79 posts categorized "Miracles"

A Special Child-Like Day with God

... Today I'm continuing my story. For part one, see here. SUM graphics

This story is a playful story. It is, in fact, a story about the joy of the Lord.

My friends, I left off where Lynn and I had just sat down at the back of a room where a man was about to talk about healing. Everyone around us had settled in quietly, and the man walked to the front and prepared to start his talk. 


The room was quiet. People shuffled their papers, chatted to those next to them, then settled into a quiet hush as the man took his place at the front.


The man opened his mouth --

- And BAM!!!!  The Holy Spirit hit me!!! 

My friends, I crumpled in my seat. And this hit of power took the form of laughter and joy!

Yes, God endued me there and then with a full-on case of Holy Laughter. Holy, holy laughter. This is not something I'd experienced before. And honestly, it was the FUNNIEST and most joy-filled experience ever. All I could do was burst into fit of giggles, after fit of giggles, after fit of giggles, all the while feeling God's power. Every time I looked at the man at the front, it seemed to exacerbate things and I could do nothing but collapse in my chair disruptively, while everyone else around me stayed sitting perfectly still, listening to the man.

I was slapping my leg with joy, smacking Lynn on the back, burrowing my face into her shoulder to try and control it. And then I whispered to her, like a child --


'Girl, you're getting more than what he's saying', she laughed back.

I'm told later that the man talked for 15-30 minutes. He played a video and got some people with healing testimonies to speak. Well I didn't notice a thing. It was wild. And all I could think was:

There is absolute joy in healing. It is straight from the Kingdom of Heaven. And I'm going to get to see more of it.


Eventually after all that, we got taken into the healing rooms, me still in a wrecked state. It was a big hall full of beauty. There were paintings to sit beside, worship music, and a section of the room where you could go and get prayed for.

By this point the giggles had subsided, replaced by an intensely childlike state. I wasn't feeling my normal earthly self. Instead, I felt like a 6-yr old girl, and I was behaving like that with Lynn, who was pretty much acting as my chaperone by this point.

Scripture speaks of the beauty of being childlike. Those who receive the Kingdom must do so like a child.

We went over to where people were waiting for prayer for healing and, it was there, in front of everyone, that I started to dance, waving the paper on which I'd written what I wanted healing for. Round and round I twirled, childlike.

Giggling, Lynn snapped a quick video -- here. Go on, watch it and have a little laugh :-)

After doing said dance ((LOL)), I then positioned myself beside a particular painting, feeling full to the brim with peace. I sat for two hours, looking at that painting, and talking to God about my life. I pulled my journal towards me and began to write .... It took me about five minutes to craft each sentence. Painting rotated

As I wrote, I looked down and saw gold dust on my girly green dress. Then there it was, on my hand. Then there was more: It was on the page on which I was writing. And finally Lynn said to me, 'It's on your face'. I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and sure enough there it was, on my lips.

Oh God, what a blessed day. 

I said goodbye to Lynn somewhere along the way on this special day, and was left with two remaining SUMites: Jim, and Lucie, who continued to keep me company in my childlike state in the Healing Rooms. 

It was a true, beautiful blessing from the Father of lights, who gives good gifts to his kids.

Next time I will share one final thing that happened with Lucie and Jim.

Beautiful stories... Thanks for journeying along with me. I love you all.


Jesus is a-Knocking!

Hi again friends,  Ann's talk

I am on a ROLL, writing about the meet-up. I have a number of stories I want to share with you about this week that we've just gone through. Why not! So settle in, it is going to be story-time for the next week or so. Yay!

Let's turn now to the morning we spent in Lynn's living room in Rancho Murieta, on the Tuesday morning when our lovely group had gathered.

With us all gathered around, sitting on comfy chairs, I gave a talk. In that talk I shared a story. Here was the story I shared:

Last time we had a meet up was 2019. At that meet-up there was a lovely SUMite called Alyssa who joined us early. Because she arrived early, she came to hang out with us the day before the event, and we had the opportunity to pray for her.

In other words, she was in some strange way brought to our attention.

Well, while she was with us, her husband had a strange thing happen back at their home: The doorbell at their house rang, he went to the door and no one was there.

I said to Alyssa at the time, “I believe that was a little sign from God that Jesus is coming knocking for your husband!”


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20, KJV)

Well ….. COVID hit shortly after that, and as a result of the fear, stress, and media noise around all that, Alyssa’s hubby started to question his pre-existing beliefs. One thing led to another, and eventually he turned to Jesus!


He began reading the Bible, gave his life to Jesus, and eventually he got baptized. Alyssa shared her testimony on our blog about a year ago, and that was wonderful.

Much to celebrate!

Well, my friends, I have always felt it was significant that Alyssa joined us early at that last meet-up, hung out with the leadership team and helped us prepare. I think God did that because he knew she was going to have an encouraging testimony, later, for all of us: Her testimony encourages us that the impossible can happen.

Our spouses' salvations are only a 'suddenly' away.

So, I shared that story about Alyssa in my talk. Encouraging eh? And that was that.

But blow me down, minutes later, while we were still sittting in Lynn's living room after my talk the doorbell rings. DINGGG DONGGG! Lynn runs to it and answers it, and there’s no one there!!

I cried out at that point “It’s JESUS!” And we all laughed with joy.

But in all seriousness, I felt it was God giving us a seriously big wink. It was as if he was saying, "Yes, that story about Alyssa was true. And yes, I'm knocking on the hearts of these spouses. Like I did with Alyssa's home, I will do it again. Believe it.”

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20, KJV)

Oh Lord. May our spouses hear your voice, welcome you in, and may you dine with them.


Well, my friends, next I'm going to tell you how the trip to Bethel conference went, so tune in again for that on Monday - I have much left to share!

A Must-Read!

Dear SUMites, Ann here Hope is coming

A couple of weeks ago I walked into my local library. I wasn't even intending to get a book out, but my eyes rested on one singular book, sitting there innocuously on the shelf: 'Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude'.

Looks interesting, I thought, and took it home.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I began reading at 2pm. By 5pm I was glued to the chair unable to put the book down even to go to the toilet. And by 7pm I had to shout upstairs to my two children, 'Sorry boys, can you get your own dinner? I've got this book....'

11pm rolled round and I was two thirds of the way through, having barely interacted with my family the whole evening due to the gripping nature of this book. Bryce called out 'I'm going to bed Ann!' and so I had to reluctantly lay ... this amazing ... story ... down. Until the morning.

I won't spoil it for you. It is a very sad book. It is about a woman whose husband got cancer in his early thirties. But it is a glorious and miraculous book. It is a memoir about a conversion: An unlikely conversion that happened in the most impossible of circumstances.

It will fill you with hope; and it will give you the kind of testimony that is important to have as a SUMite: A testimony that nothing is impossible with God, and that when his power comes sweeping into a situation it changes EVERYTHING.

It's well worth a read.

Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude, by Louise Blyth (2021), published by Yellow Kite.

And, if you can't get the book and prefer to get a little synopsis of the story from the author herself, here's the video version of her testimony.



My Dream Came True, Part Two

Continuing my story ... Mother's Day

About how my son said his 'yes' to Jesus.

Three weeks ago, Miles left to attend a Christian camp for the weekend. Most of the eight kids he went with had already given their heart to Jesus.

But not my boy, not yet!

On that Sunday morning I went to church. Miles wasn't with me, of course, because he was at the camp. And here's where it gets interesting --

I was sitting at the back of church, and when the sermon finished a girl who was only a couple of years older than Miles got up, walked to just behind the back row of chairs, and threw herself on the ground sobbing. With her face pressed to the ground her shoulders heaved. Church broke up at that point, so there she was kneeling in her own world, and people began to get up and walk past her to the coffee table.

Not wanting her to be so exposed, I walked over, knelt next to her and rubbed her back. She didn't even look up at me. She just sobbed and sobbed.

The sense I had was that the Holy Spirit was touching her rather than her being distressed. I think they were 'Holy Tears' -- I've had that before too. So I leaned down and said to her 'God is touching you.'

Waahhhh! She cried and cried. My hand stayed on her back, as we knelt on that floor. And the rest of the church milled around chatting.

Look after My house, I'll look after yours, God had said to me.

By rubbing her back I guess I was looking after her in some small way. But little did I know that something very similar had happened to Miles only the night before.

That Saturday night, there Miles was, sitting in a service in Matamata a couple of hours from where we live in Auckland.  Matamata is actually famous for being one of the filming locations for the Lord of the Rings films: For those who have seen Lord of the Rings they filmed the Hobbit houses in Matamata. Special little houses. 


Look after My house, I'll look after yours. 

Anyway, I kind of digress: There was Miles, sat in a youth service in Matamata and the preacher was preaching about the prodigal son.

Now, Miles is not a crier at all. I haven't seen him cry for years. Nor does he have much teenage angst as far as I know. He's a solid kiwi bloke, as they would say. He's pretty resilient, doesn't cry, doesn't get fazed by things and is generally quite happy.

The sermon wasn't even resonating with him, he told me later. He said "It was about the prodigal son, and I was thinking meh--" When suddenly he found himself breaking down into shoulder-heaving sobs.

He was wracked with sobs! Out of nowhere!

Worship began, and that was it. All Miles could do was look down and hold tightly to his Jesus Freak brown jumper which was scrunched up in a ball in his hands, and just let those tears loose. He COULD. NOT. STOP. 

His best friend, Toby, who had given his life to Jesus a few months ago, put his arm around him. Then their youth leader noticed and joined them like a midwife, catching this baby that was being born here. That youth leader gently told Miles "God is touching you".

