11 posts categorized "Random Acts of Kindness"

Bearing fruit - the power of kindness

Photo courtesy of Dan/FreeDigitalPhotos.nety/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As Dineen shared last week we both attended a writer’s conference in Nashville ten days ago. It was a tremendous few days for both of us on a number of fronts, not least hearing from the Lord regarding our writing. It was a wonderful answer to prayer for both of us. God is good.

We'll save those stories for another time.


One aspect of the event that I so loved back in 2012 was a sense of the familial. Yes, even when I didn’t know the majority I felt accepted, loved and appreciated. Simply because I was sharing the same journey they were. Yes, having an Aussie accent probably helped a little too.

I experienced the same sensation this time too. Perhaps even stronger. Yes, since 2012 I’ve developed friendships with attendees (like Dineen) but it’s like any new friendship. We get excited in the early days as we learn more about each other and the yearning for more grows.

Funny, I’ve discovered in the last year or so that the more time I spend with the Lord, especially in our secret place together, and in His Word, the stronger the yearning for more of Him has grown.

Vine and Branches

We’re all familiar with this analogy Jesus uses. It’s one that I’ve meditated upon a lot in recent times. Enjoying the Lord and His presence is self-perpetuating. The time we spend with Him, the more time we want to spend with Him.

I was extraordinarily blessed on a number of occasions at the conference by the kindness of others.

Kindness. I love this word. It’s a bit old fashioned a word, isn’t it? We all intuitively understand what it means and we can often miss it when we receive it.

The keynote author gave me ninety minutes one-on-one, another author who is highly sought after by many sought after me to have dinner, and dear Dineen made a point of celebrating a successful meeting I had with my publisher. And then there were all the little moments of people stepping out of their way to say hi. One author even rode down and back up another escalator simply to say hi.


As I’ve mentioned to many on my return my heart is full. And still is. Even almost two weeks later.

Jesus and His Interactions

The Samaritan Woman, the adulterous woman hauled before Him by the Pharisees, and His interaction with Peter on the beach after His resurrection.

All examples of kindness. Yes, there are many other lessons to be learnt in those particular examples but in each of them we see Jesus being kind. The individual standing in front of Him had sinned and in the world’s eyes, big! Jesus didn’t focus on the sin, or their shame. He focused on their heart.

One of the first signs for me that I’ve become too self-absorbed or I’ve slightly withdrawn/disconnected from my wife is I’ve stopped being kind. I forget to make the morning smoothie or send the ‘sweet nothings’ text.

Abiding and Fruit Bearing

Often we’re hurting for good reason. We’ve been let down, unfairly treated or spoken too. Or we’ve simply been ignored or we take a word out of context. Our spouse is self-absorbed in something and we’re not getting the attention we hope for or desire. So we retreat, bite back, ignore or whatever our usual modus operandi might be.

But we’re called to be kind. Even when betrayed by Peter and when hanging on the Cross (“Father, forgive them for they know not what they’re doing.”) Jesus exercised kindness.

Sure, but Jesus was special. One of a kind. (excuse the pun)

Yes, but He was also an example for us to follow. But how do we do it?

By swinging back to the vine. By abiding.

“We aren’t required to bear fruit; we are required to abide in Christ. The result of abiding in Christ is bearing fruit and that is the proof of our discipleship.”1

The struggle in our marriages, in our friendships, with our children, can be unbearably hard. We can’t bear fruit on our own. I know, I’ve tried it. And come up short too many times. That’s why we gotta keep turning up to our secret place. Every. Day. Jesus is there waiting for us.

Share your hurt, share your joy, give Him everything you got. He can take it. He wants to take it.

The fruit will come.

Believe it. Know it. His Words are true and trustworthy.

Dear Lord, thank you for pursuing us, protecting us and wanting all of us. Help us to let go of our lives and hand them over to You. Be our guide as Your Word reminds us. Give us the courage to turn up every day in our secret place and to believe that Your Word is true. May kindness flow from us into our marriages, into our children, our workplaces and our friendships. We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.

