Your Spouse is Your Talent

SUMites, Ann here. Beach

What a beautiful week the fast was. Thank you, LuAnn and Nickole, for leading us through it this year.

During the fast I had a little moment, while sitting on a beach. I was deliberately trying to not read books or engage in hobbies that week. So I simply sat. 

There I was, perched under a shady tree, watching Bryce swim in the ocean by himself. I then watched him walk across the dry and thirsty sand. As he crossed my vision, I thought:

He is my treasure. He is my commission. He is my job. 

And --

If I come to the end of my life and I've loved him well, I know that God will say to me 'well done good and faithful servant.'

Our spouses are like the treasure in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). In that parable, a master gives different servants different amounts of money, then goes away hoping they will invest the money. When the master returns, two of the servants have invested the money and made a return. But one servant hadn't. Bryce beach

The master said to the ones who'd invested well: 

‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23, ESV)

to the other servant, however, he said this:

‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (v. 26-30)

The same goes for our marriages: This spouse of ours is a 'little' thing that we're asked to be faithful to God with. 

It's a big thing, really, but in terms of church activity and service it looks small. For, what we do in our marriage goes mostly unseen. It's not like we're going out preaching sermons, or healing the sick. We are simply asked to love another human being, and to quietly honor and cherish them: In their presence and behind their back too.

Like the parable of the talents, some people take care of their marriages well, and some don't.

So yes, this man is my responsibility. 

I feel I quite often don't do a great job at this. He doesn't always either. So we can have grace for each other and ourselves. But I guess all I'm thinking is that he's like a treasure that God has popped into my outstretched palm, and what kind of job am I going to do at it?

That's my thought for the day. 

How do we steward a SUM marriage well?

Are there other people in your life you've been asked to steward?

I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



2025 Fast Wrap-Up

By LuAnn Wendover and Nickole Meierotto Fasting

Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

This past week has been an amazing time in the annual corporate fast. When Nickole and I were asked to lead it, I jumped at the opportunity without a whole lot of thought or prayer. I knew it was an honor as well as a big responsibility. However, I didn’t take it on without some trepidation next to the elation. In the meantime, Nickole expressed a need to take a little extra time in contemplative prayer, not because she wasn’t honored to be asked, but because she wanted to be sure she could handle all that would be expected of her.

I had hoped to do a 5-day water only fast. I was looking forward to writing a couple of pieces for the blog. And knew that this would be a stretching experience. I was right on the money with that one! Nickole did a liquid daytime fast, having dinner with her children at night.

I KNEW that this fast was supposed to be centered on abiding in Christ: in using this time of fasting and praying to rest in Him. Warfare in a Sum can be a daily part of our lives and usually is. Many times, we get worn out with constant battling. I was excited to learn what abiding during a fast would mean. I thought of abiding as simply resting but it is more than that…it can also mean enduring. And my word for the year was abiding!

The first two days of the fast were great. Some hunger but not uncontrollable. By the third day, I needed to hydrate and added a hydration pack to my morning water. It helped tremendously. But by day four I knew I needed to switch to a Daniel version for the remaining two days.  And so I did, without self-condemnation or recrimination. Fasting is a wonderful way to get closer to the Lord.

Nickole here. I didn’t know what I expected other than an opportunity to focus on my time with Abba during my fast. As I began the week jumping back into school routines, the Lord showed me that I have had an enduring habit of allowing myself to zone out and live life unintentionally, on autopilot. This revelation led to my word, Intentional. If I am to be sanctified for the Lord, I must be intentional, in everything…how convicting.

The Bible says to fast in secret. But in leading a corporate fast that is not possible, although the particulars of any fast should be spirit led and individual. Both Nickole and I had been holding a Wednesday fast and prayer for several years in the Sumite Sisters group, so we were used to posting for prayer requests and then praying together for the needs of the group. But leading a 5 day fast was a different experience for both of us. Eye opening and challenging.

As we reflected and wrapped up our corporate fast, we wanted to encourage those of you who fasted with us this year to remember to apply what was revealed to you during the fast. Too often we lose focus, return to our daily lives and get caught up in the repetitive day-to-day living. Let us be intentional in ALL we do…whether it’s washing the dishes, folding laundry, our outside jobs, or our recreation and amusement. To learn to be consecrated and connected to Christ 24/7 is truly a part of abiding in Him and being intentional in living for Him.

How do you intend to move forward from this fast? How can you become more intentional in abiding in Christ?

Day 5 of our Fast: Love is a Verb

By Nickole Meierotto Fasting 2025

I might be dating myself, or maybe just letting out a bit of my weird, but do any of you remember DC Talk from back in the 90s (late 19th century according to the kids these days)? I used to listen to the album “Free at Last” on repeat and one of my absolute favorite songs was ‘Luv is a Verb’. And while an incredibly fun song, “Luv is a Verb”  has a profound message that I didn’t truly understand in application until years later.

Love is action upon an unselfish, benevolent concern for another's well-being. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God’s action is the gift of His Son. The Bible also states in 1 John 4:19 “We love Him because He first loved us.” But what’s the action on our part? What do we have to give the God who created everything?

John seems to have the answers today. In chapter 14, verse 15, Jesus is speaking and says “If you love me, keep my commandments.” And….Action! But now I have more questions. How do we even arrive at the prospect of loving God, anyway? And how does that change my perception of that if-then command in verse 15?

Aside from my children, because they are a literal piece of me, therefore impossible to NOT love, I think the first step in arriving at love for someone is getting to know them. Once we get to know them, we begin to understand what behaviors speak "love" the loudest to them, and in order for them to know we love them, we begin to go out of our own way to do those things that will show our love the best. I believe that changes my perception of Jesus' words to "keep my commandments". I love Jesus, because I know Him. I know the sacrifice He made for me, and I see the unselfish, benevolent concern He has for me. Keeping His commandments becomes a desire to show God my love, rather than proving I can obey rules. Because I know Him and love Him, I want to act. I want to grow deeper in relationship with Him. I want to let the Holy Spirit influence, guide and direct me better. I want to love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind. I want to love my neighbor as myself. I want those things because I know they are what He wants.

