6 posts categorized "LIVE Virtual Classroom"

Change Your Life AND Someone Else's!

Dear Lynn,

I just wanted to say thank you one more time for investing in us last week! The knowledge you poured into us, I could have never afforded and the LOVE, ah, no money could buy! Having you to believe in us, is invaluable! I am humbled by your generosity and value for the stories God has place in each of us! I pray you are ridiculously blessed for what you’ve given us! —Christina

I received this note in the mail a few weeks ago. I truly care about the stories God has placed in you. I want to help you write your best story for the Kingdom.

It’s not too late to register and be part of something that can literally change your life and bring GREAT honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

SUMite writers workshop:

The first of the workshops will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 9:00 am Pacific. Please check your calendar and your time zone prior to reserving your spot. Space is limited as I want to have live discussion and interaction. This is a two hour workshop, filled with real experience, tips and tremendous encouragement.

In this workshop I will be covering:

  • How to organize your story 
  • Defining your writing purpose
  • Defining your audience
  • Writing from the heart for transformation and healing
  • Writing style and your voice
  • How to write tight and write well
  • Grammar, punctuation and other helps
  • Where do we go from here????

This workshop will inspire you. All my workshops are Holy Spirit focused and inspired. I will also pray over you the writer's blessing. And I will release you to become a Kingdom scribe to take your story and His redemption to the world. 

This is the first of three workshops. Expect a writing assignment at the end that will get your started. Register today, this is a non-refundable purchase and holds your place in our virtual classroom. After registration, expect an email from me to confirm your registration. I will provide classroom instructions a few days prior to the class.

Thank you for trusting me to be part of your writing journey. God has called you to write and He will do amazing things through your writing. Hugs, Lynn

Writer's Workshop $25

SUM Nation Survey


Would you please take just a few minutes to help us make our community better and stronger

The link below is a quick survey about how you found SUM. We are also asking about what you want to read in the future and what other events we might offer. Please, PLEASE take a minute to complete this confidential survey. We won't share your information nor will you receive an email from us.

Thank you SUM family. Together we are a strong family who loves one another as we march toward victory in our faith and marriage. Hugs, Lynn

SUM Nation Survey: March 6, 2017

And get ready because I'm about to burst as we learn how to receive a Revelation of Love. We will start this fantastic journey with the Lord on March 20th. 

Look up Zephaniah 3:17. I know this and Zachariah 12 will become powerful in our faith and lives. I'm fasting this week and praying for you to receive this revelation of love..... It changes everything. I love you, Lynn


Change The DATE - Praying The Word


Yep, Lynn's back and I'm showing my blonde. 

Many of you have already registered for the LIVE online class, Praying The Word of God with me. AWESOMENESS!

However, I gave you the wrong date. The date of both classes is now scheduled for August 16th. Class times at 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. PACIFIC. This is the following week on a Tuesday.

If you already registered and cannot make that date, please forgive me. I hope to offer the class again later in the fall.

It's not too late to sign up. To register visit the registration page Praying the Word with Lynn Donovan. The class is FREE.

Let me ask you a few questions. Do you want to pray with power? Do you want to pray and actually know God heard you? Do you want to see the results from your prayers?

This class is intended to instruct you how to activate the angelic realm to respond to your prayers. We will look at several passages and I will teach you how to pray them with power and purposes in your life. One of my power passages is Matthew 18:18. Can't wait to teach you how to pray this with power. In this session we will also cover praying out of our identity and from the place of authority as a Child of our good Papa.

Once again sorry for the date change. Stay tuned because our prayers absolutely are intricate to the salvation and success of our spouse, children and our own lives.

Register today: Praying The Word with Lynn Donovan

LIVE Web Classes were a BLAST!


SUMites, Lynn and I had a blast with you during our LIVE Web Classes! A BLAST! Wow, does an hour go fast or what? We so enjoyed being able to pray over you, bless you and teach about hearing God's voice for yourself. And telling you stories...and the Q&A session—getting to hear you—hear your hearts—was huge. Thank you, SUMites, for spending that hour with us—two ordinary women who love to go on adventures with God. And you're part of the adventure too!

If you weren't able to attend, we plan to do more! More opportunities to participate are coming. In the comments (whether you were able to attend or not) please leave suggestions of topics you’d like to see covered so we can plan and schedule future sessions.

If you attended one of the classes today, please share in the comments which session you attended, what you learned and what you took away that helped you most. We are excited to hear your input and comments. And what you share could very well be what will minister to someone reading and in need. We see that happen all the time in this beautiful community.

We love you so much, SUMites! Thank you again for making us a part of your lives.
~Dineen & Lynn