"Do you want to give your life to Jesus?" he said.

Miles nodded.

Perfectly timed, an altar call then happened from the front, calling forward anyone who wanted to say yes to God. And that was it. Miles shot forward instantly. And his whole youth crowd of friends jumped up and down with joy from their seats.

Miles was the only kid amongst them who had his big moment with God that weekend, and so everyone made a fuss of it.

When I picked him up two days later, they all crowded around me and said, "Ann! Miles gave his life to the Lord!" My gorgeous boy grinned at me from across the carpark as I looked over at him in AMAZEMENT. I ran to him then and gave him the biggest cuddle.

"I'll drive home," he said. "You'll be too excited, you might crash."


And did I tell Bryce? Teehee... Stay tuned for that part of the story, that's next.

Much love,


God's Provision: A Story

SUMites, Suitcases

Those of you who've been with us a while will remember we had our last conference in April 2019, the Hear the Roar Summit in California. Well, that was impossible for me to get to. Honestly impossible. Yet I got there.

I decided to dig out the story that I wrote on the blog at the time. For those of you who feel that God is stirring you to get our next meet-up in September, I hope this story encourages you:


Ann's story, from 2019:

"When Lynn first started talking about the summit, a little thought bubbled up for me that hadn’t happened the previous time there was a conference. This thought was that I was to go, and that God would provide. With a big dose of optimism, then, I went onto our Facebook group and said:

“For the summit let's believe in miracles!” 

It would take a miracle indeed. I live in New Zealand, a 12-hour flight away, and can only leave my children for a few days. That wasn’t the most difficult aspect though: How on earth would I explain to my husband that I want to fly twelve hours for this?!  In his eyes it could be weird, and given the content, even slightly offensive.

A couple of hours after writing on the Facebook page, I found myself needing to do a bank transaction. This is something I do often, but that day I noticed something I’d previously ignored. At the very bottom of the screen there was a $$$ figure with the label “True Rewards”.  My husband and I had been collecting these reward points ever since we got married almost 20 years ago but ignoring them. My jaw dropped as I realized that we had over a thousand dollars in points, I could spend them at a travel agent and I had a way to California!


This still left a hard part, though. I had to talk to my husband about it. I looked up tickets to L.A., and my heart sank. At US$1,300 the points would cover it but it was so much money for a 2-day trip. Shouldn’t I spend it on something we could enjoy together instead?

Time passed and Lynn announced the date. At this point, out of the blue my husband started mentioning these points for the first time in years, suggesting we buy a kettle with them!  Wanting to shout “No!” at him, “Don’t spend those points!!!” I figured God was dropping me a hint to pluck up the courage and ask.

It took a few days, but I finally did it. My husband has a kind heart, but our faith difference is not an easy situation for us. Nevertheless, he looked straight back at me with an affectionate smile and said, “Sure.”  Just like that.

Later, he surprised me again, “Come on then, let’s book it now,” he said. “Okay,” I squeaked, still feeling self-conscious. This was where one more surprise awaited: We went online to see that ticket prices had halved since I last checked, now being only $600. This meant that there would be points left over for transport and accommodation for me, and – better still -- enough points for my husband to get something nice for himself. SUM Meet-Up

I know I’m to thank God for this. Today I have my thanksgiving going and am believing in more."


Let's keep believing!  Share in the comments what you're hoping for, and let's pray for this meet-up.

26 September 2023 -- Ranch Murieta

27-29 September 2023 -- Bethel Church, Redding

For further details, click here.

Love you, SUMites!


Keep on Believing for the Miracles!

Hi my friends! Suitcases

It's a public holiday here in New Zealand, so this is the teeniest little hello. But I wanted to share something that happened in church yesterday.

Yesterday in church, a girl (well, woman) I'm friendly with stood up and gave a testimony. The testimony was this:

A few years ago she felt strongly she was to go to Africa and volunteer on a particular missions programme with Iris Ministries. However, she was broke. Completely broke! She said "There's broke, and then there's how I was: Completely broke."

We all laughed at that.

The three-month trip would cost thousands and in her penniless state it was 100% impossible. Nevertheless, she strongly felt Jesus wanted her to be there, and what's more she believed he had told her the funds would come.

So she made her plans. She told her family she was going, and everyone was cheering her on. Yet as the time drew near for the trip, she still had no money in the bank and started to think, "This is going to be embarrassing, everyone thinks I'm going, and now I'm going to have to tell them I'm not".

Well, the provision came suddenly. In an instant!

Suddenly, a person she knew told her "I've been led to pay for your upcoming trip. Give me your account details and I'll pay it in."

It was NZ$11,000! About USD6,500.

So all of a sudden, she went from having no way of getting there to having the full funds in her account, and off she went to Africa. 

Years on, it's a testimony she will always remember. It's a testimony of provision that she was able to tell us all about at church. And a testimony of provision that reminded me all over again that these things happen and if God wants you to be somewhere he'll make a way. There are so many other testimonies like this out there in the Christian world.

Conclusion for us SUMites: It is no big thing for God to do the same for our SUM Meet-Up this September. So keep praying: Ask him afresh if you're meant to be there, and if so ask God to make a way.

Let's keep praying!

Love you,


Believe in Miracles For Our Meet-Up

Hi everyone!

Many of us are thinking now about the SUM Meet-Up on Tuesday 27 September, and are keen to attend. Exciting!

If that's you, watch this testimony of one of our SUMites, Gillian Russell Meisner, who miraculously got her trip from Canada provided for a past SUM meet-up.  This video is five years old now, but it remains one of my absolute favorites in our archives. 

It's such a cool story, it is totally fun and totally God. Enjoy!

Headed to Israel! A Guest Post by Barb Twigg

Headed to Israel! Israel flag 2

I’m headed to Israel with 46 others from our church, one of which is my sister. But the fact this is happening is quite the God-orchestrated trip. 

Back in 2020 I had a dream that I was in the Oval Office with President Trump and all the secret service surrounding us. One guy asked me a question to which I answered "no"! He looked at the group and said “She’s the one”. Next thing I know I’m standing at the empty tomb! I’m on a rock ledge peering inside wearing a white shirt and black pants. There were women at the opening that appeared to be from Jesus' day. I then woke up. WOW! I had no idea what it all meant. 

January 2023 Lynn Donovan asks me if I’m going to Israel with my church. The thought never crossed my mind. But I said "No way in the world would Rick let me take a trip like that." You see without all the details my husband is a zero-risk taker-backpacking-tent-staying-frugal-no overspending-nothing fancy-kinda man!  I’m good with all that. Every now and then when I travel by myself I splurge on a Holiday Inn. So again I said "No way!" But the Holy Spirit said “Ask him”.  

Really? Did I hear you right? “Yep! Ask him!” So I did, and about a day later I asked if he had a chance to look over the travel brochure and what did he think about me going, to which he said “Yeah you can go. Are you sure it’s the best trip for the money?” HA! I fell outta my chair! He said yes, so I confirmed it! I paid my deposit that second! 

If you only knew what this means as to the condition of my husband's heart. Let’s put it this way. If my trip got cancelled for reasons beyond my control, I’d still be so happy! It’s the simple fact he said yes even though that wouldn’t be his nature for this kind of trip. For him to say yes is only because of Jesus in him.

At a very crucial time in my marriage one of my devotionals had a prayer at the end of every day. I’ll never forget these words by Kaylene Yoder. She prayed something like this “Lord, you have ways to make our husbands willing and able to do Your will”.  There is no way he came to this conclusion without divine intervention whose name is Jesus! And this Jesus of mine wanted me to be at the empty tomb in April 2023! Barb Twigg

I’ll see you next time with a recap of my trip.  In the mean time don’t underestimate what our God can do in your marriage. He’s got means and ways to make things happen for our good!  El Roi: the God who sees me.

Shalom! Shalom! 

Barb Twigg is wife to Rick of 33 years. They live in sunny south Florida and are enjoying retirement. She was born to teach and encourage. The Lord led her to the book 'Winning Him Without Words' and she found her beloved SUMites! She loves to encourage in the Lord and operates in the gift of faith. If you have doubt, she’ll lead you to belief! She’s always willing to learn from the Holy Spirit and God's Word then teach it to others. She is active in her church and community to reach the lost and walk out her God given assignments.

Two Visitors Appeared at My Door Yesterday ....

My friends, I am interrupting the series on church because something really crazy happened yesterday. Settle in for a good story! Front door 2


The last two weeks, I have had an unusual spiritual battle. I've been wrestling with a weird spiritual weariness I've not had before.

Now, I'm normally bouncy when it comes to God. I'm completely ruined for him, and I hope with every fiber of my being that I stay HIS for the rest of my life.


BUT the last two or three weeks I've struggled with a weird lack-lustre. God has felt like a distant 'fact', rather than a vibrant presence. I've struggled to read the Bible, which is unusual. And, this past Sunday I felt like I couldn't be bothered going to church. That's no good, is it, when I'm writing a series on that very topic!? Uggh, no fun. And a bit freaky. It's especially difficult to have something like that happen when you know you have a community to keep writing for.

Anyway, my response was this: I have to just keep going. I know that Christians sometimes experience dry patches. I also know that God does not promise that we will always feel his presence, even though he is surely there. So I determined to do that: Keep going. I made a deliberate point to keep reading the word, keep showing up for time with God in the morning, and get prayer for the issue from a couple of people.

Have you been there too? I know a few of us have. It's been a strangely difficult couple of weeks, and that's the backstory to what happened yesterday. 