Note: 1. “Who I am in Christ,” Neil T. Anderson, Bethany House Publishers, 2014, location 2246 (Kindle edition) 

#SUM Nation Walmart Day

Hi Sumites, 

Things are coming together for this Thursday, our Walmart Prayer Day. I also call this adventure one of our Random Acts of Kindness days. 

When I started this adventure all I had was a Word. A Word from God. I saw a picture in my mind of shoppers at Walmart in line to check out and shoppers in line for prayer. I didn’t know if this was a good idea, if you would support it, or if anyone would show up with me to pray.

Well of course, we won’t know the full scope of this escapade until it’s finished. But let me tell you what has happened already. You, the SUMite Nation have donated in small amounts at a time and some large amounts (a few of you) so much money that we have a ton of gift cards. I have money to purchase the flowers for the kids and enough to cover the signs and other small expenses. 


Donations came from all over the world. Who knew? 

God did!!! 

On Thursday the crowd who is joining me continues to grow. When I started this adventure I wasn’t sure if one other person would be brave enough to stand outside of Walmart and ask people if they want prayer. But it seems that most of the people I’ve asked said yes. And as more people find out, they want to join in. I believe SUMites are coming from out-of-state. What I love is that all the volunteers are from different churches. What a beautiful way to represent the united Body of Christ to the world. I can’t wait to hug your necks and share photos. 

I’m overwhelmed by God’s people. Overwhelmed that people are willing to give their money. Give their time. Teenagers willing to walk around with signs and hug people and give them a smile. 

Our world is a tough place. In the last week alone my head spins when I consider all the shootings across America, Canada and elsewhere. BUT, there are good people in the world. And the SUMite Nation… We are the good people. We are people filled with love, the Holy Spirit and with a relentless hope. We are the people who can make a change for good and reflect love and kindness. 

I believe Thursday will reflect everything that this community is about. 

For this week will you pray for Thursday. I expect push-back from the dark realms but I know with our prayers there will be people on Thursday whose very life may be altered forever, who will be saved, or healed, because we gave, we prayed, we loved. 

Monday: Pray that the Walmart store comes under an open heaven. That the store is free from any and all dark dominion, curses or lies of the enemy. Pray for the management of the store in this way as well. 

Tuesday: Pray that God keeps our prayer team healthy and that no one is kept from attending. 

Wednesday: Pray for the people who will be shopping. Pray that God gives us boldness and courage and that the shoppers are receptive and feel safe to receive prayer.

Thursday: Pray all that morning for divine encounters, healings, angelic visitations, and for powerful miracles. Pray that people have an encounter with God. 

Friday: I will post photos and share stories. We will be posting on Thursday some photos and thoughts on our Sum Facebook page

I love you SUMites. I KNOW we hold a special place in the Kingdom. Our trials and difficulties in our mismatched marriages lead us from glory to glory. This is one of the glories!!! 

Hugging you tight. Lynn

1 Corinthians 13

Walmart Update... Make Us Brave!!

Hello SUMite Nation: 

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comWell… This 5’4” blonde girl is determined! It’s been five phone calls to two different Walmart store managers combined with three visits to the Customer Service department to gain approval and what I think is a firm date for our Walmart Prayer and Random Acts of Kindness Day. 

Woo Hoo!!!! 

June 12, 2014. 10:100 am till noon. That’s a Thursday. I’ve learned a lot about the Walmart Community Calendar in the last several days. But, I’m unwavering in our cause because I believe that God will do BIG things with this community, through us, that bring His love to others and honor to His name. 

I Believe. 

I’ve had a few more thoughts. In addition to the Walmart gift cards, I want to hand out Gerbera Daisies to small children that morning. I also want to bless the cashiers and managers of the store in some way as well. And I’ve been recruiting teens, my daughter’s friends. They are going to walk around out front and in the store with large cardboard signs that say:

Free Hugs

It’s going to me a blast.