How do you define love? Has your definition of or approach to love changed as you grow deeper in your relationship with God?

Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?' Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.' (Matthew 22:35-40)



Day 4 of Our Fast: When We Ask God 'Why'?

By Nickole Meierotto Fasting 2025

Are you a "why?" person? Do you know any "why?" people? Do you have a child in your life who is a "why?" child? I have to confess, I'm a "why?" person. It's more than likely one of my more annoying qualities…I just gotta understand WHY! I have a burning desire to understand the ins and outs of everything around me. If it's a problem to be solved, I will figure out why it's a problem and probably give you 5 solutions, but one of them will be the most effective or efficient solution. If I know why, I can help!! Which means I have another confession, I struggle with God's answer to my "why?"…because most of the time, His answer is "Nickole, I know you don't understand, but you will one day. Right now, the answer to your why is 'for My glory".

In a conversation with a friend, I mentioned that if someone didn't understand me 100%, but still acted in proper resolution to the problem, I would be completely satisfied with that response. And in my contemplations of the day and this week's fast, the Lord brought to mind 1 Samuel 15:22 "But Samuel replied: "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams." And then it hit me like a ton of bricks…God probably thinks that about me…all the time!! "Nickole, I know you don't understand, and I'm not revealing that to you right now, what I need you to do is to act on the knowledge and the mission I have given you!"

During our fast, we have prayed for the Lord's direction in our lives. We know His plans and purposes for us result in His glorification. We know God works all things, and I mean ALL THINGS, together for our good. We know He has plans to give us a hope and a future. We know God will order our steps. How do we walk out obedience to His direction in our lives in the day to day?

Do you have a particular answer that you struggle hearing from God? How do you respond in obedience?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11-12

  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6



Annual Fast, Day Three: Have You Ever Found Yourself on Autopilot?

By Nickole Meierotto Fasting 2025

Have you ever found yourself on autopilot? You’re driving home or to work and suddenly you realize you’re there but don’t remember the trip? Or you’re in the middle of a task and then suddenly you’re done and have no recollection of completing the task?

Sometimes my life ends up on autopilot, both physically and spiritually. I get so engrossed in minding the house and the family, the dogmatic repetition of the day-to-day operations put me into autopilot, and I operate as if there is no other function, no other purpose for my life, skipping blindly from day to day, not realizing how I got from this day or week to the next. And sometimes, there are seasons like that, where it all feels like a blur, the kids are little and the needs of the family and the home seem to blend from start to finish, moving from one sleep deprived day to the next. And sometimes, it’s not. The times that it’s not are the times that I need to reset and refocus my life.

I KNOW that the primary purpose of my life is to glorify my Lord and King. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” How can I glorify God in everything I do, if I’m on autopilot? The simple answer…I can’t. If I’m not inviting Christ into my day to day operations, if my focus isn’t on the reason why I do what I do, I’m not able to glorify God in my efforts. Will the job get done? Sure. Will the kids be fed and sent off to school? Absolutely. Will I be getting the next phase of the project done today? You bet! But it’s the intentionality behind what I’m doing that either gives glory to or detracts from my Lord.

So the question is how can I prevent myself from winding up on autopilot? How can I be intentional with regard to my purpose in life? I believe this starts with understanding sanctification. Many times throughout the Bible, God tells the Israelites or his followers to sanctify or consecrate themselves. But what does that really mean and how can being sanctified keep me out of autopilot mode?

According to Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, the generic or "non-spiritual" meaning of sanctification is "the state of proper functioning", so a dishtowel is "sanctified" when drying off a plate or cup and an oven is "sanctified" when baking my husband's favorite oatmeal butterscotch cookies. Spiritually speaking, things are sanctified when operating in the purposes for which God intended. You or I are sanctified when we are living in accordance with God's intended plans and purposes for our lives.

How do I accomplish living in accordance with God's intended plan and purpose for me? What does intentionality look like through the lens of ongoing sanctification? Nickole

For me intentionality through ongoing sanctification looks like disciplines involving Scripture reading, prayer and fasting, cultivating the fruit of the Spirit, growing in grace and biblical wisdom, and above all abiding in Him, truly inviting God to do His work through me by being humble enough to understand that even the smallest task, when done for Christ, has kingdom significance.

Do you ever struggle with autopilot in your life?

What do you do to reorient your life around God's plans and purposes?

Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you (Joshua 3:5).

Nickole is a military spouse residing in North Carolina, a mother of 4 and recently became a grandmother. Between the family activities and homemaking, sewing, gardening, and random home projects, she's pressed to find a dull moment, but loves finding those still, small moments to connect with her Lord.


Annual Fast, Day Two: And So We Fast ...

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize. So run, that ye may obtain (1 Corinthians 9:24, KJV) Fasting 2025

Fasting is hard.

A good question to ask yourself is this: Do I live to eat, or do I eat to live?

Part of our walk as followers of Christ is to discipline ourselves. Yet too often we fail to discipline ourselves for a variety of reasons. This is where the little foxes may creep in: those little sins that can create a space for the enemy to attack. We are creatures of flesh and spirit. What we feed on will affect both. Fasting is a time to take stock of where our frailties lie and then to repent and strengthen the breeches, those areas that have broken down or been weakened through disuse or neglect. 

Fasting reveals what needs to change if we are seeking a closer, more intimate walk with Jesus. Our life journey with Him is composed of times and seasons of change to reflect Him more and more in our attitudes, thoughts, and lifestyles. It's an amazing paradox that the more we surrender ourselves to Him, dying to our own plans and purposes, and coming alive to His, the more genuine our lives become. We were created for His plans and purposes (Ephesians 2:10). To find those plans and purposes, and to enter partnership with Him, is the absolute most fulfilling way to being alive in Him. Who would figure that dying to self is truly coming alive in Him!