Now for yesterday:

I was standing in the kitchen. My house was a little untidy, I was in my most unflattering clothes, and my hair hadn't been brushed yet even though it was lunchtime. We have a cyclone going on here in New Zealand, which you might have seen on the news, so I did have an excuse: I was settled in for a full home day while the wind and rain roared outside.

I texted a friend, "I am having a weird time ... feeling spiritual lacklustre." The friend texted back, "I'm praying for you." And no sooner had that message arrived than there was a knock at the door. Two people stood there who I'd never seen in my life: A boy and a girl in their early twenties.

Two knights in shining armor.

"We're here the prayer meeting!" they said.

"Prayer meeting?" I paused for a minute. "Ohhh! Yes, I WAS going to have a prayer meeting today, but cancelled it because of the cyclone."

I then hugged them both as if it was the most natural thing to wrap my arms around two strangers and said "COME IN!"

(Side note: I have no idea how these two found that there was to be a prayer meeting at my house.) 

Having hugged them I said, "Sit down. Let me just go and comb my hair .. and then I will be back." My hair definitely needed a taming before I sat down in front of these two again.

Two minutes later, with duly neatened hair, I plonked myself down in front of them, and we started to talk ...

Me and two strangers. This could be awkward? No, it wasn't. Strangers 3

We proceeded to talk .... about GOD. We talked about fiery things. The boy was 23, a traveler from California. The girl was 20, an Aucklander who lives an hour away from me. We connected deeply. We talked about what we were each wrestling with and hearing from God. In fact, I began to share quite a lot of my heart with them.

At this point I started to feel completely refreshed, like 'This is just what I need right now,' and 'How is it I can talk to these two like I've known them forever?' 

The effect these two were having on me they might as well have been angels.

It got better though....

The boy was from California. "California?" I said, "I've been there. Actually, I work on a ministry for Christians married to non-Christians, and that ministry was set up by a lady who lives in California."

And this is where it got particularly interesting, but I've gone on too long now, so will continue this story on Friday.... Be sure to tune in because this next part is a goody. Till next time!


The Theme of Miracles This Month

By Ann Hutchison Christmas graphic

On Wednesday, Ian led us into Advent so nicely. And, continuing on that theme, in today's post I want to mix a little of advent and SUM together.

What I want to do this month is look back on some miracles from our community, and perhaps some other miracles too.

I want to do that because the nativity story is a story of miracles. Crazy things went down that year. The characters involved must have thought 'What on earth is going on?' 

A feeling of holy awe would settle on the people involved, and they were bowled over in wonder. 

Sometimes in this SUM ministry we've had moments of holy awe too; that is, moments where we've sat back wide-eyed because God's hand has been on something. In fact, the journey this whole the SUM community has been on over the last sixteen years is a story I want to curate.

Yet, as Ian said on Wednesday, us SUMites also have long and difficult periods of longing. There are things that happen that are glorious and things that happen that are bittersweet for us. 

Bittersweet often can be part of a glorious move of God. For example, when Jesus was a baby, a man called Simeon prophesied to Mary "A sword will pierce through your own soul."

Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Luke 2:34-35)

There is often a rawness behind any given miracle, and here at SUM we see that. We go through raw things that pierce our soul... Yet in those very things lie seeds. There's always a feeling that 'What will God do next?'

Holy awe.

Zacharias was told by the angel Gabriel that his barren wife, Elizabeth would bear a son. He said "How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years." And so the angel told him he would be mute until the time that these things would be fulfilled (Luke 1:18-20). Zacharias's family and friends later talked to him using signs, so it seems he was deaf and unable to speak. Can you imagine the trauma of that? 

Yet, the minute Zacharias declares that his miraculously born son is to be called John (the baptist), immediately his mouth is opened and his tongue loosed. And at that point, scripture says:

"Then fear came on all who dwelt around them; and all these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea. And all those who heard them kept them in their hearts, saying "what kind of child will this be?" And the hand of the Lord was with him. (Luke 1:65-66, NKJV)

Holy awe. I can just imagine that feeling of awe descending, everyone looking at each other wide-eyed and acknowledging, 'This was a moment; and God was there.'

Have you ever seen something you would describe as a miracle?

Love you all


(p.s. I am travelling this coming week, so may take a few days to reply to comments!)


7EADF9A6-E07B-437C-A163-CC6B56E73862By Amanda Pace

I had prayed about what to write and settled on this story before I watched Lynn’s amazing video on spiritual warfare in the SUMite facebook group. Isn’t God’s timing amazing! This post will also be about warfare, but it is more of a personal testimony as well as declarations I feel God wants me to share with all of you to claim for yourselves. So here we go!

Years ago, I was attending my wonderful church and went up front to ask for prayer as I often did. I was feeling so weak and alone, like my life and marriage were falling apart. I was so scared of what might happen to my kids and their faith. In short, I was filled with doubt and fear. 

My pastors knew me and my situation, so I didn’t have to explain much when I came up for prayer. They knew my husband was and is an atheist, that I had two young children, and that my husband was struggling with depression and addiction. They knew I struggled with my emotions as well as my confidence at the time. So there was no shortage of things I needed prayer for!

My pastors wife (who was also Co-pastor) began to pray over me. During the prayer for strength and courage she paused, went to her seat and grabbed something, and came back. She had me open my had and put something in it. Keys. She wrapped my hand in hers and told me to remember that I am the gatekeeper of my home. That I CHOOSE who I lock and unlock the door for. I have the God-given power to kick evil out of my home! She said I am like Jeal, driving a peg into the enemies head (Judges 4:21)! Let me tell you, God showed up big time during that prayer session!

I came home feeling so emboldened with the power of the Holy Spirit! I remember going down into our basement, where my husband spent most of his time, feeling ready for battle! I swear I could have physically taken off a demons head had it shown up in the flesh at that moment! This daughter of the King was ready for WAR! But of course, this battle was not one of the flesh. So I stood there, in the darkness. The air felt thick and heavy, like the enemy knew I was there and could feel what was coming. I could feel them too. The weight of all my husbands demonic oppressors hanging over me. And I was filled with righteous anger. I began to rebuke every single spirit! I laid my hands on things I knew had been gateways and bound them up (TV, XBox, ect.). I cried out boldly, fearlessly, OUT LOUD, and in full confidence that I was working in God's will! It truly was glorious!

Some changes were immediate, and some were still a long way off. But I remember when things started to shift even my husband noticed he was changing without  intentionally trying to! I remember him asking me once, half joking, “What did you do to me?”. I just smiled. Someday he will know exactly what God did through me. And I cannot wait for the day I can discuss it with him.

I believe God brought this to mind for me to share to remind us all, yet again, that we DO hold power! Through HIM! Ladies and gents, we should walk into life every day like we are in a battle we KNOW we cannot lose! With our heads held high, confident, bold, glowing with His love! Take hold of His promises and SHOUT them out! No matter what things look like in the flesh - the flesh is a liar anyway! See with our spiritual eyes the truth that God has laid out before us! We are gatekeepers and warriors! Walk in peace and confidence because you KNOW He is walking with you!

What can you declare freedom from TODAY as the gatekeeper of your home? I would love to read about it in the comments!

A Work of God in My Home

By Ann Hutchison Central church Ann 1

Hi SUM family!

Today I'm continuing on from Monday's post, with a curious story about something God did in my home this year. It shows just how good he is, and I really do hope you enjoy this story.

As I've shared before, last year none of my family was going anywhere near church. Sigh! But one day God gave me a most unusual word. He told me I was going to be on a year-long wait for something, starting on 21 June 2020, and that something would happen at the end of that year.

Goodness, how exciting!

Over those months, then, I waited. I waited … I waited … I waited.

I kept telling myself I should not have too high an expectation about what would transpire at the end of the wait (i.e., June 2021). I figured God works mysteriously and if I were to try to guess his moves, I would almost certainly be incorrect. 

That said, I simply couldn't resist trying to guess as the wait continued and, to add to my excitement, God gave me another two things: The phrase Let’s Go, and the name of a New Zealand town Whanganui.

By now this was all feeling highly suspenseful. "Is my family going to move to Whanganui, Lord?" I wondered. I was fit to burst with anticipation.

Well, my friends, I could never have guessed what would transpire next; and it's almost a little difficult to describe. But I'll give it a go. It turns out that these mysterious words related - at least in part -- to my family's church situation.

In February (2021), my pastor told me he was going to close the church I'd been attending for the past six years. I've shared this part with you all already.

Indeed, it was a shock. But then came an immediate move of God, a swipe of his power: As I've also shared, my son Miles’s school friend suddenly began attending a new church himself and invited Miles along. A miracle, in my eyes. I began attending there too, and now here’s a photo of the three of us at church together: Me, Miles (next to me), and his best friend next to him. As I write, these two boys are now fully engaged in this church. Ann Miles at church

Well, that was amazing. Suddenly I had gone from despairing at my family's lack of church attendance to enjoying it with my son. But there’s more.

I'd not been attending my new church long when they announced this:

“We’re moving into a new venue, St Paul’s College on 20th June.”

St Paul's college? 20th June? I nearly fell off my seat. You see, St Paul's college was the venue my old church had just vacated! I would be going back there? And on 20th June? That was the date my year of waiting was to end!

"Lord? What is this about?" I whispered, sitting in my seat, there in my new church.

It could still have been a coincidence … Until I saw the Facebook announcement about the new venue, and saw what phrase they had included:

'Let’s Go' !! Central church new venue

And it got even better. That weekend I just-so-happened to look at a map and saw something I’d never noticed before: The new church venue that I was moving back to (St Paul's) sits below a road called Whanganui Street!!