It’s going to be amazing.
People WILL ask for prayer.
Healing will take place.
People will be loved.
They will be surprised. We will be surprised!
It is a day that will not be forgotten.

I pray this one morning becomes a movement that spreads across the nation. 

If you want to give, you still can. Thank you SUMite Nation. Donations have come from all over the world. I can’t wait to place your name and city, state, country into the hand of someone who will be loved by you and loved by Jesus. 

Finally, start to pray for God’s favor on this event. Pray that the enemy is removed from disruption because he has tried very hard to stop this day from happening. Pray for the blessing of the Temecula Walmart. Pray that everything we do brings honor to Christ and builds the unity, love and faith of our SUMite Nation. 

I love you. Lynn

How One RAK Inspired Another

My friends, a couple weeks ago I shared this post about my daughter Leslie and her amazing heart of generosity. Specifically her act of kindness in taking a Visa gift card she had received on her birthday and giving it to a homeless person.

What blows me away is how we are inspired by these acts of kindness and find ourselves moving in similar places. I'm finding this is something that I want to make a part of my daily life. It's so much fun! 

And that's Jesus in us, my friends. Read this beautiful story from Heidi and how Jesus honored her heart's desire to help someone. He led her right to this mom...


ImageFinally here I am, though I feel my RAK is not near as awesome as some I have read, but I promised an update anyway. As I had mentioned before I don't have access to our funds so I needed to be creative, because I really wanted to give back since God has given sooooo much to me! :-) I need to back up a bit so bare with me.

My Mom had sent me a $100 gift card for my birthday and as you can imagine I was totally excited, being that I never have money of my own, which for woman my age can be very humiliating when out with friends. Then I read the RAK post. I sooo wanted to do that leave money here and there, but I knew I would have to ask my hubby who wouldn't have allowed it.

Then I thought I wonder if I could find a way to cash it—nope that wouldn't work either. Then I thought I'll just give it away, but worried it would hurt my moms feelings. Well finally, after reading about your daughter, Dineen, and how she said " Mom, this gift is for me right? Well this is what I want, it will make me happy," I said to myself "exactally! It will make me happy, and was given to me with the idea it was mine to spend how I wished!"

My first thought was, the freezing temp here that we had, I wanted to buy blankets, search out homeless people who didn't make it into shelters and give them to them. Well finding the homeless turned out be a task in its self, and when I did, I felt I would be in danger getting out of my car alone. Also they all were covered in blankets and jackets. So I drove praying, "God if this is what you want me to do I will, I trust you will keep me safe, but I need to know if this is your idea or mine."

So I kept driving, then Wal-mart popped into my head! Hmmm, I thought, is that what I should do, Father, find someone in need there? So I told myself, I will go to Wal-Mart, and if I find someone that stands out and looks in need, then I will give them my card. If not blankets. Wal-Mart it is!

I walked around with an empty cart pretending to shop, even checked out the blankets to see how many I could get for $100. Finally, walking in the food section, I saw a mom and her two children with about four items in her cart and using a calculator to figure out what else she could afford. I could tell by their clothing it had been quite awhile since they had anything new.

I could hear the children pleading for something they wanted or needed. So that was it. I walked over, stuck my hand out and said, "Here this is for you."

She was embarrassed and said, "Oh no, you don't have to do that!"

I told her, "It was given to me as a birthday present, and I want to do it for you. I saw you working on your calculator. Merry Christmas."

And then Itook off! I was embarrassed too and didn't want her to feel bad by drawing attention to us, or try to give it back. I could hear her say "thank you" as I disappeared. I had planed to place God in my words in speaking with her, but didn't because I could see she was worried people would look at her.


Heidi, thank you so much for sharing this precious story with us. I have no doubt that mom knew our great Abba was looking out for her that day and He did it through you.

