12 posts categorized "lynndonovan.com"

You Are Not Crazy!

1 john 4 18 smallSometimes we just need to know we aren’t crazy.

Hi, Lynn Donovan here.

Today, I want to share encouragement with you. This is for all of you who are walking the unequally yoked road. Those who are following behind me, headed toward the victorious life. All of you who have pain. The many who are facing uncertainty about their marriage and doubts about your faith life.

I’m here for you. You are not alone. And you are not crazy.

I’ll be the voice that assures you that your faith is the most valuable commodity in the world. God truly loves you. And He is listening. I will tell you that every prayer you utter is important. I will affirm that each choice you make to stand down fear and live in faith is powerful.

I will be the voice to say: RISE UP. Walk in the authority of Jesus and command evil from your home. I can lead you to know the Holy Spirit is for you and merely awaiting your invitation for Him to enter your heart, home, marriage, and circumstances. He IS the very power that raised Christ from the dead and now lives in you.

I will reaffirm that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. It is powerful and can heal, redeem, restore and create. Jesus SAVES and He is returning for His Bride and WE WILL BE READY.

You are enough, even when life hurts and circumstances are frightening. You are a victor when hurtful words are slung toward your heart. You can become a man or woman of God even in the midst of unbelief that surrounds you.

Do not doubt. Do not partner with fear. Always trust and believe. Speak the Word with faith and become a demon sniper.

Every promise in the Bible is real and God wants us to step away from the lies and walk in our promises, which are all…… Yes and AMEN!


Leave your name in the comments and I will bless you. Leaving your name is a declaration to the evil realm that clearly defines….

Who you are and

Whose you are.

I adore you. Stay strong in the Lord and let’s bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN

Love and blessings, Lynn

Leave your name and the scripture verse that is important to you today. Hugs.

Do you Un-love Yourself? I did.

Hello my dear SUMites brothers and sisters,

Galatians 5 1 Freedom Inner Healing

Lynn Donovan, with you today. I’m feeling extra empathy and compassion for all of us who have walked this road of the unequally yoked.

In a prayer session this week, I was praying with a friend, and uncovered an area of unhealed pain that needed the love of Jesus….. and needed my love.

You see, Jesus took me back to when I was newly married, within the first three years, to the moment reality came crashing in that my husband and I were at odds about this major part of my person, Jesus. I remember that moment clearly. I experienced devastation when that understanding hit me. And frankly, the reality that my husband didn’t care, or seem to care, that I was in pain the devastation increased. Ugh!

It’s difficult to be transparent about this, as it’s a deeply personal moment. However, I’ve always chosen to be real with you because we learn together how to overcome pain?

Now here is the best part.

In my prayer time, I discovered that this was the moment where I became disappointed with myself. I realized that my fairytale wasn’t going to unfold as expected. This moment was the beginning of a lie that devil began to tell me that I was a disappointment to myself.

This is the moment when I began to unlove myself.

Ugh! I didn’t even know this pain and reality was inside. It was absolutely revelation from Jesus. Jesus then arrived to love on this young girl. And through this experience, He loved on me. I forgave myself for this disappointment. For the rebellion against God and not following His written Word. I forgave myself and acknowledged the difficulties this young woman faced and the deceit she lived in at the time.

I blessed her. And Jesus blessed me.

My love of self, found healing. And this morning when I woke, I’ve been surrounded by a simple peace. I feel whole unto myself. And I realized how much I truly love my husband, Mike.

SUMite, sit down with Jesus. (NO DISTRACTIONS). Ask Him if there was a place where disappointment and unlove entered in. Ask Him to reveal any roots to this pain and forgive yourself. Forgive others if needed. Love yourself. Bless yourself.

We are so hard on ourselves over our past mistakes. One of the great things I did in this prayer session was to forgive my young self for the choices she made. As my entire life has felt the consequences of her decisions. (And I realize it’s myself I’m speaking of, but that girl….. and the woman I am today, are very different people. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.)

This process is inner healing. It is beautiful. It is necessary and it is FREEDOM.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

If you need inner healing, make a Healing Prayer Appointment with me. I am tender and full of compassion. Jesus will meet you where you are, and He will set you free also.

