11 posts categorized "Prince Jesus"

Who Is This Man?

Jesus Easter 2024Who is this man? (Luke 8:25)

Yeshua, the son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16)

My brothers and sisters, while in prayer, I have sat on hundreds of beaches with the Lord, and with a hurting or a hungry person who seeks and receives His love, wisdom, and healing. I’ve watched as our Savior holds the hands of a man or woman and releases them from insignificance, rejection, and false identities.

I’ve been in the room when our Savior entered. His presence is overwhelming and so intense, that I tremble. His love, goodness, and power are transformative, so much so, that He realign my thoughts, my disappointments, and sets me back on my feet, steadied on the narrow path.

His voice is tender, patient with us, and when he and the father converse, they share a familiar chuckle as they smile at our progress in our faith walk.

I’ve also experienced the sheer power of Jesus. I have viewed him in his glorified state. The devil appears next to him as a flea, whom the Lord flicks with a finger and he vanishes in fear. Jesus is strong, the ultimate power and ruler overall!

Jesus is my only protector. His blood heals, realigns my DNA, forgives, and blots out the failures of my life. He delivers me from evil.

Jesus is available. He leads us into greater encounters of truth, hope, and overwhelms me with his fathomless love.

My friends, on this, Easter, Sunday, along with millions who live on earth combined with the great cloud of witnesses, who have gone before us, we collectively proclaim our belief and faith in our King!

We declare before all of heaven and earth, that we are in love with an invisible man. We believe in heaven and an afterlife. We know in our hearts that Jesus came in the flesh, died, and arose on the third day. He is seated at the right hand of God.

He is the son of God.
He is the savior of the world.
He came to set the world right and reveal the kingdom of God on earth.
He is our Lord and lead us to our father, Yahweh.

Nothing is too hard for him. There is no sickness, mental struggle, or disease, he cannot heal. No one is too far away that he cannot reach. No devil or evil spirit can defeat him. Never will he leave or forsake you or me.

This is the Jesus we know. This is the Christ we love. This is the king, who we serve now, and for all eternity. 

I’m so thankful for the cross, the whipping post, and His glorious resurrection. I’m thankful with all of my heart Jesus willingly died for me and for you.

Who is this man? Yashua, the son of the living God. He is everything we will need or desire. And finally, and most importantly,

HE is risen!!!!

Just as he said!

Mark 16: 1-7 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”

But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

The Truth about Menacing Giants

Hi friends, Ann here! Giant fighting

We're continuing today with our conversation about 'fighting giants'. Yes, those menacing things that present a huge challenge for us, whether it's sickness, financial trouble, fear of our spouse's unbelief, or any other 'very difficult battle'.

Being human, a giant will naturally look much bigger than us and make us quake in our boots:

And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. He had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze. And he had bronze armor on his legs and a bronze javelin between his shoulders. Now the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and his iron spearhead weighed six hundred shekels; and a shield-bearer went before him. (1 Samuel 17:4-7, NKJV)

From my internet research, six cubits and a span is apparently 9 foot 9 inches. Goliath was a whopping beast! And it's all very specific: Every part of him is menacing, from his spear, to his leg armor, to his coat. The overall impression? 'AGGH!'

In the same way, if we have a giant we're battling we can spend a lot of time looking at every part of that giant and deciding it is truly threatening. SUM team

Right then. But would you like to hear a 'giant' story? Because God gave us one at our last SUM conference - It's a story I've only just remembered today:

Two years ago you may remember we held a conference in California. Here's a photo of part of our team at the time. I can certainly share that each of these valiant women have giants they fight, none of us are alone. And they do it so well! 

After the event I was sat on Lynn's couch and she prayed for me, with Tiffany's arm round me. It was a sweet moment. 

Now, compared to others I'm short -- The opposite of a giant -- Which is an important part this story. I used to think I was 5 foot 3 but I remeasured recently and seem to have shrunk. Anyway, at that time '5-foot-3' is what I thought I was.

While praying, Lynn gave me a word. It was this: "I hear God say you're a 15-foot giant in the spirit realm." She paused, smiling ... "Does that mean anything to you?" It didn't but, hey, I liked it. Later that night I wrote it in my journal and on the plane home I asked God: "Why 15 feet?" It occurred to me then to calculate the difference between 5-foot-3 and 15 feet. And so I wrote down: 9 foot 9 inches.

