33 posts categorized "Conference"

Need Godly Counsel for Your Marriage? THIS IS IT!

Over 30 speakers. Lifetime access. Worth your time and effort!! See Speakers at the bottom.

General Conference Information: The Thrive Christian Marriage Conference is a 4-day LIVE online conference happening February 15-18, 2022 featuring 25 professional Christian counselors, bestselling authors, speakers, bloggers, and more.

Thrive Marriage Conference - FB (3)

The statistics are sobering....

  • An estimated 4 out of 10 U.S. adults are currently struggling with anxiety or depression (Source).
  • Divorce rates are up 34% since the start of the pandemic (Source).
  • More than 20% of U.S. adults are currently taking medication or are in counseling for mental health concerns. (Source)​

So whether you're dealing with job loss, the loss of a loved one, strained relationships, mental health issues, or any number of issues the recent pandemic has caused...

It's definitely not just you. These last couple of years have been tough on us all.

That's why, at this year's Thrive Christian Marriage Conference, we're bringing in 25 licensed counselors, bestselling authors, professional speakers (and more) to share their best advice on:

  • How to talk so your spouse will listen
  • How to turn your greatest differences into your greatest strengths
  • What to do if your partner has an affair, watches pornography, or wants a divorce
  • How to know when to get help (what's normal and what's not)
  • How to keep the romance alive - no matter how long you've been married
  • and much, much more.

FREE PASS: (Click here)

Speaker Pannel:

Thrive marriage Conference Speakers


Lynn Donovan Speaking at Marriage Conference

Hi SUMite Nation. Lynn Donovan here.

I was asked to speak to at the Equipping Godly Women Conference this year. The lineup of speakers is amazing. I'm humbled to be part of it. This is an online, three-day conference, February 15-18, 2022.

Right now the conference is offering quite an incentive to register. 

Equipping Godly Women Conference Giveaway 2022

For more information and to register, visit: Thrive Marriage Conference. I'll see you there. Hugs, Lynn

God takes our little to produce an abundance

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I was reading the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 the other day and was challenged to reflect on it from the eyes of the boy who had the five loaves and two fish. If you wish to read along I used the version in John 6.

I don’t think I’ve really even considered it from his perspective and with the SUMite Gathering this weekend I thought there were some wonderful insights to encourage all of you who will be attending. And especially for those of you who might be nervous or a little apprehensive as is very normal before such an event.

Jesus asked the boy for his loaves and fish. Conceivably the boy could have refused the request. But he didn’t as I suspect Jesus, like he was with every child he met, was kind and considerate in making his request.

The boy as an act of love for both Jesus and all the other people hands over his goodies. He shares what is his to participate in Jesus’ mission: to feed the masses of people.

This boy’s ‘little’ gift produced over-abundance as Jesus got a hold of it and we all know what happens – twelve baskets of leftovers. Amazing.

Parable for our Lives

I was struck by how the boy’s action is a practical demonstration of what Jesus calls us to do. The strongest command in all of the gospels is simply to love.

Let’s go now to the night of the Last Supper in John 13. Jesus is sharing his last meal with the disciples in the Upper Room on the night of Maundy Thursday. A few hours later he would be arrested. Jesus starts the night by washing his friends’ feet and encourages them to do likewise in demonstrating one’s love for others by performing such menial tasks. Soon after, Judas leaves having been ‘found out’ by Jesus as to what he was about to do. Immediately thereafter Jesus states once again that he is leaving and shares with his much loved and very confused friends these words:

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13: 34-35 NRSV)

Now back to our boy. Like Jesus, his act of handing over the loaves and fish was an act of love. For Jesus and the community. And Jesus used them to fulfil his mission to feed the community.

God’s in the Multiplication Business

Love is an action. Jesus commands us to love. Very little else, in fact. To love Him and others. If we continue to abide with Him we will come to understand His mission. I suspect the boy knew what Jesus wanted to do with the loaves and fish. It would have been very normal for Jesus to tell the boy when he asked for them: “Would you help me feed all these people by giving me your loaves and fish?”

This weekend some of the SUMite community will come together in one place. Yayyy! What a blessing and an answer to so many of us who’ve prayed about it for a long time. There won’t be 5,000 but a group of people where Jesus will be amongst you fulfilling his mission. Be like the boy and simply respond to Jesus with love for Him, the Sumites who are present, those of us who can’t be there (I’m one of them) and our spouses. 

And believe that your gift (you!) will reap an abundance that will be felt around the globe in all of our homes. Expect the unexpected and step into 'our' community full of faith and boldness.

Blessings for a wonderful couple of days together, may the Lord’s presence be thick and may His Kingdom come over Southern Cali this weekend.

Grace and peace.


Ohio Represents. Detroit Conference

.....looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame.

While Jesus carried His cross, THIS MOMENT was on His mind.... This moment in time when His bride gathers together in unity! Astounding!

Hi My Dear Friends, let me tell you that I KNOW that our God is on the move!!!!  Below is what I shared with the Facebook travel group last week:

Oh my gosh. What the LORD is downloading for me to share at the Summit is truly pivotal. Our purpose in our marriage is beyond what you understand. Our mission and legacy, these are tangible things. Our long years of disappointment are being redeemed. (I can’t wait to share about how that’s going to happen). And gang. OH, MY HEART. What we are building in eternity. It will stun you. Fill you. Make you cry and encourage you to keep walking our mission forward. Also want to talk about how our faith impacts our spouse and family for eternity. This is going to be the best gathering ever. I CAN’T WAIT!!!!! Love you all so much!!!!

THERE ARE STILL CHEAP FLIGHTS NOW. Don’t wait. Prices go up the closer we get to the event.


Joanne & Heidi became friends online then finally met at the conference, face to face.

Visit Sky Scanner or Southwest Air (for Continental US)

We may never have a change again to meet face-to-face this side of heaven. And I want to look into your face and thank you for your love and to bless you into peace in your marriage and release you into the next great move of God.

GREAT conversations are happening in the travel group. If you are still considering attending, but not certain yet, join the group anyway. You may be surprised what God will do to help you to share expenses and spend time with other SUMites!!!

SUMite Travel Group <--- click here

Hear The Roar <<<<---- To register, visit this page


There are miracles happening. Ask God to get you here. Book your ticket.

Photos from our last get-together. It was amazing!




Conference 2 small





Let's Worship Together IN PERSON!

Hear The RoarSUMITE NATION: Church Without Walls, Worldwide Conference. 


April 5 & 6, 2019
Temecula, CA

Friday night, meet-and-greet at Lynn Donovan's home: 43952 Barletta Street, Temecula, CA 92592; 6pm

All day conference 9am - 4pm at Linfield Christian School 31950 Pauba Road., Temecula, CA 92592 

Come hungry for powerful teaching. Testimony time. Prayer and a commissioning into our next move of God and into our victory in life. 

  • Worship
  • Prayer
  • Teaching
  • Testimony
  • Sharing
  • Impartation
  • Encouragement
  • HOPE

In a few weeks a detailed itinerary of the event will be posted. Stay tuned!

Registration covers both days and includes lunch by Chick Fil A (Saturday). Bring a pillow for your chair, your Bible, your expectation for a GREAT MOVE OF GOD and your love. Also we will receive an offering. People from around the world have already purchased flights and made arrangements to attend. It will be worth every expense and effort to meet the SUMite family you have come to know and love, our "Church Without Walls."

Below are some travel sites to assist you in making arrangements. Also, join the Facebook travel group. Connect with others arriving at airports and make arrangements to carpool to Temecula. Remember this is Southern California. Traffic during rush hours is tremendous. Plan to arrive close to mid-morning or early afternoon. Normal travel time is about one hour from the San Diego or Ontario, CA airports. International travelers will arrive at LAX. Approximate drive time from LA is 2 1/2 hours. Plan to rent a car or limo and carpool together. 

Uber and Lyft can be very affordable from San Diego or Ontario. Teri Fox did some checking and found Uber to be around $100 to $140 and can fit four people. Lyft is around $120 and can be booked ahead of time.  Plan on four people.

The Temecula Air Shuttle quoted $219. Again plan to share the fare. Arrange carpooling in the travel group.

Hear The Roar - Summit Travel Group
Closed group · 3 members
Join Group
Travel collaboration for the SUMite, Hear The Roar, Summit April 5 & 6, 2019 in Temecula, California

Remember that Disneyland, Seaworld, Legoland, and Knotts and many other attractions are within an hour drive from Temecula. 

Check for low airfare at:

Google Flights

For lodging:

Check these Google listings for local hotels: Click here

Airbnb - Temecula

I count it a privilege to see you face-to-face. I can't wait to worship with you and to pray with you. Let's look to Jesus and allow Him to fill us with His love and we will THRIVE as we live in faith and await the salvation of our loved ones!!!!!

Lynn Donovan

The leadership of SUM will arrive early to pray for you and for our event. Expect the Lord Jesus Christ to be among us. Expect His power, purpose and revelation to flow to us and through us. 

This ROAR will be extraordinary!!!

REGISTER NOW. Click on the button below. 


If you think it impossible to attend, just watch this video. NOTHING is impossible with Jesus Christ!

Dancing With Jesus..... The Miraculous Happens

Part II .......  

And indeed, a second and successful surgery saved her life. AMEN!

My privileged vantage point has been awesome. I have a front row seat to view the life-long, faithfulness of God in these very later years of my mother’s life.

Over the last few years as my own spiritual journey expanded and intensely grew, I shared so much of my faith experiences with my mom. I told her about the many freedoms I’ve attained through Jesus and also how some of the bondage that has lived in our family blood line has been cancelled  I prayed over the phone with her to free her from familial spirits of Free Masonry and other issues that have plagued our family line for generations.

