17 posts categorized "Hosting The Presence"

How God Stretches Us!

Hi friends, Ann here. Fire 2

We’ve just had Pentecost, a day when the Holy Spirit came with power upon the early church. What a moment! I can only imagine what those disciples felt when they saw fire on each other. They must have surely been scared but excited.

One time I had an experience in a church that left me scared-but-excited. It was a memorable moment. Here's what happened:

It was an evening in Auckland and I'd gone to hear a visiting missionary speak at a little-known church. I arrived alone and settled into the worship. So far, so good. The gentle presence of God was lovely and the worship went late. Eventually, the host stood up to close the meeting.

“Most of you will want to go home now to your families, and we say goodbye. I hope you’ve enjoyed this evening --”

“It is late,” I thought to myself. “I’d better get home to Bryce --”

But the host continued –

“And there are some here who will want to stay. Because you’re hungry. And if that’s you, you can come to the front and we’ll continue …”

Now, I fully intended to walk out the door but for some strange reason I found myself instead drifting to the front with the ‘hungry ones’. There they gathered to continue worshipping. I stood about ten rows back, watching. I was no longer worshipping but something held me there.

Well blow me down, I was not ready for what happened next. My friends, what I describe may or may not be new to you, but it was to me. Like a mighty rush, the power of the Holy Spirit hit the room and the row of people at the front fell to the ground in one swoop as if they’d been hit by volts of power.

SMASH! The power hit the second row. People began to fall to their knees like dominoes: crying, worshipping, utterly wrecked by his love.

WHAM! The Spirit of God hit the third row. Wave upon wave of love, crashing down.

At this point my face took on a deer-in-the-headlights look. Never had I seen this before.

The fourth row, the fifth row, it was nearing me. It was like a tidal wave heading straight for me. An internal whimper bubbled up.

I looked left and right as those beside me began to fall, and I took a step back. I looked again and took another as people were moving chairs to make way for the power. Soon my feet were stepping back very quickly. Then I paused: Should I? before I turned and ran. Here's what was top of my mind:

“I don't want to do this without Bryce.”

And so I left. I ran to my car, flung myself into the driver's seat, then sat in the dark with a beating heart and shaking hands. After a while I started the ignition and decided that if ever there was a time to gorge myself on a McDonald's super-sized meal this was it. So I pulled into a drive-through, bought up large and sat in the carpark shoving handfuls of salty fries into my mouth while digesting what I'd just seen. 

Glug glug went the sucking of my straw as I gulped down the sugary coke. Glug glug. 

Oh God, it was You.

Oh God, I wish I’d stayed.

I’ve since come to understand what happens to people when they are the ones getting hit by the power. It is beautiful, life-changing, and it's something to which I now say a huge yes. Further, this is the very thing that happened very personally to our leader, Lynn, in October 2012. She has written honestly about it in the book Marching Around Jericho, and it was a turning-point for this ministry. 

So today I celebrate those disciples and that radical Pentecost.

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1-4, NIV)

Lord, we ask for more. Give us the ability to receive your love, your power, your character, your heart, your wisdom, your majesty, your signs and your wonders. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Enemy Cannot Handle This!

Hey SUM family, Tiffany Here!

Sunday, September 29th is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah. We've talked about this Jewish holiday over the years. In fact, the first time I'd ever been made aware of it's significance was because of a blog post from either Lynn or Dineen. For those who are not familiar or are new to this holiday, a simple "Rosh Hashanah" search on this site will provide you with a wealth of information. Feel free to check out the archives!

My prayer for us today is that we will each take away something fresh and new. Holy Spirit, reveal to us the heartbeat of God. Amen!

Rosh Hashanah isn't actually a biblical holiday but a traditional Jewish holiday. The term "Rosh Hashanah" means "head of the year" and is celebrated as the Jewish New Year. This is a two-day celebration that proceeds Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).

In the beginning of this month, the Lord really pressed upon me to watch Patty Tower's talk that was given at the SUMite Summit this last April. I decided to go back and watch it again. (I will provide a link below so you can revisit that as well. It is absolutely worth a re-watch!)

As I sat down to think about Rosh Hashanah and what I would include in this post, I went back to my notes from Patty's message. There is so much good in this message but I want to point out one theme:

  • Joshua 6 - God gives specific instructions about the destruction and taking of the city of Jericho. In verse 20 we see the result of following God's plan and not their own: "So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city."
  • Patty called us to march around our house 7 times and shout, declare, pray and praise things into existence. It was in the great shout that the walls fell flat down.

Rosh Hashanah isn't in the Bible; however, the first day of Rosh Hashanah, is. Let's take a look.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,  “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.  You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.’ ” - Leviticus 23:23-25

The Hebrew word, Teruah, in Leviticus for blowing trumpets is the same word used in Joshua 6 where they shouted with a great shout. The first day of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Teruah, is a day of blowing trumpets or shouting.

Notice what else it says in Leviticus about this day - you shall have a sabbath-rest. Yom Teruah happens to fall on a Sunday. The day we, as children of God, call our sabbath!

So, why is this important for us? If we are not Jewish, what is the point of celebrating this time of year?

We've already seen in our community some amazing things worth celebrating. Many professions of faith and baptisms with our spouses, children or others we love. Libby gave us a beautiful word about the SUMite community with her picture of the mountain. The SUMite Summit where some gathered in California being at the top and from that trickle, the waters of our faith continued to pool together to create a river at the bottom.

I truly believe something was activated in the heavenlies and we have set off a chain reaction. The enemy has been stirred to anger and we have seen much push back from illness, discord with our spouses and children, financial struggles, backsliding, strongholds etc.

However, I truly believe that God is calling His children deeper. I believe that He is stirring in us a hunger and thirst that can no longer be quenched by fear, pain or opposition tactics from the enemy.  I believe that NOW is the time for us to press in all the more into the God of Miracles. NOW is the time to storm the gates of Heaven for our spouses, children, our complete freedom and healing. I believe that NOW is the time for us to suit up and prepare for battle.

There is a shifting going on right now. As we are in this transition period, it is up to US if we are going to take God at His word - for our destinies, purposes, signs, miracles and wonders. We cannot afford to give up or give in. The future of generations to come hangs in the balance. It sounds intense but don't worry! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Patty's talk at the SUMite Summit: https://www.facebook.com/SpirituallyUnequalMarriage/videos/387269661859875/

There is so much more I could say but I've gone on a little long.

As we approach this Jewish New Year, what are the things you are coming to the Throne of Grace for? What do you hope to see in this new season? Shout

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! -- Psalm 47:1 (Shout here is the root word of teruah ::grin::)

We are going to shake the heavens and the earth with our shouts! In the comments, give a mighty shout to the Lord. Thank Him for the victory you've been praying and waiting for! Decree and declare that these prayers are answered in Jesus' mighty name! Now it is up to you to take Him at His word. Trust. Believe. Wait and see. God is so good. And He is worthy of the wait. Hugs!