Well, blow me down, that's the height of Goliath. And so it turns out I'm bigger than Goliath -- Because of Jesus. So are you, SUMites, bigger than the giant you're fighting. In David's words:

"Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? (1 Samuel 17:26, NKJV)

There's one more giant story I want to share, and I hope this one encourages you. I keep a record of my days with God by journalling. Anyway, a few days before I got smashed by this sickness God gave me a vision of the spiritual giant that I was about to battle. I didn't understand it at the time, but found it in my journal later and went "Ohh, that's interesting!" It was as if God was saying: "This is what you're about to fight and this is how you need to see it."

Now, I can tell you this giant did not look anything like Goliath. He -- Actually, it was an 'it' -- did look tall, yes, but that was the only similarity. It was skinny, grey, wispy, miserable, pathetic, and weak. Not in any way scary or intimidating.

In other words, God was saying: "This thing is not as scary as you think."

In the last post I said that I was going to share two questions we can ask God about any given giant we're fighting. Well, my writing took a different turn. So there's just one question instead and it's this:

Lord, show me how I should see this giant?

Whew, I feel stronger already just writing this. I hope you do too. Feel free to share thoughts in the comments, and let's keep chatting about this topic of giants!



Wedding Supper of the LambLynn here. THIS IS FROM THE LORD!

The entirety of our years on earth are rushing, headlong toward ONE SPECIFIC DAY! A Day that’s been destined in our future for eternity. A day the has been promised before time began. The greatest day of all eternity!!!

The wedding supper of the Lamb!

And SUMITE NATION, we have been given a beautiful gift that most the rest of the world completely cannot grasp.

We have been walking this spiritual mismatch with a human spouse for years. AND, OH, WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW!

  • We understand what it feels like to be a spouse who loves in the face of pain, rejection, and disappointment. —Just like Jesus loves His Bride.
  • We feel deeply the struggle to build a moral family life, raise children and grow in our faith without the support of the one we chose to be our life partner. —Just like Jesus!
  • We pray without ceasing for our spouse of this world to be awakened and embrace the Living and True God. —Just like Jesus!
  • We sacrifice dreams of life together in harmony, church attendance, strong family and ministry with our spouse. —Just like Jesus!

WE THE UNEQUALLY YOKED. We understand Jesus. He lives in this scenario with 7.5 billion human souls that He died to save, heal, and set free. We see it so clearly. We understand Jesus. We know how He feels. He grieves over the lost and broken of this world, the spiritually mismatched Bride.

But through the long years of faithful perseverance we comprehend the heart of Christ for us, our family, our spouse, and humanity.

  • And just like Jesus, we will never surrender hope and will fight hell itself for the souls of those we love.
  • And just like Jesus, we will always believe a heart and a home can and will be redeemed and changed.
  • And just like Jesus, we know without-a-doubt that all things are working for our good to the glory of the Father.
  • And just like Jesus, we believe that it’s the goodness of God that leads to repentance.

Today, and every day, we continue to stand in the gap for a lost generation of spouses that are cloaked in darkness. And we stand alongside Jesus.

My SUMite brothers and sister, we know this better that any other person on the plant. Because we live this out every…..single…..day.

Jesus always believed for us. And in response we have followed His example in very challenging and extraordinarily difficult marriages. And in seasons when our heart breaks and disappointment vows to swallow us up, just like Jesus, WE WILL NOT RELENT! Jesus will never stop hoping, interceding, protecting and believing for us.

We can, AND WILL, do the same for a lost and broken man or woman.


Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, “Hallelujah!

For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.

Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” —Revelation 19:6-9

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. —Hebrews 12:22-23

So what say you, Church??? Will you be at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Will you be standing by your spouse, your children, grandchildren and their children’s children?

This is this your legacy! YOU are the one person who took one small brave step into faith and you changed an entire family line for a thousand generations. Let revelation bring this profound truth of your life’s impact for the Kingdom of God into your reality today. Then sing, praise, and walk in complete faith.

We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!! THAT is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Hallelujah!!!

I love you SUMite Nation! March ON!!!  The world is the Lords and we shall see every knee bow to the name of our beloved, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. AMEN Hugs, Lynn

"And My Hands Dripped with Myrrh"

If you were to open Google earth right now, you’d see a picture of earth from on high. Zoom in, and you’d see New Zealand, Auckland, then a suburb. Zoom in. You’d see a house. Oh, and there inside that house, there’s a girl, me, where God placed her. Unlock the door  SUM

Zoom out. Zoom in again. India. Another believer. Another location. Another heart.