At this, I sat back, gob-smacked.

All I could conclude was that this church and my family were meant to be together, and it was as if the Father had given me signposts to confirm it.

The new church's move feels like a big new season for them; but also very significant for me and my family.

How does all this relate to my SUM? Well, this move has done something curious to my family. I can’t say why, but Bryce is fully relaxed about my involvement in this new church where it wasn't like that before. It could be because it's run by young people, and he can see how they treat Miles -- They're lovely. Or, it could be the fact he is seeing Miles thrive socially there. Nevertheless, it is a clear move of God in my family, it has been a major development in my SUM, and I thank Him. 

The motto from all this: Who knows how God will move in a SUM home, but he will surely move for us. We just... Have to wait. 

(Finally, to give you a final smile after Monday's post, I have even begun attending a weekly ‘small group’. But that is another story.)

My friends, I so hope this encouraged you. 

With love, 


SUM Community, Let's Party!

By Ann Hutchison

My friends, today is an auspicious day: A certain someone turns fifteen. Nope, it's not one of our children, it's this ministry. Fifteen years ago today this blog had its humble beginnings with its very first post!Birthday photo

Books emerged. A YouTube channel. Friendships. Testimonies. We've seen salvations of spouses, restorations of marriages, and personal growth. Amazing miracles have happened here in this 'church without walls'. God has been good to us.

I thank him. And I thank Lynn for beginning it and all she has given.

So, for the next two weeks we’re going to reminisce. Our writing team (current and past!) are going to hop on to share, and we'd love to hear some of your own stories too.

I’ve not fully shared my own behind-the-scenes story when it comes to this ministry. It makes me smile so maybe it will do the same to you.

When I found this ministry (2014), I was extremely challenged by the spiritual mismatch, as most of us are for a season. Constantly in tears, I was a seriously unlikely candidate for writing anything encouraging to anyone. But I gained strength from the blog posts and comments here, and gradually things changed.

I was also a covert reader here in that I didn’t want to be public on this site, not even in the comments. I didn't want my husband and friends to see me reading a blog on marriage help when we had a happy marriage. So those videos you see of me on YouTube or Facebook?! How on earth we got there only God knows!

The thing is, God works with the unlikely situations, so here's what happened next:

God began to lay this ministry thickly on my heart. I would have dreams about the ministry, visions even, and I really felt a love for this community of beautiful people. Then loads of ideas began landing in my head for things I could write on the blog. In fact, I began to want to write. But how could I? I was Miss Covert. 

Well, when God decides we’re going to do something, it happens. Just as I was having these thoughts about writing, I got a message from Lynn: “Hey girl, would you like to write for the blog?”

My response was this: “It would take a miracle for me to even tell Bryce about the ministry, let alone have him say yes to that.” 

Our SUM was a topic of huge sensitivity. We were happily married, and to show Bryce a website called ‘Spiritually Unequal Marriage’ would have offended him (I thought). What’s more, to write about our personal lives on the internet was way over the line.

The thing is, this tricky area needs to be written about so that others know they are not alone. And it seemed that I was being asked to take one for the team ... Lol. That night, I heard God speak: “Ann, you are going to run with it. With My approval and with Bryce’s.”


Totally aggh. But it had to be done. So while in bed the next morning, I reached for my iPad and tapped hubby on the shoulder.

“Ummm … Babe … I’ve been reading this website for people like us. I’d like to write for it. Can I just show it to you, and would you mind if I wrote?”

He took the iPad from me and squinted to read.

“Spiritually Unequal Marriage!” He read out.

“Mm hm” I squeaked. 

He read it some more, perused the photos of Lynn and Mike, and the other writers with their spouses. Then handed me back the iPad. “Why would I mind?” He said. "Sure." 

The rest is history. Along the way, God injected some strength into me as I journeyed in my own SUM, and in 2018, he told me I would be “Leading worship” here. That gave me an inkling of what was to come before I stepped forward last year.

Leading worship: How I love those words, for that is really what this ministry is about. We, the SUMites, worship Jesus through daily choices. And this blog helps us all do that.

Fifteen years -- What an adventure. Thank you, Lord, and thank you also, my family of SUMites, for all the times you have shared your hearts.

Lynn will be sharing on Monday. I imagine she is looking back at those fifteen years with wonder! But for now, your turn: When did you find this ministry, and how has it changed things for you?

Teenage Testimony Time Again!

My dear friends, Ann here. Teenagers

Thank you so much for your lovely comments on Monday’s post. It was as if the whole SUM community sent up a cheer of excitement to hear that my one teenager had joined church. The Body of Christ.

And we cheered because we get it. We get the pain. We get the hope. And we relate to what it says in scripture, that angels rejoice over one soul (Luke 15:10). One!

I thank Jesus for what he has done here. So, so much.

Well, Jesus is lavish! It seems he has decided we, the SUM community, will not just have one teenager to celebrate. We will have two! Little did I know this morning when I woke that it would be testimony time all over again today.

In my last post I shared that my church had closed. Four of us attended there without our husbands and we were great friends. One of these friends reads our blog regularly and cheers us on, a fellow SUMite. She'll be reading this, so I wave at her and beam her a hug while we're on here.

Anyway, this morning, I got a text from her that made my mouth drop open all over again. Are you ready? She said this:

“It’s been amazing reading your SUM posts. The same thing has happened with (my daughter)! She went to youth group and Easter Camp and is now downloading worship songs!”

She continued:

“It’s interesting, as soon as (our pastor) announced we were closing, she (the daughter) met a new friend at school who invited her to youth group – then it has been all on!”

I'm in awe of God. 

We may think our grown children's faith lives are as ‘good as dead’. But no! I think already from this past fortnight I have learned a big lesson: God will move.

The intriguing thing is that God sometimes has to close things down to enable that. My friend and I had to say goodbye to a much-loved church. And I can tell you, there were many tears. We loved the people dearly, and it was painful. But God knew what he was doing.

My friends, I want to share the following scripture from Hebrews. It reminds us that it doesn’t matter if something is ‘as good as dead’. We all know the story of Abraham:

And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore (Hebrews 11:12, NIV).

And with that I'm going to put up a song below. It's called 'Stand in Awe'. For that's my stance right now.

Blessings to you all. Perhaps we can pray over our children collectively today? If you'd like prayer for your children, put their names in the comments and we can gather round these kids of ours. 

Sending much love,



Jehovah Perazim - The Lord Who Breaks Through

Hey SUM Family, Tiffany here!

I don't know about you but I have really been yearning for breakthrough! It gets me fired up thinking about the breakthrough needed in my life as well as others. I am really struggling to completely detach from my old self. I am not saying that I am not growing, maturing or bearing fruit. Please hear my heart. I am talking about the hard reality that the more I press into God, the more I realize I am in rough shape and need Jesus. Can anybody relate?

I recently came across this scripture that has been really stirring in my heart:

Dam breaking


So David went to Baal-perazim and defeated the Philistines there. “The Lord did it!” David exclaimed. “He burst through my enemies like a raging  flood!” So he named that place Baal-perazim (which means “the Lord who bursts through”). -- 2 Samuel 5:20


Some context: David is now king. He captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and makes it his home. The Philistines find out this news and come to capture him. David goes into a stronghold and the Philistines spread out across the valley of Rephaim. It is really interesting to note that the valley of Rephaim means "the house of the giants."

David could have been afraid. Sure, he had a run in with them before (remember Goliath, their once great warrior?); however, this time they were after him!

I love the conversation that happens just one verse before:

So David asked the Lord, “Should I go out to fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?” The Lord replied to David, “Yes, go ahead. I will certainly hand them over to you.” (5:19)

Isn't there something so "magical" about the promises of God being fulfilled in front of your eyes? The New Living Translation sums up the child-like faith that I believe that David had - the Lord did it!

There are some things that I have been praying into for some time now - outside of salvation and surrender for Jason - full and forever breakthrough from the spirits of poverty and self-preservation in my life. There are many layers that have been broken but I still have a ways to go. It's been tough, especially with me as the toughest critic. These giants have taken camp in the valley of my heart and mind.

The Lord keeps impressing on my mind the idea of breakthrough and I praise Him for this recent revelation in this passage of scripture! Tiffany, I am your Daddy but I am also Jehovah Perazim. I am Your God who breaks through. Do you trust me? Do you believe it? Will you stand in faith - even when you can't see what is on the horizon?

I want to close with the song I heard for the first time today. It is so raw and honest. I can relate so well and I'm sure you can too.

Verse 1:

If I’m honest, I don’t know what to do
With this battle that I’m going through
And how to trust you.

Every part of me, wants to figure out my own plan
Wants to take things in my own two hands
God help me to understand


You are enough, You are enough for me, for me
Take my doubts, drown them in the sea
Cause you’re more than enough for me


Every part of me, wants to figure out my own plan
Wants to take things in my own two hands
God help me to understand


Even if I lost everything, you would still be enough for me.
Even if I lost everything, oh
Even if I lost everything, you would still be enough for me.
Even if I lost everything, oh

Can you feel the breakthrough coming or has your hope been lost? Admittedly sometimes I am teetering on the fence between the two. Sometimes life is tough. But GOD! He is so so good.

Let's pray:

Jehovah Perazim, You are our God who breaks through. You come forth against our enemies like a raging flood. There is nothing that can thwart the plans You have for us. When we are weary may we always remember that You go before us. You give us victory. When we are weary like Moses, bring others to surround us and hold us up. We can't do this alone. Thank You for this amazing community. We can all relate to the true struggle not against flesh and blood but against the forces of darkness. Thank You for always saying to us, like David, "I will certainly hand them over to you." We love you and praise you for the great big shout - You did it! We trust you. You are enough. In Jesus' name, amen.