In these her latter years, my mother is experiencing areas of heart healing from our Savior. The memories bring a smile of Godly joy to my face as I bear witness to my mother stepping into further freedom. And the next story is such an amazing event.

Several months ago my mom received an unexpected phone call. Her granddaughter, my brother’s daughter, wanted to visit and spend the weekend with her grandma. Plans were set in motion and indeed the reunion was more than either could have hoped or dreamed. Many misunderstandings were reconciled and love was shared. Old photos were looked over and crazy antics of my brother were told. Laughter and love all were given as the Lord looked down with a great smile of satisfaction. Years of hopeful prayer came into their fullness in those few days. And this relationship has been fully restored. In Jesus name. Thank you and hallelujah!

But wait…. There is more, so much more. Just because He can…

For several years I’ve invited my mother to attend the Open Heaven’s Conference with me. You may have been a reader here for some years and know that my life, as well as Dineen’s, forever altered at that conference in 2012. The spiritual fire that was set loose in me recalibrated every aspect of my faith, my love of God and how I love people as well as defined and focused my Godly purpose. And I’ve shared so much of my experiences with my mom but she always hesitated to join me for this annual event.

Mom Lynn Heidi LV Conference II
This is SUMite, Heidi, myself and my mom at the conference.

However, in January several amazing speakers, including Bill Johnson, were going to be at a conference at a church in Las Vegas. So I invited my mom to join me as a celebration of her 76th birthday that coincided with the event.

She said yes.

So two women, bearing bibles, head to Las Vegas…… to go to church. The irony is not lost on my heart.

Now here is where the story moved into the realm of our miraculous God.

The first evening of the conference near the conclusion of the night, Bill, offered prayer for healing. My mother stands. For at least six months she has been nursing, treating and bearing up under a weird ulcer-like-sore, the size of a golf ball, on the belt-line of her waist. The thing is an ugly, open, and painful sore that has been infected numerous times.

As an interesting side note, my mother has never, in all her years of faith, seen God heal anyone, physically. But at this moment, after the Spirit lead teaching and worship, my mother stands….. she stands in faith for healing and she receives prayer over this ailment on her abdomen.

Two people who were seated around us step over and lay hands upon her and pray. Then I place my hand upon this area of concern and pray. It’s in this holy moment that I feel heat leave my hand and warm the area on her stomach. My mom feels nothing but I know what just happened.

Jesus was in the room!

Prayer ends. Hugs all around and we depart for our hotel.

Early the next morning my mom steps from the bedroom area and finds me on the couch in our hotel room. She exclaims, “Lynn, look at this.” She raises her shirt, “Look, there is a scab on this sore." The astonishment on her face was beautiful to behold.  "I have prayed for months for a scab to form.”

“Oh, Mom. Jesus has healed you.” I leap from the couch.


Gang, I take a closer look at the scab. Indeed, a round scab now covers the previously red and irritated area. My head still blows up when I think back to this moment.

And now let me bring glory and honor to our healer, the Lord Jesus Christ. By the time the conference ended and we departed, the entire area was healed, the scab fell off and all that remained was a shadowy area, a scar, that is a permanent marker of her supernatural healing.

But, my friends, wait as I grab tissue to dab at the tears, there is STILL MORE. So much more to tell........

But, alas this post has already gone too long.... So on Friday I'm going to share the best part of what happens next... Stay tuned!


Side note: It's so interesting to me that I'm finally getting over of a month and a half of illness myself. I've prayed extensively about health and healing in the past several months. So has Dineen. Today during my prayer time, the Lord was very specific about sharing a healing prayer with all of you. I posted  the prayer on our SUM Facebook page. It's also posted on my personal blog. Lynndonovan.org.

If you are struggling with health issues, perhaps this prayer would be helpful to you. Read it and pray it, aloud and often, over yourself for the next 30 days.

Finally, in faith I stand with you and I say: Be healed and whole in Jesus name.


Okay, see you Friday. Let me know what you think of my moms story in the comments and share your prayer for healing as well. I love you my SUMite family! Make it a fantastic week ahead. After all, you are a Child of the Most High God. LIVE LIKE IT!!!  Woo Hoo! Hugs, Lynn

Conference At Merriman in Garden City, MI

Perhaps for a moment in time, just perhaps, we stood upon holy ground.


Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”


I bet many of you know these ladies. They like to hang around SUM! 

SUMite Pillars
Gillian, Teresa, Melissa, Heidi, Joanne


Ohio Sumites
Some of the Ohio SUMites: Left to right: Judy, Mindy, Laura, Dawn, Chris


Fran Green
This is Beloved, Franie. This conference started in her heart last summer.


Lynn Donovan
The Holy Spirit moved. We laughed, cried and we were loved on by our Lord!

The skit was hilarious. I was cackling. Well done Merriman!
Conference Team
This is the amazing team of leadership that made this day possible. Thank you is inadequate but THANK YOU!

More photos are posted on our SUM Facebook page, click here.


The best part of the day is: WE PRAYED. I wish I had a photo to show you what happened at the end of our day. Can anyone who attended share what happened in your heart as you stepped out?

I'm overwhelmed at how the Lord moved on Saturday. Dineen was unable to make it due to her shoulder. So on Thursday I knew that I would speak the entire day. My friends, I can't perform. But I prayed and prayed that our Papa God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit would walk among us and I believe we honored our Lord and He showed up with love and power! I believe lives were touched and I'm teary reading the email messages such as the one at the bottom of this post.

If you were unable to attend, don't feel left out. You are loved and we talked about our amazing community on the web. And now let's pray that Jesus arranges another conference in your area. It would be my humble privilege to meet you, to pray with you and to love on you with our Daddy's love.

Breakfast in the gym
Love these ladies. They were on the front row!!


From Jen:


I do not even know where to begin to thank you. 

I attended your workshop this past Saturday and I am moved beyond words.

When my pastor’s wife invited a small group of us to attend this together I admit I was a little apprehensive.  Not knowing whom she invited I assumed it was only sent to me (or a couple of people) and the other couple of people were nowhere close to my unequal marriage, (so I thought).  I immediately went online and bought your book and WOW!  By the end of just the intros of the both of you, I was in tears, so moved and so motivated. I thought I was the only one in this position, I was alone, I thought nobody understood my marriage, my life, I even questioned my position in my faith and how I possibly could continue to follow Jesus with an unbelieving husband, a daughter 20 years old whom has walked away from Christ and a 13-year-old daughter loving Christ, how could I keep going?

I read the first half of the book in one day and then started over so I could take notes, pages and pages of notes. Ready to register for this workshop, (alone because I figured nobody else in my bible study, church or small group of friends would ever be in the same position I am), the pastor’s wife emailed me again asking if I wanted to go and let me know there were a few others interested. I attended our bible study the next week to tell these women everything I had read and learned up to that point (which was 66% as I am an e book user 😊) and was floored to discover five out of ten women there that night were somewhat in the same position.  Then in our plans for carpooling across the border I find out there was eleven of us going from our church...eleven!!!! Seriously???? I am not alone!!!! So as soon as I got home from the workshop I went directly to your website and signed up, pinned my location and when I looked at all the other pin locations around the world, my heart swelled to see and feel the common love from all over the world.

You were not even five minutes into speaking and I was in tears.  I have come out of this past week with a new light, a renewed hope and joy that is just spilling out of my heart. I went to church this morning and together we found five women sitting alone and we all filled half a row, held hands, hugged, sang to the high heavens and supported and loved on one another like never before. One woman even had an argument with her husband before church today because he did not want to attend anymore and guess who had some loving words of advice for her?  ME!! Little old me! I walk into church today and out of church today with a new song in my heart, a skip in my step and a feeling like I belonged, and better yet, God wanted me there, He loves me! He loves me! He loves me!

So from the bottom of my heart thank you! Thank you for leading me closer to God, thank you for opening my eyes to the women near to me in the same unique position, thank you for introducing me to the thousands of women near and far that feel my pain, my joy, my love and have my back!

Forever indebted and much love, Jen

Proverbs 3 & Spiritually Mismatched Conference

SUMites. In less than two weeks Dineen and I along with a number of you from our community will be meeting in Detroit, Michigan for a Spiritually Mismatched Conference. It’s not too late to decide to join us.

Start your new year off with a full day focused on living victoriously in a spiritually mismatched marriage. How often is there a conference specific to our unique faith lives?

The day is designed to release victory into our lives and strengthen our faith through a beautiful freedom process. The whole day builds until we reach the most beautiful encounter. The ending of the event is absolutely powerful and is anointed with the healing Presence of Jesus. Hope fulfilled!

It’s not about me or Dineen. It’s all about our kind Father, Jesus our Savior and the Holy Spirit!

If you are able to get there, get there!…. Please make your travel arrangements today. Register for the conference through Eventbright.

Okay, I truly hope a few more of you can join us. Lynn & Dineen

For today, I want to share a passage I read this past week. It has stirred my spirit. What does this passage mean to you?

My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying.

Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.

Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3: 1-6 NLT

I love you Sum family. I speak a blessing of joy, peace and goodness upon you this week. In Jesus name. AMEN 

Also, if you want a Kindness & Loyalty, Key necklace, you can order one by clicking on the Kingdom Necklace link.

Kindness Loyalty Key Necklace

Christmas and the Spiritually Mismatched Conference

Hello SUMites:

I’ve come to realize that I’m in a struggle to keep up with holiday demands, writing and serving this community. My heart is to really be available to all of you as we work through the series on loneliness. And December is proving to be impossible to do – well, everything. So Dineen and I talked and decided that we are going to delay the series until after our week of fasting which is January 4-8, 2016. I still want to reply to all of the comments and emails and will do my best to do so.