MORE From The Summit...

Hey SUM family, Tiffany Here! 

During the leader's meeting on the Friday morning before the conference I said I would share a spoken word piece during the offering time. I didn't have anything prepared at the time of volunteering. In fact I just heard the words come out of my mouth. You know those moments when you realize after the fact that you were pushed into things by the Holy Spirit? Maybe it's just me. It happens quite often. *grin*

The rest of the day seemed to fast forward pretty quickly. Filled with fellowship, food and fun. I was exhausted after the meet and greet at Lynn's house - in a good way - and went to bed shortly after everyone left. Saturday morning I wake up and realize that I didn't take time to prepare a spoken word! Out of desperation I laid flat on my back with my arms outstretched (my body in the shape of a cross) and said, "Holy Spirit, I need You to give me a spoken word for today. I want those who hear it to feel your deep love. I want them to know that they can have a close relationship with You. Give me something."

In that moment of asking Him, I could feel the atmosphere change in the room. It was like He was waiting for the invitation to share what was in the deep recesses of His heart. The following is the spoken word. I have posted it on Facebook so it may be a repeat for some. In my humble opinion, Holy Spirit really delivered!

More, Tiffany Carter, 4/6/19


Remember when I first revealed myself to you?

The relief you felt?

Just wait there’s more.


Remember when you heard me speak life into your bones?

The comfort you felt?

Just wait there’s more.


Remember when you received my loving embrace?

The warmth you felt?

Just wait there’s more.


Remember when you needed Me and cried out for help?

The deliverance you felt?

Just wait there’s more.


Remember when you sought me for clarity?

The answers you felt?

Just wait there’s more.


More. Love that is unendable. River w SUM logo

More. Passion that is unshakable.

More. Desire that is unquenchable.

More. Joy that is uncontainable.

More. Intimacy that is unthinkable.

More. Wisdom that is unmatchable.

More. Peace that is uncontrollable.

More. Power that is undeniable.

More. Faith that is unbeatable.



Remember when you stepped into your destiny and calling?

The freedom you felt?

My beloved child…

Just wait.

There’s MORE.

Ephesians 3:20-21 (TPT) - Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.  Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!

Do you want more? I know that I sure do!

Let's talk in the comments. In these weeks since the conference, what are some things that God has been showing you? How has He shown up in your life personally? In reference to Libby's visions, how have you been feeling the residual affects of the river flowing from the conference? I love you all.

Deeper Intimacy With the Trinity

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comHello SUMite Nation,

Today, I’m offering to pray with you regarding intimacy with the Triune, Godhead. You can find me through our ZOOM Virtual classroom. The information is below to access the room. I will start promptly:

Time: Aug 6, 2018 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Please plan to login early so you can work out any connection kinks. I plan to chat about each person-hood of the Trinity and explain how the enemy works to keep us from intimacy. We will also pray to break any blockage or deception. We will also learn how to press into deeper intimacy and pray to receive intimacy with each of the Godhead.

I realize that not everyone will be able to join the call and I apologize to those of you who can’t make this work for your schedule. I hope to record it for the future. However, I understand how things take place in the spiritual realm and a live prayer time is utterly powerful. So, join in if you can because you can springboard off my words into greater experiences and intimacy with the Lord, Jesus and the Spirit.

I can’t wait to share and lead you in prayer. Again, find a quiet place where you can pray out loud. I expect the entire session will be approximately 30 minutes. I will take questions in the comments at the end.

Love you SUMites. We are being trained to bring our wisdom of God, our intimacy and our knowledge of His Kingdom to the lost and broken. And specifically, to our spouse and family. Hallelujah.

See you at noon pacific. Hugs, Lynn


Lynn Donovan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SUMite Prayer Meeting
Time: Aug 6, 2018 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/232212425

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God Of The Impossible

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comHOPE Part II

Last week I wrote about HOPE. It's a weird thing when God takes you through a season of change. I discovered quickly that the enemy will pounce on every insecurity, past wounding and bring every difficulty in your life to the forefront in an effort to torment. In the past week, I've walked this out. Don't think I'm not immune to the devil’s attacks. But my years of walking in faith has helped me to quickly rebound so I don't stay in the stinkin’ pit for weeks. 

Anyone want to climb out of the stinkin’ pit today? Well, this is what the Lord told me yesterday and within an hour of praying this prayer, I WAS BACK!!!!! So, everything I have learned, I pass to you today. Because I am an arm of love, supported by my Jesus, reaching into the pit and I WILL PULL YOU UP!  Well, Jesus will, but I'm there with you *grin*.

Lord, align my desires with Yours.

Today, align my thoughts with Yours. Align my work to Yours. Align my heart to Your heart. Seal my life to depend upon Your life.

Align my energies and efforts to what You are doing on this earth in this season. Align the love in my soul to Your love. Align my heart to love others.

Align my eyes to see what You see, to perceive as You perceive. Align my dreams to be birthed from Your dreams about me and for me.

Align my wisdom to Divine Wisdom and to reject the voice of worldly enticements. Align my pursuit of You to be holiness, kindness, compassion, truth and righteousness.

Align myself to be a leader to others and that I would lead in humility and love. That others would then align their love to Your Presence.

Align my worship to Your heart, to bring You honor and glory. Align my words to be words that become a well-spring of hope to myself and others.

Align my mind to Your mind that I think only what You think about me.

Align my every minute of every day to offer You thanksgiving for the richest blessings of provision, protection and grace.

In Jesus name. AMEN

*I want to thank Ann Hutchison for this inspiration. She left a comment on my personal blog that was my arm of support to lift me up. Gang, we all need one another. THAT IS WHAT FAMILY IS FOR!!

SUMite Texas Update: I also want to let you know that I spoke to Martha (Debbie) and Dorothy from Texas. Their homes were spared. Hallelujah. Martha was just let back into her home on Monday. Their church is a complete mess and there is cleanup happening all over the place. Thank you Lord for your protection but we pray for those who are experiencing enormous loss. We pray comfort, peace and Lord send them every natural provision they need, times seven. In Jesus name.

I believe in God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are our hope. See you Friday with a powerful message of HOPE in the God of the impossible. Love you, Lynn



Register for the Glorious Bride Women's Event (So Cal. area)

In Pursuit of His Presence, August 28, 2017

The Practices of Vibrant Faith, September 4, 2017

God Answers Me. A Supernatural Encounter

Good Morning, 

On Monday we chatted about how to recover from enormous disappointment. And in the comments some of you shared how this unequally yoked life is filled with loneliness. I think I will have to write about walking alone because truly I found myself facing a future, perhaps the rest of my life, empty next and retirement, emotionally alone. So watch for that in the future. 

SuffFor today, I think we need an encouraging word from the Lord. So, let me give you the answers to the questions I asked of God. Do you remember last week I asked God, why?

God’s reply was this, “Lynn, my grace is sufficient for thee.” 