See you in the comments! How can I intercede for you today?

We Raise a Hallelujah!

There has been much to celebrate in SUMite land in recent weeks. The SUMite Gathering at the beginning of April and our dear Lynn’s Mike coming to know Jesus as his Lord and Saviour being two BIG highlights.

My family received some wonderful news this morning. John, my brother, some of you may recall, has been going through treatment for lymphoma since November. Today, he received news that he is in FULL REMISSION! Hallelujah. Praise the Lord! We’re naturally excited but I’m especially pleased for my mom and dad who found the whole experience very stressful.

Like Lynn’s Mike who has stepped into a completely different ‘life’, John has also. Prior to his diagnosis he had lived a ‘quiet’ life as a Christian, so quiet that his wife and children weren’t really aware of his faith. However, in this ‘dark valley’ he discovered not just the ‘rod and staff’ of his shepherd but the Lord who led him beside still waters and to lie down in long grass. John happily told everyone who came in contact with him, whether it be the nurse administering his chemo, to the stranger who wished him well, that he simply trusted in the goodness of God.

John’s transformation has really been quite remarkable. And then my dad who I’ve never known to pray before was nightly praying with mom for healing for his eldest son.

I don’t have any real message today other than to express my heartfelt praise to our God. Who is always good, even when the news might not be. And to encourage you all to keep praying not so much for answers but to know Him better. Because when we know Him better we come to experience the Lord as our shepherd of whom we ‘shall not want’.

And to all of you who prayed for John and my family. A heartfelt thanks from us all. I wish I could hug you all. 

I’ve discovered this song recently that I keep playing and it has such a strong message about our God, who loves us so much that He simply can’t be stopped!

I hope it may uplift your spirit. Jesus tells us we are His friends and so He takes us behind the scenes of what is going on (John 15:15-17) - this is what prayer is about - praying the Father's business be done! 

Be blessed dear SUMite friends.




Because of The Manger... Our Voice Is Restored!

Emmanuel God With US spirituallunequalmarriage.com While reading the Christmas story in the book of Luke on Monday, I pondered Zechariah’s story. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about Zechariah’s angelic encounter, his response, and the significance and similarity in many believers lives today.

Let’s read it together and then I will share the revelation that could very well change the course of your life this very day. 

Let us recall that Zechariah was the High Priest serving in the Temple, in the Holies of holy. He and his wife Elizabeth were devoted to the Lord, however, they lived in shame as they were childless. Childlessness was considered a curse in ancient Biblical times.

In Luke, chapter one, Zechariah received great honor when chosen to burn incense in the Temple. While ministering to God behind the curtain the angel, Gabriel, appeared before him and said, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife, Elizabeth will bear you a son and you are to call him John….”

Gabriel continues to declare the destiny of John who becomes The Baptist. Let’s pick up in verse 18 and listen to Zachariah’s response:

18 Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”

19 The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. 20 And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”

21 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple. 22 When he came out, he could not speak to them. They realized he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak.

23 When his time of service was completed, he returned home. 24 After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. 25 “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people. — Luke 1:18-25

Now this is where the Lord began to speak to me, “Lynn, I know that you are aware through your many prayer session, that many of my children have experienced this very thing.”

“Huh?” I pondered until the Lord went on to explain. “You see, many of my children’s voices have been stolen from them. They suffered much at the hands of those in authority over them who silenced their cries for kindness, consideration, and cries for help. CRIES TO BE HEARD!”

“What happened to Zachariah continues to play out in millions of lives today."

"And Lynn, it wasn’t by My Hand that Zachariah lost his voice. No. His voice was stolen by the demonic the instant Zach decided to doubt and believe a lie. He believed this miracle birth was impossible. He chose by his free will to partner with doubt and deceit, two principalities of darkness. Thus, giving the enemy an entry point to come in, snatch his voice, which was ordained to be a powerful witness of the Kingdom. He believed a lie even though my powerful angel stood before him speaking truth.”

“Stealing a believer’s voice is the goal of every demon. Your voice carries so much power to change everything in the world. But the devil tricks, swirls doubt, pain, and trauma to snuff out the realities that I offer. My children partner with deception even though they have My Word, the Holy Spirit and the testimonies of millions of believers who declare the reality of My power and love."

"Lynn, I’m so glad that you pray with My children and restore their voice.”

“I’m so glad too, Papa.”

“Lynn, but did you see what happened when Zachariah acted in faith and partnered with Me, with My son, Jesus, and with truth? The demonic stronghold was immediately broken, and Zechariah’s voice was restored. Read on!”

59 On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, 60 but his mother spoke up and said, “No! He is to be called John.”

61 They said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who has that name.”

62 Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child. 63 He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.” 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. 65 All the neighbors were filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judea people were talking about all these things. 66 Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “What then is this child going to be?” For the Lord’s hand was with him. — Luke 1:61-66

“Meditate on this truth. Partner with Me no matter how impossible the circumstances. If I have decreed a thing. IT MUST HAPPEN!”


Whoa, Gang!

Who knew the Christmas story could be this powerful.

This is the season of miracles and receiving gifts. Has the devil stolen your voice? Ask the Lord about your voice. Has it been silenced? Do you use your voice to bless and not curse?

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. — Colossians 4:6

For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. —Luke 6:45

Share your thoughts with me in the comments. Let me pray for you in the comments today. I love you Merry Christmas. AND, I can’t wait to discover more on our journey toward Bethlehem!

Deliverance After YEARS Of Torment! Hallelujah!

Hello SUM Family, Tiffany Here!

The last couple of months I have been sharing a bit about what I have learned from reading a book called From Dream to Destiny by Robert Morris. I was assigned to read this book in class and I am so glad that I read it! This book has been truly amazing. To read the previous two posts I've written in this "mini-series" click on the links below.

This Is Just The Pits!

Do You Want Evidence Or The Truth?

In September I began to take steps to transition into a new church. As you read this, I have now been at this new church for 3 weeks. Each and every week has been so powerful and effective. Today I want to share with you a recent experience unlike anything I've ever had. It happened a little over a week ago on October 14, 2018. The following is what I posted the next day on Facebook (sharing here as well since a lot of you may not have Facebook or seen it because we aren't "friends"):

 Worship at Hub is amazing. God is there. Holy Spirit presence is thick and tangible. We were singing a song I had never heard before. The lyrics were powerful and the words that floored me at the time were talking about laying my whole life down before Jesus our Savior. I was already worshipping on my knees but I couldn't help but crouch face down before God. I felt so heavy and overloaded. I was just crying and crying before God. My words spoken in tears and sobs. All of a sudden it was like God said, "get up." Not in an angry way but an empowering way...if that makes sense. I sat up and it was like I saw myself in the place of the woman caught in adultry that was brought before Jesus. The crowd, stones in hand set to stone her. Jesus calmly and matter of factly said, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." Slowly, one by one the people left. Once everyone was gone, I pictured Jesus Freedom foreverlift up my chin so I would look him in the eyes. Crouched on the ground seeing His eyes intent on mine. Looking into my soul. Just like He did with the woman that day, He said, "who condemns you?" Looking around I reply, "No one Sir." In that instant...I felt all the weight of condemnation lifted. It was like I had an hour long deep tissue massage. Every fiber of my  being, relaxed and stress free. I realized later after worship and after the service...reflecting on what happened in that moment. Those people standing and surrounding me so quick to condemn and judge...were different versions of ME. How often I have shot myself down, I have stoned myself for a mis-spoken word, a harsh tone, a forgotten task, a wrong thought...I have been stoning myself for years and as God clearly told me to get up - it was giving me my life back. It was His GRACE UPON GRACE. His mercy. His true love. He doesn't keep record of wrongs...and neither should I. NO LONGER DO I. This morning, as life went on as usual...I reacted in ways I am tyring to change (short with my daughter when she cries about everything she wears - meltown after meltdown this morning and my shortness with her, attitude from tired children, etc) but the major difference was this. No one condemns me...not even myself. I made a mistake, asked for forgivenenss and moved on. The first instance my flesh tried to condemn me I heard the words "no one Sir." Loud and clear and it reminded me of the freedom that I was given. Once and for all. I will never go back. Once that transaction was finished Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." Can you image the freedom, the joy, the apreciation she felt with that moment? I can...because I do.

 You may have to click on the picture to better see but I found the moment in worship where this exchange happened. Today I stand free from years of mental torment. As I think about this moment it still brings tears to my eyes because every moment since then has been a blessing. Please know that it doesn't mean that I am perfect or care free. I still have some struggles that God is working on in me. Holy Spirit is still pruning and I've got a lot of work to do. However, I am no longer hopeless.

I've gone a little long this time so let me wrap up with this:

I have been blessed to be a blessing. So today, I bless you with joy unspeakable; freedom from weight (even YEARS worth) of torment - mental, emotional, spiritual, physical; victory beyond belief; confidence in your Daddy; hope to weather the storm; faith, life, salvation for your spouse and loved ones; light in the darkness; advancement in the Kingdom where you feel backslidden; fire shut up in your bones; fight and fierceness; and love beyond compare.

Below is the song that brought me to the feet of Jesus and ushered me into freedom.

See you in the comments. I would love to pray over you for your own deliverance.

Wisdom, Wonder, A Few Balloons, and Mustangs

Hello SUMite Nation!

Caitie Lynn Corn Lake May 14 2018
Me and Caitie, Corn Lake, May 14, 2018

Colorado was awesome. I cherished the time with my mom and daughter on Mother’s Day and my birthday. Below are a few photos. I also want to share a beautiful word that came from my daughter while we sat on the lake edge with fishing polls in hand.

