133 posts categorized "Books"

Prayer To Stand in the Gap

1 med Res Enforcer Front Cover
Similar prayers are in this book.

Hi, Lynn Donovan here,

I want to share a short but powerful prayer when we are standing in the gap for someone in the spirit. 

Lord, let me stand in the gap for_________________. So that his eyes will be opened, and he will be freed from demonic bondage, so he can see his need for, You, Jesus.  I also forbid any affliction, illness or attack to come against me, my family and all under my love, stewardship, jurisdiction.   And I also forbid the same for the person whom I’m standing in the gap for.  In Jesus name.  

Pray this aloud. 

Print this out. Place it somewhere that you frequent and then pray it aloud whenever you see it.

Blessings and hugs, Lynn

PS. Thanks for the prayers for Mike. He is in remission, and we are awaiting a donor for a bone marrow transplant that is in the near future. I'll drop an update when we have more info.


LET'S GO!!!!

Enforcer Banner
February is going to be amazing. So many of you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I get it!!!  So, let do something about it.

I want you to know we can have real victory. I know this because the teaching I'm going to share here on the blog and in the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I have lived out. 

I AM CONVINCED that the warfare I learned made the difference in my husband's decision to become baptized. Also, our relationship benefited tremendously. Additionally, other relationships improved and so did numerous difficult circumstances. 

Spiritual Enforcer picks off where Marching Around Jericho ends. The tools, strategies and prayers I share are built upon a strong foundation. This foundation MUST be established to walk out the principles I teach in EnforcerIf you haven't read Marching Around Jericho, please get a copy and read it first. Also, I will be sharing some of the video training I offer as a support to the book.

I will cover some of these basics next week and ask for your input as well. Start this journey NOW.

Leave in the comments your favorite verse that gives you hope, releases victory into your life, or is a power verse to defeat evil. I will collect these and make them available at the end of our study. 

PLEASE take time to leave a verse. It may be the very WORD that helps someone else who is on this journey but right behind you. Love you. See you in the comments. Hugs, Lynn

Excerpt from Spiritual Enforcer: Spiritual Warfare for the Unequally Yoked by Lynn Donovan

Spiritual Enforcer
Potential Cover Spiritual Enforcer

Lynn Donovan here. Hope Thanksgiving was wonderful. Caitie and her fiancé are here for the long weekend. Yep, the girl you grew up reading about is engaged and we love her guy. God is good.

But, I'm so psyched to introduce some cool stuff in front of our once a year giving campaign happening on November 28th, Giving Tuesday.

I'm almost finished with a powerful Spiritual warfare book for all of us. There isn't another book like it on the market. And it's filled with what I've learned to have victory in life, marriage and stand in power and authority over the enemy. An excerpt follows.  And I'm going to offer this book along with some other cool stuff as part of our Giving Tuesday campaign.

Excerpt; Simple prayer to cast anger out of your home:

Is anger a constant in your home? Try taking authority over it every day, out loud, with gusto, during your prayer time and cast it out. Then always follow your command with a blessing. Bless your home with peace, unity, love, gentleness and self-control.

Pray: In the name of Jesus, I stand in the authority, Christ. I bind (Matthew 16:19) every lying spirit, and all spirits of deception and the spirit of Anger and Rage. RIGHT NOW. I command you to leave my home, myself, my spouse (by name) and children (each by name). I repent on behalf of myself, my husband and children for any way we have partnered with anger. Now, I break all legal rights with the demonic realm. I command you to get out now and never return. And as you go, take sarcasm, pride and ignorance with you. There can be no retaliation or replacement spirits. In Jesus name. AMEN

If you want an entire book filled with real prayers that empower you over evil, you can get an advanced copy along with some others cool stuff. Stop by tomorrow and learn more.

Blessings and hugs, Lynn Donovan

A Must-Read!

Dear SUMites, Ann here Hope is coming

A couple of weeks ago I walked into my local library. I wasn't even intending to get a book out, but my eyes rested on one singular book, sitting there innocuously on the shelf: 'Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude'.

Looks interesting, I thought, and took it home.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I began reading at 2pm. By 5pm I was glued to the chair unable to put the book down even to go to the toilet. And by 7pm I had to shout upstairs to my two children, 'Sorry boys, can you get your own dinner? I've got this book....'

11pm rolled round and I was two thirds of the way through, having barely interacted with my family the whole evening due to the gripping nature of this book. Bryce called out 'I'm going to bed Ann!' and so I had to reluctantly lay ... this amazing ... story ... down. Until the morning.

I won't spoil it for you. It is a very sad book. It is about a woman whose husband got cancer in his early thirties. But it is a glorious and miraculous book. It is a memoir about a conversion: An unlikely conversion that happened in the most impossible of circumstances.

It will fill you with hope; and it will give you the kind of testimony that is important to have as a SUMite: A testimony that nothing is impossible with God, and that when his power comes sweeping into a situation it changes EVERYTHING.

It's well worth a read.

Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude, by Louise Blyth (2021), published by Yellow Kite.

And, if you can't get the book and prefer to get a little synopsis of the story from the author herself, here's the video version of her testimony.



The Room Electrified

MCSM  1Hi Sons and Daughters of God, Lynn Donovan with the end of the story!

Let’s pick up the story about my niece. I was attending a wedding in May along with my sister, mom and my sister’s daughter. We returned home and my niece joined us at my mom’s home. Today, you will find us in the middle of the story. Part one is here.

My niece read about the spiritual gifts in my new book, My Child Sees Monsters (Available today). I watched as understanding began to settle upon her spirit. Finally, all these years later she was learning why she experienced such wild emotions.

After some discussion regarding her gifting and the struggles they created for her, I then equipped her with the tools she needs to navigate the gift.

Then the moment arrived. I said, “Do you want to step into the Kingdom of light today? Do you want to be in the right Kingdom? This is the true Kingdom of God where Jesus rules and reigns.”

She quickly nodded her head.

“Repeat after me. Today I repent for every sin known and unknown. Jesus forgive me. Wash my sin from my permanent record. Jesus, today I believe in You. I accept you as my savior and I will follow you. Amen”


I said, “Wait a minute. Don’t say anything.”