Oh Man, that was not the answer I wanted. I have really hard questions and I was desperate for the Lord to show me His thoughts and his purposes in my unequally yoked marriage. I want understanding so it would heal my pain. But, the Lord will not give me insight into the faith walk of my husband. 


But and here is where everything changed, He did reveal Himself in perhaps the most astonishing way EVER in my life. 

Now this part of the story may be challenging for some of you but I have asked God about sharing what happened to me and He has given me permission to share. I know that for many believers we are desperate for a word from God. We are desperate to see miracles and signs and wonders. Because our faith is bolstered when we have an encounter with the Supernatural God. This is absolutely true for me. 

Well two weeks ago, Friday, I joined a small group of believers for a time of worship. I had been invited to this Friday night worship time for at least six months and finally I decided I would attend. I would attend because my heart was broken and I just needed to spend time with God. I went without expectation and received more that I could have dreamed. 

This worship time and a short message is hosted by a local church worship leader. It’s comprised of any believer, from any church, who wants to show up. I sat down on the second row in this room that held about 20 rows of chairs. The rooms was about half full when worship began. The music started at 7 p.m. I think we finished at 10:30 p.m.… A few songs into the worship set….. GOD SHOWS UP! 

I don’t know if you remember but when I have an encounter with God, I begin to shake. I quiver up and down and my right hand especially begins to vibrate. I can feel fire coming from my right hand at times. It’s like being electrocuted (in a good way). As the music continues, the Spirit of the Lord, comes upon me stronger. I’m shaking just a little at the time. The music set ends and the worship leader, Tim, stands and begins to speak to people in the audience. 

What I didn’t know at the time is this man Tim, is anointed and is prophetic. He was raised in this environment and has worked in the circles of pastors such as Bill Johnson. I will also mention that Tim does not know me. I met him as I entered the building and we only exchanged first names and the cordial, “nice to meet you” greeting. 

As Tim listens to God, he begins to speak to a man standing directly behind me. And as he is speaking words of declaration to him, I start to really shake. At this point I can’t stop the vibrations and my right hand is shaking so hard now that it’s completely noticeable by the people around me. Tim stops speaking to the man behind me and looks directly, points and says, “The glory of the Lord is upon you. Please come forward.” 

I step out and walk to the front. Tim begins to speak something, “Glory, Glory, Holy, Holy.” That was it. I hit the floor and sat down in a frozen weird position unable to move because of the power upon me. Now my friends, I can only share what I remember from what happens next. The encounter with God was so consuming and overwhelming I can’t remember everything that Tim said to me, but I’ve wracked my brain and I will share what I do remember. 

And recall here, Tim does not know who I am. And I am so overwhelmed by the power and love of God that is coursing over me that I can’t hardly keep my eyes open because the power literally is vibrating me. 

Now this is my recollection of what Tim prophesied over me. “Your ministry will increase. It will increase and you are in the place because someone in your past prayed for you. One of your ancestors prayed for you.” Okay, this makes me want to double the prayers for my children and grandchildren. He went on to say, “You will pray for people and they will be healed. They will be physically healed. You will lay hands on people and they will be healed from cancer and (he said something else but at this point I’m wreathing now under the anointing. Man, I wish I could remember.) He spoke a few minutes about the anointing of healing upon me. 

I’m overwhelmed and can feel more anointing pouring into me. 

Tears are rolling out of my eyes and I really start shaking. This is because I have been begging God to anoint me in this area of healing since returning from Bethel almost a year ago. I’m desperate to bring the Holy Spirit into people and bring healing to their hearts, their emotions and their physical body. 

Tim went on to say that I will greatly impact mothers and children. Specifically mothers. And that my faith and my anointing will have a profound impact on the Kingdom and this valley. Now remember Tim has no idea that we have a book for mother’s and a ministry planned for mothers to raise their children up in the Kingdom coming out in three months. He. Has. No. Idea. 

Tim said more but I just can remember. Why am I telling you this story? For two reasons. God is real. His power is for us. His heart is for us and He loves people. He wants to work like this through all of His people. Scripture is not just a book of moral good ideas to live by. NO. It’s an invitation to an experience, an encounter with the Most High. How do I know? I’m living proof. I’ve experienced the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Also, remember this story I shared about healing (read it here)

I also share all of this because this encounter IS God’s answer to my questions, to my loneliness, to my pain. This encounter and the others I have experienced and the many that are ahead, is the answer. I would trade intimacy, wealth, property, status, my dignity, my everything to continue to have and be part of the supernatural workings of God. 

After this encounter. My pain was gone. My hope fully returned. I was reminded of my purposes on this planet and I was empowered. 

It’s been two weeks since that encounter and I’m now asking God, how to take these gifts He’s anointed upon me to the people. Daddy, how do I get in front of those who need healing to touch them and release You into their lives. How do I bring you glory, honor and worship? And I ponder, Dad, I’m an ordinary woman. Who am I? 

So, I’m still processing, praying and I’m waiting because I am certain, like Abraham was convinced, that I am part of this astonishing Great Harvest. And I will always hope. My hope is In Him who will move in my life and He WILL move in my husband’s in the fullness of time. 

I love you my friends. Thank you for staying to the end. I would love your prayers that doors are blown open for Dineen and I to bring our retreat of healing to the church (churches across America, do I dare ask, across the world) Love, Lynn 

Romans 4:20 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. 21 He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. 22 And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. 23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded 24 for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.

Disappointment Recovery

RecdisaptGood Monday Morning my SUMites! 

It’s Sunday afternoon as I write this note to all of you. I just went back and re-read the comments that you left for me last Monday on my post, Devastating Disappointment

I’m undone. 

By your love. Undone by of our shared tears. Humbled to the core for your prayers, your private emails, and the notes through Facebook. I’m moved by the Heart of God because so many of you also live in moments of devastation. So many of you live desiring intimacy, born of faith, with your spouse just like me. Many of you are facing life-altering changes in your home. For some, your kids are broken. Some face a spouse who is dark and seemingly hopelessly lost in the clutches of evil’s addictions, lies and self-centeredness. 

My friends, I truly KNOW how you feel. Over the past week I’ve had time to seek and discover the answers to the questions I asked of God on Monday. The answers I received were not what I exactly wanted to hear but they were the answers I NEEDED to hear from my Daddy, Father and my God. 

So, may I humbly share them with you and perhaps the answers will give you what they gave to me, hope. 

I will always hope. It is impossible for me to know God in the way that I know Him and not be hopeful, even for the seemingly impossible, my husband’s salvation and a desire for shared Sunday morning church experience. It’s impossible not to hope when I spend so much time in His Presence and I absolutely believe with everything in my heart that God’s purposes for me is to prosper me, that He desires to lavish His love upon me and to take me on an adventure that my marriage could never do in itself.   

My friends, I know all of this to be true. And I know, without doubt, that Our Lord wants all of this for you too. So before we get to the answers to the questions, I feel that some of you might be encouraged if I share with you how I have walked with God over the past two weeks as I wrestled with the pain, the loss of a dream and lost hope. 