Because God is so good, I would love Him and serve Him even if I didn’t receive anything in return. —Caitie Donovan

SUMites, have hope for your children! Everything you do to pour faith and Jesus into their lives may come up before you while you sit on a lake shore and a child your bore shares from her heart and faith, something profound and moving. I nearly wept when Caitie said this because I haven’t entertained a posture such as this prior to now.


Patty Tower & Baby May 2018Also, I want to say Congratulation to Patty Tower on the birth of Keenan Gabriel who arrived on May 14 which is my birthday. I feel like an Aunt already. Thank you, Patty, for the amazing ministry you provide on our SUM Facebook Page. I pray you are recuperating and healing quickly. 


I don’t share often at Spiritually Unequal Marriage, the amazing ways that God speaks to me through Mylar balloons. But today, I want to share some of those photos and stories. I’m overwhelmed at the lengths the Lord will go to say, I LOVE YOU, to His Daughters and Sons. I pray you are encouraged to understand and search out the exhibits of the Lord discern how He is speaking love into your life.

On May 8th I was scheduled to leave California to travel to Grand Junction, Colorado. So, the day prior, I was expectant that the Lord might just send me a birthday wish through a Mylar balloon. For those of you who don’t know, I often receive Mylar balloons while on my walk-n-prays in the vineyards of Temecula. Balloons will arrive in many different aspects but mostly while I’m on my walks.

Happy Birthday May 7 2018While on the phone to my son and granddaughters, I was walking my usual trail and I spotted something shimmering ahead. I said to my son, “Brad, I think I see a Mylar balloon ahead.”

“Ya, Mom, what’s with all these balloons?”

“God speaks to my heart and sends His love and affection to me this way.”

As I walk nearer to retrieve the balloon I say, “I bet it says, ‘Happy Birthday’ on it because I’m leaving in the morning and He (God) wants to wish me a Happy Birthday.”

I pick it up. Yep, what does it say? Well look for yourself. (see photo)

Can I just insert a word here: AMAZING!

However, a few days later, the near impossible took place. My mom, Caitie and I decided to spend the day searching for Wild Mustangs. In the mountains about three hours drive from my mom’s home, wild horses roam free. If you are nuts enough to travail the dirt roads you might catch a glimpse of these allusive but regal beauties. (Caitie and I love horses. We were determined.)

We head out with bottles of water, some vague directions, and a ton of hope that we might catch a glimpse of the ponies.

After traversing miles of dirt roads, in a wilderness of BLM land with not a single home or any man-made structure except for the road, we finally stopped in defeat in a ravine to take a little break. Ahem, “that” kind of break. While stopped in the middle of the dried-up ravine, I spot something shinny and red up on the hill in front of the car.

I bounded up the slope and as I approached, I just knew it would be a heart-shaped Mylar balloon waiting for me OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE!!

Take a look.

Found May 12 2018 Little Book Wild Mustangs
See the cougar print just below it?

Hilside May 12 2018 Wild Mustang May 12 2018 Red Heart Shaped Balloon Wild Mustangs
All in all, over the past four weeks I received four of these heavenly communiques. The birthday balloon has balloons upon the balloon.


God is so good that I would love Him even if I never received anything in return.

Have a great weekend my friends. Go on a treasure hunt with the Lord and uncover the love notes that surround you. 

Wild mustangs 1
The Paint horse on left is protecting her foal as we approached.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2018-05-17/f61d9e7c-b02f-43c6-97a0-924055b459e1.png
Beautiful and free
Mustangs 3
Regal animals, loved by God... and us!

Thank you for sharing life with me. I love you so much. Lynn

Hunger, The Broken, The Fulfillment Of An Impossible Dream

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comPRE Fast Day FOUR 

Fast Begins January 8 at Sunrise. Ends Sundown, January 12, 2018

My friends,

This past fall, I fasted often. Sometimes for two days in a row and sometimes for only a day in a week. Amazing thing can happen during a fast. I want to share with you what happened one Friday not long ago.

I was fasting seeking a breakthrough for a project I was working on. What is interesting is that when you fast, I’ve discovered you become extraordinarily sensitive to the voice of God.

It was about noon on this particular day and I was feeling the effects of fasting. Tremendously dizzy, no energy, lacking motivation. But I promised God I wouldn’t break the fast. I went into my prayer room and just sat.

Within minutes God arrived with power. He began showing me pictures in my mind of those who were suffering right now on planet earth.

Say what? Why is this happening?

I saw a burn victim laying in a hospital bed with third degree burns over half of her body. I squirmed in my seat as I beheld a vision of her treatment. The doctor was removing the dead skin. It was excruciating. I gulped at the perceived pain.

Geeze… Ya, this is what I want from my fasting…. NOT!

But, the Lord went on. He showed me children who were victimized in Thailand at the pedophile brothels. Ugh, now I’m really messed up. Then I saw many young women who were kidnapped and forced into prostitution, lost to their families, drugged and abused.

Why in the world was this happening when I was praying for a silly project? Because God has a heart. His heart breaks for these innocents who are in pain, who are suffering horrifically. God began to break my heart for them. I ALL OUT BAWLED! Right there in my prayer room. I was messed up most of the day. I will never forget this experience.


God was breaking my heart because I am aware, and so is God, that I walk in tremendous power to bring relief and freedom to others through my prayers into the spiritual realm. And gang, I did pray. I wept, and I prayed. God broke my heart for these people and He reminded me that the luxury and comfort I live in, is only by His grace.

I pledged that Friday that all proceeds from this project I will pour into a ministry that serves the orphans and young girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking.

I promised. And I mean it. (I think I’ve found a place to support in Uganda.)

Okay, now don’t freak out. I don’t want you to think God is going to throw something like this onto your shoulders during prayer. But, I want you to be aware that my fasting opened up a realm where God took me to see suffering. I “felt” His broken heart. I “felt” His tears, His pain. I felt His hope that believers would help those who are in these prisons of pain and fear.

I experienced God, intimately and profoundly. It changed me! Wow!

During this fasting period, I didn’t receive the breakthrough I was seeking. Currently, it’s postponed but something utterly amazing happened instead. God showed me the path to the fulfillment of a LIFE-LONG dream I’ve held in my heart for more than three decades.

I’m not kidding… A…. LIFE….. LONG…. DREAM!

This is so huge that I’m about to freak out. I’ve held this dream secretly and prayed about it often. Something like this, “God, I know it would take Your hand and multiple miracles and the changing of hearts of others to make this happen, but it’s a dream within that you gave me, and it will not die. So, I ask its fulfilment.” I have to tell you I didn’t posses the faith for this one, truly, because I thought it was impossible.

My friends, it’s about to happen. It’s so wildly unexpected and fantastic I couldn’t, wouldn’t have expected this in a million years. This dream is rapidly coming together and when I arrive at the finish, you will be the first to know. I continue to pray and follow His leading. I can’t wait to fast this month because of all of this.

So, you may be praying for one thing. But GOD!

But God, may show you something different. He may show you a new dream. An area of healing. He may begin to speak to you in fantastic and miraculous ways. He may break your heart or fill and heal your heart or ALL OF THE ABOVE!

No matter what, if you truly fast and honestly sacrifice something that is really hard to give, YOU WILL HAVE AN ENCOUNTER. He loves us that much.

Some of you may need to fast longer than five days. If God calls you to do so, do it and He will help you. Because the astonishing awaits at the end of the journey.

My friends, what are you praying for this next week? Allow me to pray with you. Share in the comments because I’m walking close with our Papa and I’m bringing your life before him.

I love you….. I love Jesus…. I praise our Father, God!

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. —Matthew 5:6

I Can't Write Anything Like THIS Miracle

SUM Family: Today I was going to start writing about 1 Peter 3 but I’m overwhelmed by the miracle stories that were posted in the comments on Friday. I want to share one of them. I know many of you don’t have time to go back into the comments but this story is a living example of 1 Peter 3 and the love of Christ in the life of a SUMite. I can’t write anything that can compare to this.

Behold, the love and faithfulness of one woman and a good Father.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com 

Roxanne S.

Hi Sumite Family,

Remembering back to some beautiful miracles...

My step daughter was going through a dark time, and moved back in with her mom. Through her dark time for several years of her life, she stole from me, broke my things, told lies about me to my husband and in-laws. Broke my heart to say the least. This caused strife between my husband and his family to me. I was so down and feeling lost, I almost left my husband.

I had started to see God telling me, hearing God tell me everywhere and in everything in my life, from music, to Bible reading, to sermons, to friend’s wisdom, and so much more, telling me to go DEEPER with Him. Pray, fast, trust Him, AND to STAY, STAY, STAY, not leave my husband. So, I stayed.

Then I heard God tell me again in multiple ways, pray for your step-daughter. I did not want to pray for someone who caused me so much pain!! But, I did. I wanted God to bring about a miracle.

Within a year, late one night, my step- daughter's mom called us, and said my step- daughter ran away from home. So, I began to pray for my step-daughter and her safety, and to bring her home. My husband had been watching me do a lot of this, and I had no idea.

Then, that morning, she showed up at our house. All she wanted to do was talk to me, and cried about the choices she had made. God opened the door that night for her to need me, and for the next year she lived with us, and needed me. A lot of healing happened that year.

AND my husband gave his life to Christ during a Christian music festival, which by the way, he only went to, because he saw what I was doing in my prayer time, and what was happening to his daughter individually and as a mother/ daughter relationship. He apologized for not backing me up all those years too.