She, my mom and I sat motionless and watched her as she looked back at me. THEN the room went electric. I shout, “Do you feel that?”

The room transformed.

The electricity hit all three of us. I shout, “I have chill bumps all over.”

Mom, “I can feel it too.”

Looking at my niece, “Can you feel it?” She was so choked-up with emotion, all she could do was smile, nod and tears sprang into her eyes.

She was walking out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. AND she could feel the love of God tangibly. We all felt His presence upon our body and within our heart.

I jumped up and hugged her.

I watched in the background as we prayed, my mother with her eyes squeezed shut and her hand raised. You see, she had prayed for 20 years for this very moment. And because our God is just THAT GOOD, she was there to witness the answer to her years of petitions.

A once in a lifetime moment where three unlikely family members are all together and God shows up.

THESE ARE KINGDOM STORIES. These are the moments that mater. This IS KINDGOM LIFE!

God is good!

Friends, please support me. Buy a copy of the book. If you can’t or don’t need it, pass it to a parent who needs help with their children who are suffering from fear, night terrors, who see things mom and dad can’t.

They need this book. Jesus is in it!

I love you. So very much. Hugs, Lynn

Are You Still Practicing Wicca?

MCSM 2 5 4 2021Hi My Family in the Kingdom of God, Lynn Donovan here! 

I have a story for you today. It’s a story that is 20 years in the making. It begins with my sister’s daughter, my niece, who is 20 years old. It includes my newest book that launches tomorrow. And it is a fantastic ending. But I’m ahead of myself.

So much to tell. Where do I start?

“So, are you still practicing wicca?” I asked my niece as we sat in the family room of my mother’s condo. Stunned she replied, “I haven’t practiced wicca.”

“Well, then are you still tinkering with it?” You see when she was in middle school and early high school, when she was messing around with this stuff. I had my suspicions because of her jewelry and other signs. I also perceived in the spirit.

You should know that I’m not close with my sister and her family. I see them perhaps once a year. However, there I was sitting with this young woman, and I cared. I cared deeply about her life, her future and her past. I care about her eternity. I love her. Truly.

“No, I’m not doing that but there was a time I was interested, and I did a lot of research.”

“Well, are still lighting candles and such?”

‘No, Aunt Lynn.” See grins sheepishly, surprised I knew what I knew. 

So a conversation ensued where I told her there was only two kingdoms – ONLY TWO. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.

We spoke about our family history and all the curses upon our bloodlines. And then we began to talk about what she knew about the spiritual realm. We discovered that she is highly gifted. No wonder she was curious about the spiritual.

I picked up my new book and asked her to read the chapter where I describe spiritual gifts. I waited and felt the presence of God.


Stay tuned tomorrow. And my friends, order your copy tomorrow. TOMORROW IS LAUNCH DAY!

This story is fantastic. See you tomorrow.

The Soul Redeemer - A Note From Dineen Miller

Dineen Miller 2 2010Hello SUMITES!

I’m thrilled to be here today! I’ve missed you dearly and it’s been so wonderful to continue to watch this community grow under Ann’s wonderful leadership. When Lynn asked me to share my newest book release, I was overjoyed, because it’s the conclusion to Lexie and Hugh’s story.

When I wrote The Soul Saver, my heart was to write a story to compliment Winning Him Without Words, much like the movie Fireproof and the book The Love Dare were meant to compliment each other. And over the years many have asked me if I would be writing a sequel to The Soul Saver to finish Lexie and Hugh’s story.

Well, I’m happy to share with you that The Soul Redeemer has officially released. It’s a shorter book, a novella actually, that tells the rest of Lexie and Hugh’s story.

And their story is still ours, my friends. We live it every day. 

Her artwork is guided by faith. He’s a non-believer. Will their relationship survive a demon knocking at their door?

In The Soul Saver my goal was to show the spiritual warfare we deal with in our mismatched marriages. In The Soul Redeemer my goal was to show how we win! Lexie leans to step into her authority and Hugh begins to question his atheism.

I pray this story encourages you, my friends. I’m still very much in the battle with you. As I wrote this story, my husband and I hit some really rough patches of disagreement through this pandemic and the election. Once again, the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, but he lost again as my husband and I determined to stay in a place of love. Not easy but we made the daily decision to do it.

God’s love always wins because His love is the very essence of Who He is, the Great I Am. And He never fails.

I hope you’ll check out the rest of the story, dear friends.

I have two copies of the The Soul Redeemer I’d love to give way.

Just leave a comment and Lynn will pick the winners.

Be blessed!


The-Soul-Redeemer-Kindle (002)About The Soul Redeemer:

Tobias is back and determined to win.

Lexie has no idea why Nate is flying back from China, only that his text said it’s urgent. His face is the one God led her to sculpt. That can only mean he’s her next assignment.

Upon his arrival, Nate is stunned to see Lexie is pregnant. He knows what she and Hugh went through when they lost their  little girl several years ago, and can only imagine what lays behind the hint of fear he sees in her eyes. But a warning has brought him back to the States—one he hates to deliver but knows he must.

Tobias is back.

Though still teetering on the edge of faith, Hugh is focused on his future as Department Chair of Physics at Stanford University and the impending arrival of their daughter. Yet he finds an astonishing ability to welcome Nate back into their lives—something he didn’t think possible after what happened in the past.

Tobias is back and determined to claim Hugh’s soul. And his plan of destruction includes putting Lexie and her unborn child in jeopardy. As Lexie and her baby girl fight live, an unexpected visitation brings hope to Lexie that her baby girl will survive. But will Lexie survive to tell Hugh about it?

What Does Intimacy with God Look Like?

SUMite Nation,

Lynn here. I'm leading a study of Marching Around Jericho beginning today! Join the PRIVATE Facebbook Group and accelerate your study.

To pray with power and authority you MUST stand upon the two pillars of Intimacy and Identity. This week we are talking about intimacy. What would it be like to all day long ask Jesus questions and He answers you back? How would it change your life if you knew that you knew that you knew in your knower that your good Father in heaven had your back?

Join now and purchase your book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible or any book retailer. 