Dineen is having surgery on her shoulder tomorrow so we have decided to take a writing break through Christmas, the end of next week. We will have a few random posts that may pop up but mostly we are going to spend some time in rest and quiet. Boy howdy, don’t we all need that.

In fact, I truly felt like the Lord impressed upon me that this Christmas needs to be protected and be a time of family, laughter, quietness and living in His Presence. So, let’s all do that.

Dineen and I will be back right after Christmas. And as usual you can bet I will be fired up about our week of fasting together as a community. Amazing breakthroughs ALWAYS occur in that week within our community. Stay tuned.

Also, we ask you to be in prayer about attending the Spiritually Mismatched Conference in January in Detroit, MI. Below is Dineen who shares her heart about the conference. Wouldn’t it be amazing to start 2016 together? And I’ve been receiving a revelation about our verse… You know our verse, 1 Corinthians 7:14. I will be talking about this and how it will change your prayers, thoughts and attitude about your marriage, spouse and home. Truly.

Have a blessed Christmas. Pray for the Lord to bring peace and joy to your home. I pray you are filled with His holiness and that this Christmas takes on a special meaning as we consider the miracle of the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior. Hugs, Lynn


If you can't view this in your email, click here.

Meet Lynn & Dineen In Person


Okay, our BIG announcement may not be a complete surprise but today we are making an official announcement and launch of a Spiritually Mismatched Conference. Wahoo!!!

THRIVING In His Presence Conference

Garden City (Detroit area), Michigan
Saturday, January 23, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Lynn & Dineen present:
THRIVING in His Presence Conference

*Revive your heart
*Restore your marriage
*Rejuvenate HOPE
*Recognize your divine destiny and live it fully
*Reach for the impossible
*Risk for the Kingdom
*Run in His Freedom

Register through Eventbright

Dineen and I are beyond psyched to be guests of the amazing team of Girlfriends of Grace Women's Ministry of Merriman Road Baptist Church. This is a group of women who are familiar with the unique and challenging circumstances of living with a pre-believer. They have a heart to bring hope to others and have organized a fantastic opportunity for us to meet together, pray together, learn together and allow the love of Jesus to change us all.

Merriman is located about eight miles from the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. The team is working on bringing other believers together from the Detroit area. They also are hopeful many of our SUMite community can attend. 

So here's the deal. Pray... If the Lord is leading you to join this special day, then ask Him to provide the means and the way. You can book a flight in on Friday, January 22, 2016 and depart after the conference on Saturday, January 23, 2016. Book your flight later into the evening to allow time to meet us following the event. 

You can also book a hotel room. I've done a search of hotels that are near the airport as there is not a hotel near the church. Click here to see the options and information from reviews on Tripadvisor. I'm trying to figure out if there is a hotel that will shuttle to the church. Most of these hotels will shuttle you to and from the airport. I'll let you know if we can sort out some way to get you to and from the hotel to the church and then back to the airport following the event. Stay tuned.

Registration for the event is through Eventbrite. If you are attending, please register and then let me know. Dineen and I are going to choose two people to receive a free registration. We will choose two,   in a random drawing, in early January and then reimburse you for your registration. 

Additionally, we have formed a closed "travel" group on Facebook. I'm hoping that through this group we can arrange some travel together and save money. Ask me to join that group if you are planning to attend. Email me.

We expect this single day to change many. We expect the Holy Spirit to show up with power. We expect women to return home filled with fresh hope, a fresh anointing, fresh perspective and a powerful love. We expect you to be loved on and filled with scriptures that revive and restore. We expect Jesus to change us all.

Oh how I do hope that many of our SUM family can make their way toward a reunion in the flesh. January isn't all that far away and what a fantastic way to start your new year, with your SUM family the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and our good, good Father.

Pray and let me know your thoughts. If I left something out that you need to know, please ask in the comments. 

A word of advice that the team of ladies who live in Michigan gave this southern California girl about visiting the grand state of Michigan in January: "Lynn, wear everything you've got!!!!"

Hilarious. I can't wait to wear my boots and gloves and throw a snowball at Dineen. (Love ya girl! *grin.*) Join the fun and let's have a cup of anything hot together in January! BIG hugs. Lynn

What Happens When You Hunger For More Of God - Lynn's Story

This is an unlikely story.

This is a story of a God who loves one ordinary woman with such capacity and faithfulness that He would move His hand in astounding circumstances to touch her life and respond to the cry of her heart.

This is my story.

An ordinary blonde, sometimes whacky and somehow hopeful, found herself sitting in church holding her open Bible upon her lap. Her heart cry, “Lord, I believe your Word. Where are the miracles that I have read about all of my life?”

He heard me.

And a journey was set into motion.

God sent me to find the answer to my question in Grand Junction, Colorado. Yep, weird I know.

I was visiting my mother who moved there several years prior. In fact, my entire family was there that week in July of 2012. Sunday morning we had plans to travel to a Hot Springs resort and spend a few days swimming and lounging by the large pools. That morning dawned and in a very spontaneous moment I said to my mom, “Mom, let’s go to your church before we get on the road.” Everyone was still sleeping and it was evident we weren’t going to get out of town early.

Mom and I arrived at church. The worship rocked and then the pastor introduced a guest speaker, June Felhouer. June soon began to share stories of modern day miracles the kind I have read about all of my life. I was undone. I sat utterly stunned at the stories of broken legs mended, cancer healed, ears opened and more. I introduced myself to June after service and chatted briefly.

We continued on our vacation however, my heart, spirit and mind was now intrigued. Is it true that REAL miracles are happening at a church in America? An unlikely church, Bethel of Redding, CA. Arriving home I began to ask my friends who work in the Christian industry about this place of miracles. My editor said to me, “Lynn, if you ever get a chance to visit Bethel, you should do it.”

So without hesitation, I called my partner in all my God adventures, Dineen and said, “We should visit this place and see what it’s all about.” Now even more amazing, Dineen agrees. We were nuts but I was so hungry for more of God that I would have traveled far and wide.

Dineen, Heidi and Lynn, 2012

Not knowing anything about anything, I booked us for the next available conference, Open Heavens. Little did I know that conference would forever alter the lives of two ordinary women. Dineen and I were forever changed by our experience with God at that conference.

I’ve written many of my stories of encounters with God and Jesus in that environment. Here is a link to my story of the vision I had of Jesus. The Vastness of Our God. 

Today I’m home from my fourth visit to Open Heavens. And as I look back at the extraordinary circumstances that God went through to respond to my hunger, I’m undone. And this moment of humble thanksgiving was magnified when at the beginning of the conference the Holy Spirit whispered to me something very sweet.

Looking at this photo that we had just snapped of my group of friends, the Lord whispered, “This is your legacy, Lynn. These are the children that have come to find more of me because of you.”


You see, the next year in 2013, Dineen and I attended again. We invited Sue Louch (tall blonde in back) who was also desperate for God. She had battled cancer, shingles and fear for years. She was so desperate for God’s touch, she took this crazy journey with us. And she was fully healed! Praise Jesus.

From there Sue began inviting people. I invited more. We made friends in previous years in the line waiting to get into the building. (Some of the best things happen in line.)

Next year for the 2016 Open Heavens Conference, we are praying there are at least 40 of us gathering together to seek the face and voice of God. Forty more of our family who will receive healing from fear, anxiety. Forty in 2016 that will be healed physically and emotionally.

The legacy grows and I weep in humble praise. It’s all about our Jesus.

But as I type, I’m overwhelmed with love that my Savior would go to such great lengths to send me to Grand Junction to take me to Northern California and to bring the healing and anointing I received to this group of people.

But not only these in the photo. He graced me with so much of His love that I have poured it out here and upon hundreds of SUMites. I pray that because you have cried out for more of God, you have received a touch of love and encouragement from me and from Dineen. Two crazy women who took a chance on a outrageous journey to discover that modern day miracles are real and available for every one of us as children of God.

In the three days of the conference this year, I watched God heal hearts. I prayed for many of those. I watched as little girls danced and their eyes were healed. I saw people’s lives restored from the years of the devil’s oppression.

Lynn, Paula, Barbara, Ruthie, while we were in line

I listened as the Lord spoke through the guest speaker to people in the audience. He called out my friend, Barbara. I met Barbara and her sister, Paula on Friday morning. God woke me at ten-til-five, that would be am. He said to me, “You can sleep when you get home. GET UP!” I crawled from bed, slurped coffee, dressed and headed over to the church to wait in line before dawn. Barbara, Paula and Ruthie stepped in line behind me and it was a divine moment in time those three hours together. Later in the evening before the entire church God spoke to Barbara about her life and encouraged her. It has changed her and her sister’s lives forever. Oh, thank you God that you woke me. I would have missed

Ruthie in line with me at O' dark thirty!

that beautiful time with my forever sisters.

Profound and life-changing encounters happened to the people but many, many happened to those whom I knew personally.  

I will share one of those amazing stories on Friday.

Today, I want you to let me pray for your journey. Leave your prayer request in the comments.

My dear, sweet brother or sister in Christ. You are valuable. You are adored. The Lord DOES see you. He is standing before you right now with arms open, urging, pleading,

“Come to me and allow me to heal you. Allow me to set you free from the doubts, the lies of the devil and to show you a love that is unfathomable. Let me touch your face with gentleness and relieve your worry and pain. Let me speak words of kindness into your circumstances. Let me dance with you in the kitchen and kiss your children at night with you. Let me carry you when you are weak. Let me sing over you with gladness and bless you with every gift from on High. Let me love you well, my child.”