Sometimes I wonder why on earth I’ve been placed in New Zealand and how to live with the fact that my life here is so seemingly comfortable while other locations are less so. As I’ve lived with that question, though, I’ve come to see that everything in the Kingdom is topsy-turvy, and in Kingdom currency, the most comfortable people don’t have it easy.

The important question is “What is my heart’s response to my circumstances, to this place God has me?”

SUMites, in this post today I feel I’d like to share something that has spoken to me strongly since April last year. The way it came was unusual, which always makes me sit up and take notice. Here’s what happened:

It was 20 April last year, I came on here to check a post I’d written. As I opened the post and saw the opening sentence, I became puzzled. “I didn’t write that sentence,” I thought. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was still there. “Huh…. I didn’t write that! … That’s strange”. I grabbed paper and pen and wrote the words I saw. I then looked again and – blow me down - the sentence had gone and the post had gone back to normal!

Was I seeing things? Nothing like that has happened before, but sometimes when things are a one-off they stick out. These are the words I ‘saw’:

He has placed us around the world to love Jesus.

Ever since that day I’ve been thinking about this sentence, us, and our placements. The whole time I’d thought it was about the fact we’ve been placed where we are to love other people. Yes, Lord? But this week, I saw it differently. It’s a long story, but over the weekend He spun me in a different direction, and here’s what I was led to instead:

Wherever we’ve been placed, whatever the ease or discomfort, the primary thing in life is to love HIM. Jesus. For Himself.

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9, NKJV).

After all,

“The first of all commandments is: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:29-30, NKJV)

And the second commandment, like it, is to love people; but the second flows from the first. If we are placed for the sole purpose of loving Jesus, then, here’s what’s on the tip of my typing fingertips:

To love Jesus means to find Him enough. To find Him everything we could ever want. To hunger and thirst after Him. To want to worship Him only, in the privacy of our homes. To spend thoughts on Him. To sit in His company and ask Him who He is. And more.

And if we don’t feel we’re good at it, it is even just about taking a baby step forward, saying “I unlock the door that lets You in, Jesus”, much like the graphic imagery of opening for a lover:

“I arose to open for my beloved and my hands dripped with myrrh.” (Song 5:4, NKVJ).

Perhaps this word is, in fact, an encouragement about the sweet spot SUMites have. Because of our unique circumstances, we know, clearly, what gaps we need Jesus to fill.

We need Him as co-parent, protector, friend, and encourager as we walk solo in our faith. We need His hand gripping us. How we need it: That we know! When our faith is challenged, we hurtle towards the secret place (Psalm 91:1); and that’s what it's all about: After all, the secret place is a space that is not shared.

If that’s our placement and a strength of ours, perhaps we can share some thoughts on this. What does it look like to love Jesus? How do we do even more to let Him in?

Nice chatting, SUMites. I, for one, am sitting with this thought.

Prince of Peace - Jesus

Redeeming Prince of Peace

A word, harshly spoken.

The altering of what once was.

The pain of loss collies with the demand of unwanted change. Regret knocks upon the heart. Remorse follows close on the heals as the hope of restoration dims with the silence of unanswered pleas to be heard, be forgiven.

Beloved, I am here. I am your comfort in the pain. Bring the rejection before me. Place upon the alter, injustice and robbery of your peace. I gently collect your tears, each a glimmer of a rend heart. I am present to walk with you as you face your fears.

My Beloved, you were never intended to defeat this dragon named offence and its blackguard, bitterness. I stand in the gap of your gaping wound to shelter your innocence and bear the blows of grief in your pain.

I am Jesus.

My intentions toward you are eternally kindness, goodness and love. I am your eternal friend. Forever, trustworthy and true, loyal to stand at your side, your pain, I defeat. I am your hope. I am restoration and redemption. I am the light directing your brave steps forward and I am the love that soothes your broken spirit.

My grace heals your wounding and by my command, regret and remorse are banished to the pit. I am ever present. A door that opens to welcome you to new paths leading to wonder, wholeness, healing, and fulfillment.

Release your wounded emotions into My restorative hands. I bind up the broken hearted and you will live joyful. Lasting peace is my decree. My peace surpasses all understanding and peace shall fill your days and rule the nights.

I am Jesus.

Prince of Peace

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:7

We Stand for Jesus

1415366_heart_cross_2A week ago I shared in my post the things I am standing for. I sensed then Holy Spirit might be leading me to share a story that began in 2013 that had to do with the word and command in the Bible, to “stand.” Jesus presented it to me as a question, but its full meaning wouldn’t become clearer until almost a year later. 

Will you stand for Me?