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:14

This scripture is ours. This promise is NOW. Let's learn from Jesus and see His glorious Word come to life! Hugs, Lynn

MAJ FB Group Cover


God Will Ask One Question When You Arrive In Heaven

Chapter Fifteen
The Power of Love

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
MATTHEW 22:37-39

I’m of the belief that upon arriving at heaven’s gate, Jesus will look into our eyes and ask a single question, “Did you learn to love?”

Jesus commands us to love God and love people. God is easy. People, not so much.

I’ll be vulnerable here. There are many people that I meet who love easily. They always choose to notice the best in others. It’s not that easy for me. Walking into adulthood, I carried with me beliefs that no one was reliable or trustworthy and that I was utterly on my own. No one had my back. Including God.

Of course, these were lies, but I lived them out as truth for many years. Unwinding these false beliefs required years of God relentlessly loving me until over time, my heart finally cracked open. His love filled me to the point that I could love with authenticity and learn to trust people. Releasing my fears of abandonment and distrust felt as though I removed a giant backpack from my shoulders. And once gone, I became free to dream with God. I was freed up to imagine the impossible and discover gifts and abilities I didn’t know already possessed. And loving people became easier.

My dear warrior, our entire journey upon this planet is a quest to learn to love. Love is an easy word; however, it’s been hijacked, perverted, and applied to numerous ideologies. Our assignment for this life is to love people from the source, our heavenly Father. We can’t fail to get this one right.

Every day we make a thousand choices. With each choice, we walk down one of two paths, love or fear. Oh, let us choose bravely and walk in love.

As I write this book, I’m older now and have walked with Jesus for over 50 years. I’ve reflected on decades of life choices and the consequences of choosing fear over love. From my vantage point, the choice of love is always the best course with a better result than living in a false sense of security that fear perpetuates.

Choosing love is a risk. We risk our heart. We risk pain and rejection. However, living wholeheartedly far and away exceeds the risk.

In every decision where I chose to love over bowing to fear, contributed to my refining process. When I risked loving but I was met by disappointment and pain because love wasn’t returned, Jesus arrived with gold from heaven and filled the cracks of my broken heart. If you could picture my heart today, it is whole, but a closer view reflects tiny golden-white-light lines where the pieces of my brokenness were gathered together. All the heart-pieces rescued back from childhood pain, a divorce, an unexpected move, the loss of what I desired from my marriage.

Our heart is made whole by Christ’s love, redemption, and healing. Our hearts become a beautiful recreation of his design. A recreated heart overflows with empathy, compassion, and depth of understanding as well as a wealth of patience. This is the heart of God.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Warrior, love heals all trauma. One touch of the Savior’s love and a difficult upbringing, abuse, disappointment, fears, and all failures of the past are redeemed. The Redeemer seals love and peace over our pain which silences the lies of the devil. He is our blessing. He is our peace. He is love.

Everything the enemy has used to hurt and destroy you, God will redeem. And in the Kingdom of God, the evil meant to kill you will become the very thing that God will use within you to rescue and bring healing to others. Your pain becomes your superpower. Your woundedness becomes your peace. Your destruction is the birthplace of a love that the demons cannot touch.

Love redeems our past, establishes our present, is our future and our children’s legacy.

Choose love and live strong.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Love Chapter

Answers To Questions About the Book - Launch January 28

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comAnswers to Questions

I received a number of questions about Marching Around Jericho. Here is some more information.

Marching Around Jericho will be available in paperback, eBook, and audio. You will be able to buy a copy from most booksellers, including Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other smaller retailers. The ebook is available to preorder today but paperback will likely be available later next week.

The audio book is outstanding and I love the narrator. It will be available in about 10 days from Audible, Amazon and on iTunes.

I recommend purchasing the paperback as there is a journaling process to this journey. And you will need to go back and read some of your journal entries and the prayers included.

You can order through marchingaroundjericho.com. There are several options available today and every option will be available on January 28th. This website is a treasure of other tools and modules of learning that will assist you on the journey. The learning modules are not fully complete because I’ve been really ill for two weeks. But I’ll add them as I finish them up. They are excellent. And if you want to personalize your journey and have me to coach you and to pray with you through it, you can sign up for spiritual development. This is superfast-track your journey around Jericho.

This book is vastly different from my previous books. It will challenge you. And it’s meant to challenge you. If you have been praying for more than five years and there isn’t progress, something needs to change. This book will point you toward that change. And it will require you to push yourself past religiosity and powerless Christianity.

But the reward!!!!!!!! It’s all glory. It’s our Pearl of Great Price.

I’ll share more in the next few weeks. March on Warrior!! WE WIN! Hugs, Lynn

It's Your Turn - Launch Date January 28, 2020

Marching Around Jericho Cover 3DEXCERPT:

Welcome, Warrior!

If you are praying for the salvation of your unsaved spouse, it is my honor to provide you with a roadmap for your march toward the Promised Land.

Marching Around Jericho is a spiritual guide. As you read through the pages, powerful and transformative instruction and equipping takes place. We follow Jesus as he leads us around the walls, imparting kingdom truths with each passing, finally arriving at the gates of the walled-off city, our spouse’s unbelieving heart. After the circles in prayer are complete, we arrive fully prepared to command the walls to crumble and be removed, making a way for our spouse to step from the rubble of lies and captivity, into faith and freedom!

This is a journey of hope and one of significant challenges. But the spoils of this war become your pearl of great price, worthy of your efforts, each prayer you whisper, and every tear shed. The prize is love.

How do I know? I’ve marched around my Jericho for the past seven years. I’ve traversed the seemingly insurmountable mountains in our marriage, the valleys of doom and gloom, spiritual exhaustion, and faced storms that nearly toppled our bonds of holy matrimony. Yet by the grace of God, I’ve gained spiritual strength, a powerful prayer life, faith that moves said mountains, and authority in Christ. I’ve participated in miracles, healings, and uncovered truth wrapped in love. I have looked into the eyes of perfect love and experienced our triune God, intimately, through the ordinary and the divine.

In spite of the enemy’s assignment to kill, steal, and destroy all that I hold near and dear, I now thrive in my marriage and am living the abundant life (John 10:10).

We, the unequally yoked in marriage, are the chosen to demonstrate faith in Christ. We’ve been given a unique platform to reveal Christ’s love to family members who otherwise may never see Jesus. Our unsaved spouse contemplates our victories as we model the Father’s unending patience, grace, and mercy. How do I know? I’ve lived these truths out in my married life while waiting for the salvation of my husband.