God is still doing major work in our family. There are so many miracles that I could tell you about. They all have been answered through being on my knees praying, fasting, speaking his word, reading his word, and a lot of "tough love" and trusting God in the end for whatever His plan would be.

I am still praying for my husband to have a personal relationship with God. God is good though, and he is always working on our behalf.

Need A Miracle? Testimony IS A Miracle

SUM Nation, OF THE MOST AMAZING BELIEVERS ON EARTH, you are the richest of believers!

Books of Peter Nov 2017I want you to know that I was overwhelmed by the reply to Monday’s post. Names came in through the comments, email, and Facebook. I wrote every name down by hand. And as I wrote your names, I blessed you. And in a moment as I leaned over the spiral binder to write another, the LORD urged me to understand something of profound love. As I wrote your name, those of your spouse and children, it was as though I could see the hand of God, quill on parchment, as He wrote your names down as well. They are inscribed in a sacred book of remembrance. He sees your faith. He sees your heart and your hope. Your prayers of intercession are reaching His ears. HE WROTE YOUR NAME!

(Sometimes I wish I could make a movie out of what I see when the Lord is talking to me in my prayer time. It’s way cool.)

Anyhoo, I was deeply moved in my heart and emotions for the love of God to take time to write down my little name, your names and those whom we love, He loves. It was beautiful.

Let’s move on to our study in the books of Peter.

A few weeks back the discussion in the SUM FB group regarding this passage centered upon submission, respect, boundaries etc. Regrettably, this is a passage that creates confusion, is often misquoted, quoted out of context and is used broadly and as an overreach from what, I believe, God intended. Understanding this passage requires Holy Spirit revelation so ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to help with interpretation and application (Eph 1:17).

Obviously, I believe the truth of 1 Peter 3:1, as our book, Winning Him Without Words, is based upon this passage. But where I think the overreach occurs is in determining the conditions of submission. Not the part about winning them without words.

I prayed and asked the LORD, what is your intent and purpose for this passage in 1 Peter 3:1? I immediately heard, “Lynn, read the entire book, the entire chapter.”

I did. In fact, I read the enter two books of Peter again, twice. Probably will read them through a few more times in the next few weeks.

1 Peter, chapter one, is a beautiful greeting to the “believers” in Asia. Peter wrote this letter to them, “The Elect.” (I love that identity.) But he also wrote it to all of us, the believers (This is our identity also).

We need to state the obvious. Believers are mandated with a different set of beliefs and instructions as pertaining to life and Godliness than those who are yet to believe. Peter is writing to a “church,” a group of believers who, until recently were Pegan, without God, without instruction, without the Holy Spirit. Peter is writing to these believers who received the truth, the Holy Spirit and salvation through the Blood of Jesus, the death and resurrection.

What I love about the first chapter of Peter it is a letter of encouragement as well as a reminder.

We need reminding.

I cannot explain why this is true, but we forget so quickly the goodness, the blessing, the victory we have experienced with God. I often think the devil interferes with our recollection to throw us into doubt and unbelief. That is why I love my Daily Bible. I see the goodness, the faithfulness of God in those pages. Years and years of God’s hand, love and provision in my life. I need those reminders to walk in my conscious when I’m waiting for the salvation of my husband. How about you?

Currently I’m contending for something so BIG that only a miracle will predicate the fulfilment of my hope and dream. It’s so LARGE of a prayer request that it even shakes my belief at times. I’ve been contending and praying, fasting and praying and seeking God in an effort that is different than all the prior seasons of prayer.

And as the time passes, I tend to want to surrender hope. Give up and give in. The devil likes to do this to my dreams God gave me in October. He shuts me down in November and I have likely surrendered too much to the devil’s schemes. NOT THIS TIME! I will be honest, I’ve battled fear. I even found myself praying out of fear and doubt. I confessed my fear and asked God’s forgiveness and have asked the Lord to help me be in peace and rest as I continue to believe for this dream.

A week ago, the fear subsided. In this process, I’ve needed miracle after miracle. AND I’ve received several. Outlandish and unexpected miracles. But I’m contending for more, as they are required to move forward.

Why am I sharing this in the study of Peter? Because we need reminding. I need reminding of God’s faithfulness.

Right now, I’ll bet that you are contending for some huge breakthroughs as well. Currently in my prayer sessions so many are battling depression, anxiety and fear. Many have giant needs, a new job. A home to live in. You are praying for a breakthrough for your kids who are in trouble, serious, life-altering stuff. You are praying for a breakthrough in your faith, your heart and physical body. Trust me, I know. I’m right there with you.

So, we need reminding that there are miracles in our past. There will be miracles in our future. And I feel the urging of the LORD that today, we are to share our remembrances with one another. In the comments, leave a few sentences or a complete story about a miracle in your life.

At Christmas time, I can’t think of a better way to offer worship to our LORD, through the sharing of our testimony of His faithfulness. Your story may be the very story that helps another SUMite to claim their miracle. Testimony is power in the Kingdom. Testimony can transfer to other believers and bring about healing, miracles and more.

Honor God in this. Pop into the comments. Write from your heart. What has God done that was a miracle in your life. Nothing is too small. If it was a miracle to you… It was GOD!

Love you. See you there. More to come on Peter. Woo Hoo!!!! Lynn

A Glimpse of Heaven

October 12, 2012, was THEE day.

My entire universe altered as I stood in worship at Open Heavens and experienced the Presence of God. Dineen too was forever changed that day. Our ministry was forever changed and I pray that many of you have received encouragement and have experienced a change in your life because of that day.

This year was my fifth-anniversary visit. It always amazes me that Bill remembers me and our ministry. He truly cares for all of us who walk this difficult road, the spiritually mismatched.

I want to share some glimpses of the week. And share one moment that God gifted to me.

Meet Edna, Sandy, Evelyn, Grace and Maria. These five ladies came all the way from North Carolina.

Edna Sandy Evelyn Grace Maria

They came because of Evelyn, who is on the far right, a SUMite and she had read about my adventures on the blog in years past. 

Amazing things happened with these ladies. Like when Evelyn asked for prayer for her hearing loss. As I stood next to her, waiting for the pastor to instruct us to pray, Evelyn looks up at me and says, “I feel heat on my right ear. Heat.”

I am teary with joyous excitement as I reply to her, “Your healing is happening and we haven’t even started to pray yet.” After prayer, she said she experienced a popping sound and her hearing was improved.

I remain utterly mystified how God heals but I'm undone to be allowed to pray and to be a conduit to miracles is….. well….. I have no language to explain. God just ROCKS!!! 

I share some photos below along with one personal story. It's not often that I consider the efforts of my life on earth. I serve the Lord out of love and passion, to empower and strengthen the Saints. So, I was undone on Wednesday. Let me explain. October of 2012 was my first year. In 2013, I invited a woman named Sue. Her life was forever changed. In 2014, 2015 and this year she invited more and more people. I invite people. And they joined us on the adventure this year.

During worship on Wednesday, Sue stepped back to where I was standing and whispered, “Lynn, look down these two rows of people.”

I looked down the rows at a collection of people and children. There were 31 people in our group and others around the auditorium that were in attendance because I took a chance. God heard my call, felt my hunger, for MORE of Him. And through the wildest of circumstances and convincing Dineen to go on this wild adventure with me, we came to Open Heavens in 2012 and set in motion life-change for many others.

Sue went on to say, “These rows of people who are here, experiencing healing and a renewal of their faith, Lynn, they are the fruit. The fruit of your life.”

I burst into uncontrolled sobs.

Even now a lump is in my throat. I don’t often consider the fruit of my life, but on this particular day, the Lord in His great love allowed me a glimpse. I am unraveled.

My friends, once in a while, a glimpse of our efforts is worth months and months of contending in our struggles. I pray this week that God gives you a glimpse of all that your life is pouring into others. And let me assure you of this. If you are spiritually mismatched, your life IS pouring into others.

image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/783db8a30c8b4586b38e5179c0a15bd7.png

This is Sue. She prays for hours for people while we wait in line.


SUMite: Evelyn recognized me coming out of a port-o-potty... A blessing indeed.

  image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/c558454e0db5499d8e20f437eb3d3ea0.png

I was praying for people in line and this wonderful woman from Australia asked me to pray for her.

  image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/e4108d6e9ee84300a4be7bb2482c6d61.png

Some of our group. They came from as far as the UK. That Is SUMite, Jim Edwards, in the back.

  image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/9c114d6d2a4d41e58334f45f028be1e9.png

This is Gracie Wright.  She is an author of children's books. We were in line at O'Dark 30. Someone brought donuts.

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Lynn, Bill, Stone

  image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/92858981b4c04239b84c8fec6c3e329b.png

Jenn Johnson and Stone. They have a new album soon and it's awesome.

They shared several new songs from their new album that will be out in a few months. The song, He's In The Waiting, is utterly transformative. Stay tuned.  

My travel companion this year.

 IMG_4377These girls stood up in the conference. They attended with their parents who live in Colorado. Both girls eyesight was miraculously healed last year. Girls Eyesight Healed by God.

image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-10-16/38cc4f36e8564e9081f499e3958b2e26.png
SUMites: Lynn and Jim Edwards


FRUIT: I'm undone!

My friends, God is on the move. Hang on because we are bearing witness to the church arising, awakening and impacting our world.  

We are the church of the Most High God. And I believe we are going to quickly be the church of the book of Acts. Hang on because IT'S THE BEST RIDE EVER!!

I pray you are overwhelmed with wave after wave of His love today. Hugging you, Lynn 

The Power of God’s Words

"Jesus is your sword."

