not some—everyone. I wanted that for our team and especially for all who were coming for healing.

As my teammate and I prayed for our first person (we start out knowing only if the person is male or female), God shared His heart with me about this person, much to do with His pleasure over how she carried His holiness, His plans for her (divine destiny) and a promise to do what she asked.

Then I heard “knees.” Seemed a little off track, but I wrote it down anyway. Then we brought her into the room to pray, she shared a list of health issues and finished with the one that bothered her the most.

Her knee.

We shared the precious words God had given us for her and then began to pray. As she sat there, I placed my hands on her knee, believing that Jesus would do what He said. I believed it, told Jesus since He said it, it would happen. He told me “knees,” right?

At the finish of this prayer, I asked her if she felt any difference. She again described what was wrong. I was not about to give up! I had chosen to believe what God told me was true, and I wasn’t about to back down now.

I told her to stand up. With my hands on her knee we prayed again, believing that Jesus would do what He said. But this time, I prayed for Jesus to remove all doubt. I don’t know why, but I have learned that the breakthroughs we receive become the power behind our prayers and are often the very thing God winds up calling us to pray for another person.

So I prayed in the Spirit and in faith. Jesus’ healing came down wave after wave so strong that I could barely breathe! We finished praying, then asked how her knew felt. This time she smiled, said it was much better, and not only that, God had given her a picture of the bone being restored.

Breakthrough! We continued to pray for each one of her issues and a couple more she boldly asked for healing for, including arthritis in her wrist. She moved her wrist more freely right away! Each step emboldened her to ask for more!

God gave her a special image for each part He was healing, showing her what He was doing. What’s so amazing is this was the ultimate purpose of God’s for her, because her deepest heart ache was that she felt she hadn’t heard God in a long time. Yet image after image was coming to her!

Doubt had been removed! Her faith was reaffirmed and she was encouraged!

My friends, this dear woman wasn’t the only woman who’s faith was emboldened. I saw first hand what happens when doubt is removed. Miracles happen. God showed me this clearly not only in this woman but in me.

I believed God would do what He said. And He did.

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” — Mark 11:22-24

This is not a name-it-and-claim-it style of belief, or prosperity religion, or whatever you call it. I’m talking about God’s truth. This is about believing His Word and trusting Him to do what He says. All of it. What He has shown you in His Word, He will do. What He has spoken to your heart, He will do. Our God is faithful and He cannot lie.

The very next morning as I sat in my quiet time, I read this quote in my devotional book (The Listening Heart by Judy Morrow):

You have trust Him in few things, and He has not failed you. Trust Him now for everything, and see if He does not do for you exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever have asked or thought, not according to your power or capacity, but according to His own mighty power, that will work in you all the good pleasure of His most blessed will. — Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911)

I knew right away God was saying, “See? See what happens when you refuse doubt and believe Me?”

My friends, I want to encourage you to begin a rampage on doubt, just as I am. Let’s capture every thought of doubt and bring it before the enlightened truth of God’s Word. Does it still stand? I bet you it won’t. The Holy Spirit will help us do this—I know He will.

Our God doesn’t want us to be doubters. He wants us to be His believers!






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