I prayed. Yes, you knew I would say this. But, what did that really look like? 

Well, over the years I’ve learned to actually pray without ceasing. What does that mean? I enjoy an ongoing and every day conversation with God. I whisper prayers walking around the house. I mumble prayers in the car, some days when driving I have to pray A LOT because I find it difficult to love people on the road when they behave like idiots behind the wheel *grin*. Ahem…. Onward. 

So, I whispered, “Daddy, it hurts. I’m angry. I’m so disappointed. Dad, why.” 

I didn’t hear any distinct reply right away but I felt His Presence just like any other day. I also found myself out in the garden with my Daily Bible and my journal. I don’t journal too much anymore because I walk and pray after I read, however, on this particular day overwhelmed in my pain, I sat down and the words flowed on paper. Words of a broken heart. It was weird. I felt like King David when he was troubled and would write words about his enemies, troubles and then would find in his heart words of praise and thanksgiving. My words were likely to be ugly and looking back, I’m sorry I let them go for as long as I did which allowed the enemy a chink in my armor where he prolonged my pain and he tortured me with lies for a time. But they were how I felt at the time and our BIG God was up to handling my anger and disappointment. 

Currently I’m fascinated by the book of Ephesians and a couple of passages have fascinated me and become very powerful. So, I began to pray these passages to affirm my belief in the words. I prayed them morning, noon and night. I would repeat them over and over. I would say them as I drifted off to sleep and they tumbled from my lips as I woke. I was desperate to bring them into reality in my life and they were words that affirmed me and brought hope and comfort as I processed through my disappointment. 

I prayed, I proclaimed, I prophesied, I spoke aloud, “I am seated in the heavenly realms with Christ. I have the power of God, the same power that resurrected Christ. Seated in the heavenly realms, I have wisdom and revelation to see my marriage, my purpose on earth from God’s perspective.” 

The short version: I’m seated in heavenly realms. I have the power of the resurrection. 

I must have whispered this affirmation of who God says I am and literally the power I have available to me (the power that raised Christ from the dead) hundreds of times. I'm still freaked out that God has given to us the power that raised Jesus. Say What??? Freaked, I tell you. But I believe it.

Oh my friends, how speaking scripture is like the heaving of a mighty sword in the spiritual realms. Things began to happen…….. 

Amazing and fantastical, Supernatural things. Around me and in me. I’m still processing it all. 

And I will share that with you on Friday!

And I promise we will get to God’s answers to my questions. For today, please KNOW that I took every one of you with me before the throne this past week. Often and with passion, pleading for you individually and for your, life, your marriage, your spouse, your kids, whatever you asked of me. I brought you to our God seeking His favor and action in your life. I hope to reply to all of you if I have enough time this week. 

My friends, I leave you with a challenge. Read Ephesians, chapter one through chapter two, verse 10. This is a letter to the church that has overcome. This is a letter to the SUMites. We are living in the trenches and WE ARE OVERCOMERS! Let it empower you and I pray by Friday, you find you are seated in the heavenly realms and operating from heaven toward earth and not the other way around. That is our birthright as Kingdom children. 

And everyone said….. AMEN!! 

See you on our Facebook page and back here again on Friday. I love you. I truly love you with a full heart. Hugs, Lynn

My Beloved

Good Monday morning,

Today is a really great day. You will find me and my daughter sitting on a riverbank, fishing. Yep, us two girls packed the tackle box, the poles some provisions and are in the mountains praying a rainbow trout will be our dinner. And yes, we clean them ourselves. eeeek... gross. I know...Go figure. 

So while I'm away, I want to introduce a new friend of mine, December Long (yes, she was born in December... I bet you never forget her name *grin*) I met December for the first time at the National Day of Prayer where I was invited to pray for our city and nation. And then I came to find out that December would be sharing a devotion at the retreat where Dineen and I were to speak (May). 

December shared a letter spoken to her by the Holy Spirit. And today I'm sharing it with all of you. Today is Part I and on Friday, Part II. I will be back next week and perhaps with a few photos from our fishing adventure. I'm expecting God to show off His glory in the mountains. I can't wait to share His glory with all of you. I love you. Now.... here is December.

(A letter from God [Papa, Jesus & The Holy Spirit] – transcribed by December Long) 


Maybe you know me. Maybe you have only heard or read about me. I have always known and loved you. Long before you were born, I knew what every one of your days would hold. I crafted, in my heart, your design and my vision for who you would be, putting my image - the very stamp of who I am - into you. I reveled in the role you would play in the world and eternity. When you were conceived I rejoiced that you had stepped into time. I formed and shaped you with great care in your mother’s womb and protected and watched over you. When you were born, my excitement and love overflowed! I smiled, sang and danced over your long anticipated life emerging into the world!


When you were a baby, I walked with you as you developed and grew, wonder and discovery in every moment. I cared for you and protected you, delighting in your “ah –ha” moments. And I held you close to me through your tears (catching every one). 

I saw your attempts over the years to venture out and try new things. I sang over you with joy when you manifested the beauty and creativity I placed in you and stayed close by your side grieving, as you did, moments of deep pain, hurt and injustice when you withdrew hiding in fear, feeling shamed, rejected, un-seen and un-valued. I was your fortress protection there and I shielded you and tenderly held you there – though you may have had no awareness of me. I have many things to reveal to you about this – things that will set you free to be yourself. 

You are priceless to me. No one else is committed to you in the way that I am. My love and care for you is life-giving and transformational. When you come to me and spend time exploring the width, length, height and depth of my love, and really know that love in tangible ways - I bring you into line with your glorious original calling and design – that you may be filled to the measure of ALL of my fullness. Giving yourself to be present with me is a moment by moment choice that I never force, but am always available for, welcome and invite. Just think – here I am, creator of the universe, all powerful, and my deepest and greatest joy is when you and I spend time together. Do you understand how my heart longs for you? Do you know or even suspect who you are to me? You are a one-of-a–kind masterpiece; there is no other like you. You are my very favorite! No other person (past, present or future) can ever replace you in my affections. You are a deeply loved child who I take great delight in. When my eyes land upon you, they light up!! And, I always have my eyes on you! I look forward to our time together and I am always with you, but it is times where you engage, when you take time to drink in deeply and refresh in me and my love for you – these are deeply satisfying times for me too. Look into my eyes. Do you see yourself there? These eyes overflow my radiant and heartfelt welcome and pleasure in you. My heart is always full and for you – I have so much to share with you and show you.

See you Friday for the last half of this letter and it's amazing... Hugs. Lynn

Part the Jordan River, Part III

(Part IV of our current Series: Parting the Red Sea and Parting the Jordan River.)

Good Monday Morning Sumites.