The question came as I worshiped with over a thousand others at a faith based conference.

Will you stand for Me?

So unexpected and suddenly there. Often I would hear something and wonder, “Is that me or is that you, Lord?” This time I knew it was Jesus. 

I went to my knees. Yes, Lord, I will stand for you.

That was at the end of 2013 and before I understood that this question was the beginning of what was to come—a very challenging time that would transform my mind and restore my soul.

Months later I would come to understand that this question was part of His preparation, and a year later, He would show me a connection in His Word that brought all the pieces together.

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. — Matthew 16:24 ESV

This verse showed up in my email inbox—twice in one day. I’ve learned to pay heed to such things, so I mined this verse for the nuggets it held. I’ve always wondered about and wanted to understand exactly what Jesus meant by “taking up our cross.” So I looked up the Greek translation of this word, “cross” — stauros

I found the expected definitions: a stake or post, a pole or cross, figuratively, exposure to death, i.e. self-denial, etc. But I noticed it had a root word as well, so I followed the trail to yet another word, one I recognized from another verse. Histēmi, which means “to stand.”

My heart quickened and my fingers dashed over my iPad to Ephesians 6—the armor of God:

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. — Ephesians 6:11-15 ESV

And there it was. The same word, histēmi. To bear our cross for Jesus meant to stand for Him. That was the cross He’d asked me to carry, to stand for Him through a difficult time He knew had to come but I didn’t. And as I stood (though wobbly and grateful for the prayer warriors holding up my arms), He fought for me. He never left. He never forsook me, never rejected me, never judged me. Just loved me with a relentless passion that would calm, claim and heal my fractured heart.

My friends, Jesus does this for you too. He stands with us as we stand for our spouses, our marriages, our children, our family and for each other. He is our Savior, our Friend, our Advocate, our Healer. He is the source of our strength and joy.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. — Psalm 51:12 NIV

Lord Jesus, I stand with my SUMite sisters and brothers and ask that You restore the joy of Your salvation to each one and give each of them a willing spirit to sustain them in all areas of their lives. Let their hearts be comforted and filled with Your peace. Thank You, Lord Jesus, our Prince of Peace, amen!

Love you, my friends!


A Letter From Heaven

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

My Beloved Child,

I have longed for this week ahead for many years. I’ve known that this consecrated and intensive time you have planned to spend with Me will bring about the answers to prayers you have uttered for many years. You have come to a place where you have released your desires and your control over your life and circumstances to truly allow me to be the LORD of your life. 

This is a surrendered life.
This is a life I will honor.
This is a life I will bless. 

A life-journey with Me is not for the faint of heart. It is not a life that is predictable. Often living in my Presence will stretch you and challenge you in ways and with people you thought not possible. But this journey is the BEST THING that will ever happen to you. I can be scary but I am always good. My calling and direction can bring about uncertainty. But hear Me today, My child. I am your sure foundation. I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. If you step away from Me and then remember to turn back to My face, please know that I stand assuredly beside you and will catch you if you fall. That is my promise. 

I delight in you. I sing over you in the morning. I dance above your head when you choose love over fear. ~Life over death. ~My Son over the lies of the enemy. I sit at your feet as you sleep and I whisper words of love and care into your dreams at night. I have sent blessings of provision when you didn’t know it was Me. I have opened your heart to love. I have allowed you glimpses of the supernatural and I have much, much more to give to you. I am the God who releases showers of riches, blessing, delights and mercies. 

Pray with faith and see if My Word proves true. 

I know you have toiled in long, laborious prayer for those who are lost and don’t know My love. I have listened to your words and have extended My Scepter of grace to you. You have walked in difficult relationships and yet you have not relented. Your words are a balm of oil that loosens the chains of the deceiver and opens the doors to broken and lost hearts. 

Don’t ever stop praying for them. I am at work in hundreds of ways you can’t conceive today. But, one day you will see everything I am doing to save your loved ones. It will bring tears of joy to your eyes. 

This next year is filled with promise. Make time for Me every day and allow Me to astonish you and leave you breathless. I have giant store rooms in heaven with gifts just for you. You hold the key to unlock the rooms. You have full access when you walk with Me and my Son. This year learn how to open the storehouses and discover the wealth, the healing, the laughter, the joy and the life that is the abundant life, a life lived in My Presence. 

I adore you. I sit on the edge of my seat cheering you on. I send angels to watch over you and to care for you and your family. My Son, the Glorified Prince, is your reward for a life well lived. 