My friends, our testimonies are inspiring and when we share them with a heart to glorify and praise Jesus, we inspire others. So share your testimonies with that heart and ignore the enemy's attempt to condemn and make you think you're bragging. He would love to keep us quiet so that others won't be inspired to do similar acts of love and kindness.

And I wish you could have seen my daughter's face when I told her how her act of kindness had inspired someone to do something similar. I tell you, I literally saw her spirit expand with in her. So beautfiul and so precious. Heidi gave my daughter a gift too in her desire to help another in like manner.

Wow, wow and wow again! This is the heart of Christmas, my friends. The love of Jesus in action. Not to earn the praises of others but to share the sacrifical love that was born first as a tiny baby and came with the sole purpose to save the world. 

Jesus, our great King, Savior and Friend. The epitomy of love, Who CHOSE to dwell in us. He's in you, my friends. Let that sink in and blow you away! Then let Him shine brightly through you.

Love you so much! Be shiney for Jesus!

A “wild goose chase” with God is never futile!

A “wild goose chase” with God is never futile!   

I want to share a great story with you that began last year. Sometimes when we let the Holy Spirit lead us, we feel like HE is taking us on a wild goose chase but know this, God knows exactly what HE is doing... Our job is to simply LISTEN, OBEY (immediately) and TRUST!!!

Last year a Christian man entered our church one Sunday morning with a young weathered man named Joe that he had picked up while hitchhiking. The Christian man shared the love of Christ with Joe during the drive and when they got to their destination city, the Christian asked Joe if we wanted to go to a church to hear more about this love of God. Surprisingly to the Christian, Joe accepted and this was the morning I met my new friend. My heart really went out to this young man for some reason. I took his phone number and kept in touch with him.

God gave me an opportunity to take him grocery shopping and to buy him lunch and this lead to Joe sharing all about his childhood. Much too long to get into here but suffice to say that he no longer had any contact with his dad and his mom’s current partner didn’t want to have anything to do with Joe. I came to learn that he had really been in survival mode since he was about 15 years old. Today, Joe is still a boy on the run but I have always kept in touch with him via Facebook. A few months ago the Lord put it on my heart to go see him and take him to a testimonial supper in the town where he was currently residing. I had seen this Christian speaker only a few weeks prior in my own hometown. I really thought this story would touch Joe. In addition, since it was a supper conference, I felt he would definitely accept my invitation, even if it was just for a free meal.  When I called him to see if he wanted to go he said “Sure, can I bring my girlfriend?” So of course, I was excited that I would be bringing not only one person but two people that needed to hear about the love of Jesus. As I was driving to the town (about 90 minute drive), I was praying for Joe and the Lord told me to also pray for his girlfriend, so I did.

We had a nice evening and the girlfriend, Isa, was very touched by the testimony.  She shared with me that she had almost died in a car accident a few years prior. The boy that was driving died immediately on impact. She went through intense therapy to get back on her feet.  I was in complete “awe” how God had put this young lady on my path that night. I bought her the book that the speaker wrote and I left them in the hands of a Christian couple I had met a few weeks earlier at the same event in my hometown. This couple were so full of LOVE and “yes” they lived in the same town as Joe and Isa...How cool is that!!  God really arranges everything doesn’t He?

I was to give my testimony at my church a few weeks later and asked this Christian couple if they would be willing to come and to bring Joe and Isa along with them.  The couple gladly accepted however unfortunately, Joe and Isa backed down at the last minute.  Interestingly enough, however, Isa had shared with me that she had a brother named Steve that lived in a foster home and gave me the name of the town. I just so happened to have a young man named Carl that I have been mentoring spiritually for the last five years and he also lives in a foster home in the same town. Well sure enough, when I called Carl and asked him if there was a Steve living in his home he said “yes”... another God-incident.

A friend of mine had already made plans to bring Carl to my testimonial breakfast so I asked Carl to invite Steve to come along with him. Not only did Steve come but he accepted Christ that day!!! PRAISE GOD!