This is going to be a fantastic week. And I think we are going to discover what can happen in an ordinary believer’s life when we take a step of faith and then step out in trust. Ahhhhh, hold on because this gets really, really good.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comLet’s pick up our story from Joshua 3 and find out what happened to the people who were stuck on one side of the river with no way to get across to the Promised Land. Read with me.

Joshua 3:14 So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. 15 Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, 16 the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho. 17 The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.


I’m not a Biblical scholar however I have some interesting perspective and first-hand experience in watching faith activated. I’ve become convinced that somehow our freewill is tied up in all of this but how that plays out individually is a mystery to me. But I can say with certainty there are absolutely many times where God is anxiously waiting for us to say yes to Him. He wants to bring healing and hope and real miracles but we must take the step of faith. We activate our faith birthing trust and we step out into many times situations that seem impossible and can be frightening. And what I think happens most of the time is God calls us to step out in faith and we fear judgment of “man” and we stay sidelined because we assume we will look like fools to those watching.

So I have a question for our community today. Think about your life right now. Do you think God is waiting for you to exercise your freewill and to step out in a moment of faith to be part of what He is doing on planet earth?

I want you to pray sincerely about this all week. Ask God to place a burden upon you so heavily that you can’t escape it if there is some action He is calling you to take in your faith walk. Tell me about it in the comments. Be real so we can pray with you and can pray for one another.

My next post will be about how Jesus taught us to take a step of trust and how He modeled it for us here on earth. Good stuff ahead. We are planting the seeds now because the harvest is around the corner… Remember you are the harvesters and our God wants our participation in His purposes.

I can't wait to hear about your life and what God is directing in your faith walk. I love you my friends. I really love you, Lynn

Weekend Worship — Lay Me Down!

My precious Sumites, I love this song by Chris Tomlin because it's about the surrendered life and the JOY of living like we belong to Jesus. Because we do! We are His and He is ours. This is also what Scripture means when it says, "the joy of the Lord is our strength" (Neh. 8:10.)

When we walk in this place of surrender and obedience, we know freedom, joy and peace. To the world it makes no sense, but we know better, don't we? And oh, my spirit longs to share this with everyone! We want everyone to know our amazing healer and comforter, Jesus. Especially in light of the horrible events this past week.

We have the Holy Spirit and God is calling us to share Him! Have an amazing weekend, my dear sisters and brothers in Jesus. May His presence fill and rest upon you, may His blessings rain down over you and your family and may His strength, courage, love, power and authority reign supreme in your life!

We adore You, Jesus! Amen!

Love you so much, my friends!


Part the Jordan River

Hey SUMers! 

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comDid you enjoy the read through Joshua 3:1-7?

I wonder about something. When you read the OT passages do you kinda view the people of the stories as characters. Like a character in a fiction book? Well, Joshua is a real man. He lived on this planet and I can’t wait to meet him one day. I’m going to ask him a bazillion questions about living to be an old man, yet still having the health and vitality of a youth. What was it like to see the pillar of fire at night and the cloud during the day. Were you as astonished as me because your traveled in the wilderness for 40 years and yet your clothing and shoes never wore out?

                I’m sure I will pepper him with so many questions that he will have to spend a least a 100 years with me alone to satisfy my curiosity. Ahhhh, to dream about our ever-lasting future…. It’s one of my favorite pastimes.

                My friends, there is so much we can learn from Joshua but what I want to take a look at what begins to play out starting in verse 7. Now remember with me that the Israelites have been wondering. They have witnessed God move for them with supernatural miracles. God has now released them to finally to take ownership of the Promised Land. We could do an entire study on these concepts alone. But what I want us to recognize is a couple of things.

                Verse 8: God commands Joshua: Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: ‘When you reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.’

                Now catch something here. There is a shift in God’s expectations of His people. For years the people have watched God provide for them supernaturally with Manna, water from a rock, escape the Egyptians through the Red Sea. But today, this day, something is different.

                Read with me: 9 Joshua said to the Israelites, “Come here and listen to the words of the Lord your God. 10 This is how you will know that the living God is among you and that he will certainly drive out before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites and Jebusites. 11 See, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth will go into the Jordan ahead of you. 12 Now then, choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe. 13 And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord—the Lord of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.” 

14 So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. 15 Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. 

Okay, I can’t even begin to explain why the river is at flood stage during harvest season but it is roaring. It is wide and virtually uncrossable for the 1.5 million people of Israel. But, let’s not get stuck on that phenomenon. Let’s get stuck on the next one.

God instructs the people to MAKE THE FIRST MOVE. He commands the priests to step into the river FIRST. He instructs them to carry the Ark of the Covenant and to step into the raging waters. They must TRUST that God will do what He promised and cut the flow off.

They had to choose that very moment to activate their faith. For years they have watched God take care of them but today, they will take His Presence with them and step into the water. This is when their faith is activated and faith becomes trust.

God wants them to grow up. To become a people of trust to be participants in the miracles and not just the benefactors of His goodness and grace. I’m also intrigued that in just a couple of chapters the people ate grain from the land and I quote Joshua 5:12, “The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land.”

So I can bet you know where I’m going with this train of thought.

Do you believe this kind of trust is what God wants from us? Thoughts? Love you, Lynn

Where is the parting of my Red Sea?

SoocI’m wondering if you’ve noticed???

There has been a shift in our atmosphere here among the Sumites. This house has gone through a transition in the last six months. Dineen and I have talked about this transition a lot but what was really cool is that last week I was talking to Beverly Etzel, one of our long-time readers at the conference and this is what she said, “In the early years our discussions (posts at SUM) centered around husbands (spouses). Now they are centered around our faith. They are upward focused (on God) instead of side-focused (on man).


She is so right. So I’m wondering if you have noticed the transition in yourself? Have you watched your Sumite friends here online make this shift also? Well, do you know why this shift has taken place?

In the last week I’ve talked to God a lot about our community and I keep hearing this passage that Jesus spoke in Luke.

He (Jesus) told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 NIV

I’m convinced that this family at SUM is in training to be Harvesters. My friends, think about it. I’m convinced by the Spirit that this time period and this generation sits on the precipice of one of the greatest revivals the world has ever experienced. We have been chosen to take what we have gained through our community here to the communities, the individuals, the broken and bleeding souls around us, we are to take the Good News!!!

You may read this right now and begin nodding your head because you know this is true. You may read this and think, “Lynn, you’re crazy.” But I want you to know that if you are part of this community, you are being called to be a harvester. Especially if you feel ill-equipped when you read this. I always feel ill-equipped. It’s us ordinary people that bring great glory to God when we move in His love and power to accomplish His purposes. So, as we move forward in this series, I want you to pray about how God is already using you as a harvester and ask Him about what more He has for you in the days ahead.

It’s gonna’ be a wild ride. Scary at times, completely over our heads at times, fantastic and supernatural, miracle-filled, kinda journey. But it’s going to be the best adventure you have ever lived. That’s a promise.