Fasting can be hard. As the flesh screams out its wants and desires to be fed, we are faced with the challenge of holding out, of not giving in, of enduring and going the distance. I confess that fasting has become harder, not easier. You would think that after leading the fast group for the past few years, that it would have become easy and rote. But the opposite is true. It has become more difficult for me. I am asking the question: Why? Based on the answers, I intend to face it head on. So why do we fast if it is so hard? 

In our SUM group, first and foremost is the hope and desire to see our loved ones saved. We want to see our spouses come to know and love Jesus because we know that life with Him is the best way to live. It is the only way to heaven and eternity with Him. We know that this life is temporary. That life in this physical body is not meant to be forever. It is, in fact, quite short. I can attest to the truth that as we age, it goes faster and faster. So, we should live kingdom-minded, looking forward to the time when we are finished with this brief proving ground and able to move into our eternal destination with Jesus. 

We fast to set the tone for the coming year. We fast to see those mountains move in the lives of those we love. We fast because sometimes fasting is needed to cast out and break down those strongholds that have our loved ones held captive. We fast to break the strongholds in our own lives that hinder us from being all we can be in Jesus. We fast becuase we know it is a tool given to us to use for His purposes. And we fast to move closer to God. Fasting is a deliberate choice. A surrender to the one who loves us so much that He gave His all in suffering and death for our redemption and freedom.

Fasting allows us to discipline the flesh with its appetites. Jesus, who was God in the flesh, fasted for 40 days in the wilderness. If He needed it, we need it! So, I would like to encourage you, as you fast this week, to look for those broken-down places, or the weakened places. To spend time with Jesus in repentance and in repair. As you are abiding with Him this week, surrender your plans and purposes to His. Rest in His presence, allowing Holy Spirit to fill you with fresh oil. Draw close to Him knowing that His word says that when we draw close to Him, He also draws close to us.

We cannot do the work on our own. We cannot change ourselves. But we can surrender. And in that surrender, He will do the work. He will do as he promised: to complete the work He begins in us.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6, KJV)



Annual Corporate Fast, Day One

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you (John 15:7 KJV). Fasting 2025

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me (John 15:4 KJV).

As we begin our fast today, let us firmly take hold of the horns of the altar. Let us examine our hearts and allow Holy Spirit to minister to those areas that need deliverance, healing, and His grace. We have spent the past year contending for our spouses and for our families and communities. Let this fast be one of purging the old and sealing the plans for this next year. Examine and release.
Today chose to abide in his presence receiving all that He has for you. HIS PLANS FOR GOOD. HIS DIRECTION AND PURPOSES FOR OUR LIVES.

As we reflect on His character, His goodness, and His mercy let us lift our hands and voices in prayer. Worship Him. Glorify Him. Cry out to Him with all the love in your heart for Him. And then in His presence in silence and peace, his shalom peace that surpasses our understanding. His peace that heals and quiets our restless minds and souls. His presence that fills us with joy. His joy that is our strength. Let today be a day of staying under his wings. Not asking for anything other than Him. Abiding in Him and allowing Him to abide in us.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1 KJV).

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler (Psalm 91:4 KJV).

SUMites, how do you view abiding?



Why Do We Fast?

By LuAnn Wendover Fasting

Why do we fast?

What are the benefits?

We fast for several reasons but the most important one is to get close to Jesus. We live in a world full of distractions. There is constant noise always pulling at us. Things to do, places to be, so much emphasis on the going and doing. It is easy to lose focus on the number one thing in our lives as Christ followers - we need to seek Him, sit with Him, and serve Him.


FASTING allows us to 'deny our flesh' with its demands, to take that time of feeding the physical and use it to feed our spirits through our relationship with our high priest and coming king and bridegroom. Most of us live in countries where many have an abundance of material things.  We live in comfort. Fasting is a good reminder to our flesh that it is not in control and a great reminder to us of how much we allow our flesh to dictate how we live. Fasting brings out the screaming, demanding fleshly sides of our beings. Fasting is the opportunity to say: 'No! Not today!' Today I choose to listen to my spirit, to focus on the voice of Jesus, our Lord. Today we are seeking the better things: His presence, His guidance, His rest.

Whether we can see it or not, fasting moves mountains in our lives. Mountains like disbelief, temptations, disobedience, striving, discontent to name a few. When we focus on Jesus, we are fed and filled with Him. We hear more clearly, see better, and can release those things hindering us in our lives. As Sumites, we need this.

We are mostly in a posture of war.

We war daily for our spouse's salvation.

We war for our children, both small and grown.

We war for our marriages to reflect our love and hope in Christ for repentance, restoration, renewal.

We war for ourselves as we battle to be that example of Christ Jesus in our homes, our families, and our communities.

We war, we grapple, we learn to armor up daily, and to fight the good fight. We endure.

So what should our corporate SUM fast look like this year in 2025?

It should be a time of reflection. A look back on the past year. Are there any losses? What needs to be laid at His feet and left there? Do we need to repent? Are there any breaches in our walls that need to be repaired? Do we need to forgive and make amends? Where were the victories? Have I given Him praise and thanked Him for moving in my life and meeting my needs? Have I thanked Him for forward movement? For delivering positive change and growth in me and my spouse? LuAnn

This fast should be a time of resting in Him. We need to look at Jesus: see his beauty, His love for us, and this dying world. It should be a rest that leads to renewal in us. It should be a refilling, a topping off of His strength and His joy, His love, patience, forbearance and all those other fruits of the Christ-centered life.

It should be a time of quiet. Listening for His words of direction, strength, purpose and guidance for us individually and as a corporate body of believers. It should be a time of restoration and peace as we shelter under His wings to rest in Him. To receive and give our love to Him, find solace in Him, receive from Him. Glory in His presence.