This past Sunday I saw Steve at my former church (this is where I met Carl).  I went there since a man was giving his testimony and I really wanted to hear his story. Afterwards, I took Steve out for lunch and he shared with me that since he gave his life to Christ last month he has stopped drinking. He had been drinking since he was 15 (today he is 28). I told him it was the grace of God that had given him the strength to quit.

Lisa200x200The more I learn to trust God; HE never ceases to amaze me.  I just feel so blessed today to be an instrument in HIS hands.  I have  another “wild goose hunt” story I’d like to share with you at some point if you are interested (just let me know in the comments below) but for now be blessed as God wants to take YOU on the ride of your life too … all you need to do is hang on tight (to HIM), TRUST and SMILE.

Lisa D'eschambault 

A RAK Rejection, Opens My Heart

Hi Lynn! 

Kindra RAKI just wanted to share my "God encounter" from today.  I am taking you up on your challenge to perform random acts of kindness during December. I am a teacher at an elementary school.  I decided my first act would be in my school's teacher workroom.  Earlier this week, I taped a baggie containing $1.25 and the following note on the soda machine: "This soda is on me.  Enjoy!"  

The baggie has been there for two days and was still taped to the machine when I left school today.  As I drove home today, I began to think about my co-workers and their unwillingness to embrace this small blessing. It made me sad for them.  As I prayed, God made it clear to me that many of these ladies, most of which are Christians who attend church regularly, are holding back in their relationship with Him.  They have not completely surrendered their lives to the One who can bring them everlasting peace and joy.  There is a great amount of pride, unforgiveness, and even anger that many of them need to deal with. These emotions are keeping them from accepting even the smallest blessing in their lives.   

Today my eyes have been opened a little more too how God must feel when we refuse to accept the blessings He has for us each and every day.  We get caught up in our own selfish emotions.  Over and over we reject Him.  But, God does not give up on us!  He is always loving, always forgiving.  

I pray that my co-workers will come to know the abundance of blessings God has waiting for them each and every day.  As I am feeling a small amount of "rejection" from this experience, I know that God is using this as an opportunity to increase my awareness of the many blessings He has for me each and every day! 

This has not discouraged me.  I will continue to seek out opportunities to be a blessing to others.  I can't wait to see what else God wants to teach me! 

Kindra profile photoOne more thing.  When I get home from school each day, my routine is to read several devotionals and of course check-out the SUM website. ;)  I am attaching a link to a devotional that was waiting for me today.  It reinforced the exact things God was telling me as I drove home today!  WOW! 


Be blessed!
Kindra Szarka

More Than A Random Act of Kindness

Greetings SUMites. I hope you’re having a beautiful Christmas season filled with love and holiness. Today I have a special treat for you. What you’re about to read below was sent to me by a fellow SUMites, Cindy. This email arrived in my inbox on Saturday. However, I didn’t get to read it until late Sunday evening. I was utterly moved by this story, and by Cindy, and by watching her share the love of God. 

I pray you are moved to outrageous and generous acts of loving kindness for other people. Hugs, Lynn


Connecting with Someone Who Just Needed a Little Help.
By: Cindy Martina (Fellow SUMite) 

ManhomeWhile volunteering to feed the homeless a meal in Santa Ana, CA recently, the Lord moved me to help a man. I was serving punch when he came through the line. I noticed he was limping. When he came back for seconds, I asked him if he was okay. Tears started to fall and he said he had been hit by a car. 

I said, “Oh my goodness,” and I offered to pray for him. 

He said, “Thanks.” 

The next 20 minutes or were so very busy, finishing serving and then cleaning up that I was not thinking about him at all. However, when I went to my car to leave I saw him sitting on the curb. Seeing him there, I felt the “nudge” from God. I stopped my car, walked over to him and asked how I could help him. 

He began to cry. 