“My arms are wide open. I’m calling you to a crazy journey. The Grand Adventure of a lifetime that will heal, bless and change everything. Step into my arms of love and allow me to hold you like a protected and loved child. I adore you and will never forsake you.” 

SUMite, Jim Edwards and me


Me and Sue Louch


Do you want to join us on this fantastic and life-changing journey? It's a journey of HOPE. It's worth every sacrifice, every penny you spend, the time away from your family and job. I PROMISE that you will find it the best thing you ever did this side of heaven. Let me know and I will email you next July when registration begins. Hugs, Lynn

The Combination To The Power Of Heaven

Hi My Friends,  (Combination is at the bottom. Read all the way through.) 

Isaiah 53 5
Today I want to share a few thoughts with regard to healing. Several weeks ago I shared with you a few stories about healing.  

I finally want to chat with you about a mystery, the healing power of Jesus. Firstly, always, always, Jesus is our healer. He was bruised (Isaiah 53:5) for our iniquity and upon him the stripes of His beatings were for our healing. Man, if you just allow that thought in your head…… Recently I was listening to some teaching about healing. Did you know that Jesus’ face was beaten to a point that He was unrecognizable? When I consider the suffering He bore for my healing, I refuse to let one little bit of it go unclaimed. I will not waste the torture He endured that was meant for my healing. How about you? 

Anyhoo, by this point you know that I absolutely believe in healing. Healing of the soul, spirit and of our physical body. I’ve seen it. Experienced it and believe what the Word of God says about healing. 

But today I think we need to talk about why some aren’t healed. Why people receive healing prayer and nothing happens or a partial healing occurs. I will say right up front. We don’t know. It is a complete mystery as to why some aren’t healed and some are. 

But I can also share some firm thoughts as to what can keep us from experiencing healing. Let’s start with three things.

  1. Unbelief
  2. Unforgiveness
  3. Bitterness 

Unbelief. I want to share a story from the Healing Rooms. When the three of us, myself, my daughter Caitie and Gina entered the room, we were already halfway healed. Why? Because first, we TRULY believed we would be, could be. We did NOT doubt but truly walked in child-like faith. I’m in a season right now where God is teaching me the power of child-like faith. I have witnessed more supernatural encounters since returning from Bethel than I have ever before. I am convinced it’s because I have combined three things.

  • Child-like faith (I will explain more)
  • Compassion
  • No judgment 

Man, when you put these all together in a soul, Jesus shows up with all kinds of power and love. 

Child-like faith is the opposite of unbelief. Now get this: I choose to believe. Flat out decide that God’s Word is true, and it is. This kind of faith is gained and learned through maturity. What a contradiction of thoughts. Spiritual maturity births child-like faith. Oh how like the Lord to purpose faith this way. 

Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.—1 Corinthians 1:27 

Unforgiveness which gives birth to bitterness keeps so many of us from everything of the Kingdom. I am at a place in my faith walk where I literally choose to not be offended even when I have every right to be offended. I take the offense to Jesus and ask Him to help me rid it from my heart. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. Couple love with compassion and it’s powerful my friends. 

Which leads to judgment. Ah, now this is the place that gets in the way of most believers. We judge people so harshly. In the depths of our heart we size a person up, declare their faults and failures in our minds and then sentence them to shame, unworthiness or wickedness. And we do all that in seconds. 

What Jesus is teaching me now is some powerful lessons in choosing compassion over judgment.   

Recently I was praying and the Lord brought homeless people to my mind. And I grieved for them. I said out loud in my prayers, “Lord, I will give to them. I don’t care how they came to be homeless or that they may be drunks, druggies, lazy. I will just love them.” 

You know what God said back to me? “Lynn, if you will love these people for me without judging them, why do you judge your daughter-in-law who has left your son. She needs help right now. Will you help her too?” 


Ouch. I mailed her a card, a photo of Elise and money that day. Yeppers. I did. 

What I saw in the healing rooms were those who were child-like and those who were judging everything that happened. They saw God interacting with people and God can be unexpected. Things can get animated as people encounter the God of the Universe. They were skeptical and thought they knew how people should behave. These were the people who did not experience healing. They were too busy judging…. And get this- really, they were judging our God! It scares me to even think about casting judgment on God for the way He interacts with people. SCARES ME!!! 

On the way to the conference when all of us were together sitting at a restaurant for lunch, I put down one ground rule for our conference experience. I looked straight into the eyes of the teens and said, “No matter what you might see or experience this week, you cannot judge others by what they look like or what they may do. If you don't judge, you will encounter everything you are hoping for.” 

Guess what? 

They did! 

And so can you.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

Monday I want to share what has been happening in these weeks since Jesus has been teaching me. I feel like He has given me the combination lock to unlock the power of heaven and voice of God. Child-like faith, compassion and absolutely NO judgment. 

I’m in awe of what He is doing. 

And I’m STILL wanting to get onto this series about how to deal with the spirit of confusion, the critical spirit and few other unwelcome and evil entities we contend with. Are you up for all of this my friends? 

Why do you think I spend so much time teaching about the truths of God and focusing on our spiritual growth instead of speaking to unequally yoked marriages? It’s because, once we have our faith walk in the thriving zone, everything falls into that zone as well. 

I love you my family on the web. Stay tuned because the breakthroughs are gaining momentum and if you are a regular here, you have one or more coming. In Jesus name. Amen.

Divine Appointments, Part 2


I’m so glad you came back to hear the rest of this story. And I know Lynn and I will come back with more stories too. It’s the last day of the Open Heavens conference. As I write this I haven’t a clue of what God has in store for us, but I know it will be good, because He is GOOD!

Now back to the ACFW conference and the divine appointments God had planned for me. As I said, I knew there was more to hear from my new friend. I didn’t even ask God to orchestrate another meeting. I knew He would and told Him as much. This was really fun!

The next day I had an appointment with an editor. After my appointment, I took a shortcut down the hallway to get back to the registration area. This hallway can get pretty busy when people are moving between appointments, but this time it was quiet, mostly empty.

Except for one person. Yep. You guessed it. There she stood. I smiled and headed toward her. Again we laughed and hugged. Then I knew what it was I was suppose to know.

So I asked, “You are a deep woman of faith and are on the path ahead of me. What advice would you give to someone like me, coming up behind you?”

Her face grew serious and she began to share such amazing words of truth and faith. Words that confirmed things God had shown me this year and great wisdom for where I was headed. I realized this dear woman had already walked the path I was on right now in greater detail than I could have imagine. I remember standing there feeling so surreal as I grasped more full how well God had planned this.

The piece of her wisdom that stood out the most was not to live the life you think you are supposed to but to live the life God is leading you too. She done it the first way for too many years and had learned the difference.

I asked this dear woman and new friend if she minded if I kept in touch with her. I’d prayed for a long time for mentors in my life, and maybe, just maybe, God had lead me to one. To her. She told me she’d mind if I didn’t.

Our divine appointment had turned into a divine connection. My friends, I’m still in awe of how God does these things. How His timing is so significant and precise for His plans and purposes. I delight in Him so much in these moments as I stand in awe of Him.

And more came through the week. The Holy Spirit led me to sit in front of an older couple. I turned around and asked what their story was. They shared their precious lives with me, then realized they were in the wrong room. But I knew I was meant to hear their stories and God confirmed it again when I “ran” into them again the next day. We shared our hearts to spread God’s love and goodness in our stories and this sweet man had me sign his tie!

And connecting with so many hearts and hearing their stories. One of my last nights there, God brought a woman front and center to me whose husband had walked away from his faith. Such heartache. I was able to share this beautiful SUMite community with her (yes, I bragged about you!) and invited her to come and visit and let us love on her.

So you see, my SUMite family, you were part of my adventures that week. I bring you everywhere I go and boast about you all often as I praise and point to God for doing what He’s done right here in this community.

And now I’m hooked. Everywhere I go I pray for divine appointments. I know so many more are coming, for all of us. Just ask Him.

Then come and share yours. I want to hear your story.

Love you, my precious SUMite family!





Copyright: petarpaunchev / 123RF Stock Photo

Divine Appointments, Part 1

11134039_sMy friends, as you read this, Lynn and I are making our way to the Open Heavens Conference at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. This will be our third year going and I’m already praying for diving appointments. (Please pray with us on this and for our protection and safety as we travel. Thank you!)

I prayed for this before the writers conference (American Christian Fiction Writers) I attended a couple weeks ago. And I told God it didn’t matter if they had anything to do with me or writing, I just wanted to see Him in action.

Well, my week was packed with these appointments and it was the most fun I’ve had at one of these conferences to date. And I’ve been going for ten years now! My head is still spinning to think of them all but a few stand out, and today I’m going to share just a few of them.

As head of registration I get to serve a great body of writers and authors, along side a great team of volunteers. I’m the “go-to-girl” for all the complicated questions, etc. The first day I was blessed to pray for a dear woman in distress. Loved watching how God calmed and comforted her as we prayed.

Then a little while later, an older woman humbly asked if she could still have an author ribbon (we have these label ribbons that attach to our name badges). She forgot about her book coming out in December.

“Of course!” I said and went to fetch her one. The sheer delight on her face to receive it warmed my heart beyond measure, as did her hug. Really, truly, I love doing the little things for people.

The next morning, very early and bleary eyed, God reminded me of these two women. He highlighted the woman I’d fetched the ribbon for and said, “She has a story. Listen to her story.” He whispered (probably because I hadn’t had my coffee yet) to me, “Listen to their stories.” I knew He didn’t mean what they were writing but the stories of their heart, their lives.