With great love and compassion, I greet you this day. Love, Lynn Donovan

Healing Prayer with Lynn Donovan

Two Recommendations

Hello SUM Nation:

Lynn Donovan here. I feel a GREAT expectation for 2023. 

Almost everyone I've spoken to in the past year has shared that they have experienced tremendous challenges. One after another tell me their difficult circumstances far surpassed the warfare and hurdles of any other season. 

I'm one of them as well. 

But my dear friends, I NOW feel hope settling. There is indeed a shift happening right now in the spiritual. Our God is setting many things into place. People have been shifted, moved, relationships changed. All of this has been by His divine hand to bring you into greater alignment with His purposes, specific to your life.

SO TAKE HEART. TAKE UP HOPE. Our Father is good.

As we move into 2023, I will offer you two suggestions that will help grow your maturity in Jesus. And becoming His disciples is our high and holy calling. 

First, read the Bible. Get in the Word and pray daily. I can't express this enough.

Also, if you haven't made a donation to receive the training I'm offering regarding the power of Mark, chapter 11. Any recurring donation and you are invited. Read more here. THIS teaching I lived out in real time this year and it's straight from the Bible. It's true and it works. MOVE YOUR MOUNTAIN 

86474396_10159328771248332_6081245126414303232_nSecond, for the spiritually mismatched, pick up and read, Marching Around Jericho. This book will change you, your marriage and your faith. Truly.

OR, if you want a tremendous 90-day devotional to start the year, pick up, Kingdom Conversations. This book is like Jesus Calling and filled with affirmations of our identity and God's purposes for your life. 135037970_10160494802758332_8777818351789899330_n

Okay, we are on our way into another year. Ready or not. Let's walk this together. Because united SUMite Community scares the crap out of the devil!

Hallelujah!! AMEN

Love you all, Lynn

Are You Emotionally Mature? Your Spouse?

Emotional MaturityHi SUM Nation,

Lynn Donovan here today for a chat.

I have a question to get started. Have you ever looked at someone (meaning your spouse :grin:) and wanted to say, “Grow up already!”


I’ve been doing a bit of research about emotional maturity, and it’s been enlightening. As I consider marriage relationships, I want to point out what Psychology Today considers markers of emotional maturity:

  1. A mature person is able to keep long-term commitments.
  2. A mature person is unshaken by flattery or criticism.
  3. A mature person possesses a spirit of humility.
  4. A mature person’s decisions are based on character, not feelings.
  5. A mature person expresses gratitude consistently.
  6. A mature person knows how to prioritize others before themselves.
  7. A mature person seeks wisdom before acting. A mature person is teachable.

As I read through this list, I realized that an emotionally mature individual is living out Biblical principles. Each of these maturity markers are biblically based.

Now here is a way to gage your emotional maturity and that of others with whom you are in relationship.

Maturity fills the salt-shakers and it wipes down the shelves in the fridge when they’re sticky. It empties the kitty litter before stalagmites form. Maturity understands that there can be one junk drawer in a house, but not 27.

Maturity doesn’t text, type, game or take calls when in conversation with others.

Maturity backs up its files, goes to a doctor or a clinic when it’s in pain, and picks up the tab when it goes out to dinner with its parents.

Maturity understands that nobody wants the back story of why something didn’t get done because it knows that what matters is the effective completion of a task.

In contrast, immaturity has an extensive list of prefab excuses for why it couldn’t make its deadline. Immaturity uses every tummy ache, flu, headache, fallen arch, hangnail or breakup as an excuse to slip the knot of accountability. Immaturity, then, doesn’t understand why life is always “so unfair, like, always” when it offers criticism instead of condolences for failure.

Immaturity whines; immaturity rolls its eyes; immaturity takes everything personally; immaturity accepts no responsibility; immaturity sprays Febreze on clothes instead of washing them; immaturity shows up late and leaves early.

In short, immaturity is spoiled. And what is spoiled doesn’t ripen. It goes bad early, gets bitter and withers on the vine. (G. Barreca at Psychology Today)

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

As believers when we choose to follow the precepts from the Word, we will walk as mature sons and daughters. THAT is the entire purpose of our life on earth. Mature sons and daughters of the Most High God.

I’m so glad to have grown up with you, my friends.