I think we will find this year's fast to be quite different for each one of us.

Looking forward to hearing the coming testimonies from this fast.



LuAnn Wendover is from Milan, NY. She has been a member of the SUM community for several years now, and will be leading our corporate fast from Monday to Friday next week. Join us!

Our Community Fast Starts on Monday!

SUMites, Ann here. Happy new year to you all. Fasting 2025

Our community fast starts this coming Monday -- Exciting!

It is a favorite time of year for me: A time of drawing close to God.

Many of us have found in previous years that significant things happen when we fast, whether it be a revelation from God, or some kind of shift.

We fast from sunrise on Monday to sunset on Friday. The most meaningful kind of fast is one where you fast from food in some way.

  • If you're new to this, you might like to try fasting from sunrise to sunset each day and having a small meal in the evening.
  • If you're more used to fasting, you could try going without food altogether for the week.

Plan to drink plenty as you go -- That's important.

To prepare:

  • Pray and ask God for strength and direction about how to fast.
  • Get plenty of liquids in stock
  • Consider telling your family so that less pressure is put on you over the week.

You may have guests, work, or things to do. Try not to let that deter you: I, for one, this year will be visiting friends for three nights of the five. However, on those days I still plan to fast until sunset each day.

Finally, we have LuAnn Wendover and Nickole Meierotto leading the fast this year. They are two of our long-standing SUMites who have a passion for fasting. So, they will write something each day next week for us. Stay tuned!

Well, that's all for now. All the very best preparing for it, and the team here it SUM will see you in the comments next week.



New Adventures in 2025!

Happy New Year, dear SUMites. We trust your Christmas went well and you’ve stepped into the New Year, yes, it’s 2025, positively.

As a quick side note, the world often expects us to charge into the new year but after a usually busy December, I find it’s often good to gently step into it. Our souls need it. I’d encourage us all to set aside some time to meet with the Lord and simply rest in His presence. Take some time, if you are able, to simply be peaceful with the lover of our souls. Let Him replenish and refresh you as only he can.

Themes or Words for the Year

For years, I used a ‘Word’ to orient myself for the year head. It’s a common practice. It provides a context, a guiding star of sorts, to what we might want to focus on or lean into for the year.

In the last couple of years, I’ve tended to arrive at a ‘theme’ for the year. Perhaps it’s the same thing I’m not sure. Last year, my theme was ‘new beginnings’. It seemed appropriate at the time (even though every year has an element of ‘new’ about it) as I sought to start some new things and let go of older things.

In December, I began to reflect on the year ahead. For some reason, I felt a sense of excitement/anticipation about 2025, of something significant on the horizon, a new adventure awaits.

As I prayed, waited and listened over the ensuing weeks, this notion of a ‘new adventure’ kept reappearing. I noticed the word in things I read, eg, the Magi on seeing the star in the night sky, “led them to risk and adventure [in seeking out baby Jesus], resulting in deeper revelation and abundant joy.” (AJ Sherill – Rediscovering Christmas)

On Christmas Day, I listened to Dwell’s daily devotional that said, “How might fear be keeping you from being able to lean into the loving arms of God to walk with you through the wild adventure? [like Joseph did when he listened to the angel in his dreams and elected to marry Mary]"

And just today, a regular newsletter I receive had the banner headline: “Adventures happen when we take the time to do what we have not done before.” (Joan Chittister)

To a New Adventure!

“Be who God meant you to be, and you’ll set the world on fire.” – Catherine of Siena.

I’m excited by the idea of a new adventure. But also a little nervous. I’m not really an adventurous person. Sure, I like seeing new things, going to new places, but I’m not a big trier of new things. Fear of failure gets in the way.

I sense this year may involve me doing something I’ve not done before as Joan Chittister’s encouragement states above. I hope so. It’s time I did something new. I sense it’s with God which excites me and provides some comfort. I’m reminded that faith is a muscle and to build it, we must use it, which means trusting God to meet us when we step out into something new.

Please pray for me. For courage. For wisdom and discernment about the ‘new thing’.

Your Turn

What does 2025 hold for you? What are you sensing about this new year? Much of the same or something very new? Would love it if we could get a conversation going in the comments below.

Next week’s Fast might be a great time to reflect on the year ahead and see if God shares something with you about it. I know I’ll be mentioning it during the week in my conversations with the Lord.

Go well this year, my friends. May the Lord keep you and bless you and your loved ones throughout the year.

Big love.

Father's View of Christmas. Profound

The Christmas story as told from the Throne room. Christmas From the Throne Room 2024

My child, settle in with Me in this hour. Imagine yourself climbing upon My lap as a small child. You are welcome in My house, upon My Throne and into intimacy with Me. Let me tell you a story.

Long ago, before you were born, My eyes observed the beautiful blue planet where My children were living out their assignments and discovering their eternal nature and destiny. They were pursuing My love, and their lives were full, happy, and abundant. My people loved one another well. My pride lived within the fathers on earth whose pursuit was to acquire a heart likened to Me. Mothers who nurtured My tender compassions unto their children and each other. The family lived in peace and joy, thriving in the atmosphere of heaven, as their babies played, carefree, among the streets and village vendors.

I looked upon their life and ballooned with love and pride as they lived, fully alive and free.

But, My child, as I beheld their glory and received their love and honor something else was at work. In the dark hours, a dragon, sleek and crafty positioned himself. Deception offered up to my peaceful people, the temptation of iniquity. The oily blackness that stains the bones and bowels with destruction, the retched poison of rebellion, tasted ever so slowly, sipped from the cup of wickedness. The inky blackness, once released permeated throughout the entire race. Passed along; father to son, mother to daughter. Silently at first, then gaining power through layers of lies until it ROARED with a stench of madness in the ears of all eternity.

My child, I wept.

I attended in my heart, in utter remorse, for the darlings of God that now endured the curses humanity brought upon themselves.