So live the “real” life. It is an adventure unparalleled. You have My heart. I am eager to spend time with you this next week and reveal My work in your life. Seek the breakthroughs, relentlessly ask for more of Me and you will find….. all that you need. 

I love you with an eternal love,
Your LORD, The Almighty, The Great I Am. ~Your Papa


Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.…

Isaiah 33:6: Isaiah 50:4;Psalm 37:4 John 10:10; Deuteronomy 31:8

****In preperation for our fast, stop in on Sunday for our preperation post. Hugs, Lynn


In the comments below, write out your response to our LORD.



Where We Discover The Power For Our Lives

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comBack in October, I asked you to jon me for a journey. I took you with me through the vision and the implications of all that I saw in the spiritual realm when I went to receive prayer in the Healing Rooms at Bethel. GOD CRACKED THE UNIVERSE open for me!

But do you remember the original prayer request?

Here is the excerpt from October 18, 2013: The Vastness of Our God.

I thought to myself, “Well, they can pray for me to receive the gift of fasting if they must pray bout something for me.” Geeze, it sounds so smug when I type this. Forgive me. And in all honesty, I do struggle in this area of fasting and my stomach is my last remaining idol of my life. I would like to rid myself of overeating. 

So today we are ending this journey and I have one final miracle to share:

That original prayer request to gain control over my last remaining idol, my stomach. Well I came home and my desire for a glass or two of wine at night  -- GONE--. I’m healed and I’ve already lost weight. My body will be a living testimony to the power that comes from the fear of the Lord. 

Psalms 33:8
Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

The journey to the supernatural is one of maturity and purity. 

I’m healed and whole by the power of the King of Kings. That is my testimony. 

This entire story is my testimony and now I anoint it and pass it along to you that you may partake of it, receive it and may it manifest in your life. 

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

To read the entire story, here are the links:

The Vastness of Our God

I Met Prince Jesus - Who Am I?

The Bride - Becoming

Balm For My Pain

Prince Jesus Sings

This Is For The Men


And if you want to receive this gift of anointing to rid yourself of idols from your life, please tell me what you need deliverance from or what gift you are earnestly seeking from the Lord and I WILL pray for your deliverance and anointing to take a giant step further into the power and the glory of Prince Jesus' Kingdom. I love you my SUMites. So very much. Lynn

This Is For The MEN - Men of Valor

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com
My friends, today this post is for the men. There are actually more men that are readers here than you might think. And let me assure you that they are men who love Jesus and who also love their pre-believer wife. They also struggle with many of the same issues that women wrangle with in their marriages. But they often have even less support for their faith journey than we do as women. 

My heart is full for these strong men of faith. I love you and I offer all of my prayers and encouraging words of love and support for you. 

So, today, it’s time to share with you what I saw during my vision of the King of Kings, Jesus in pursuit of men. I hate to even breathe the word, Bride of Christ in context with men and their relationship with Jesus but what I’m about to describe is the bride of Christ as Jesus sees it. How He views men that are being pursued by Him. I’m sharing this visual because when I was having my vision of becoming the Bride of Christ (read that story here), I asked God, “What does this look like for men.” And God gave me a picture. So now I share it with you. 

In this picture I saw men standing in a line, shoulder to shoulder. They were being honored before a great crowd of witnesses by the Prince. They were battle weary and worn, yet filled with a vigor and vitality that caused them to be raised up, fully filled with energy, purpose, power and determination. As I looked at these men they were wearing pins and badges and ribbons upon the chest of their uniforms yet the uniforms were their everyday clothing. They were men wearing slacks, I can see a blue checkered shirt and men in jeans and shirts. Short men and tall men, men who were humble on earth and yet enormously powerful and brave in the realms of God’s Kingdom. On earth they were ordinary men. Men who held down jobs, played with their kids, mowed the lawn, who thought often about God and His ways and purposes while mowing the lawn or driving the car. 

They were men who PRAYED. 

They prayed with power and things happened on this earth because they were wise and courageous and even they dared to ask God to do the impossible. They were men who loved God and were declared destined to be Kingdom fighters. They may be perceived in the world as anything but warriors but they ARE the true warriors. 

As I watched I saw the Prince, The MIGHTY King Jesus approach this line and He passed out awards for their service. These awards were more metals for their garments. These awards were of great value and they represented words: Such as: Men of valor. Men of purposes. Men of wisdom. Men of courage and boldness. Men who were the representation of the fruits of the Spirit. 

I keep hearing the words: Men of valor. 