One of the things I love about living in Florida is the cloud formations. They are tall and fluffy, filling the sky with a terrain of fluffy like cotton. Then other times they are imposing and dark, flashing with lighting and pouring down rain. Rarely is the sky completely devoid of these puffy wonders.

One bright and humid Florida morning, I went for a walk to worship and pray. My conversation with God that day was about prayer and words. I wanted to understand more about what He seemed to be impressing upon my heart to understand.

I looked up in the sky and noticed a could that looked just like a sword, which I thought was so interesting. But what made it relevant was what the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I looked at this simple formation.

“Jesus is your sword.”

My friends, this truth clicked into place in my heart and then my mind and the Scriptures I’d ready many times seemed to take on even deeper meaning. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. — John 1:1-5

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. — John 1:14

This truth already blew my mind, SUMites, but then to think of it in terms of our spiritual armor, brings a whole new level of awe. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, — Ephesians 6:17

Jesus is the Word and the sword of the Spirit is God’s Word, so Jesus truly is our sword! So what does that mean?

The Ezekiel Model

In the book of Ezekiel, God tells Ezekiel to prophesy over dry bones to hear the word of the Lord. First of all, prophesy simply means to speak by inspiration. We are all call to do this and since we have the Holy Spirit living in us, it makes sense that we can do this. (That’s a whole other series best saved for another time.)

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! — Ezekiel 37:4

So Ezekiel is told by the Spirit of God to speak God’s words of life over these bones. The word ‘hear’ in Hebrew is šâma’ and holds such meanings as to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention, obedience, etc.), declare, discern, give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), listen, make (a) noise, (be) obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation), publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, tell, understand, whosoever (heareth), witness. And that’s the edited down version. 

In similar intensity, ‘word’ means ḏâḇâr in Hebrew and translates to such meanings as a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause: act, advice, affair, answer, commandment, commune(-ication), concern(-ing), confer, counsel, decree, deed, duty, effect, eloquent, errand, glory, manner, matter, message, portion, power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request. Again, the edited down version.

These are two hefty words that hold a lot of meaning and impact. Which then led me to Jeremiah 1:12 where God asks Aaron what he sees. 

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.” — Jeremiah 1:12

Did you know that word ‘watching’ means to be alert i.e. sleepless? Now look at Isaiah 55:11

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. — Isaiah 55:10-11

My friends, this is like a double promise. God decrees (shall) His Word will not only be life giving but also powerful and effective to accomplish His purposes. So, think about this in context of praying Scriptures, which are God’s Word and are thus in alignment with His heart and purposes, and what could happen as a result of doing so. And I mean literally praying Scriptures out loud, word for word. 

For example, our salvation word this year is Jeremiah 24:7. Almost every day I am praying this:

Lord, thank you for giving every one of our SUMite spouses a heart that knows You are God. Thank You that You have declared they will be your sons and daughters and You will be their God. Thank You that they are returning to You wholeheartedly and will follow You all the days of their lives.

We can do this with any Scripture in the Bible, SUMites. Speak God’s Word out as truth. 

Lord, Your Word says that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed, therefore I declare that I am healed of (name specific illnesses, diseases and conditions). (Isaiah 53:5). And I declare the blood of Jesus over my entire body and declare I walk in divine health. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Lord, you are not willing that any should be lost so I rejoice and thank You that You are pursuing my spouse, my children, my family members with your relentless love and I stand in agreement with You that me and and my entire household will be saved. In the name of Jesus, amen! (Matthew 18:14, Acts 16.31).

My friends, whenever you read your Bible and find yourself stopped or stuck on a piece of God’s Word, ask the Holy Spirit what it means, what you need to know about it, and how you are to pray into it, believe it and then decree it. 

One last story…

In my post last Friday I talked about Isaiah six and how the praises of the seraphim shook the place. Did you know this happened in the New Testament too, with the disciples? The disciples were faced with great opposition, so they joined together and prayed.

And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness. — Acts 4:29-31

What did they pray for, my friends? Boldness to share His Word. They asked for healing power, miracles and wonders (what Jesus had taught and sent them out to do), all done in the name of Jesus. And what did God do? He shook the place with His presence! They prayed according to His Word (Jesus) and God answered.

So, my friends, I’m not saying that every time we pray, our houses are supposed to shake, but what if they did? What if we asked God for that kind of boldness and courage to pray and share Him with others and walked in miracles and wonders as the evidence of it? What if we already are?

I believe our prayers “shake” the heavens more than we realize. And the more boldness and courage we have, the more we shake the rafters!

O Lord, give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching Your word. Stretch out You hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of Your holy servant Jesus. Amen!

Love you, SUMites!

The Call to Rest

22300078_sMy friends, my search for deeper understanding of God's call to rest has brought me to some interesting places. I'm excited to share what I have discovered with you. 

As I pondered and prayed over this, Holy Spirit brought to mind first "trust" and "strength." Specifically these pieces of Scripture.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. — Proverbs 3:5-6

Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." — Zechariah 4:6

I then began a search for the word "rest" in the New Testament and discovered there are at least five different Greek words used for this one word. The more obvious one would be koimēsis—to rest, recline, lay down, sleep as used in John 11:13.

Acts 7:49 and Hebrews 3:11 both use katapausis, which refers to a place of rest, the heavenly blessedness in which God dwells. Hebrews 4:8-10 uses the word, sabbatismos, which you can probably guess has to to with the Sabbath. This word holds the promise of “entering now into this rest means ceasing from the spiritual strivings that reflect uncertainty about one's final destiny; it means enjoyment of being established in the presence of God, to share in the everlasting joy that God entered when he rested on the seventh day (v. 10).” — ESV Study Bible Notes

But in Matthew 11:28-29, which is about taking Jesus’ yoke, this little word gets very interesting and takes on implications such as refreshment, freedom and salvation. This word, anapausis, comes from the word, anapauō, which means to rest, refresh, take rest, to keep quiet, of calm and patient expectation and is also used in Luke 11:24 about unclean spirits seeking rest but finding none. They live in constant unrest.

Now, if I haven’t lost you (and if I have, just keep reading because this next part if the good stuff). Take a look at this nugget of Scripture.

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.” — Mark 6:31

This verse comes at the point when the disciples have returned from traveling and ministering to tell Jesus about all they had done. He calls them to a time of rest to refresh and to possibly reflect (anapauō). What I find very interesting in His direction is that He calls them to a desolate place (Mark 6:30-44).

Now the meaning of this word also means isolated and solitary but even still in these definitions it holds the intent of loneliness and uninhabited. It was a desert, a place uninhabited by people. Yet as they go to this place, the multitude rushes ahead and fills this "desolate" location.

I encourage you to prayerful read this part of Scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to fully bring its symbolism to your heart. I find it quite deep and exciting to reflect upon. This is what I felt Holy Spirit wanted me to see.

Even with a group of people in this place, the disciples still called it desolate. There was hunger there (not just physical), deep needs, unfulfilled desires and wants. Remember, these people lived under ether heavy religious yoke of the Pharisees. 

I can remember once years ago being with a group of people I knew yet feeling lonely in that moment and place. I believe the use of this word "desolate" was not just to describe a physical place but the spiritual state of the people thronging Jesus and the disciples. They are desperate for relief, restoration and healing in their lives.

But then something amazing happens. Jesus now tells them to do something about it. The disciples seem confused by Jesus' command, as they can only see what is there—the desolation and lack of provision.

Yet Jesus shows them that even a desolate place can be transformed to one of plenty and provision. Jesus called them to rest from their efforts and to rest in Him. They most likely expected a time to sit and physically rest. Not a lesson about true rest in Jesus, which can be so much more. That even in a time of rest, provision, growth and flourishing occurs. Healing, transformation and even miracles, such as five thousand being fed with two fish and five loaves. Just the symbolism in the bread alone, served by the “Bread of Life” is breathtaking.

And in the collection of the leftovers (vs. 43) we see that abundance. Jesus could have multiplied the fish and loaves to be just enough for the crowd, but He did more. The lesson of "rest" continued in those baskets to reveal the plenty of His provision, generosity, abundance and love. 

As the disciples served those people, I dare say they found an unexpected rest. The kind that comes from placing ourselves in the hands of our Creator and saying, "Yes, Lord, whatever you will.” That's the trust of Proverbs 3:5-6 and the strength of Zechariah 4:6 to do what we may think is beyond us—the impossible. 

So my friends, my understanding of resting in Jesus is confirmed in my heart by what I suspected and knew it to be, to trust in and rely upon Him. But now I see it as so much more. It's not just a set time apart with Him each day to grow and know Him more. It is an intentional choice to seek this constant state of mind and spirit. To trust in and rely upon Him to renew, restore, replenish, provide, guide and love us, even in our desolate places—spiritual, mental or physical—all of them.

For without Him, they are truly desolate. Jesus is the one who brings the baskets of life and love. We can bring nothing except a willing heart and spirit to receive what He has for us. Our striving can cease as we "rest" in the truth of what He has already done for us. 

And there, my friends, we find our true peace, resting in Him regardless of what conditions or situation surround us. To the naked eye the place where the five thousand ate remained a place of desolation, but the desolation in the hearts of many that day were transformed into places full of lush greenery (growth), cool waters (hope) and restoration (revival).

The Way had come into their midst to show them a better way to rest. He beckoned them then just as He beckons us today. And ours is to simply heed His call.

Love you, my friends. May we all respond to His call to go deeper with trust and a loud, “Yes, Lord!” That is my desire and longing and my heart for you.


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