If you are dealing with an immature spouse, get help. Talk with a counselor and gain skills, gain boundaries with consequences, gain confidence in your maturity. And you can stand firm in your identity that you are emotionally mature because of your faith in Christ.

Love you my friends. I bless you today. In Jesus name. Hugs, Lynn

The Silent Day! At Least That's What Satan Believed!

Passion Week 2022The Passion Week – Wednesday- by Lynn Donovan

The Silent Day

SUM Nation, on this Wednesday as we remember and honor the Passion of Christ, let’s focus on what happened on Wednesday leading up to the resurrection. The Bible offers little information regarding Jesus, His disciples, and their activity that day.

But we know many things were rumbling underground that day. This is when I believe satan issued his command to kill the Christ. The devil knew from the beginning who Jesus was and believed it would be catestrophic to allow him to live. Evil foresaw the future where the entire world became healed, prospered, and stepped into our original design and destiny as children of God.

The satanic evil counsels conspired plans to stir up Judas Iscariot and the Sanhedrin to torture and kill the Son of God. Their wicked laughter shook the blackened ruins of hell, as the tempters planned Christ’s death with a mere pieces of silver placed before a very broken and greedy man, Judas Iscariot. Demonic generals inhabited the religious rulers and they formed a plan to kill LIFE itself.

BUT……. If satan knew what would happen with the death of Jesus, he would have stopped it at all cost!

In the silence this is what God was doing!!!!!!  Jesus aligns fully with His destiny. He is resetting the entirety of humanity back to our original design and purpose.

  • Death is DEFEATED. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:54
  • He creates a new species of beings on earth. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
  • The Holy Spirit arrives in power and with comfort. ACTS 1:8
  • We become Children of God and co-heirs with Christ. ROMANS 8:17
  • Our eternity is certain. 1 JOHN 2:25
  • Daily life is covered with hope and promises. 2 CORINTHIANS 1:20
  • We reign with Christ forever. REVELATION 5:10
  • We have life abundant. John 10:10
  • We have a renewed mind, a healed heart, a firm foundation and a life of promise. ROMANS 12:2, 1 PETER 5:10, MATTHEW 7:24-27, ROMANS 10:13

In the silence of a single day, Father, saw His Son and affirmed Him. He saw His many children lost and deceived and knew they were about to experience the greatest moment of all time.

The death and the glorious resurrection of the Messiah. Yeshua, who is Christ the Lord!

Is silence your companion today? Is the enemy plotting-destroying your hope and peace? Is it a struggle to see a way forward because all is silent and dark?

My friend, stand up because Sunday is your destiny. It IS WRITTEN. IT IS ACCOMPLISHED ALREADY! And life within the Kingdom is not just a wish. IT IS OUR BEAUTIFUL REALITY!

We can do all things through Christ, because He LIVES!

Leave me your prayer requests and let’s destroy the silence and live a loud and bold life. In Jesus name. AMEN. Blessings and hugs, Lynn

Seminar on the End-Times Church, 20 January

Hi everyone, Ann here. Church

You'll remember a few weeks ago on Giving Tuesday that we mentioned a seminar that Lynn would be running on the end-times church. Well, that seminar is going to be this Thursday, 20 January, at 11am Pacific time (note that's USA time -- So, it's Friday for those of us in Australia/New Zealand).

It will be a LIVE seminar, and a great opportunity to see other SUMites in person and interact. 

If you're a reader of Lynn's blog you'll likely already have seen this seminar mentioned. I've copied below a little of what she had to say about it. Note that if you donated at the time of Giving Tuesday (thank you!) your access to this is free. Lynn will send you the link to the seminar automatically and you need do nothing more. Otherwise, there's a fee of $49 and you can register by going over to Lynn's blog and signing up there. Here's the link for that.

In Lynn's words here's what the seminar will cover:

  • The initiation of the plan of God. And the Mystery of God. (Ephesians 1:9-11)
  • Lucifer's fall. I will answer this question: Why, after thousands of years serving the Lord, did Lucifer betray God. It's pride but what caused that prideful fall? I know the answer and can't wait to tell you.
  • Who is a Gentile, A Jew, the Church. and the Nepheline THESE four parts of humanity matter a great deal to the telling of the story.
  • We will cover Matthew 24, all the scriptures in the New Testament and Revelation.
  • We will gain understanding of the entire plan.
  • We will look at revelation and see how those scriptures are being fulfilled before our very eyes. 
  • We will examine the Day of the Lord, the Judgement Seat of Christ, the Day of Wrath and the antichrist.
  • We will discover the truth, based scripture upon scripture, of the last days. Understand what is to come and the purpose of the church in these days.