I told God He’d have to orchestrate that meeting if I was to hear more of her story as there was a good 500 people attending this conference in a large hotel. Later that day I turned around and there she was! Just her. I hugged her and said, “God told me you have a story. What’s your story?”

Her eyes grew wide and moist, and she smiled. She told me that just touched her heart so deeply that God had told me that about her. She then explained that she is a two time cancer survivor and battling heart disease.

Me? I’m standing there stunned, because even though I KNOW God does this stuff, I’m still floored by it.

Time ran out and she had to go. We hugged, each knowing that God had linked us together for a reason, then off she went to her next workshop. But I knew there was more. God whispered to my heart again that there was more for me to hear.

The next day during a break, I ran up to my hotel room to get something. I started to head back out but realized I needed one more thing. Then I headed out the door. Standing at the door across the hall stood this dear woman. I kid you not. We laughed, hugged and marveled at how God kept putting us together. She shared a little more and I shared a little about my daughter’s cancer miracles, but then I had to get back to my post. Even as I walked down the hall, I knew there was more and that God would put us together yet again. He’d already linked out hearts together.

But, He wasn’t done…

Dear Friends, that’s enough for today, but please come back Friday for the rest of this story. There’s more to tell, more to hear, I’m not done… ;-)

And I’m looking forward to what God has planned for Lynn and I at Bethel. I know He won’t disappoint. He’s the best divine appointment of all!

Love you!





Copyright: petarpaunchev / 123RF Stock Photo

Chronicles of the Donovan Clan - My Son And The Conference

Hello My Friends, 

Well, last week was quite the adventure. The conference did not disappoint. I learned a lot about fear. And my friends I think I have a lot to say about that four letter word. ahem…. 

My son was able to attend two of the four days. Hey, I will take what I can get. On the first day I was worried that it might be too much and that he’d tuned out. I glanced his direction and he was furiously typing on his phone. At the next break I casually asked, “So who were you chatting to on your phone?” 

“No one.” 

“Well what was with all the typing?” 

“I was taking notes.” 


He pulls out his phone and there are pages of notes from the past session. 

Can I just get an….. “AMEN”

Who knew. 

Never, ever, never, stop praying for the prodigals, and the unsaved. Because this is another living proof story that God never stops His pursuit of men. 

I think my most favorite part of the conference was the one hour drive home on the first day. My son and I talked the whole way about his faith and about many aspects of God. These are the kind of conversations believing Moms wait for all of their lives. It was divine. 

I’m so thankful. Grateful to our God. Every day, in every way, I will shout to anyone and everyone who listens…… ‘God is good and He is faithful. Even in the dark night of the soul. Even in absolute evil circumstances our God remains good.” 

And today I declare. satan you are a looser. You have no hold on me, nor my family. I will fight bloodied, bruised, but standing fearless with Jesus and legions of angels for my family and for every SUMite and their family. In Jesus name. Amen 

I have so much to share. I could write posts every day for the next four months but I won’t freak you out and overwhelm you. 

But this Friday. God has finally shared our next community miracle project. When God told me what to do, I was at first scared. But NO MORE. I can’t wait to do it. I can’t wait for you to be part of it. And you can be part of every stage if you want. More on Friday. 

Finally, it was my great honor to meet a SUMite at the conference. This is me and Carmen Mata.

Carmen Mata Lynn Donovan

I love you so much my friends. I am praying for a breakthrough for you… And I’m EXPECTING one. Just because our God is THAT good. Hugs, Lynn

Open Heavens

Good Monday Morning,

I want to give this community a heads-up. 

Many of you know that Dineen and I have attended a life-changing conference for the last two years at Bethel Church in Redding California. The Open Heaven's Conference.

I want to let you know that there are several of our SUMite family who are planning, saving and striving to get themselves to this conference this October. The conference is slated, tentatively, for October 8-10, 2014.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to go. God wants you to go. 

So start saving your money.

I will announce it here when registration opens later this summer. In the mean time, I want to share with you a message from one of the pastors of Bethel. This message will rock your world and greatly encourage you.

Kris Vallatton 

Kris Vallatton Prophets and Prophecy 2 16 2014

So what are your thoughts? What did you think of the description of the angel, Michael? Whoa... This is a taste of the conference. Start saving, start praying and I want to hug your neck there in October.


Okay, thoughts about this podcast? See you in the comments, Lynn

NOW... That's a GOOD Word!

Hello Everyone. 

Today I’m going to do something a little different. I’ve been reading back through the notes I took at the conference last week. 

Wow!! SO GOOD! 

So, today I’m going to share some of them. I pray with the Holy Spirit power and anointing that these words are taken in through your eyes. Then they penetrate your heart. Then I’m asking the Holy Spirit to make them alive with power and authority and with love, joy and peace in your life. By the time you are finished reading, I’m hoping you’ve experienced an encounter with THE MOST HIGH. In Jesus name. 


White Open Door2014 is a year for the open door. There are doors standing open that God’s has made available to His people. Doors of new beginnings, Holy Spirit, Re-start, harvest, and we are to walk in and release the Kingdom of peace and joy.

It is a time of fire- Baptism of fire. The fire of holiness. We are in the beginning of the move of fire.

This year many will experience an increase in Words of Knowledge. God will release the Hope-Ambassadors in waves. It is a year of restoration. Stop and see the one person in front of us.

Only love can make a miracle. 


There will be a joining of the generations, young, old and in-between. We need each other’s voices in our lives and to join together for this great harvest. 


Bloodlines are being delivered. And promises that were made to your ancestors can be claimed in your generation. Promises that were caught up in corruption will be redeemed.

Our Jehovah Jireh: There will be a transfer of provision.

Women will be welcomed out of a place of suppression.

God is seeking those who wear a spirit of love. The measure of love in your heart, your ministry, is evident in how you love people who are paid to help you. Waitress, service industry, disenfranchised.


God doesn’t care about what you don’t have. He only cares about what we have. (He can bring great works and miracles from little when it’s surrendered to Him.)

You are more than your strengths. You are more than your weaknesses. Sometimes God causes us to work in our weaknesses. (2 Corinthians 12:9) God wants to use you in your weakness so that people know it’s God using you. 


There is a great wave of miracles coming in 2014.

When you read a story in the Bible it’s not just history. It’s meant to be lived. 


It’s time to ask for the nations as our inheritance.

(It’s time to ask for the SUMite Nation.)

John 5:19 See what the Father is doing and do likewise.

God is searching for Burning Ones. Zechariah 2:5; Who will bring encounters that bring the harvest. John 5:35

The merging of the generations is key to bring about the harvest and the anointing of power. Unity releases God’s fire.

Anointing comes when you have positioned yourself for it and when you have paid the price. Anointing can happen and it will. But it will stick to a person of character.


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to You. Luke 3

Worship is more than songs. It’s posture and attitude of your heart. It’s recognizing God’s rightful place in your heart.

Thankfulness releases glory. Feel under attack? Start thanking God.

What is the fire of God? LOVE

When seeking God; He hates multitasking.

Half-hearted obedience is really cloaked rebellion.

Psalm 100:3 Troops will volunteer freely. (SUMites???) 


How do you amplify God’s voice? Intimacy

It’s a sign of immaturity if God has to shout at you.

God has secrets Proverbs 22. God hides secrets for us and from us.

John 16:13 He will guide you into all truth.

Stay like a child.

Don’t think you know what you’re doing.

Always give Him the glory. Then I will use you.

2014 will be a year God’s people understand the AWE of God. 


Okay that’s plenty for now. I still have a ton of notes from one session that is about family. God’s family. I will write about that soon because…. That’s a good word! 

Lord, let these words fall upon the paths (hearts) that are open. Let them multiply thirty, sixty, a hundred times in their lives and the lives of others. Lord, may these words spoken by men and women who love you, rise up in us and may all that you desire and will be accomplished in this family and community of SUM. In Jesus powerful name. Amen.


Speakers: James Goll, Chuck Pierce, Sean Boltz, Stacey Campbell, Jereme Nelson, Bobby Conners, Kris Vallatton

Trade in Your Yoke

My friends, as Lynn shared on Monday, Abba so overwhelmed us that last day at the conference. For the spiritually mismatched to be called out and recognized in this way was deeply humbling and amazing! It brought me to tears as my heart burst for all of us here. And to be prayed for like this, ALL of us, was as if the very heavens had opened up and Jesus' light shined on every one of us.

After Stacey's prayer and another man began to pray over us and he spoke of Jesus' yoke. I heard his words, but it was Jesus' heart that spoke the loudest in my mind at that moment. This is what I heard:

"It is time for you to exchange your unequal yoke for My yoke."

Then on Monday morning, I spent a long time in prayer with my journal open and my pen in hand, seeking Jesus for more understanding of what He wanted us to know and understand. I asked Him to share His heart. This is what I heard:

"The time for striving in prayers is over. Now is the time to rest in trust in Me. I have heard every prayer and seen every tear. Trust Me. Rest in My unending love that extends not just to you but to your spouse too. Just as I have held you in My hand, I hold them as well. Trust, trust, trust Me. Now more than ever."

SUMites, I asked The Lord to help me understand what He meant about the striving in prayers to be over. Did He mean to stop praying? And what I got was this strong sense that it was now time to believe what we have asked. We are to speak it as truth over our pre-believers.

Then I went to that verse that we have all heard so many times about Jesus' yoke:

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." —Matthew 11:29-30

I knew "rest" was a key word here between what I'd heard and this verse so I compared the Greek words used in other places for "rest" and discovered the one used in Matthew is different than the others. This one means to give rest, give intermission from labor, refresh."

Dear friends, I was so blown away at how all the pieces of this fell together. And based upon some of your comments on Monday's post, I believe many of you are hearing the same thing from our great King.