I was so moved (Holy Spirit ~ NO doubt) by this man. I offered my phone, but he had no one to call. Forgoing my plans to visit a friend, I sat down next to him and we tried to find him a place to spend the night. He had come to California with a carnival which had shut down. He stayed in a motel till his money ran out. He had been on the streets for three nights. All he owned had been stolen. I asked him if he drank. He said no. I asked him if he did drugs. He said no, he was Muslim. 

I hope and believe that I reacted like Jesus would have. I loved him. I drove him to the Salvation Army shelter, about four miles away. I prayed for him, in Jesus’ name, and praise God, when 3:30p.m. rolled around, he was able to get a bed. 

Two days later the Lord led me to offer to buy him a bus ticket home. When I offered this to him on the phone, he was overcome with gratitude. The next day I picked him up from the shelter, drove him to Greyhound and bought his one way ticket to Ft. Worth. I gave him plenty of reading material… Biblical articles comparing Christianity to Islam. A New Testament and some other little Christian booklets. I was able to tell him, in all sincerity, that God loves him, is pursuing him, and that God has a plan for his life. Then I sent him on his way with a prayer, a couple of hugs, and tears from both of us. 

Mostly Hawaii Jan 2013 Cindy M032I cannot put into words the blessing this whole experience was for me. I am just eternally grateful that God gave me this opportunity to be Jesus’ Hands and Feet. For one person. One person that I pray for daily and that I can’t wait to see again someday. And I expect to hear about all the marvelous works that God will do through his life.

Cindy <><

"...For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord..." ~Luke 2:11 (NKJV)

Weekend Worship — My Random Act of Kindness (RAK)

788824_dollar_billIt wasn’t an ordinary day for us. It was a landmark day. It was a day that would hold more meaning than I expected.

Our agenda that day was to get Leslie’s yearly MRI done and behind us so we could focus on Thanksgiving. It’s routine now and thankfully down to a yearly check to confirm she is still cancer free. And this was a landmark event—five years since her diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor.

We breathed a sigh of relief when it was done and headed to our next destination—the grocery story. There I bustled with my purse and shopping list, focused on what I needed to do next with my daughter along to help.

As I headed for the shopping carts, I hear a voice ask, “Can you spare some change for food?”

I follow the source and find myself looking down at a young woman sitting next to a young man about her age. They seem as average as anyone I would have passed inside the store, yet there they sat asking for food in front of a building full of it.

My friends, this is where it gets interesting and astonishing—not for them but for me!

I suddenly found myself sitting on the cement step next to them, asking about their situation—not to be nosey but to give a listening heart and ear. This young woman’s eyes grew large and a bit stunned, reflecting exactly what I was feeling inside.

Let me share a little of my inner dialogue with myself. “What are you doing? What in the world made you do that!?”

The Holy Spirit did. And I still laugh as I think about it, because something like this is way out of my comfort zone. But in that moment, it wasn’t. I didn’t even think about it, just did it.

After they shared their story of being in a program to help people get back on their feet, but that the facility didn’t have a much in their “coffers” to help them, I felt led to share with them where we had just come from. I was able to point to my daughter and say, “There stands my walking and talking miracle.”

Having very little cash in my wallet, I offered to buy them a gift card inside the grocery story. Veronica thanked me profusely and came with me. As we walked into the store, she shared how she was a cancer survivor too. Breast cancer.

The power of testimony.

My friends, God’s divine appointments never cease to stun me. In that moment I understood why I was supposed to share about Leslie and how God planned this day to remind all of us about His goodness in the past and see it front and center that day.

I felt like the one blessed more than Veronica as I shared God’s goodness to us and told her that all I was doing was passing it on. God loves us that much and wants us to share His goodness. I continued to pray for Veronica and her friend the rest of the day. And praised Abba for the chance to give. Yes, I had moments of doubt, wondering if I did the right thing, but I recognized the enemy’s attempt to discourage me from doing things like this again.