My child, let me wipe the tears from your kind eyes. I see the regret and sadness you bear for the people. But do not tarry in in this mourning.


One arose before My Throne as I looked upon the earth with grief. The LAMB of Sacrifice, Redemption and Restoration. He bowed deeply before Me. In complete obedience, yearning to serve My broken heart.

He removed His crown of glory, placed it before My throne at my feet. The implications stunning the Great Cloud of Witnesses and the angelic gasped. His surrender, an eternal positioning of humility as He resigned His royal position and superlative power.

Then in a twinkling of an eye.

A babe.

A babe rested in Bethlehem. Birthed in a meager stable into the care of a very young woman, a girl of innocence and great love. And also, thereto, a man of extraordinary courage and compelled with humility and submission to My heart. A man who cleaved to the girl and babe even in the face of public shaming.

A babe, who would endure horrific torture, scorn and mockery. My Son, the righteousness of God.

A babe, resting among the animals with only a donkey’s blanket as his royal covering. My Son, who commanded legions of warriors into battles of antiquity.

A babe, born without position or power, destined to live within meager means. My Son surrendered His royalty, riches, his eternity, his will, and emotions.

A babe, human in every aspect to lead My people, you My child, out of the prison of iniquity, deliver you from the lies of fear.

A babe, an example of perfected love that cast out all fear.

My Son, Jesus, surrendered more than your human mind is capable to conceive this side of eternity. He willingly offered up His crown for you, your brothers and sisters, to lead you out of darkness and to bring you home.

Because of this babe, the entire earth reminisces each December, and again in early spring. Because of His sacrifice, you are here with Me now upon lap, hearing My voice.

The babe, Jesus, brought with Him many gifts from My Kingdom that are within your grasp. Gifts for life, healing, and deliverance. These are the real gifts of the season.

This babe, celebrated this December, is all you need for life and holiness.


by: Lynn Donovan

Find more devotions like this in Kingdom Conversations. It's a book about identity and God's view of our life and purpose.

There Once Was A Man Who Didn't Believe

There was once a man who didn't believe in God, and he didn't hesitate to let others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays, like Christmas. His wife, however, did believe, and she raised their children to also have faith in God and Jesus, despite his disparaging comments.

Snow_church One snowy Christmas Eve, his wife was taking their children to a Christmas Eve service in the farm community in which they lived. She asked him to come, but he refused.

"That story is nonsense!" he said. "Why would God lower Himself to come to Earth as a man? That's ridiculous!" So she and the children left, and he stayed home.

A while later, the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blizzard. As the man looked out the window, all he saw was a blinding snowstorm. He sat down to relax before the fire for the evening. Then he heard a loud thump. Something had hit the window. Then another thump. He looked out, but couldn't see more than a few feet.

When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to see what could have been beating on his window. In the field near his house he saw a flock of wild geese. Apparently they had been flying south for the winter when they got caught in the snowstorm and couldn't go on. They were lost and stranded on his farm, with no food or shelter. They just flapped their wings and flew around the field in low circles, blindly and aimlessly. A couple of them had flown into his window, it seemed.

The man felt sorry for the geese and wanted to help them. The barn would be a great place for them to stay, he thought. It's warm and safe; surely they could spend the night and wait out the storm. So he walked over to the barn and opened the doors wide, then watched and waited, hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside.

The geese just fluttered around aimlessly and didn't seem to notice the barn or realize what it could mean for them. The man tried to get their attention, but that just seemed to scare them and they moved further away. He went into the house and came back out with some bread, broke it up, and made a breadcrumbs trail leading to the barn, but they still didn't catch on.

Now he was getting frustrated. He got behind them and tried to shoo them toward the barn, but they only got more scared and scattered in every direction except toward the barn. Nothing he did could get them to go into the barn where they would be warm and safe.

"Why don't they follow me?!" he exclaimed. "Can't they see this is the only place where they can survive the storm?" He thought for a moment and realized that they just wouldn't follow a human.

"If only I were a goose, then I could save them," he said out loud.Geese winter

Then he had an idea. He went into barn, got one of his own geese, and carried it in his arms as he circled around behind the flock of wild geese. He then released it. His goose flew through the flock and straight into the barn - and one by one the other geese followed it to safety!

He stood silently for a moment as the words he had spoken a few minutes earlier replayed in his mind:

"If only I were a goose, then I could save them!"

Then he thought about what he had said to his wife earlier. "Why would God want to be like us? That's ridiculous!"

Suddenly it all made sense. That is what God had done. We were like the geese - blind, lost, and perishing. God had His Son become like us so He could show us the way and save us. That was the meaning of Christmas, he realized!

As the winds and blinding snow died down, his soul became quiet and pondered this wonderful thought. Suddenly he understood what Christmas was all about, why Christ had come.

Years of doubt and disbelief vanished like the passing storm. He fell to his knees in the snow, and prayed his first prayer:

Mangercross "Thank You, God, for coming in human form to get me out of the storm!"

~Author Unknown


Our Savior

SUMites, I mentioned in my last post that Paul wrote two poems about Jesus in his epistles. We were going to marinate in them, given the time of year we're in. Here is the second one, may it bless you as you read its words: Angel

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

For by him all things were created:

things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,

whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;

all things were created by him and for him.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

And he is the head of the body, the church;

He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, 

so that in everything he might have supremacy. Jesus painting by Lynn

For God was pleased to have all his fulness dwell in him,

and through him to reconcile to himself all things,

whether things on earth or things in heaven,

by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Colossians 1:15-20, NIV.

Friends, the team at SUM will now be taking time off and will be back in early January. We wish you a blessed Christmas season.