And then the picture changed and I was allowed to see Jesus standing up at a large table. Seated at the table were these ordinary guys about 10-12, now fully clothed in uniforms that were adorned with their metals of honor. This room, this table,…. It is the war room. 

Again, an analogy that came to me, These men had been invited into a room of great power, much like if they were invited into the situation room with the President. But, this war room was so much more. It was a position of great honor. To be invited into this room was to bestow the highest trust in these men. Because Jesus was asking these men to make decisions for Him. Jesus trusted them so highly He was placing His kingdom control, fortune and existence into their hands. 

The awe, respect, confidence and power given to these men by Jesus was something that I don’t fully understand nor do I provide a sufficient description. But, somehow I knew that Jesus had walked with these men through so much on earth, through their everyday lives, watching them remain faithful to the Kingdom and because of that Jesus is filled with love and thanks. He counts it a great honor to invite them into the most highly valued place of prominence in His dominion. 

Wow…… Just WOW!! 

Now like me perceiving myself to be the Bride (singular), it’s difficult to see yourself, SUMite men, as one of the few men in this room but you have been so highly esteemed for your love and faithfulness here on earth that Jesus has selected you to sit with Him in the war room. And this is a virile Jesus. Strong, forceful, willful and valiant. He is the King of a vast kingdom. I watched as Christ asked for these men’s opinions as they viewed maps on the table and I saw in my mind’s eye, Jesus fist-bump the guys when victories were achieved. Jesus is your best friend. You and Christ face, discern and handle everything together and He consults you for your wise advice. 

Say What???? 

After the fist-bump, the picture faded. I was left with awe. Once again awe. We are in a season of grasping the awe of God, His Son and the Spirit. 

It’s the Victorious King who holds the keys. And we are His. 

My friends, we are the body of Christ. Lynn

Psalms 33:8
Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

Prince Jesus Sings

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comMy friends, we are drawing to a close of this story. Although I’m feeling like I’m just getting started. It’s as if a bright door with brilliant light has opened before me and it beckons. It’s so bright that I can’t see past the door frame but I know something warm, good and holy waits inside. I’m filled with trepidation and yet my soul is compelled, drawn to allow this Prince Jesus to summon me further into His Kingdom. 

It’s been three weeks tomorrow since I met this Prince and our new and different love affair is only beginning. I remain in awe. I'm filled with a holy fear and reverence and also I know I'm in over my head with this King who loves tenderly and woos me unto Himself. 

And what does that look like? 

Well right now I can only give you a simple story.

On the Monday following my experience in the healing rooms, I’m at home and I wake early. I shuffle out to the coffee maker, scoop up my Bible like every other morning and sit in the family room to read and pray. It’s moments like this that life returns to normal and it’s routine and you fear that you will lose what God gave you over the past four days. Because I’m back in my home and I’m still married to an unbelieving man. I have dishes to do. Errands to run and the dog wants his breakfast. Nominal, ordinary, everyday stuff. 

Yes, two days ago I had a life-altering encounter with the Most High, The Prince of Peace. 

How do I move forward? How can I proceed with such a change in my heart and soul? I know most of us have lived in this very place. We return home from a retreat, a mountain top experience, and as much as we experienced and changed, “real” life awaits. The enemy is prowling just waiting for a moment to destroy our newly found hope and joy. Can anyone relate? 

Well, I have more to say about that later but let me take you back to this Monday morning. I’m sitting in the family room. I am so hungry for God that I just remember praying, “I’m hungry for you Dad. I just want your heart. I want more of you. I want all of you Prince Jesus. Fill me with your Spirit. And Dad, give me more love. More love to give you and more love to give to people.” 

I close my Bible. I shuffle back to the kitchen, feed the dog, the fish and head to the bedroom. I change into my walking clothes and I drive out to my walk-n-pray wilderness. I turn on my music and begin to walk still marveling over all that has transpired. And also asking Jesus to come and woo me, all the while wondering what in the world will that look like. What does that even mean? 

I had walked about 20 minutes and as an old familiar song, one of my favorite worship songs ended, I stopped singing out loud, waiting for the next song to queue. It was a fairly new song in my playlist. It was Your Voice by Kim Walker-Smith & Skyler Smith. I began to sing along as I walked briskly down the vineyard-lined, country road. I sang the lyrics in worship while thinking about this Prince who galloped into my life two days earlier. And as I mulled the words of this song over in my head, THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENED. 