The other key word in this Scripture is learn. So don't worry that you don't quite understand what Jesus is asking us to do. He will teach us. That is His intention here, to teach us about His yoke, but first we have to give Him our unequal yokes.

So do this as a symbolic gesture and pray in your own words something like this:

Jesus, today I am handing you my unequal yoke and all my broken expectations and tears as a result of it. And in it's place, I take your yoke and wear it proudly. Teach me what all this means and show me how to walk forward in my marriage from this day forward NOT as someone who is unequally yoked, but as someone who is EQUALLY YOKED with YOU. In Your Powerful and Mighty Name, Jesus, amen.

I am so excited to see what the future—the near future—holds for all of us, my dear friends. We are on a mighty journey together.

Love you!

Image credit: hudakore / 123RF Stock Photo


God Has Heard Our Prayers For Our Spouse

Hello My SUM Family, 

I’m overwhelmed with all that happened at the conference. But specifically overwhelmed that God saw all of us, the Unequally Yoked. And on Saturday God burdened the heart of one of the speakers, Stacey Campbell. She prayed for all of us and she laid hands on me specifically and prophesied over me. Her prayer was a prophetic prayer for us as a whole and me personally. 

Below I’m sharing the words she spoke for us. She asked all of us who were married to unbelievers to stand and then the Lord spoke through her to us. 

So please receive this prayer with an anointing of love and power behind the words because God is moving in our SUMite Nation. We have so much to share about that in the weeks ahead. But for now, listen with your heart and be loved by our Father. Hugs, Lynn 

Stacey Campbell February 1, 2014 

I would like to start by praying for wives and husbands who have spouses who aren’t saved yet. My heart is just broken for you. So if there is any you are praying for an unbelieving spouse could you stand please. 

Lord, I just want to pray for all of these believers who are waiting… waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting,  Lord, for the promises of God to be fulfilled. And praying in faith. And I just hear the Lord say that what you’ve sewn in tears… I see tears… tears, tears, tears. Many tears and in silence. And in silence.

I feel like you have born this pain in very, very much silence. Because you hit a point where you knew that actions had to speak louder than your words. Like the unbelieving spouse would be won without a word and God began to give you that revelation. 

And so many times it’s just been agony, agony, agony, piercing agony for you. Just like Mary. Mary’s heart was pierced when she saw Jesus. I feel like your heart is often pierced, but you’ve kept believing. 

And the Lord wants you to know that there is a turning coming that there are circumstances that the Lord is working behind the scenes in your husband’s life, that there is a turning coming. And I feel like the Lord says, “It won’t’ be long. It won’t be long. IT WON’T BE LONG. Don’t be weary in well doing because it won’t be long. Those prayers are ascending and what you’ve sewn in tears you will reap with joy. And it will bless you and it will bless your children.” 

Lord, we just thank you for what you are doing. In Jesus name.


I wept.

We are heard by God, my friends. In every way I felt this week God said, “I hear you. I see you. I love you.” 

I have so much more to share with you. I love you deeply, with a holy and compassionate love, my friends. Lynn

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Prince Jesus Sings

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comMy friends, we are drawing to a close of this story. Although I’m feeling like I’m just getting started. It’s as if a bright door with brilliant light has opened before me and it beckons. It’s so bright that I can’t see past the door frame but I know something warm, good and holy waits inside. I’m filled with trepidation and yet my soul is compelled, drawn to allow this Prince Jesus to summon me further into His Kingdom. 

It’s been three weeks tomorrow since I met this Prince and our new and different love affair is only beginning. I remain in awe. I'm filled with a holy fear and reverence and also I know I'm in over my head with this King who loves tenderly and woos me unto Himself. 

And what does that look like? 

Well right now I can only give you a simple story.

On the Monday following my experience in the healing rooms, I’m at home and I wake early. I shuffle out to the coffee maker, scoop up my Bible like every other morning and sit in the family room to read and pray. It’s moments like this that life returns to normal and it’s routine and you fear that you will lose what God gave you over the past four days. Because I’m back in my home and I’m still married to an unbelieving man. I have dishes to do. Errands to run and the dog wants his breakfast. Nominal, ordinary, everyday stuff. 

Yes, two days ago I had a life-altering encounter with the Most High, The Prince of Peace. 

How do I move forward? How can I proceed with such a change in my heart and soul? I know most of us have lived in this very place. We return home from a retreat, a mountain top experience, and as much as we experienced and changed, “real” life awaits. The enemy is prowling just waiting for a moment to destroy our newly found hope and joy. Can anyone relate? 

Well, I have more to say about that later but let me take you back to this Monday morning. I’m sitting in the family room. I am so hungry for God that I just remember praying, “I’m hungry for you Dad. I just want your heart. I want more of you. I want all of you Prince Jesus. Fill me with your Spirit. And Dad, give me more love. More love to give you and more love to give to people.” 

I close my Bible. I shuffle back to the kitchen, feed the dog, the fish and head to the bedroom. I change into my walking clothes and I drive out to my walk-n-pray wilderness. I turn on my music and begin to walk still marveling over all that has transpired. And also asking Jesus to come and woo me, all the while wondering what in the world will that look like. What does that even mean? 

I had walked about 20 minutes and as an old familiar song, one of my favorite worship songs ended, I stopped singing out loud, waiting for the next song to queue. It was a fairly new song in my playlist. It was Your Voice by Kim Walker-Smith & Skyler Smith. I began to sing along as I walked briskly down the vineyard-lined, country road. I sang the lyrics in worship while thinking about this Prince who galloped into my life two days earlier. And as I mulled the words of this song over in my head, THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENED. 

I was singing:

There is no greater need
You make my life complete
You set me free

Your voice alive in me
The sound of victory
You speak to me

Your voice is the light 
Shining through the doorway
Of my heart and comes alive
When You speak into me

You're my life
You're my life
You're my life
You're my life

And as I hit the chorus of, “You’re my life. You’re my life.” I heard distinctly the voice of Jesus speak to me and he said, “No Lynn. You are not singing these words to me. (Don’t you get it) I’m the one singing these words to you.” 

Yes, you guessed it. Blubbering ensued. Again!

Wait a minute. Jesus is singing to me….. Your voice is the light shining through the doorway of my heart and comes alive when you speak into me.  You’re my life. You’re my life....... 

Gulp. I’m still emotional typing this three weeks later. 

Well to say a certain 5’4” blonde girl was astonished is an understatement. I don’t think I could do anything else the rest of the walk but just receive this love that Jesus poured upon me whether I was ready or not. 

I arrived home. And what is a girl to do when she is being pursued? She calls her girlfriend, her BFF. Yep, Thank God Dineen is on speed dial. I explained to her what had just happened to me on the walk and she replies: 

“Oh Lynn, your being wooed.” 

Double gulp! I didn’t even realize. Thank goodness for girlfriends who help dull ones like me, figure things out! Sheesh!!! 

More crying. Sniffle, sniffle. More awe. More love….. More. 

I just want more. 

As I leave this post today, I just can’t get out of my mind what was said at the conference: Bobby Conner said that God is wanting His people to embrace THE AWE OF GOD. So I’m certainly on this path. I’ve never understood the awe of God, His Son, Prince Jesus, of the Holy Spirit as I do today. 

And as I leave you today, I’m asking that every single person who reads this will receive an encounter with the Prince and that you will fully experience the awe of being the bride of the Most High King. 

Prince Jesus, woo my friends, this SUMite family. The Bride adores you. Reveal Yourself to all of us in supernatural encounters that leave us wrecked, changed forever. We ask to help us embrace the awe of your power and love. Teach us, grant us wisdom and understanding. Make in us a people that are worthy, a people of maturity and purity. Fill us with your love. Prince, we want more. We want more. We want you. We want your heart. This is our plea for all of our lives. Amen. 

See you next time as I have two remaining posts that are part of this series. However, there is so much more going on in this community that I will likely have other stuff interspersed. 

I love you my friends… my family. I carry you in my heart. 

This entire story is my testimony and now I anoint it and pass it along to you that you may partake of it, receive it and may it manifest in your life.

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


White Open Door
Will you walk through this door with me?

"Image courtesy of ponsulak, FreeDigitalPhotos.net".


Weekend Worship — A Holy Encounter?

My friends, on Wednesday I left you with my story about a young man Tyler who prayed over me. I want to talk more about the purpose of prophesy in the church down the road, but for now please check out 1 Corinthians 14:3 which says that prophesy is for edification and exhortation and consolation. I describe it as having a word of insight and/or encouragement for another person that is from Jesus given to us by the Holy Spirit.

Ever give an encouraging word to a friend that you just knew in your heart was God’s truth for them? And when you told them, they lit up like a kid on Christmas morning? That’s giving a prophetic word to someone that’s intended to encourage and restore hope. (And don’t confuse prophets with the prophetic gift. You can walk in this gift and not be a prophet. They don’t go hand in hand.)

Now on to more of my Bethel story.

I woke up with great anticipation of what our last day at Bethel would bring. When I did a quick check of my email, this verse was waiting for me:

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. — Psalm 37:7
I knew in my spirit that God was telling me to expect His move, because just a few weeks ago in a simple moment of daily activity, He had spoken to me that my anointing was coming. I had no idea what that meant, but had wondered if it might happen at Bethel.

Now as I read that verse again, I sensed that today would be the day. But I wondered, doubted at times too. Had I heard Abba’s still soft voice? And what did Abba have in store for me?

We found our seats for the day’s events and wound up sitting behind two gentlemen, Matt and Marcus. As the day progressed we were blessed to learn more about these two men, who said that God sent them to various churches to pray over and encourage people. Matt shared a story that was absolutely stunning.