Love from all of us

Our Savior

SUMites, I mentioned in my last post that Paul wrote two poems about Jesus in his epistles. We were going to marinate in them, given the time of year we're in. Here is the second one, may it bless you as you read its words: Angel

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

For by him all things were created:

things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,

whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;

all things were created by him and for him.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

And he is the head of the body, the church;

He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, 

so that in everything he might have supremacy. Jesus painting by Lynn

For God was pleased to have all his fulness dwell in him,

and through him to reconcile to himself all things,

whether things on earth or things in heaven,

by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Colossians 1:15-20, NIV.

Friends, the team at SUM will now be taking time off and will be back in early January. We wish you a blessed Christmas season.

Love from all of us

Paul's Poems about Jesus

Beautiful SUMites Baby

This month I've been reading the epistles of Paul in the New Testament, and I discovered something in them that I hadn't previously thought about.

On two occasions in his epistles, Paul shares a poem about Jesus - once in the book of Philippians, and once in the book of Colossians.

These two poems are the perfect things to marinate in as we think about the birth of Jesus. So, how about we take some time this week to soak in each of these poems, line by line?

Philippians 2:6-11, NIV:

Christ Jesus 

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God

something to be grasped, 

but made himself nothing,

taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself  

and became obedient to death --

even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue confess that

Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.


That was the first poem. I will share the next one on Wednesday, and then the team will say goodbye until after Christmas.

Bless you, SUMites!


There's Always Bunting ...

Dear SUMites Bunting 2

Hello, Ann here, on this beautiful Friday afternoon. The sun is shining over in my wee corner of the world, and I am asking God what to write.

Can I share with you something? It's good to be real. Someone said to me once, "it's ok to bleed as a leader", so here we go:

Christmas this year is passing me by completely. The reason is that over in England my brother is unwell in hospital. It is something he will recover from, but it's heavy. I am on WhatsApp with him daily, supporting him.

Oh my heart. 

I can't even go near 'festivity'. Have you ever had a Christmas like that? Perhaps you do this year even, or perhaps your whole life feels like that! You might be separated, suffering an estrangement, or downhearted because of life circumstances. It's difficult at times like that to muster up joy.

Well, in the midst of my hard stuff my boys - bouncing as ever -- LOVE Christmas - aren't kids great for helping you change your focus! And so today, for the sake of bonding with them, I took them out to a Christmas tree farm, we chose one, had it chopped down, brought it home and popped on the same cheesy Christmas CD we have used for the last 20 years while decorating the tree LOL. We chose a teeny fat tree, smaller than usual, to reflect the fact that it was a more subdued Christmas than normal. Still, we had fun.

"Boys, I don't think I'll put my bunting up this year", I announced seriously, as a nod to my brother. They nodded and half-smiled at me, thinking I was rather eccentric for focusing on my bunting. Bunting

Well, one thing led to another, and while decorating the tree I did put my bunting up. Here's a photo of said bunting. And it's making me smile. Perhaps that's a little like God - He does things that make us smile even in the hard moments.

Our SUM situation has the potential to make us very sad, right? But how many silver linings do we find within it? Plenty. To find God in it is an incomparable treasure.

The Lord is close the broken hearted (Psalm 34:18, NIV).

Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4)

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15, NIV)

So yes, let's keep on soaking up his goodness and presence -- His bunting, if you like.

How about you: What delights have you found in hard times? Do you have a testimony you'd like to share? Has God done something good for you in the midst of your SUM?

Much love


Pop This in Your Diary

Dear SUMites, Ann here Fasting 2025

I just wanted to let you know a date for your diary for the new year:

From Monday 6 January to Friday 10 January 2025 we will be having our annual corporate fast, in which we fast and pray together as a community.

This fasting week is something we do each year and it is a precious time as it leads us to encounter God more deeply. Many of us look forward to it - hard as it is to fast.

So, pop it in your diary for now, and we'll post more details soon.

Much love


Remaining Steadfast

By LuAnn Wendover: Steadfast

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV)

Are we, as Sumites, remaining steadfast in our faith for our husband's salvation?

I am asking this question because I know in my own life, that I can become complacent or distracted by other things. We have 7 adult children and 14 grandchildren. My 92 year old mother also lives with us. So there is always something going on that requires time and attention. Important and serious issues that require my attention. As well as the daily grind of household responsibilities. But that is life being lived out daily in the flesh. Where does the spiritual fit in every day? LuAnn

As an intercessor for many years now, my prayer life has changed. And I noticed that it is not as regulated as it could be daily. I don't pray for my husband every day. So I am asking myself why not. And I noticed that there aren't many prayer requests for spouses in the SUM group on our Wednesday fast and prayer, over on our Facebook group, lately.

How do I/we get back to that place where prayer for our spouses is a priority, especially for those of us who have lived in a SUM for many years; 31 years for me. And not just in times of crisis but when life is quiet and calm. I truly want to be like the widow who goes before the judge until her request is honored. And I haven't been. So today I am committing to daily prayer for my spouse combined with urgency. Will you join me?

Let's commit to storming the gates of heaven for our spouses. To be on fire for their repentance, deliverance, and salvation. To once again put on our armor and contend for them with all diligence.

Love, Lu

LuAnn Wendover is from Milan, NY. She has been a member of the SUM community for several years now. She is a wife, mother of 7, and grandmother of 14. She loves to encourage others in their walk with Jesus.

Advent 2024: What are you Hoping for?

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

Hello, dear Sumites, Ian from sunny Sydney.

Here we are at the end of another year! And another Advent season. It’s my favourite season of the year for a variety of reasons, one being that my birthday happens to be in it, but more significantly, it’s a season where I typically begin to reflect on the year past and the one that is ahead. The sense of “arrival” of a new year is significant. And of course that is the meaning of the word, Advent.

"In Advent we prepare for the coming of all love - that love which will redeem all the brokenness, wrongness, and hardnesses of heart that have afflicted us." Madeleine L'Engle

The arrival of Jesus

Advent of course is about Jesus. His birth and the expectancy of His coming again once day. Consequently, for me, it is a season of hope. Jesus is coming and the wonder of Advent is that for us we get to experience Him every day through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I find Advent is a good time to try to slow down and seek to be more present with Jesus and others. Jesus is always with us, and it requires intention to receive all the love and grace he offers us.