Now it’s your turn.

The Christmas Project Planner


Most of you know that I've been friends with author, Kathi Lipp, for years. She writes amazing books that truly improve our lives. Well, a few days ago she sent me a copy of her recent book.

Christmas Project Planner Kathi Lipp

The Christmas Project Planner is amazing. It's beautiful gift to receive and work out of to retain your sanity during the busiest time of year.

Please order your copy at Amazon. And I'm offering a copy as a giveaway. Please enter your name and a comment why you need this book in the comments. I'll choose a winner next Tuesday so that the winner receives the book for November planning. 

Wahoo. God bless you Kathi! 


SUMite Nation:

Will you join me today and celebrate several birthdays? Today, Dineen and I are celebrating the launch of our first signed author to our publishing company, Three Keys Publishing.

FB postCONGRATULATIONS SHAYLA ORTIZ on her first book, Praying Through Singleness. 

This book turned out so cute and is powerful devotional for young women in their late teen and early twenties. It leads young women to embrace their season of single living and to thrive with Jesus while they prepare for their future. It’s powerful. I felt the Holy Spirit move upon me several times while reading it. 

It’s a FANTASTIC book for a mom to tuck into her daughter’s bag as she heads off to college next month.

We are giving away a few copies. To enter for a free copy, leave your name in the comments with, "I will!" We will send you a book with the caveat that you will post a quick review on Amazon. We are trying to get to 50 reviews.

So, SUM Nation, Dineen and I need you. We would be so thankful. And if you are at all able, please order a book to support both Shayla and our new Publishing House. Then give the copy to your youth leader at church. I’m giving copies to my church youth leaders.

Who knew God would put the zany team of Donovan & Miller together as publishers?

Every day is an adventure with the King!

Love you, Lynn

Marriage Prayers of Influence

From an excerpt of my new book:

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. — Ephesians 1:17

It’s time for a paradigm shift.

Release the old marriage and step into a new relationship.

It’s daily, that I grow ever more concerned and aware of the great power our word wield in the spiritual realm. As sons and daughters of God, our voice, is our greatest weapon of offense. But our words also can release havoc into our lives. Most of the time we are unaware that we are the saboteurs of our own happiness and marriages.

Label or category: From the original Greek kategoria, “accusation, prediction, noun from kagegorein “to speak against, to accuse,” assert, predicate,” from kata, “down to.”

We have categorized the very family we love with accusations of unbelief, insignificance, and out of arrogance or ignorance, our labels speak “down to” the very person God is asking us to elevate and love.


When we categorize a person, Muslim, unbeliever, looser, etc., unbeknownst to us, in the spiritual, we asserted an accusation against them. Upon doing so, we unknowingly lose all influence in their life because a wall of accusation is constructed.


We can’t consider them properly. We are unable to see them through the eyes of Christ because we haven’t honored them for who they are currently.

Let’s catch our words and ask the Lord, “God, who is this person? How do you see them?” And when we choose to let go and reject any residue of religion, societal protocols, family history, and cultural constructs, the walls crumble and we see the truest part of the human in front of us. And when we catch a glimpse of what God beholds and adores. This intentionality changes our heart and our prayers. It opens up influence.

Make a conscious choice to reject the lies of judgement, labels, accusation.

Father, in the name of my Savior, Jesus, I repent from all judgement, labeling and misconstrued opinions that are birthed of the demonic realm. Please forgive me for any and all words spoken that create a wall between my husband (others) and myself. Wash these sins with the blood of Jesus and remove them from my permanent record. 

Father, open my eyes, physical and spiritual, allow me view my husband and others and see what you see within. I want to understand and honor them properly. Show me their innocence and reveal their pain, the deceptions that bind them, and allow me to perceive how I can love them into Your wholeness. In Jesus name, amen.

This is when we begin to have influence because all judgement is gone. Preconceived ideas or categories are replaced and this human before us is fully available and views in the eyes of perfect love.


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. — 1 John 4:18


Loving Your Separated Spouse by Linda Rooks

Fighting-for-Your-Marriage-While-Separated-Thumbnail (2)Loving Your Separated Spouse

I know in this community of unequally yoked believers, there is someone whose spouse has walked out the door and left. Your heart is breaking right now, and you don’t know what to do. Perhaps your spouse has never accepted Christ or perhaps, like my husband did many years ago, he or she walked away from their faith commitment.

Thankfully, my story has a happy ending. After three years of separation, the Lord drew my husband back into relationship with Him again. We reconciled, and have now had twenty blessed and fruitful years of marriage since that dreadful time.

If this is where you are, finding your way through this complicated and confusing period of separation poses many challenges and heartrending moments of feeling hopeless. But with God as your anchor, you can do it. He will lead you through this season one day at a time if you keep your eyes on Him.

Your faithful but patient love to your spouse while he or she is in a place of wandering will show them Jesus, but you need to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove (Matt: 10:16) as you navigate this difficult season of your marriage. Trust God in His timing. He knows what has to happen in your spouse’s life and yours before a successful reconciliation can take place. This may mean months . . . or even a longer period of separation. But as waiting spouses, it’s important not to get in the way of the healing God wants to do in both your partner’s life and yours. Give God time to do what He wants to do.

It begins by giving space to the one who has left so they can diffuse whatever conflict is whirling around in their head and clear their mind of confusion. A spouse who leaves the home usually doesn’t know what he wants, and chasing after them with questions about “why” and “when” can drive them further away. Meanwhile, pray for them as well as yourself. While you put them on the back burner of your mind, focus your attention on God instead. Let Him strengthen you and show you what He wants to say to you. This can be a time of growing ever closer to Jesus as you allow Him to speak truth into your heart and mind.

When you do have contact with your spouse, resist the temptation to make accusations and negative comments. Instead, offer positive encouragement, which shows that you care enough to accept him where he is at the moment. Affirm her as a person even though you don’t like what she’s doing right now. Positive words throughout this season of separation can offer a healing balm for unseen wounds that have brought division between you. Using positive words to create a safe place where the two of you can interact will help to open up lines of communication at some point down the road. Pray each step of your journey before and during each contact with your spouse. Let God guide you in your words and actions.