This interesting transition in our community ( our family) has been fascinating, beautiful and filled with God’s anointing and I bear witness to the fact that lives have changed. The Holy Spirit is alive and well here at SUM. Amen.. AMEN! And now we, the SUMers (Another Ro coined name) will step up and take what we know to people who need an encounter with the Most High God, His Son Jesus and the Spirit that lives in us.


So, let’s launch into this new study. There is much to share and uncover and it’s so cool that when we approach a study God puts the same subject on both my heart and Dineen’s. This study is no exception.

Last Saturday Dineen did some teaching from the book of Joshua. This past week my Daily Bible took me through this very passage as well. So we are going to spend some time with Joshua, the Israelites and a few others from the ancient times. There is such a richness in the OT and it’s going to spring to life here in the weeks ahead and prove that God’s WORD no matter how old, still is living and powerful and filled with lessons that will grow our faith walk.

Get out your Bible and read with me Joshua 3. Read through verse seven and stop there. We are setting the stage here. The family of Abraham has been liberated from Egypt over 40 years ago through a series of supernatural miracles. And as they left Egypt the multitude watched God part the Red Sea and the people walked through on dry ground. This is a critical fact to remember as we move through this study.

But let’s camp today on verse seven. There is a phrase in this verse that intrigues me. The Lord says to Joshua, “so they may know that I am with you.” God wants the Israelites to recognize that God is with Joshua and is preparing to do the miraculous to confirm His Presence upon this man.

My questions: Are you attracted to people whom you recognize have the Spirit of God in them? Do you think people today want to see God is with you?

This entire series is going to be about the Presence of God in us. It’s about our faith and how faith in God isn’t enough to see the miracles we are looking for. We need to add something to our faith and when we add that “something” that is when we see the parting of the waters, the signs and wonders, the miracles. And I’m talking about real miracles.

You know what that component is? It’s Trust.

Trust is different from faith and that’s what we are going to talk about on Friday. For today, read through this chapter of Joshua and ponder what is it about trust that is critical to the kinds of supernatural miracles we are asking for.

It’s going to be a great series. I’ve have some new stories to tell and we are all being called to the harvest fields. Get ready my friends. We are going to ROCK this world with the Good News!!!

So share with me your thoughts on Joshua, faith, trust or just leave an AMEN, I’m in! Love you. Have an amazing week living in His Presence. Hugs, Lynn

Self-Love And The Battle At Hand

As we leap into 2013 and prepare for the series on Spiritual Warfare, I want to set the tone for that study. In December we spent some time talking about the love of God. We talked about moving our relationship into deep intimacy. (Read Can You Pray "Good Morning Daddy?”)

What I have come to understand is that to move with effectiveness in the spiritual realms requires confidence. We must have confidence in who we are in the eyes of Christ. We must love ourselves. We must “like” ourselves and love who we are and view our lives as God sees us.

Now I know that is easy to type, “Grasp who you are in Christ and live it.” But how do we move past our past, get over our hurts and insecurities to see ourselves as royalty instead of a pauper? That is the question.

I know for some of you, you just need some truth to defy the lies. I have been reading an amazing book about this very subject. Most of you know that Dineen and I attended a conference at Bethel Church in Redding in October. Those three days changed everything in how we perceive ourselves. And from that conference we have both been hungry, seeking to move out of our fears and into our victory. It has been a fantastic journey. And I have a lot more to share with you about all that later in the month.

But to move into the realms of the enemy and to experience the kind of victories we are going to share with you later, you MUST come to a place to accept who you are in Christ and live in His love. The book I am reading is written by the two lead pastors of Bethel, Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. The title: The Supernatural Ways of Royalty.

If you are struggling with self-love, a pauper mentality or need to grasp firmly who you are in Christ, I recommend you pick up this book and read it now before we launch into the series on spiritual warfare. There is a link below.

Here is an excerpt from page 51: On the other hand, agreeing with God empowers us. If frees us from the power of a lie and enables us to live according to the will of God. This empowerment is not independent of God; it is empowerment because of God. When we agree with God we step into the power of truth, the momentum of the Cross. The truth is already in our favor because King Jesus died in our place. He not only die for us, He died as us. Our agreement with God, which is always the focus and activity of faith, enables us to reap the fruit of truth. Ant that fruit is freedom! Faith grows by agreeing with God from the heart.

I have been practicing this kind of agreement since returning from Bethel. My friends, MY FRIENDS, do I have some astonishing stories to tell you about how our faith and agreement with God and NOT the enemy can profoundly impact our world. I can’t wait to tell you the story about praying for my daughter. I still can’t believe all that happened. Neither can she!!!!!!

So, I leave you this week, asking you to grab this book if you struggle in this area. I also want to encourage you to fast with us beginning Monday – Friday. Each year during our fast we experience profound movement by God in our midst because we humble ourselves and pray. To read more about how to fast, click here.

I am so excited for everything this New Year holds. The enemy is scared out of his mind and he has made a serious mistake to mess with this 5’4” blonde girl. How about you?I love you my friends.

I really love you. See you Monday for the fast. Hugs, Lynn


Can You Pray "Good Morning Daddy?"

I want to say a couple of things before we move forward in this series. Reading the comments left after the last two posts, it’s obvious to me that God was right (like always). There many of us who He is revealing His desire to move our love relationship into a deeper intimacy. 

I think the past couple of posts have brought us to a reality we didn’t understand. It’s our ability to call our Lord, Daddy, and to accept all of the implications that come with naming our God, with that name of complete intimacy. 

Now to those of you who don’t struggle with this Daddy issue, please be patient with the rest of us. And I also want to assure you that I’m not trying to overly feminize God. Because I KNOW without doubt that our God is a warrior and fighter a brilliant commander of millions upon millions of warring angels. We will talk more about that side of our Triune God in January. But in order to grasp the warrior side of God we need to become intimately familiar with the love of God. Because out of that love, everything else flows. 

Well, let me explain how this Daddy thing began. While I was at Bethel, the woman Maria, who I’ve written about before, gave me a list of books to read and a few movies to watch. One movie in particular is, Father of Lights. This movie profiles several amazing believers and one man in particular. I won’t give away much about this movie because ALL OF YOU need to rent it, buy it, or borrow it and then watch it. I will tell you this….. The end….. It’s a mind blow and a total “God” set up. If you watch it, email me and let me know your thoughts. 

Anyhoo, one of the men profiled literally “hears” the audible voice of his “Daddy,” our Daddy and Lord. As I watched this movie, I was filled with a desire to KNOW God in this way. So, the next morning is when the Holy Spirit said to me, “Call me Daddy.” 

For me, and likely for many of you, this is the last (at least I hope it’s the last) blockade in our love relationship. When I’m able to name my Lord, “Daddy” it changes everything. This is where miracles happen because it’s where utter blind trust lives and thrives. It’s where the Holy Spirit can ask anything and I will do it because there are people who need healing and I’m the one He will work through. This intimate place is where fear is decimated and left impotent. It’s where wild courage is born to share with my spouse, my kids, my family, anyone and everyone the truth. It’s with my Daddy that I will be awakened in the night to receive my assignment for the next day, to witness my God’s love and His purposes unfold before my very eyes. It is with my Daddy that I will be so cocooned in his love that the devil and all of his minions can’t touch me and in fact they are scared out of their minds because I know and love my Daddy and I live in His favor and authority.