I was singing:

There is no greater need
You make my life complete
You set me free

Your voice alive in me
The sound of victory
You speak to me

Your voice is the light 
Shining through the doorway
Of my heart and comes alive
When You speak into me

You're my life
You're my life
You're my life
You're my life

And as I hit the chorus of, “You’re my life. You’re my life.” I heard distinctly the voice of Jesus speak to me and he said, “No Lynn. You are not singing these words to me. (Don’t you get it) I’m the one singing these words to you.” 

Yes, you guessed it. Blubbering ensued. Again!

Wait a minute. Jesus is singing to me….. Your voice is the light shining through the doorway of my heart and comes alive when you speak into me.  You’re my life. You’re my life....... 

Gulp. I’m still emotional typing this three weeks later. 

Well to say a certain 5’4” blonde girl was astonished is an understatement. I don’t think I could do anything else the rest of the walk but just receive this love that Jesus poured upon me whether I was ready or not. 

I arrived home. And what is a girl to do when she is being pursued? She calls her girlfriend, her BFF. Yep, Thank God Dineen is on speed dial. I explained to her what had just happened to me on the walk and she replies: 

“Oh Lynn, your being wooed.” 

Double gulp! I didn’t even realize. Thank goodness for girlfriends who help dull ones like me, figure things out! Sheesh!!! 

More crying. Sniffle, sniffle. More awe. More love….. More. 

I just want more. 

As I leave this post today, I just can’t get out of my mind what was said at the conference: Bobby Conner said that God is wanting His people to embrace THE AWE OF GOD. So I’m certainly on this path. I’ve never understood the awe of God, His Son, Prince Jesus, of the Holy Spirit as I do today. 

And as I leave you today, I’m asking that every single person who reads this will receive an encounter with the Prince and that you will fully experience the awe of being the bride of the Most High King. 

Prince Jesus, woo my friends, this SUMite family. The Bride adores you. Reveal Yourself to all of us in supernatural encounters that leave us wrecked, changed forever. We ask to help us embrace the awe of your power and love. Teach us, grant us wisdom and understanding. Make in us a people that are worthy, a people of maturity and purity. Fill us with your love. Prince, we want more. We want more. We want you. We want your heart. This is our plea for all of our lives. Amen. 

See you next time as I have two remaining posts that are part of this series. However, there is so much more going on in this community that I will likely have other stuff interspersed. 

I love you my friends… my family. I carry you in my heart. 

This entire story is my testimony and now I anoint it and pass it along to you that you may partake of it, receive it and may it manifest in your life.

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


White Open Door
Will you walk through this door with me?

"Image courtesy of ponsulak, FreeDigitalPhotos.net".


The Vastness of Our God

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 

As I mentioned on Monday, I’m convinced God cracked the Universe open over me last week. And today, I’m bearing witness to what happened. When a believer shares a testimony it releases power in the spiritual realm. So it is in faith that I tell this story with the belief that when you read it, this testimony becomes Your testimony. 

A shift in the universe happened last Saturday. 

Following three days at the Open Heavens Conference, Saturday morning arrived and I was feeling filled by the Holy Spirit and yet tired. It had been a full week and I woke exhausted. Dineen and I were planning to go to Bethel, to their Healing Rooms, that morning and then leave from there to drive to the airport. Well, as I woke that morning I had an attitude. I wanted to sleep in. I wasn’t really all that jazzed up about attending the healing rooms. There wasn’t a specific physical healing that I was seeking. However, Dineen has shared here at SUM that she is battling a couple of different physical issues, so I reluctantly crawled out of bed to go with her. 

I thought to myself, “Well, they can pray for me to receive the gift of fasting if they must pray bout something for me.” Geeze, it sounds so smug when I type this. Forgive me. And in all honesty, I do struggle in this area of fasting and my stomach is my last remaining idol of my life. I would like to rid myself of overeating.

 So, off we went. Little did I know that God was waiting for me, little ole’ me to show up. 

We completed our paperwork, waited to be called, attended the pre-class in preparation and then finally, we walked into the main room where people from Bethel were praying, musicians were playing, and there were chairs and cushions and people all over the place. For some reason, I made my way toward the stage and sat down in a chair. Dineen followed and sat down next to me. 

I waited only a few minutes and a woman approached. She was a few years older than me and as she sat down and looked into my eyes I read her name tag, “Sherry.” 

Thinking I knew what I was doing, I began to ask her for healing over this idol of my stomach and then went on to explain how I struggle in this area and how I truly desired the gift of fasting. Sherry listened and her gentle gaze held my eyes as I spoke. When I finished speaking, Sherry, still looking deeply into my eyes said, “I am going to pray for you but I’m NOT going to pray for that.” 