I know what I’m suggesting runs counter to what may come natural to do in this situation. Chances are your mind is racing with negative feelings and thoughts and you want to press in to tell your mate why he or she is wrong to leave. The flesh in us wants to do what comes naturally. When Satan attacks our marriages, however, he relies on us to do what comes naturally because he knows that in our flesh we are not strong or wise enough to overcome his strategies. So this is a time when you need God’s supernatural strength and wisdom to do what is truly unnatural. Take your pain and your negative feelings to God. Let Him carry you through this time. The message of 2 Corinthians 12:10 tells us when we are weak, then God can be strong within us.

Loving your spouse during a time like this is not something the world sees as natural, but Jesus didn’t ask us to do what comes naturally. When He told us to love our enemies, that was not natural. When He said to do good to those who hate us, that was not natural. (Matt: 5:43-44) But even though Jesus may ask us to do something unnatural, He never asks us to do something impossible because His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9) What is impossible for us, is possible with God. (Luke 18:27) He wants us to lean on Him; He wants us to trust Him. When we look to God and rely on His Spirit to guide us during this difficult period of a marital separation, we can find the future and blessing He has planned for us. That is what I call winning. And when we win, the glory will go to God.


Head shot Linda Rooks - blue scarfLinda W. Rooks is the author of Fighting for Your Marriage while Separated and Broken Heart on Hold, Surviving Separation. She not only writes about separation, she lived through it for three years. For the last twelve years, she and her husband have been ministering to others in broken marriages through classes in Central Florida and seen many marriages healed. You can find out more about Linda and her ministry at http://brokenheartonhold.com  or http://fightingforyourmarriage.net 

(Lynn, you can use either web address you want. They both go to the same place.)

Step Onto The Warrior March

Winning Him SmallSUMites,

I want to release another testimony of a husband baptized. Susan Loyless sent me an email a few weeks ago and her husband went into the water!

Susan wrote me:

It got bad before it got better. In January, the elders of our church prayed for my husband in unity. I felt like we were so close to a breakthrough.

Within a few days, my husband took the kids and left me. I was not welcome in my own home. During that time, the Lord impressed on my heart....is there any place my arm cannot reach?

A few months later, my husband confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and the baptismal waters were stirred.

I love you dearly....praying for grace, favor, blessing and rest.

Love, Susan


I also know that Tina U. shared that her husband also was baptized back in March.

Something in the water, Warriors.......

For all of you still marching along, my friend Shayla will be leading a study of, Winning Him Without Words, in May. To join that study on Facebook, at Shayla Ortiz. And if you need a book, click here and order. A small portion is sent to the ministry to further our outreach to spouses who are unequally yoked. 

Two Things: Chronicles of the Donovan Clan

Hello SUMites,

Couple of things:

Marching Around Jericho Blog postI’ve decided to take the month of May off from all the ministries in which I serve with the exception of book writing and publishing. I am diligently preparing my manuscript, Marching Around Jericho, and must dedicate my time to writing. This book is the warfare map for every Freedom Fighter of the Kingdom to battle for the salvation and baptism of souls, especially an unsaved spouse. I feel the urgency of the Holy Spirit to finish this manuscript swiftly, as I believe this path that I traveled over the past seven years, can be emulated. Let’s waste no more time.

The SUM leadership team has graciously volunteered to step up and cover the blog postings and management of the many arms of this ministry. WAHOO. We have amazing people in our community. And TEAM Leadership, THANK YOU!

In addition to writing, Dineen and I have launched a publishing company, Three Keys Publishing. And as of yesterday, we signed our first author! Congratulations Shayla Ortiz (Praying Through Singleness- tentative title). So, Dineen and I will be working like mad, helping her to prepare her book and reading for her launch date. We are so excited for this endeavor and I’m psyched to be working with my dear friend, Dineen, once more. She is a talented artist and so full of love. And I adore Shayla and her ministry.

With the closing of all the Christian Book-chain stores and the availability of online publishing and more, we believe that Dineen and I have a place at the table of indie-publishing. Praise you Jesus!

Also, my daughter Caitie, will graduate with her M.A. in Communication focused in Interpersonal Communication with a minor in Research Methodology from Purdue University. WOW! She's looking for work in LA. Hallelujah! We will be traveling this month and have a ton of company coming as well.

To all of you, who throughout the years, read the blog posts and the book about the raising of my daughter, THANK YOU! Thank you for praying for her. We will be attending her graduation in two weeks. I’m so thankful for every word you whispered for her, Mike, and my son!!!!

I will be back in June. Likely fired up and ready to bring more of the Kingdom to our community.

Thank you for walking with me on this crazy, upside-down journey! You are my brothers and sisters. I love you with a full heart.

Be Blessed, Lynn

This Is Just The Pits!

Josephs-Coat-of-Many-Colours Josephs-Coat-of-Many-ColoursHello Sum family!

Tiffany here:

It is very easy to see the heaviness and struggle going on in the world. Just in our own community there is a weight of illness, backsliding (in ourselves or our spouses), addictions, anger, depression, anxiety, spiritual attacks to our identity, self-worth, motivation, and will to keep going in the faith. There is bitterness and envy, there is confusion and doubt - toward others and even God Himself. It's like we have lost sight of who we REALLY are (we'll talk more about this later).

Before I continue, I want to preface that I don't believe that our SUM community is in this bad of shape. I don't believe that we are all struggling at all times. I do however, see a trend of these things happening in the ranks...and it seems to be increasing. I myself have been struggling a lot lately. I feel as though I have opened the door to anger and fits of rage again and it is running rampant and tearing apart my family as I unleash it's fury over my husband and children. I know I am not a monster and YET...that is what the evidence has been showing me lately (tune in next time to learn more about evidence - it's life changing!).

This is where the grace of God comes in. Where the Spirit of the Lord is - there is what? FREEDOM!

In these next couple of posts, I want to share some things that I have been learning recently in God's classroom and I pray that as we work through these things together, we will gain ground in our faith and also in victory over struggles.