This is what it looks like this promise of God’s, Perfect love casts out fear. (1 john 4:18) 

So today, cry out just as Teresa T. did on Monday in the comments: Abba! Father. It does sound so personal that we don't think it as reverent. So I did some research and found this. 

Romans 8:15

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “ Abba, Father!”


Our Great King speaks to us with such a love that I cannot fully understand it, but He says to me and to you, “Cry out, Abba, Father!”

So right now I’m going to share a snippet form my prayer journal where I first prayed, “Good morning, Daddy.” 

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Sit with your Daddy and allow Him to make you the object of His affection today.

On Monday we will take our Daddy love and watch how that turns into self-love and the power it brings into our lives. Choosing love and thrilling in the power it brings to mortal man. Hugs, Lynn 

PS. On Sunday I woke from an afternoon nap. And as I came awake, there were two words that were on my lips and I was whispering softly. I kid you not, they were, “Abba, Father.” O, how He loves me. O, how He loves you. O, how He loves you and me.

He Breathed On Me, Part III

Part I

Part II

There’s a shift in the atmosphere. 

I can’t explain it. Well perhaps I can. Since returning home after my re-sign, the new gifts I received have been developing. It’s been a rocky and rough development. I’m tripped up with road blocks from the enemy and from my own doubts and unbelief. I’m stopped in my tracks through some of my old habits of sin. Yet, I manage through God’s unfathomable love and encouragement to get back up, brush myself off. I run to the wilderness and pray and I find myself able to walk further in The Presence. 

So if you are on a rocky road, welcome to the party! 

Dove-on-fence-2But, with all the uncertainty of the new gifts and struggling at times to keep my dove on my shoulder, I’m in a place of utter fascination. I’m noticing how I’m becoming more aware of the environments around me. The people, the situations. And how I perceive them with a new eye. 

What I’m learning is when you are hosting the Presence of the Living God you are affecting your environment. I almost feel like when I walk into a room, a store, church, my home, I’m walking with a power of righteousness. And this power of righteousness is so effective that when I enter a room, it’s impacted for the Kingdom. 

If you remember in my last post I shared when Jesus came, He forever changed how we see the contamination of sin. And further He became the one who brought cleansing and healing instead of contamination. It was a paradigm shift. And this shift is for all of us, His disciples. WE are to affect our environments through our touch, our hosting of God’s presence so that we bring cleansing, healing, truth and the power of God. 

This is where living in the Presence through the Holy Spirit becomes so powerful for those of us who are living with unbelievers. Now listen and receive this. 

This righteousness, the living presence of God is so powerful in the New Testament that Paul tells us that if there is a believing spouse in the household, she/he will sanctify every other member in the household. Righteousness, the living presence of God, is so contagious, so powerful that it creates an umbrella of safety around anyone that comes into that environment. 

My friends, we have been positioned to release the Presence into the atmosphere so that God might find places to rest. People upon whom to rest. 

I’m living proof of this. I’ve watched how my surrender has brought me into a profound love relationship with the Father, through Jesus and living in the Holy Spirit Presence. It’s through this relationship that I’ve battled evil and cast it out of my house. It’s through this power that I’ve become, not perfect by any means, but interesting, fascinating and impactful. Okay, well it’s not really me. It’s that people, even my spouse, kids, friends, strangers catch a glimpse of God in my eyes. 

It’s contagious. Why? Because it’s God’s love - come to earth. His Kingdom on earth. His power. His purposes. It’s Him. People are utterly attracted to our Lord. They are utterly changed. WE are utterly changed by His love. 

Now read this passage with me: 

1 Corinthians 7: 12-14 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 

Why is it that we don’t believe this? 

Well I’m taking my unbelief to the woodshed and there it shall ever stay. I’m living proof that when you Host the Presence of the Most High God. The God who holds the universe in His hand, You will be so contagious that when you walk into a room, you can feel a shift. 

The enemy flees. Hearts become open. Lives are transformed. God’s Kingdom comes to earth. 

This is my story and so now I can hear some of you saying, “Well Lynn, that’s all well and good for you but I’m not there and I’m not seeing a shift. I’m not seeing anything and my husband certainly isn’t changed. So I don’t believe you.” 

I get it. And in my next post I want to talk about this as well. So, join me next time and let’s talk about the realities of Hosting the Presence and how you get from your place to the road of the Kingdom Come to Earth. 

But before I leave. I wonder what does 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 mean to you. Have you read these verses in the Message translation? Share with me your thoughts. Is this passage for every one of just some? Thoughts? Choose love my friends. Choose love. Hugs, Lynn

Can someone post the Message Translation in the comments? 

He Breathed On Me

Okay, I left you last week with this astonishing story of a girl who was ordered by the God of the Universe to free my husband from the prison cell where “I” had placed him. 

Can I just say: OUCH! 

Well what I have to share today is not only my husband’s freedom but mine as well. And mostly my friends, YOUR FREEDOM IS AT HAND. 

He Breathed On Me, Part Deux 

Many profound things happened to the three of us in the span of three days. And today, I’m of the humble place to share with you the most important thing that happened. 

We stood in the very real and tangible presence of our Holy God. At one point during the third day I was so overcome by His presence that I was absolutely paralyzed and sorta like electrocuted (in a good way). I will explain in a future post. 

But out of this experience we took home with us a new reality of God’s personal presence in our life. It is the revealed purpose of the Holy Spirit. 

Now I’ve walked with God and Jesus and within the Holy Spirit for a long time. However, I was clueless about the Holy Spirit and His intricate leadership of the believer’s life. And it was at the conference God said in some fashion, “You are going to be indwelled, empowered and live in the anointing of my Holy Presence.” 

Can I just say: Whoa! 

And can I just say, “I’m not worthy but God loves me that much.” And He loves you that much. He wants all of us to live in The Presence. It’s in The Presence that lives are transformed. You begin to see everything and everyone differently. You discover things that were once enormously important, like writing a book or even your husband’s immediate salvation are insignificant and irrelevant. What matters is living sensitive to the flame of the dove that rests upon your shoulder. 

I recall being on the phone with Dineen a few days after we arrived home from our trip. At one point we said the same thing at the same time, “It just doesn’t matter anymore.” And what we mean by this is that living in the Presence is complete surrender. Complete belief and complete trust. 

  • Thus, if we are to write another book, God will bring it to pass. If we don’t, it just doesn’t matter.
  • Our spouse’s salvation. It’s a forgone conclusion and God will bring it about when He is ready.
  • Funding for our daughter’s college. God has this covered. And not only covered. He has selected the school for my daughter, the man she will marry and even the financial blessing to pay for the wedding. Wow! 