Finally, it will be two and a half hours long, so come armed with Bible and make yourself comfy for the session.

I can't wait to see some of you there in person and I get the feeling we may continue to talk about some of these issues here on this blog over the early part of 2022.


I Need A Prayer

Post A PrayerHi Friends, Lynn Donovan here:

I'm coming to you today in the midst of a very busy season and yet hopeful you will take five minutes to step along side of me and especially my husband, Mike. 

I would love to receive a short, one-to-two paragraph prayer, for healing. I want to pass these short prayers to Mike, one a day, throughout his treatment with begins December 13. Read About it here.

Please take a minute to login here and post in the comments, a SHORT prayer, from your heart, that Mike could pray to build his faith for healing. 

I am absolutely leaning on you and your love during this season. 

I love you. I feel surrounded by your goodness, your love and your faith. Hugging you with a full heart today, Love, Lynn

The Room Electrified

MCSM  1Hi Sons and Daughters of God, Lynn Donovan with the end of the story!

Let’s pick up the story about my niece. I was attending a wedding in May along with my sister, mom and my sister’s daughter. We returned home and my niece joined us at my mom’s home. Today, you will find us in the middle of the story. Part one is here.

My niece read about the spiritual gifts in my new book, My Child Sees Monsters (Available today). I watched as understanding began to settle upon her spirit. Finally, all these years later she was learning why she experienced such wild emotions.

After some discussion regarding her gifting and the struggles they created for her, I then equipped her with the tools she needs to navigate the gift.

Then the moment arrived. I said, “Do you want to step into the Kingdom of light today? Do you want to be in the right Kingdom? This is the true Kingdom of God where Jesus rules and reigns.”

She quickly nodded her head.

“Repeat after me. Today I repent for every sin known and unknown. Jesus forgive me. Wash my sin from my permanent record. Jesus, today I believe in You. I accept you as my savior and I will follow you. Amen”


I said, “Wait a minute. Don’t say anything.”

She, my mom and I sat motionless and watched her as she looked back at me. THEN the room went electric. I shout, “Do you feel that?”

The room transformed.

The electricity hit all three of us. I shout, “I have chill bumps all over.”

Mom, “I can feel it too.”

Looking at my niece, “Can you feel it?” She was so choked-up with emotion, all she could do was smile, nod and tears sprang into her eyes.

She was walking out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. AND she could feel the love of God tangibly. We all felt His presence upon our body and within our heart.

I jumped up and hugged her.

I watched in the background as we prayed, my mother with her eyes squeezed shut and her hand raised. You see, she had prayed for 20 years for this very moment. And because our God is just THAT GOOD, she was there to witness the answer to her years of petitions.

A once in a lifetime moment where three unlikely family members are all together and God shows up.

THESE ARE KINGDOM STORIES. These are the moments that mater. This IS KINDGOM LIFE!

God is good!

Friends, please support me. Buy a copy of the book. If you can’t or don’t need it, pass it to a parent who needs help with their children who are suffering from fear, night terrors, who see things mom and dad can’t.

They need this book. Jesus is in it!

I love you. So very much. Hugs, Lynn

Are You Still Practicing Wicca?

MCSM 2 5 4 2021Hi My Family in the Kingdom of God, Lynn Donovan here! 

I have a story for you today. It’s a story that is 20 years in the making. It begins with my sister’s daughter, my niece, who is 20 years old. It includes my newest book that launches tomorrow. And it is a fantastic ending. But I’m ahead of myself.

So much to tell. Where do I start?

“So, are you still practicing wicca?” I asked my niece as we sat in the family room of my mother’s condo. Stunned she replied, “I haven’t practiced wicca.”

“Well, then are you still tinkering with it?” You see when she was in middle school and early high school, when she was messing around with this stuff. I had my suspicions because of her jewelry and other signs. I also perceived in the spirit.