I have been reading From Dream to Destiny by Robert Morris (you can find the book here). In this book he walks us through the life of Joseph and explains that there are ten different tests that we must go through in order to fulfill the purposes that God has on your life. Reading this book has been so insightful. I have been able to look at the life of Joseph in such a different way. The test I want to touch on is the Pit Test (chapter 2). Let's check in on Joseph:

So Joseph went after his brothers and found them in Dothan. Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him. Then they said to one another, "Look, this dreamer is coming! Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ' Some wild beast has devoured him.' We shall see what will become of his dreams!" But Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands, and said, "Let us not kill him." And Reuben said to them, "Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit which is in the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him" - that he might deliver him out of their hands, and bring him back to his father. So it came to pass, when Joseph had come to his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the tunic of many colors that was on him. Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it (Gen. 37:17-24).

 As we just saw, his brothers conspired to kill him. In verses 4 and 8 of Genesis 37 we find out that his brothers all hate Joseph because he was Jacob's favorite. It made matters worse when Joseph so shamelessly shared the dreams that he had of being bowed down to by his brothers and his parents. Morris goes into more detail throughout the previous chapter (chapter 1) of his book but essentially Joseph's pride is what mainly caused this rift in his family. Out of his pride he helped fuel the events that led him to this pit moment.

So what about us? What is the pit test? How do we end up in the pit?

Like it or not, all of us will go through some times when we feel as if things are just the pits. We may not be sure just how we got into that pit - and even less sure as to how to get ourselves out. But one thing is certain - we won't move ahead into our destiny unless we get out of that pit...Jesus knew we would have trouble because He know we would be living in a world contaminated by the effects of sin. As a consequence of sin, this world is full of  trouble - and pits are just one form of it. Pits are simply a by-product of a fallen world. (From Dream to Destiny, p.29, 31)

Next time I want to talk about the mind blowing truth I gleaned from this book about our time in the pit and how Satan schemes to keep us there. Until then, I can't wait to see you in the comments. What kind of pit are you in right now? How can we pray for you as a family to raise you up out of it?

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinth. 15:57


One Day Soon

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comOne day soon, we will behold:

And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. —Revelation 20:12

Our original destination will be compared to what we actually achieved in our short time on earth. We are given so much grace. Grace and more grace to change course, to repent and do over. To mend, to heal, to serve, to grow, to laugh, to LOVE.

Will you choose love?

When we do, this is what the book says is for us:

The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. —Revelation 3:5

We are empowered to live our BEST life now. Through the love of Jesus our past is redeemed and then we are invited to rescue the lost dreams we held as children. Let us release our false identities of unworthiness, self-hatred, comparison and all the lies of satan. We were created as a perfect expression of God’s love. And because of that TRUTH, it is possible to walk in wholeness and help others to find their way to freedom as well.

So, what say you?

Thank you for walking with me through this series. I pray that it changed the perspective of our identity and our future, now and forever. Hallelujah..

We praise you Jesus for the redemptive and restorative work of the Cross. For without it we were doomed but because of your finished work, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE ON EARTH can be restored and perfected in Your love! AMEN!

Next post:

Do you read the stories in the Bible about those who gave their lives up for the cause of Christ? What about modern martyr accounts of believers in the middle east who are being killed for their Christian faith? Do you  ever wonder if your faith is strong enough to do the same?

Join me for the next post about martyrs and marriage. Things turn out differently than you might think. I love you, church family without walls. Today I bless you with joy, peace and a strong marriage and vibrant and healthy families. In the name above all names, JESUS! Amen!  Hugs, Lynn

A SINGLE LIFE Can Restore A Family Line

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comLet’s open a book today that can change everything.

The Word. The Bible, our living book of redemption and freedom. Jesus the author a perfecter of our faith.

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. —Hebrews 12:2

God then said to me, “Lynn, a single life can reset the destiny that has been corrupted for centuries. One child of mine, who decides that they will no longer live in the falsehoods of the kingdom of darkness but chooses rather to rise up and live in truth. That one person, one small young woman, a man in his fifties, a woman who was raised in horrific abuse, a child who chooses to hope over despair. That one person can break the bondage that has oppressed the generations. She can loose the angelic to fight for her freedom and that of her children. One believer can release thousands of “My perfect reflections of love” to walk in their destiny that was written and decreed over their life since before time began. To walk in their highest and best for this life, their original design.”

“You are that one person. There are many of you who choose to silence the lies and begin the hard work of walking in truth. You are that one person. Receive the truth and you will be free indeed.”

Gang, it feels as though the assignment is overwhelming. How can lil ole me fix generations of wickedness? How can I stand in the gap and change my destiny as well as my children’s and the generations to follow?

I take one intentional step at a time. I, personally, have broken the destructive demonic assignments released upon my family through my ancestor’s participation in Free Masonry. I stood in the gap and repented for their sins and broke the curses that were released upon me and my siblings, my mother. I have done the hard work of learning, reading, praying, and persevering to fight for my freedom and the freedom of others and specifically my family.

I pray relentlessly, my hunger grows every year to experience more of the Kingdom, Holy Spirit fire and gifts and to learn more from Jesus.

It is possible to restore and live out the destinies written in our books. The word that represents this effort to the greatest degree is PERSEVERANCE. It’s determination that leads to our truest self.

SUMites... Believers... Children of the Most High God.... Respond. It's your turn to take back your destiny and those of your family generations.

DECREE: Today the deception and lies stop with me. I repent for all the lies and sin of my ancestors. I ask Jesus to speak healing into my life, my family line, my children, my spouse. Today, restore the path to fulfillment of my destiny and the plans that are written in my book. In Jesus name. AMEN

If you just spoke this decree out loud, then record it in the comments as a sealed and spoken word of truth over your family. I will stand with you for the full restoration of your book and those of your family. And sign it in the comments, your name, In Jesus name. AMEN


When The Books Are Opened

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comLet’s open the next book, shall we?

And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. —Revelation 20:12

There is a day in our linear future where every person whosoever liveth upon the earth, shall pass before the throne. The “Books” shall be opened and judgement shall be determined.

WHOA!!!  I can’t stop saying that… WHOA!!!

Astounding….. I don’t have language to express the fathom of this truth.

“As I looked,

thrones were set in place,

    and the Ancient of Days took his seat.