Even though for the traditionalists, hope is the theme for week one of Advent, I’ve sensed the entire 4 weeks for me is all about hope. As I lingered with this the other day, I sensed this ‘hope’ centered around 3 areas:

  • Hope of a new future. I’m sensing an excitement about 2025 and something new. Maybe all it is, is just that. A New Year and the opportunities that present themselves. But, I’m hoping for something more … hmmm
  • Hope of greater intimacy with our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and people. Intimacy is a significant longing for me, and I seek it in all my relationships.
  • Hope of overflowing in love in all I do.

I took great encouragement from 2 of the Bible readings that featured on Sunday, the first day of Advent, confirming my ‘hope-full’ intentions. I follow the Advent liturgy throughout the season which I find immensely enjoyable.

Holy Spirit nudged me particularly with two verses in Psalm 25:

“Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Saviour,
    and my hope is in you all day long. (v4-5 NIV UK)

All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful
    toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.” (v10)

And then in 1 Thessalonians 3:12 (NIVUK)

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”

Here’s wishing you all a lovely Advent and Christmas. I wonder if you practice Advent or have any particular intentions for the month. And hope? What are you hoping for this season and 2025? I you haven't already, we'd encourage you to open. dialogue with the Lord about your hopes. Even though He already knows all things, it's the relational aspect of communicating, listening and sharing ideas that draw us closer to Him.

We’d love to start a conversation about Advent and hopes in the comments below if you are willing to share.

Go well, dear friends and many blessings for a peaceful and hope-filled Advent and Christmas season.

Thank you for Your Donation 2024

Thank you SUMThank you for your love and support. It's not too late. Click here.

Your giving and love help to reach that one spouse who feels alone, misunderstood, unheard and fearful about her faith, the faith of her kids and the salvation of her husband. It's worthy of your giving and you honor the Kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, 

Lynn and Ann

Giving Tuesday GIVE & VOTE

Give a Gift. And we give back. Any donation over $20 and any recurring donation of any amount over $5 and you receive two of the four:

Zoom classes on the following topics:

  • Book of 1 Enoch (About the Watchers/demons/principalities, etc.)
  • End Times- The update. (A detailed look at the Fork in the road that is before us, the church and the choices and destiny ahead.)
  • Salvation of Loved Ones. (What is saved and how to pray with effectiveness.) Alleviates fear of their eternity.
  • Hearing God's Voice- (And how to see. What are the blocks and how to get rid of them.)

Okay, these are the seminars. I'll teach two of the four. You get to vote for your favorite two when you make a donation. And if there are enough donations, I'll figure out how to teach all four.

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Please leave your vote under "note to seller." Vote for your favorite two seminars.  

Giving Tuesday Three Keys Ministries

Giving Tuesday Three Keys Ministries

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Do You Want 1 Enoch, End Times, Salvation of Loved Ones, Hearing God's Voice

Giving TuesdayHello, SUMite Nation:

It's Giving Tuesday tomorrow. This is our ONLY, one-time-a-year that we ask for donations to support this ministry for the whole year.

We average about $6 thousand in annual expenses and portion of that is covered through the books you buy. I return that money to the ministry. It is my pleasure to give back to the Kingdom and support others who are walking out the unequally yoked marriage life.

But book sales aren't enough. Many of you are regular givers who automatically make a donation monthly. I bet you didn't know that either. THANK YOU!

Tomorrow, any gift you give over $20 will entitle you to attend one or more of the Zoom classes on the following topics:

  • Book of 1 Enoch (About the Watchers/demons/principalities, etc.)
  • End Times- The update. (A detailed look at the Fork in the road that is before us, the church, the choices and destiny ahead.)
  • Salvation of Loved Ones. (What is saved and how to pray with effectiveness.) Alleviates fear of their eternity.
  • Hearing God's Voice- (And how to see. What are the blocks and how to get rid of them.)

Okay, these are the seminars. I'll teach two of the four. You get to vote for your favorite two when you make a donation. And if there are enough donations, I'll figure out how to teach all four.

These Zoom classes are always fascinating, you will meet others from this ministry there, and you will receive tools as well and wisdom which leads us to greater victories in our lives. I love these classes we do together. I'm fired up to teach them as well.

Please pray about what you can give. AND if at all possible, make your donation a small, recurring amount. I adore you. Blessings and hugs, Lynn

Thanksgiving in the US

Turkey Eat PizzaHi SUM Nation,

Ann and I are taking the week of Thanksgiving off. Please carve out (pun intended) time to sit alone with our Father and give him thanks for all He has done for you this past year.

I know I have many true miracles in which to offer Him thanks and praise. 

We will see you the first week of December. Say what?? I can't believe that we are nearly to 2025. 

I love you all so very much. You are all amazing believers who do so much to advance the Kingdom of God. Keep going. Keep believing and know that you are loved.

Blessings and hugs, Lynn & Ann.

Tablecloth of Thanks

Hi friends, Lynn Donovan here on this brilliant November day. Thank you for your prayers on Wednesday. We must remain vigilant.

But now let's turn to our homes and families. Let' make our home a place of peace and welcome. Even welcome to our faith in Jesus. Below is my annual Thanksgiving tablecloth post:

Every year I share this post in November. I wrote it at 15 years of marriage. We are now married for more than 30 years. This tradition is priceless in our family. I pray all of you have one or will make one for your family this year!

Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Lynn

Imported Photos 00008Tablecloth of Thanks 

Many of you know that I am married to an unbeliever. This past March we celebrated 15 years of marriage. Our unequally yoked marriage has had its challenges to say the least. Over the years, however, our ingenious God has maneuvered us through many touchy issues. 