And what if none of this happens? It just doesn’t matter because we live in a place with a God that loves us so much that He will take care of us. Now perhaps this sounds shallow or hallow. And what if God takes care of us and moves us to a shack in Nairobi. It is possible. God rarely does what we expect and often calls us to participate in the unexpected. But living in the thriving Presence makes ALL THINGS POSSIBLE (Matthew 19:26). Makes all things joyful and all things are unto His glory, purpose and for His worship.

Okay, sorry, bunny trail. I just get so excited. 

Let me share this scripture. I pray with everything in me that you read this and receive it as yours, personally from Jesus. John 20:21-22(NIV) 

Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit changes things, changes people. 

I heard Bill Johnson explain it this way. In the Old Testament God’s people were commanded to stay far away from sin. Why? Because sin contaminates, damages, and separates us from God. For example if you were to touch a Leper, you became unclean. 

Are you with me? Now really listen closely. 

Jesus came (N.T.), the human example of how to Host the Presence of God and to bring His Kingdom to earth. Now get this. When Jesus came He not only touched but he brought healing. The Leper becomes clean. The New Testament purpose is for us modern day believers is to touch others and bring healing and wholeness.

What a paradigm shift.


Everything Jesus did for three years was a model for human kind how to Host God’s Presence and to bring His Kingdom to earth. Jesus prayed, Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. This prayer was not for a Kingdom in the future. IT IS FOR RIGHT NOW. His Kingdom is now. On earth! And we, His people are the chosen ones to bring it to the nations. 

How? By hosting His Presence through the Holy Spirit. 

So what happens to us when we become living hosts of the Holy Spirit? Ahhhhh, now we are getting somewhere. We will have to tackle that question in my next post. For today, I want you to really wrangle with what I’ve shared. I want you to beg, on your face, if necessary that Jesus would breathe a fresh Holy Spirit anointing upon you. Share with me your thoughts. Where you are in this life-long journey. What questions stir in your soul? 

I will see you again next post when I share the most profound point to all of us who are married to unbelievers.

I love you my friends. I really love you! Living in His Presence, Lynn

Taking Off The Badge

Sometimes are you overcome and overwhelmed with the sheer love and patience God bestows upon you? 


Glad it’s not just me. 

His relentless persistence to get through to my heart and more, my thick-head, is astounding. In the weeks since the conference, I feel like I’m reading scripture for the first time. I’m in love with the book of Luke right now and can’t get enough. I’m reading that book like it was personally written for me. Scripture verses have new meaning, depth and POWER in my life. 

And my friends I want to share a scripture passage that I hope utterly brings you to the floor with worship and prayer and then raises you up to the purpose and the power it is intended. And it is a scripture written just for us, spouses who live with pre-believers, doubters and even those hostile to Christ. 

So, get ready. I’m not sure how long this post will be but I’m writing until the entire story is out. Because it is HIS-story and all for His glory. 

He Breathed On Me 

I think I mentioned in the post about Maria that God was intentionally selective about the conferees that He placed around us during the three day event. Our God did not waste one minute of the conference. He sent Helen to us at lunch and Maria next to me in the audience and Laura prayed with us in the bathroom. That story still makes me chuckle (a tale for another day, I promise). 

But God also used Heidi, Dineen and me as we spoke truth and love into each other’s lives. A bond of love formed between the three of us that is impenetrable, powerful, perfect and sealed in eternal love. I hope all of you experience this kind of Kingdom friendship and love. 

Onward. It was the last day of the conference and all throughout the day, through people like Laura, Darlene, and Helen God was trying to talk to Dineen and I. He wanted to speak about something Dineen and I wear. You see we kinda promote this badge on our chest. I’m still struggling to figure out how it comes to rest on my chest and why. But the badge we wear says this: 

I’m unequally yoked. 

Truly we have move past wearing this badge as martyrs. It’s just easy to say, “I’m unequally yoked” because in Christian circles people always reply to our declaration with a serious nod of understanding accompanied by eyes full of concern or pity and they utter one word, “Oh.” As if to say, I see, I get it, poor you. 

Sheesh, just writing that makes my stomach turn. Onward. 

Well after three days of proudly wearing our invisible but very discernible badges around the place and after God sending people to us to speak gently about our malady of unequalness, God was sick of us. So He sent in Heidi. 

We were walking along the road to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Now I don’t recall the conversation specifics at the moment. I think we were talking about Laura and the words she prayed over us in the women’s restroom. And Heidi with trepidation in her voice says, “Did you hear what she was saying to you?” 

“Ya, I thought I did.” 

Heidi looked at me and Dineen with uncertainty in her eyes and then she ventured, “I really don’t know how to say this and I’m not saying this to be hurtful or anything but I don’t think you are hearing what God is saying to you.” 

I froze in my tracks on the side of the road with cars passing by. I stared at Heidi and Dineen was standing right there frozen as well. “I just hear God telling me to tell you this. ‘Your marriages are not mismatched or unequally yoked. Your marriages are mine. Your husbands are mine.’” 


Instantly I felt chastised by our most loving and Holy God. 

Heidi rushed on, “Please don’t be mad but I hear God telling me to say to you, ‘They are mine.” 

That instant my heart broke wide open. I felt ashamed that I had not believed God about this and even more shame that for so, so long I’ve worn this stupid “spiritually mismatched” badge about my person. 

She said, “Your words have created a prison where you have held your husband in a cell.”

Pain. O, the pain. 

However the pain and shame instantly left me as I said to Heidi, “Oh Heidi, you are right. God is so right.” 

It was at the moment that I opened the doors of the prison. I tore off the badge and I surrendered it to God. I remember saying to Heidi and Dineen, “This changes everything. Even our ministry. Perhaps we are to even change our ministry name?” A million thoughts rushed into my head. And those thoughts Dineen and I are still wrangling with today. 

Out of this entire exchange what has remained profound and clear to me are three words that the Father spoke to me and Dineen, “They are mine.” 

My friends, deep calls to deep. Step into this deep with me and see if you can uncover the truth of those three words in your life. What are the implications? Why it is God would say this to Dineen and I, “They (our husbands) are mine.” 

Now I have to also be clear in this. Heidi spoke these words as they were placed upon her through the Holy Spirit and they were intended for Dineen and I. However, I also believe they are intended for our community. But there is a progression or a spiritual shift that happens within us that allows God to speak these words to those of us who live with an unsaved spouse. And it’s this development, this shift that changes everything. And I’m desperate to share this with you so that you don’t have to be hit upside the head from a close friend on the side of the road. 

But, this post is way too long for today. So join me on Friday as the BEST part of this story still awaits. 

Oh on Monday, I have another astonishing story to share and you play a distinct part in the telling. I can’t wait to tell you the story and see how you take us to the ending. 

I love you. I really love you… Choose love my friend. Living in the Presence, Lynn.