The year before he’d gone to the healing rooms at Bethel to be prayed over. He said the woman praying over him had her hands on his chest and when she took them away, her hands were covered in oil! Then she put her hands on his head and began to shake. She startled back and asked him, “Who are you?!”

After hearing this amazing story we asked them to pray over us and Matt jumped to it so quickly I could barely keep up. This guy prayed with fire and conviction! I can’t remember everything Matt prayed because it was so POWERFUL! He prayed anointings over Lynn and I and over this community and this ministry.

Through the day I kept thinking of that verse and wondering what Abba had in mind. Then it happened. During the worship session I felt God’s power come down on me. My lungs felt like they’d taken residence in my throat as I tried to catch my breath.

And I heard, “Your anointing is here.”

My friends, Abba intends that we walk in His anointings of power and the spiritual gifts He has for us. Look at what 2 Corinthians 1:21 says:

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.

Amazing, isn’t it? I don’t understand all of it yet, but I believe it’s part of the prophetic gift God has given me and the oil of joy, which I’m still researching and and grasping. (Check out Psalm 45:7 and Isaiah 61:3.)

The next day I recorded as much as I could remember. I got to the part about Matt and Markus and suddenly felt the Holy Spirit kind of move over me. Hard to explain but with it came the thought that Matt and Marcus were like Matthew and Mark, apostles called to share the Good News and encourage the early churches. Somehow I knew that meant something.

A few days after we got back, Lynn emailed Marcus and mentioned my “crazy” thought. He wrote back that his actual given name is Mark Andrew! God is such a blast. I do believe that these two men carry the anointing of the disciples of the past, Matthew and Mark. I don’t know how I know it, but I do. There was no doubt about the power of God resting on these two men, that’s for sure. My friends, we (that means you too!) were prayed over by Matthew and Mark! :-)

So what did this all lead to? Something astonishing that I never expected. I will finish that story next week. Hang with me. This one may just rock you as much as it rocked me. It’s a story that started with tears, which led to a prophetic declaration, another round of tears and then PEACE! Abba is so good!

Can’t wait to share all that with you, my friends. In the meantime, keep asking Jesus what He has for you. He may ask you to give Him something first, like your spouse, your full heart, or maybe a stronghold that He’s desperate to see you free from. He came to set us free (Galatians 5:1), so He will not let us stay in those places—He wants us free! And the more you let go of that stuff, the more room you make in your heart and spirit for His Holy Spirit to fill you up and overflow—and that’s what changes lives and the atmosphere right in our own homes.

Right now, the abundant life waits for all of us—a life full of Jesus’ power, love and presence. It’s yours to claim and pursue, SUMites. Are you willing?

Love you like crazy!

His Name was Tyler...

11889899_sHello dear friends. Last week I left off with a promise that I would tell you the story of Tyler who prayed over this unsuspecting woman. I wish I had a recording of all he said. I think he spoke continuously for a good five minutes and said so much. Later I wrote down as much as I could recall. I’m so glad that Abba knows it all because I know it came from His amazing heart.

So it was late in the evening and the last worship and message of the day had ended. People were going up front for prayer for healing, many had already left, and the rest milled around talking and smiling with each other. It is truly an atmosphere so thick with God’s presence that you don’t want to leave it!

And the debate within myself continued. Should I go up for prayer? Did I truly need to? I’d been prayed over many times for my ribs and each time I’d walked away better but not completely healed. Seemed obvious to me that Jesus intended to do this in His way and timing so I had chosen to trust in that (He’s teaching me to slow down, that’s for sure).

But I kept remembering the healing training I’d attended earlier this year to work in our local rooms and what they said repeatedly there at Bethel—keep praying until the healing is complete. So went up front and felt drawn to a young man who seemed about the same age as my daughters.

I only asked for healing of my ribs, but secretly I had asked Abba for someone to speak over my life. I wanted confirmation of some things and some affirmation that I was on the right track with this prophetic gifting Abba is calling me to walk in more deeply than I’d anticipated. This was an ache in my heart that I hadn’t shared with anyone but Abba.

So there I stood in front of Tyler. He took my hands and began to pray. I closed my eyes and leaned in to hear his words above the worship music playing in the background.

And he didn’t mention my ribs once! Nope, his words were far from that and were what I’d been asking and praying for for days and weeks before the conference. Abba truly had heard my heart and used this young man to give me what I’d asked and longed for.

He affirmed my prophetic gifting and that I do more than encourage—I give courage and boldness to people. That I “roar” into people, like the Lion Judah. This was about me and my ministry.

Me? Wow, didn’t expect that. Thank You, Holy Spirit! I never told him anything about being part of a ministry so this was even more affirming than I had even asked for.

So here’s the part that made me blush at first and then laugh—he called me a powerful woman and said I would increase. Tyler also said Abba has fun when I use my gift and delights in me when I’m bold. Tyler then encouraged me to be bolder.

Me? Bold? Lord, if you only knew me... But He does. And He has moved in my heart and life to make me bolder in the last year than I even imagined I could be. And it all started with a simple prayer of, “Lord, make me bold like Paul.”

If you told me a year ago that I would sit in a restaurant with a dear friend, ministering to her heart in a time of need and would put my hand up in the air to pray out loud over her, I would have thought you were out of your mind. LOL! This is what God does! He prepares and moves us into these places to do things we never imagined ourselves doing, or thought we couldn’t do.

Or hoped and dreamed of doing... Is that you, dear one? Because that was me once too.

My friends, this is not just about me, this is about you too and what God wants to do in you and this community. Do you remember the dream I shared with you a few months back where I was standing in front of a corn field that extended all the way to these huge mountains in the background? I was standing next to Jesus who gestured to the field and said, “This is the Great Harvest.”

Last week I came across a note I had written on May 16, 2013 about Psalm 68:11:

The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host.

I thought at first that I had forgotten to share this then, but now I’m thinking it was supposed be now.:

This is my note:
God stopped me right here. More confirmation that God is calling out His daughters to proclaim His goodness and good news. I am so blown away by what is happening right now. Major things are about to happen. I’m absolutely stunned! (Received the harvest dream last night...)

SUMites, as I prayed over this community this weekend, I got a clear impression from Abba that this is a time of releasing gifts for us, which totally confirms what He showed me in May with Psalm 68:11.

So hear me clearly because if you’re anything like I was and sometimes still am, some of you are sitting there thinking, “God doesn’t mean me.”

Yes, He does. All of us. Look at 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

That last line is key to understanding two things. One, the Greek word for “each one” also means “every.” And two, it’s as God wills, not us. And right now HE WANTS TO GIVE THEM TO US!

So ask Him for everything He has for you. I feel so strongly right now that we are going to see a lot of things happening in the next couple of months. God is going to release these gifts to all of us in ways that will blow us away and leave us hungry for more.

I’m already seeing this happen in this community. And I want to tell our male readers that you are also part of this. I believe you already hold gifts that perhaps you aren’t aware of yet. Ask Abba to show you. Some of the men I have prayed over recently to release their divine destinies have some of the most powerful callings I’ve ever seen and they were totally unaware of it. Walk in what God has already place in you!

So I will stop here with the promise to tell you what happened the next day as Lynn and I had an encounter with Matthew, Mark and Andrew, and a new anointing that was released and what it led to! Oh my goodness, you won’t believe it. I can hardly wait to share more with you, my friends.

Above all, please please please know that our mighty God wants to do these things in your life too. Some of my most profound encounters with Abba have come when I am completely alone and praying in my quiet place, not at a conference.

Meet Him in the secret place, my friends. He’s waiting for you! Love you all so much!



(By the way, two days after we returned from Bethel I noticed my ribs weren’t bugging me much anymore. LOL! They are almost back to normal. Praise God!)

Image credit: altomedia / 123RF Stock Photo

We SAW an Open Heaven!

Good Monday Morning SUMites! 


Wednesday night at registration
Most of you know that Dineen and I attended the Open Heavens Conference at Bethel Church, Redding, CA last week. This was the second year that we attended. Since so much happened to us last year I was hopeful that this year would not be a letdown. 


Ahem, can you even believe I said that.. Pshaw! That I would even think God would disappoint. 

This year was 100 times better. So much happened again to me and Dineen and it’s likely it will take another 365 days to process and receive all that was birthed last week. 

For me personally, the conference brought me something new. I not only received but there were others whom I poured into. I prayed, God showed up with power. People were anointed. Heaven was open all week and the stories we have to share will release such a hunger in you that you will trade everything you have for more of Jesus. I promise. 

I’m convinced God has now commissioned Dineen and I to release all we have on this family of SUM. I also will share with you that on Saturday I had an encounter. God cracked the Universe! For me! And what happened was so breathtaking, so spiritual that I burst into sobs. I was a beautiful train wreck. 

There is pain in this story. Jesus arrives in this story and this story is about each of us who live in a difficult marriage. I hope to have processed enough to write about it on Friday. So stop back in and have Kleenex waiting. *grin* 

I promise it will leave you changed! 

Our friend Maria, whom I met last year at the conference only to discover she lives near me. She taught me all about the power of Luke 9:1-2. She became my mentor over the past year. Who knew God would do that through a chance encounter last year.
For now, I want to share with you some photos. I want to ask you to get an envelope out and start putting money in it for your own journey to the conference next year because we are going again. 


So now for some photos and stories. 

Below is a photo of a young man, Brandon, who joined us. But this is no ordinary story. His mom, my friend Sue, joined us and was planning to travel with a girlfriend to the conference. At the last minute the friend cancelled so Sue asked Brandon to take her place. There is a ton more to Brandon’s story but suffice it to say, God had Brandon on His radar months ago because Brandon needed Him. 