You should know that I’m not close with my sister and her family. I see them perhaps once a year. However, there I was sitting with this young woman, and I cared. I cared deeply about her life, her future and her past. I care about her eternity. I love her. Truly.

“No, I’m not doing that but there was a time I was interested, and I did a lot of research.”

“Well, are still lighting candles and such?”

‘No, Aunt Lynn.” See grins sheepishly, surprised I knew what I knew. 

So a conversation ensued where I told her there was only two kingdoms – ONLY TWO. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.

We spoke about our family history and all the curses upon our bloodlines. And then we began to talk about what she knew about the spiritual realm. We discovered that she is highly gifted. No wonder she was curious about the spiritual.

I picked up my new book and asked her to read the chapter where I describe spiritual gifts. I waited and felt the presence of God.


Stay tuned tomorrow. And my friends, order your copy tomorrow. TOMORROW IS LAUNCH DAY!

This story is fantastic. See you tomorrow.

How To Enter Into Intimacy with Father, Jesus, Spirit ZOOM SEMINAR

Zoom Meeting Lynn Donovan comHi SUMITE NATION:

Lynn Donovan here:

So many people struggle to hear the Lord. They want their prayers answered and it feels like there isn't a response. This is often due to the fact that praying is at the core - RELATIONSHIP. If you don't know how to enter into that relationship, your prayer life will feel inadequate and a one way conversation with little satisfaction and often great frustration. 

Learning how to enter into the Presence is the Key to everything in the spiritual. 

There was a good deal of interest in the Intimacy Seminar over on my Lynn Donovan Ministry site, let's DO IT. 

In this seminar I will teach you the way to enter into the Presence of God. The teaching will include the scriptures, have your Bible ready, a pen and paper. We will cover what the blocks are that denies you access to the Presence. We will also learn about first fruits and how that passage is very powerful in our prayer life. There will be a couple of interactive activations.

The LIVE ZOOM meeting will be next Thursday, March 18th at 11 am PACIFIC TIME. I'm going to charge $10. This will help me pay for the Zoom renewal this year. THANK YOU! 

This also means that those who are really interested make an investment and will be ready to learn. WAHOO!!

If you can't make it, purchase the seminar and I'll email a link to watch after it is recorded.

I can't wait to walk beside you as you deepen your faith journey and learn to talk with God. Hugs, Lynn

Intimacy with God Seminar $10.

ANNOUNCMENT by Lynn Donovan

Martha F. BushSUMite Nation:

I have a few announcements and a few changes to let you know about.

First, I would like to thank Ann and Tiffany for the stellar Summer Bible Study series. It was fascinating to view the truths of the Bible through a different lens. Often, we can become stymied in our thoughts and beliefs in our presumptions about the Word. My experience, now over decades, leads me to know that the Word of God is living and active. There is new revelation to be found over and again.

What a blast to live in the Kingdom. It’s never boring.

I would also like to share a few changes that happened in July. First, Martha Bush stepped down from writing at SUM and has joined me to write at Lynndonovan.com. Currently I’m writing about Biblical healing, Jesus Heals the Soul, etc. You should pop over as this is where I’m writing about Kingdom concepts.

Here is the current series:

Jesus – A Study of the Triune God
Jesus – The Shepherd
Rescuing Back our Kingdom Identity
Jesus, Our Healer – Part 1
Jesus Heals the Soul

And please click on the top of the page and subscribe to receive posts in your inbox.  Thank you.

I want to thank Martha for how she served the Lord through writing her and how she continues to show up in the comments and on Social Media.

I want to thank all of you for being my friends. Thank you for stepping into this community. It’s one of the most amazing online communities in the Kingdom. Truly.

Hugs, Lynn

Lynn's Testimony


Profile for TypepadLynn here. Last week I was honored to be interviewed on the the Debbie Chavez show. The show is now available on a podcast. It's the testimony and recap of the seven years I marched around my Jericho. 

Hope you have time to listen in. Also, I hope you will visit Debbie. She has a powerful ministry for women in faith. Have a blessed day and let's get summer rolling. Hallelujah.

Click here → Praying For Your Unsaved Husband - Debbie Chavez Show



Also, if you want to catch up on my teaching about the Kingdom, visit  →Lynndonovan.com. Hugs, Lynn