And I learned that being taken out of our comfort zone doesn’t always mean we will be uncomfortable, but we will most certainly be blessed beyond our expectations.

Keep sharing your RAKs, my friends! Can’t wait to hear more! Love you with the heart of Jesus! Dineensig

A Testimony of Kindness

My friends, you are going to love this story. Our very own Lynette Duquette shares her recent encounter and divine appointment to help someone. Read and be inspired! God is so good and loves it when we partner with Him to do things like this!

Me1My Story of Generosity
by Lynette Duquette

I wasn't alone for this, but it had a profound impact on me. Last night I was at my CR step study. We had just finished up and I was sharing that I was still struggling with what happened at my last church. I am having a hard time trusting any spiritual male authority in my life right now. As we were finsihing up, we heard pounding on the door, and being in a bad past of town, we all were a bit scared. We all answered the door together. There stood Jane. She was wearing only pants, a sweater, and a hat. She had sores all over her face and hands. She asked if we had any canned goods, she was hungry, cold and tired as she had been walking for hours. She had to walk about 3 miles to get back to wear she could stay with a friend, but she said her feet were hurting. She looked for a bed in the shelter, but none were available. She was weeping and it broke my heart. We took her downstairs and gave her food, a coat, a scarf and another hat. She couldn't stop saying how grateful she was and how kind we were, we didn't have to do so much. She was saying that people usually didn't show her care and concern the way we did, that she didn't deserve it. I looked her in the eye and said, "Jane, this is how much Jesus loves you."

We ended up giving her a ride to the next city over. My friend drove and I followed, just to be safe as this other city has some bad area too, and that is where Jane was headed. My friend got to talk to the Lord about her, and she is a believer, but circumstances in her life had caused her to question God and His love for her. We dropped her off and both headed home.

I have been unsure of many things lately. Not my faith or God, but not trusting myself to hear Him correctly. As we were driving Jane home, I heard God say "Trust Me, you are right where you need to be." I'm thinking today...God needs me to be here, in this area, at this time." Honestly, I am more in awe by what happened last night than Jane is.

Is that not amazing! Wow, we just never know when opportunities like this will knock on our door and find us out and about in our day. 

6a00d83451ee9f69e201910481a300970c-200wiAnd one final note. If you haven't had a chance to listen to our interviews on Dr. Dobson's Family Talk, the broadcasts are being re-aired and can be accessed and listened to here HERE. Part two is broadcasting today.

Have an amazing weekend, my friends. Come back tomorrow for another story. I'm so looking forward to sharing what Abba did in this divine appointment!

Merry Christmas!

SUM News!

IStock_000016649243XSmallMy friends, I know I said last week that we’d be discussing Luke chapters one and two today, but we have a lot going on at the moment in the radio-sphere, the blogosphere, the web-sphere and a few other places that we want to make sure you get to take part in. So today’s post is kind of a coral ‘em up and keep you “posted” day. We will go back to our journey with Mary and Joseph either Saturday or next Wednesday. And I’m working on a little gift for you too—something you’ll be able to download and enjoy. Stay tuned for that!

So here’s what’s happening, SUMites!

  1. Lynn will be on 700 Club Interactive tomorrow morning from 11:00 to 11:30 am Eastern time. I’m SO excited to catch this LIVE interview. Let’s keep her in our prayers and pray for those who Abba brings our way as a result of this wonderful opportunity to share His love. Click HERE to watch.

  2. The interview we did in August with Dr. Dobson made their “Best of the Best in 2013” list. Yay! God is GOOD! They will be re-airing the show Thursday and Friday. Click HERE to listen each day. And again, please pray for those hearts that God touches with renewed hope and leads them here so we can encourage, love and pray for them. This is our SUMite Nation at its best! Woohoo!!!

  3. How’s your community project/random act of kindess going? So exciting! Can’t wait to hear your stories too. I have one I’m looking forward to sharing with you about a trip to the grocery store—shocked me and the woman I had the chance to share God’s love and blessings with. Abba is so awesome!

