Hey SUMites!
Lynn Donovan here. While Ann is traveling, I'm going to pop in and take the reins for a few weeks. So here is what I have planned.
First, on Wednesday, August 3rd at 3 pm pacific time, I'm LIVE on Facebook and YouTube to talk about some miraculous salvations. This talk is to explain what happened and how after 30-year friendship, Jesus shows up. AND the Holy Spirit went wild. It's a fantastic and unbelievable story that includes the supernatural.
The following Wednesday, August 10th, I have another salvation story that still blows my mind. I'm sharing these stories because they release hope into your life for the salvations you are waiting for. YOU WILL BE IN AWE! Because Jesus is on the move and He uses ordinary people, like us!
Next Ann, Martha Bush, and I will be leading a LIVE video teaching of the Book of James. This book is all about Practical Faith. You MUST have this down to advance into greater faith practices. After this teaching, you should be able to teach this book at your church, home group, your kids, etc. More details ahead. Begins second week of September. And it will include homework. Ya, it takes work to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
You will be blessed. I promise.
Additionally, I'm pondering about doing some live teaching through Lynndonovan.com regarding healing. Physical healing that comes from Christ. I'm still pondering about when, how and if I have the capacity to handle all of this while still settling into our new home.
I wanted to share with all of you one of the great blessings that Father has given to me in our new home.
I love nature. And here where I live the deer roam the streets, nearly unafraid of humans.
The other evening, I was walking from the kitchen toward our bedroom and happened to glance outside our dining room window toward the front yard.
This is what I saw:

A doe resting under the tree, eating her cud. She stared at me. I at her. I smiled.
I'm so thankful that Father has provided this haven for Mike and myself. A lifetime of faithfulness is seen in His goodness.
Hugs, Lynn