Our disparity becomes more apparent during the holidays. Giving thanks to our Lord in November is a treasured time for me. I name my blessings one-by-one in prayer, thanking God for His lavish abundance poured into our lives. 

Like most wives living in an unequally yoked marriage, I long for my spouse to understand there is a God. To know He is intricately involved in our lives and everything we have is provision of our creator. I have also learned that forcing God upon my husband is a surefire way to push him away. I am careful to respect my husband and simply trust Jesus to reach him in his perfect timing. 

In spite of my husband’s unbelief, I discovered a unique way to draw him into the celebration of thanks, besides through his stomach. He loves turkey. 

Four years ago, I threw a new, pristine-white tablecloth across our dinning room table two weeks prior to Thanksgiving. I purchased several colored pens and placed them on top. A new tradition was born, a Tablecloth of Thanks. It began with my daughter. I told her, “I WANT you to write on this tablecloth.” She looked at me with skepticism in her eyes, wondering if her mother had lost her mind. 

“Really,” my smiled reassured. “Write down what you are most thankful for this year. Then write the year, 2004, near your name.” 

She grinned and began to write using several different colors. I joined in and wrote my thanks directly on the beautiful tablecloth. 

Later that evening my husband noticed the scribbles on the tablecloth. I watched as he walked over to read our words. I walked to his side and took his hand. I subtly asked him if he would also write down his thanks. He smiled and said maybe later. 

Finally on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, my husband picked up a pen and wrote; I am thankful for my wonderful family, great friends, and a very happy life. 

Wow! Was he giving thanks to our Lord? I am not sure. However, every year since he has continued to write a thankful list. Last year’s entry reads; I am thankful for all of my blessings…family, friends, and the dogs. 

What? Did he use the word blessings? Small steps such as these lead to the Savior. I can’t wait to read his thankful list this year. 

The Thankful Tablecloth is one of my most prized possessions. Everyone who visits our home during the Thanksgiving holiday contributes to this permanent memorial of thanks. It is a visible praise to the King displayed in our unequally yoked home each November. 

One of my favorite thanks is this: 

I am thankful
to be able to sit
on the couch and have
my people pet me.

Hmmmm, I wonder how the dog grew fingers and learned to write???? 

Psalm 69:30 (NIV)
I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.


Lord God, I will name my blessings one-by-one….. Jesus… eternal life…. clean water to drink…..capacity to love…..empowerment to forgive….. just for a start….. 

It is never too late to start a new tradition. If you want to start your Tablecloth of Thanks, I have a few helpful hints.

  1. Place a sheet of butcher paper under your tablecloth. (I have a permanent smiley face on my dinning room table from the year 2005)
  2. Use colorfast fabric pens.
  3. Store your tablecloth in an airtight Ziploc bag. 

Thank you my friends for sharing this Holiday treasure with me. I wish you were with me today and could share your thankful heart on the Tablecloth of Thanks.

This is Urgent. Please read. Then Pray

SUM Ring Logo Color transparent backgroundHi SUM Nation,

Lynn Donovan here. Today I was going to post my timeless photo and offer up again the family tradition I call, a Tablecloth of Thanks. I’ll post that on Friday.

But today, I feel deeply within my spirit to call this community to prayer. This is why.

In the last few weeks, a myriad of activity has occurred in the spiritual and natural realms, both good and evil. I feel the conflict so strongly in my heart and have prayed regarding what is happening daily, often hourly. I believe we stand as humanity and specifically the church, as a whole, at one of the most important forks in the road in our entire history on earth.

We are faced with a choice. Will we take the right path?

One fork in the road leads us to continue in the ways of evil, distortion, corruption, rebellion, perversion, and death, which has been operating, with little restraint, for decades. If you knew the full extent of what is ongoing and the depths of the vile, wickedness that is perpetrated on people and animals, you would throw up.

The second fork in the road is the path to a new era for the church and ultimately the entire world. It is literally the path of revival, that leads to renewal, that leads to a long-lasting cultural renaissance. Worldwide!!  Years and years!!!

We, the church, MUST LEAD THIS FORWARD and NOW!

There are many factions in play as you read this post. The stakes are high with life and death consequences. Right now, we, as citizens of the world, are perched upon the razors edge of World War III. I don’t think we fully comprehend the implications of war upon our comfortable lives. I have been cautioned over and over by the Holy Spirit to pray for peace and to shut down the powers and principalities both spiritual and human, that are poised to start this chaos.

Two days ago, the Biden Administration approved long-range (United States) missel launches by Ukraine into Russi. This is the flash point.

Please pray against the escalation of war in Ukraine, in Isreal and elsewhere. WE MUST pray legions of angles to be dispatched and restrain the people who desire death and destruction. We MUST pray for peace to overcome the earth. We MUST pray for revival and that the world encounters love. The love of Jesus. We must pray forward the will of God on earth as in heaven. The law of the Kingdom is love.

Pray urgently. Pray with belief. Exert all your power and authority in Christ to bind the devils and release the agents of good to rescue humanity from chaos and destruction. It is my sincere hope and prayer that this issue is resolved peacefully. And because this comes to nothing you might think to yourself that Lynn is whacko. Well, that’s okay. I’ll take that on. But during my watch on earth, I will pray against evil. And I’ll ask my friends to do the same.

Will you join me, the wacko and pray? Please pray in the comments. I’ll agree with your words of prayer in faith. Thank you for loving God and people.

Blessings and hugs, Lynn

Father, Yahweh, display your dominion and power, preeminent upon the earth and defeat every work of darkness, hell, satan, and the demonic realm. Defeat, destroy, and hinder every effort to escalate war everywhere. Silence every voice and activity that is promoting war.

We, your church, are for peace, Yahweh. Send angelic support. Send agents of love and peace. Send your love into realms unreached and let me be a vessel of peace in our world.

Father, we declare Your will be done in our lives, in Your church, and upon the earth. Jesus is the Victor. We pray in the Mighty name of Jesus, the Christ. AMEN