  4. Here’s another story I’d love to share with you about my daughter Leslie, and her generous heart. Read “Shocking the World with Generosity,” HERE. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

  5. Our very own Martha Bush has a post up by Lynn at her site, Martha’s Blog. “The Home with the Open Door.” Go and check out this inspiring article about powerful parenting HERE.

That about sums up what’s happening at SUM! (Yes, goofy pun intended.) Have an amazing week, my friends. Now let’s close with a prayer for all those moms and dads out there (inlcuding us!) who worry about raising their children to know Jesus.

King Jesus, You are our Best Friend, our Comforter, our Strength and the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Lord, I ask that You renew, strengthen and restore every mom and dad who is reading this right now. Pour out Your Spirit over each one and over their homes and children. Fill each one with new hope that they CAN raise their little ones to know You, because You are right there helping us do it—every day, every hour and with every single prayer. Leave no doubts in their hearts and minds that You are pouring out Your love and blessings over them. Abba, let this be the day that we take a step of faith and say, “Yes, we can raise our children to know Jesus, because we are not alone. The Creator of the universe has invested His Son in our children and HE WILL NOT FAIL! In Your Holy and Powerful Name, Jesus, amen!

Love you, my precious friends! Take that step of faith and BELIEVE James 5:16. As believers we bear the righteousness of Jesus and our prayers are powerful and effective! Amen!

It's Community Miracle Time

Good Monday Morning Sumites,  (This is a Community Miracle of the #SUMite Nation)

I have been praying to have the heart of God for a few months now. And as we move into the month of December, I feel God asking this community to LIVE THE GOSPEL. 

How do we do that? How do we impact people around us with the Gospel? 

The answer: WE LOVE

How do we love? 


The video below is Todd White sharing his love with strangers. If you have ever watched the movie, Father of Lights, Todd appears in the last scene and it's a Holy Mind Blow.

This video is roughly 15 minutes long but it will inspire you to lavish love and give it generously. Take the time to listen and be inspired. 


You may say to yourself, I'm unable to be generous like Todd. How can I give like that? Well, my friends, give what you can. Be outrageously generous with what you have.

I have an experiment to offer you this December. See this photo?

Random Act of Kindness

Well, how about if each of us put a $1 or $5 or even $10 in a plastic ziplock bag. Include a blank sticky note and put at least 3-5 of these prepared bags in your purse or wallet. And then ask God to bring about an opportunity to share. Then leave a note taped somewhere, hand someone the ziplock with the money, or buy someone a coffee, pay for their groceries.

I did this once. I saw a women who I knew from church. Her and her husband were both unemployed. She was in the checkout lane at Walmart with her mother. They were counting change and looking for more money in their purses. I walked up, swiped my card in front of their astonished faces. They cried, I cried, the Walmart employee stood speechless as she watched.

or just ...... Allow God to direct you. I will make a bold promise. God will reward you and this Christmas will be the Best Christmas you have ever had.

I'm headed to Virginia on Wednesday. I'm loading my purse with prepared ziplocks and I plan to be generous. Sometimes anonymously but I'm hoping to love on someone in person to share "the Gospel" of love and generosity with strangers. 

God is a generous God. He lavishes his love and provision upon His children. The more we give the more He will give us..... And the more we give. The more He gives. What a fun and cool plan. I LOVE God's ways!!

Let's meet up here again in few weeks and share photos, experiences. But let's share how we loved God' and His people by our generosity. Email me your stories and photos of where you left bags. 

Please email me.

Are you up for this? Because those who dare to participate in this love experience will be the ones God blesses generously.

Here is my sticky note. I hope people will visit our #SUMiteNation on Facebook and Twitter to find out what it's all about. 


I love you. God is generous and wants you to experience the joy and miracles that happen when we love others with His generous and outrageous love. And people are so open to the love of God during this time of year. Hugs, Lynn