Say what? 

Sherry immediately began to speak and all I could do was to sit in my chair and receive what was about to happen. She said, “I’m not going to pray for that but I am going to pray that you receive the wine of God from heaven.” So, I listen and receive and am a bit confused. But then she moves forward, never letting her gaze leave my eyes and she says something so out of left field that I’m shocked. 

“Prince Jesus is going to date you.” 

“He is going to pursue you and woo you.” 

“Prince Jesus is going to come to you in your dreams in the morning hours and speak His love for you. Isaiah 50:4b (He wakens me morning by morning..) 

At this point my head is reeling. What is happening here? This isn’t what I wanted prayer for. But as I sit in the chair and Sherry is speaking words to me about a Royal Prince. 

Sherry continues, “He is going to sweep you off your feet.” Prince Jesus, the Strong One, The Warrior is going to ride in on his white horse for you, Lynn, the bride.” 

At this point I’m not sure what is going on. I start to have what I describe and out of body experience. I’m completely unable to talk and Sherry is finished speaking and praying over me. She stands and moves over to sit with Dineen and they both have their backs turned to me. THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENS. 

Sitting in the chair I have a vision open up before me. (I’ve never had this happen before). And what opens up before me is a vast, AND I MEAN VAST, empty and dark universe. It opens up on my left side. (I don’t know how to describe this) And instantaneously several things happen. I will try to describe them to my best ability but remember all this happens in an instant. 

The Universe cracks open on my left. I see a vast empty black, utterly black dark cavern. Simultaneously I am hit with searing pain in the middle of my chest. The pain is so searing, so enormous, that I’m doubled over. And in that precise instant I have immediate understand of the darkness I’m seeing and the pain. 

They are one and the same. 

It’s loneliness. 

It’s a vast need to be pursued. It’s a bottomless cavern to be adored, cherished, protected. This dark place is filled with so much pain I physically can feel it in the center of my chest. I think I’m having a heart attack. 

Now hear me in this. I absolutely DID NOT know this place existed in me. Truly. I completely believed I have been healed of the loneliness of my marriage. But in one instant the God of the universe reveals I’m carrying enough pain to fill this vast dark place that looks like it is endless in its boundaries. What I also want you to hear is that this great need to be filled is impossible for my human husband to fill. 

Somewhere so deep inside of me is a need to be pursued, to be weak, thus protected, to be wooed, dated, and treasured. This need was created in me because God wanted to fill it. And through my many years of living, I have wanted a man, a husband, to fill this place. 

In a single second, God reveal this pain, this need, this emptiness and you know why? 

Because in the very next instant the healing came. 

In this vision I then saw Prince Jesus, the Warrior King, The Glorified Christ, on His white horse galloping through this dark emptiness. The brilliance of His white horse and the white robe illuminated and diminished this darkness. My Prince, the Warrior King was galloping through this place to rescue me. 

Say what? 

Now get this. I can hear, literally hear the horse hooves making the clompety, clomp noise as He rode closer and closer. In fact, I heard horse hooves galloping all the way to the airport in the car. You can ask Dineen because out of the blue in the car I shout out, “Okay, I hear you. I hear you.” I turned to look at Dineen as she was startled by my outburst and thought I was nuts. 

It’s true. Every word. 

As I’m having this vision, pain searing my chest, I’m doubled over and absolutely bawling uncontrolled, yet trying to control it because I don’t want anyone to see me having a snot bawl. And I was completely incapable of speaking to assure people I’m not dying and need an ambulance. 

So, I try to cry discretely… Ya right. 

I’m having a vision of Prince Jesus and I’m trying not to be emotional. Sometimes I’m an idiot. 

Okay, I just noticed this post is already way too long. And I haven’t even gotten to the good part. Okay, Jesus showing up , riding in to save me is the good part. But there is so much more. I need to tell you why He showed up that way. Who He says that I am. And also about all the crazy stuff that has happened since then. 

My friends, it’s only been a week. And so, so much has happened. 

So on Monday I will continue this real life encounter with Prince Jesus. Join me then when you find out who I am in this vision. Who YOU are in this. I love you. I love this Prince Jesus. See you Monday. Hugs, Lynn


White Horse II
Can you hear the horses hooves? I still can.


******And for the men readers, God gave me a vision of what it looks like for a man in this scenario. It's one of the most honorable and regal discriptions of a man of God. I can't wait to share that. Will likely be a post just for men at the end of this series, so just hang in the guys. Lynn