His clothing was as white as snow;

    the hair of his head was white like wool.

His throne was flaming with fire,

    and its wheels were all ablaze.

A river of fire was flowing,

    coming out from before him.

Thousands upon thousands attended him;

    ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.

The court was seated,

    and the books were opened. —Daniel 7:9-10

Let this passage leave you awe struck. We will be there. We will have our very own book opened. And in our book, is written our original design, our unique creation, our purposes, our assignments that were ordained and written to be fulfilled in our lifetime on earth, before time began. And in our book, will be the results.

Did we discover the truest thing about our self?…. Did we learn that we are lavishly loved. Did we come to understand that our hair color, our gender, our eye color, our imperfections were imperfectly, perfect? Did we realize our full potential and creativity that were gifted to us from heaven? Did we walk in joyous laughter and live in peace, which is our birthright (Romans 14:17)?

Did we learn to love?

Oh, how I have prayed for each and every one of you that you have all learned to love. God gave us difficult marriages so that we would learn to love like Jesus. I have tarried in the secret place for you, your children, and spouse to come to the place of your truest identity.

You are an empowered and perfect child of God!

THAT is our truth.

So, let’s tackle the why.

Why aren’t we walking in victory, true identity, and our predestined missions and assignments?

Enter stage left: Lucifer

Before time began when our books were written, there was an angel. According to Ezekiel 28:13, a probable reference to Lucifer, we learn that he is an amazing being to behold: "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: the sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created."

His pride in his beauty and position ultimately lead him and a third of the angelic host to be cast out of heaven and down to earth.

And thus, he’s pissed off. I mean roiling mad.

He’s mad and also fully aware of the destinies that are written in our books.

Thus, the war is at hand. We are in a war for truth. The truest thing about us, the works of our lives assigned and contained within our books. As I walked through the vineyards that morning a few weeks ago, the Lord began to show me how, as people, we are destined to live on earth as it was originally intended by the Lord. And God revealed how the devil immediately went to work assaulting the destinies ordained for our lives.

God said to me that morning, “Lynn, it began years ago. Centuries and centuries, way back in families. A brother became jealous and murdered his brother. A man, an ordinary husband and father, heard a whisper from the demonic realm that perhaps he wasn’t good enough to provide for his family, he turned to stealing and alcohol. A mother leaned into a lie that she was insignificant and unworthy to be loved or respected because she was only a girl. A child grabbed hold of a lie that anger was the answer to his pain. Pride was whispered to every generation. Father after father, mother after mother, the generations began to believe the lies of the enemy and their divine books became corrupted.”

“Abuse entered into the bloodline, alcoholism, occult practices, bloodshed. The wickedness of men blotted out names,  destroyed childhoods, imprisoned generations to addictions of perversion. These wicked practices are passed to the children or gleaned from others with evil in their hearts.”

Oh Jesus, I whisper.

“But in my books, it is written that men would always love and cherish their wives. Their children were their pride and joy and the focus of their heart. Mothers were powerful and tender nurturers of the children and her husband. And together these families raised up the next generation to LIVE fully, alive and in the blessings and beautiful world that I created for them to enjoy.”

Okay, the heaviness of this is taking me over. I need a break.. Time to find Kleenex again.

Oh, My SUMites, let’s pray for the restoration of the books of our families.

See you on the next post…. It’s the BEST one of this series. I Love you, Lynn

A SINGLE LIFE Can Restore A Family Line

The Next Profound Book

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comRemember Friday we revealed the truth that God created us as a perfect reflection of His love. AND He created us, every person on earth, to be His child, to walk in love and to live in His Kingdom. Remember God said to me, “Tell them about the books, Lynn. My people don’t understand the books and therefore they are unaware.”

Let’s open the next book.

The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. —Revelation 3:5

This is the Lamb’s Book of Life. Our name was written in this book and it shines with brilliant light as a reflection of our choice to believe in Jesus Christ. It was written before time began and only you can make the choice to have your name blotted out. (Rejection of Jesus Christ.)

We were perfectly made AND we were created to be victorious. Our names are recorded as a resident of the Kingdom of God. … before time began, I remind you.

Good LORD!!!

It is, and always has been, God’s intention that every person is to be included in the Kingdom. Read these next passages and let these truths seep deep into your soul:

Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, — Ephesians 1:4-5

Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. —2 Timothy 1:9

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. —Romans 8:29

Okay, I’m not going to debate predestination but I know, without a doubt, that God loves people. His intentions toward people are love and if there is some other doctrine that God doesn’t love people nor have the best intentions for us, we are all doomed. It’s a lie!

So where does life go sideways? Why are we not living in these truths? Why are people going to hell? Why is the world filled with hate? Why did we endure abuse as a child? Why are relationships and marriages so dang hard? What in the hell?..... Really, hell is the answer to all the why.

So, next post, let me share what happens to our books and how we have been every gift to fully realign with our destiny that was sealed before time began.

Book of Life is also referenced in:

And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life. —Philippians 4:3 (NKJV)

SUMites, I don't know if I included all the references to the Book of Life. If I missed some, please post the scriptures in the comments. Also, what are your thoughts about the Book of Life? Would love your perspective. Hugs, Lynn

Identity Is Written In Your Book

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comWhile on my walk-n-pray today (Thursday), trotting down a street in wine country, suddenly a small feather floated out of the sky and into my cupped hands. I whispered, Thank you Daddy! Then I began to ask the Lord, “Father, what is on your heart about this subject, identity. How do I speak to Your people about this extremely sensitive subject?”

God immediately replied, “Tell them about the books, Lynn. My people don’t understand the books and therefore they are unaware.”


THAT IS NOT the answer I expected…. At all.

But, it’s exactly the perfect answer. Following the Lord’s reply, immediately a download from the Holy Spirit about the books initiated. I began to perceive what the books intend for mankind and where and why we strayed away from the truth. So, please allow me to share with you my conversation with the Lord. Much of what I share is found in Scripture and I include theses passages in the posts.

God began to speak to me about who we are. So, today, I want to share what I heard, the truth of who we are, predicated on scripture and then we will visit the reality of how our identity becomes warped or distorted. Okay? Let’s do this!!

Let’s start with the books.