I met Brandon at the first session and you could read plainly on his face he was uncomfortable about this whole thing. I sensed in him fear and a closed downess (does that make sense?)  Well I remember laying hands on him and praying and by the end of the three days, this young man was also a beautiful train wreck. By the way, that’s a good thing. A really good thing. 

His entire countenance was changed. His fear…. GONE.. His sadness…. GONE…. His hope…. FULLY RESTORED. His purpose in life… CLEARLY EVIDENT. I looked in this young man’s face and he just….. well he just looked different. He had experienced a radical encounter with the Most High God and His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He was forever changed. 

I saw him on Sunday morning (yesterday) and he told me he is checking into the school at Bethel. Woo Hoo!!!! God has another heart for the rest of his life and Brandon will bring thousands to Christ. 

And that’s just ONE story. 

The next two photos are of women who prayed over us last year. It was so special to speak to them this year and tell them about the impact of their interactions with us last year and all that came of it. 

The little lady in green, well, ahem, she introduced me to Holy laughter last year. 


Dineen, Phyllis, Lynn

And this is Deborah. She breathed the breath of God into me and I fell to the floor as God’s power and love flooded my body. 



BTW, I saw Deborah the next morning and she told me she had been praying over our ministry. Wow, God is just so good.

I was so surprised at how much our words encouraged them. It was a neat blessing to speak love into them a year later.


Here we are with Bill Johnson. I spent a few minutes tell Bill about all of us and how his message on 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 literally changed my life, changed our lives. He clapped his hands, smiled broadly at Dineen and me and said, “Such great news. Such great news.” 


Me, Bill and Sue

This is Kris Vallatton. Dineen and I wrote an entire series here at SUM on Spiritual warfare based upon his book, Spirit Wars. How fun to share with him that we are also Regal authors. What a nice man. 


The speakers WERE OFF THE HOOK.


I know I will be finding everything written, on Youtube and Podcast by Bobby Conner. That man is truly walks with God and on top of that, he’s hilarious. 

WORSHIP took us to heaven. I heard angels singing with us. The building shook and God was pleased. Just listen to this song. It was played last. When you get to the final chorus where they sing. Let His praise be glorious…. TURN IT UP LOUD.. 

I’m convinced that this is the Greatest out pouring of God’s spirit ever on His people. And we, The SUMites, we want all of it. 

Papa, Daddy, we want more. We are hungry for you. Increase in us. We want sign, wonders, miracles and healing but more than anything, Dad, we just want you. We want all and only what you desire. In King Jesus name. Amen.

Every knee shall bow, every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Open Heavens


It's Lynn & Dineen. We are currently at the Open Heaven's Conference at Bethel in Redding, California today. It was one year ago that we attended this conference for the first time. It was at this conference on Friday that lil ol' Lynn Donovan had an encounter with the God of the Universe that totally changed everything in my life. (read that story here)

It was also the same time that Dineen experienced life-transforming healing and received a prophetic calling on her life.

Over the past year I have shared stories of how God has imparted His healing power through prayers and how I feel His fire of healing flow through my hands. Dineen has taught all of us how to find healing for our brokenness and marriages through her great wisdom and vision.

So, pray with us as we are expecting God to show up and bring even more to us. And you know what happens then? We bring it all home with us and give it away to all of you. So expect some new things when we get back.

I will remind you of a few things that we brought home last year. Do you remember the bracelets and the Re-sign campaign? Do you remember my stories of healing prayers for Willie? Do you recall how the two little verses, Luke 9:1-2 change the way I pray forever?

God has so much for us, The SUMites, as we are the harvesters (Read Dineen's post about that here). We have a Kingdom Legacy and a destiny ahead of us. We are determined this next season to pull the gold out of each of us. To encourage everyone to step fully into your Kingdom calling and to enjoy ALL that God is desperate to give His children. Abundance, release from shame, worry, guilt. Release of new areas of finances. Gifts. Laughter, delight and adventure.

So hold on.... The journey is just getting started and we are all on the adventure of a lifetime. 

We love you so much our family. We have taken each of you with us to Bethel (The House of God). So get ready to receive signs, wonders, and miracles. Hugs Lynn & Dineen.

Powerful Thing Love

Live With Intention

So, can I just say it’s been the weirdest week. I have experienced every emotion from sheer elation to deep sadness and about everything in between. With that said, perhaps my “word filter” isn’t in full gear meaning that you are going to get my guts… It could be Icky… but it’s always going to be authentic.

Here are my thoughts. I love Rosheeda and truly have felt a deep sadness all week. I’m not a sad person so this is a really weird place to be. But then there are moments when an email arrives and I hear about how our Great King has touched a life. It’s for those moments when God encounters a person and they are forever changed… It’s for those moments that I live.

I need to tell you that I hear the Lord saying to me, “Move forward.” He does not want me to forget Ro but He reminded me that the time on this earth is short. There is so much work to do. The Harvesters are few and we MUST push forward. God is desperate to reach people with His love and healing. So, we are moving forward. I may mention Rosheeda from time-to-time but please know that even if I don’t mention her--- it’s not because I’m not missing her. It’s only that I have to push forward and to remain focused on the goal ahead. It’s about accomplishing God’s purposes. So I will continue to grieve but on this forum we have still so much to learn. So let’s get moving.

With that said, I’m feeling the passion about a new series. It’s titled, Faith Isn’t Enough. Do you wonder where the miracles are? Are you puzzled about why you are struggling and why God isn't moving? Well, I’m itching to talk about this because as believers, I’m convinced we need faith. Yet we need something that functions along with faith. And that something is where the power is at. And that something is what we are going to be talking about Monday.

For today I want to share some happy things. Photos and snippets from the Intentional Life Conference. I also want to thank the ministry team for the phenomenal job they did to organize and pull off such a fantastic event. THANK YOU.

So enjoy the photos. Enjoy the quotes. Leave me a note in the comments. I LOVE YOU. I really love you. 


Ministry team
Ministry Team


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Best quote of the weekend heard by Teresa T. “This is better than five hours of marriage counseling.”  LOVE IT!!! Not sure who said this but THANK YOU. Made my weekend!!!!

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Charlotte, Lynn, Dineen, Martha B.

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Lynette, Dorothy, Hanna

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Teresa T and Denise

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Some of the amazing Prayer Team


Hi Lynn,

I had an amazing encounter with The Holy Spirit on Saturday. He shows up when we least expect Him! When I signed up for the course, I thought I'd have some laughs. Maybe some tears. I'd tell the ladies next to me, "That was great, right?" And forget all about it when getting my boys ready for church on Sunday.

After you ended the morning session, I could not contain myself. The letter you read to a group of ladies on Friday prior to the conference continued to burn within me. I went forward in attempts to encourage you and yet received an amazing word from The Lord through you, Lynn. You didn't know me, yet the words you prayed over me, He has been placing on my heart to pray. That never happens to me.

Thank you for your kindness and transparency. You may have already forgotten the names and faces you met. But I will never forget you taking the time to share His heart and His words over me. I choose to walk in His authority and His anointing. ~Vivian

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I have always felt less than deserving, or insignificant. I have always wanted to live a life that is INTENTIONAL, a life that matters. Today I know I matter, that He loves me. I 'knew' this on a mostly superficial level, but for the last few months this is being repeated over and over to me. I finally see it...within the depths of my heart I see it. Thank you Daddy. ~Lynette

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Basket of lies

During the freedom portion of the conference when Lynn and Dineen were praying and people were laying down the lies they had believed, I was still working through my own stuff and they were wrapping up and I heard Lynn say, ‘Lord, someone in here isn’t finished…’ I know, and I think I knew, that was me. So the band played another song and God kept speaking truth into me and blew me away. I remember it was the moment He told me I would have absolutely EVERYTHING I wanted, Everything I‘ve dreamed about in this life etc. – aka everything I’ve been wanting and desiring and waiting for…  I was overcome with emotion and His love and I just melted! ~Gillian


Gillian and Noah
Lynn, Gillian, Noah, Dineen


The conference was incredible! What a BLESSING you two are to so many!!!! HUGS HUGS! Love in Him! ~Malinn

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Lynn again: And my friends, you know how I love the Doves God sends my way. On Sunday morning as the plane was taxying down the runway to take me home, I opened a gift from a sweet Sumite, Debbie, who wasn’t even at the conference but sent it along with Martha Bush. Here is what I unwrapped. 


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It's a photo of a mama bird in her nest.


The emotions of the weekend overtook me and I wept right there on the plane. And to just make it more amazing on Monday Vivian shared a photo of a dove that was resting at her house.

Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. ~ I love my Daddy so much…. 

Dineen and I promised God that if He opened the doors, we would go. We are desperate to share the Lord’s Presence with others. In Him is healing. In Him is health. In Him is joy. In Him is abundance. We are only the conduits. God is desperate to help His people. Desperate for their healing, happiness and hope to be restored. So, the conference was not about us. 

It was always about an encounter with the Most High. And I am certain lives were forever altered in the Presence of our Great King, His Son and the Holy Spirit. That is why we push forward. That is why we will forever share the hope we have because it’s miraculous. 

We love you. Have an amazing day and see you back here for Monday. It’s going to be a great series. It will change the way you see your faith and you will step onto the path of miracles. Hugs, Lynn  


Thank you Daddy for your unfathomable redemptive love. Thank you for the lives that were changed. Thank you for the healing and thank you for your love. We love You, Your Son and the Spirit that binds us all together. Amen.

*For some reason I don't have a photo of Beverly or Becky and if I missed any of the other SUMites in the photos, pleae email me and send me a photo [email protected]