Do you know that before time began, books were written in the heavenly realms? Books of all manner of things, purposes, and people. There is a book(s) written about you, specifically. Let’s take a look at some of these books. Because understanding The Books of the Kingdom will shed great light on the deceptions of the devil and illuminate the truth of our identity.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. —Psalm 139:16

Let’s start with this passage in Psalms. This is David speaking, a prophet, a King, and man after God’s own heart. In this passage it is written that God ordained every single day of life. God wrote down our longevity, our identity, our purpose, our works, our achievements, and His divine destiny in our own book before the dinosaurs. Really!

Let’s linger here for a minute. PLEASE let this truth ROCK your world. God wrote my book and your book before time began.

God spoke to me this morning and He said, “Lynn, all things written in your book are good. Your book contains assignments for My Kingdom. Works that bring you great joy, such as when you write for My Kingdom, you come alive. That is a fulfilment of one of your chapters in your book. I recorded the destinies of every human being in their book. The books are written decrees to be fulfilled which brings great glory, honor and joy to My heart and it brings the same to those who walk in their written destinies.”

WHOA!!!!  Can I just say, WHOA!


Then the Lord went on to say, “Lynn, you and every person on earth was wonderfully and beautifully made. Remember that scripture?”

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. —Psalm 139:14

“Yes, Lord, I am very familiar with that passage.”

“Lynn, every person from the beginning of time, throughout history, has been created perfectly.”

Immediately I realized that every human being is a perfect expression of God’s love. God created us uniquely, specifically, intentionally. We aren’t a mistake in any way or any area.

Our eye color wasn’t a mistake. Our height, not a mistake. Our freckles, our bone structure, our skin color, NOT A MISTAKE, our gender, NOT A MISTAKE.

God is perfect. He doesn’t make mistakes. He crafted each of us, 7.5 billion people, as perfect expressions of His boundless, astounding, love.

We are NOT A MISTAKE. We were created in our mother’s womb with the love of a tender Father who only wants good for His beloved child.

Hold please, I need to find Kleenex. I’m weeping and shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Taking in this reality is wrecking me. This truth is blowing up every false belief system about my life. And there’s more. So much more to this that I am shaking under the power of the revelation as I type.

I need to pause here. I ask you SUMite Nation, take in this reality. Ask the Father about your book, your destinies. Receive the truth that you are NOT a mistake and the reality that you are exactly who God created you to be.

I understand what you will wrangle with…. The WHY questions. If this is true, then why ______ did this happen. Where were you God when ______ this went wrong. WHY?

Oh boy howdy, did God give me an answer. Stay tuned. Pray into these passages. I feel a powerful revelation and freedom dawning.


PS. There is gold dust on my keyboard right now.

Can I just say again…. WHOA!

Fall, Lattes, and Back To School


Raising Godly KidsI love this time of year…. I enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spiced Latte at Starbucks yesterday. Can I just say, Yum and eee. I love the colors the leaves, and it’s Back To School. Back to church and just an all-around fun time as we move through the holidays in the weeks ahead.

Every year at this time, I think about parenting. I was on the phone today to my now grown daughter, Caitie, who moved to Indiana last month. She is now teaching at Purdue as well as doing her Master’s work. We talked for more than an hour. It was sweet and interesting, fun and a bit melancholy. I loved the years we had together when she was small, working on homework, decorating the house with pumpkins, and slowly but relentlessly training her up in faith.

I wasn’t a perfect parent, by far. But I love my kids and I was determined to raise them to know Jesus even in a home where their father didn’t believe.

So, thinking about this, I have a life-time of knowledge of how to help you also parent your children to faith. Dineen and I wrote about our experiences and victories, wisdom and prayers in our parenting book. That book was recently re-released with a new title, Raising Godly Kids in a Spiritually Mismatched Home – teaching Your Children to Love God Without Limits!

If you want time-tested and real wisdom on how to raise your kids in faith in our unique marriages, get your hands on this book. Dineen added a powerful chapter for parenting your adult kids as well. So many of our fears are address such as:

  • Am I enough to hold the family together? To teach my kids what they need to know about God’s love? To actually sanctify this house? (1 Cor. 7:14)
  • Am I enough to teach them the truth of Jesus Christ and lead them to salvation? Am I enough to be a godly mom and wife, a good role model, and help support them emotionally and spiritually?
  • Am I enough to be a Mom and wife too? How do I balance both?
  • Am I enough for my kids, husband and everyone else depending on me?
  • Am I enough to point the way to True North for my children, and never let my flag waver no matter how fierce the storm of the world may blow—even when the storm may be my own husband?
  • Am I enough to overcome my junk so I don’t pass it on to my kids?
  • Am I enough to overcome my own fears so my kids don’t experience them firsthand?

Take time to read this book. If you purchase it through the SUM store, all the proceeds go to our ministry. You can listen to it on audio book in the car on the way to work also. Raising Godly Kids in a Spiritually Mismatched Home

You are enough my friend but we need each other and we need wisdom. As an older mom now, I can be the voice to tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS. IT IS POSSIBLE. And you can do it well.

Have a great weekend. Hug your kids. Take them for ice cream. Swing with them at the park and tell them about Jesus every “catchable moment” that you are given. Hugs, Lynn

One other fun fact. I had the new book sitting on my desk. I picked it up to read Dineen’s new chapter. As I raised the book up, I noticed tiny flecks of gold dust all over the cover. Wild! Where did that come from? IT’S A BLAST LIVING THE BELIEVER’S LIFE!


Winning Him Without Words

Lord, thank You that I am never alone. You promised
You would never leave me nor forsake me, and I will rest in
this truth. Today I am committed to restoring happiness and
hope to my marriage. Teach me to take my eyes off
my circumstances and focus completely on You. I seat You
firmly on the throne of my life.
Father, today I recommit my life and my marriage to You.
Create a powerful yearning in me to meet with You every
day. Teach me Your truths to live by and reveal Your desire
for my life and the life of my spouse. Restore optimism in my
heart for our future. Empower me to cling to my faith
when my husband is unfriendly toward You.
Bring into my life other believers who are Jesus with
“skin on.” Lord, lavish Your love on me that I may pour
it into my spouse, my family and a world desperate for a
Savior. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Winning Him Book Cover