Day 5 of our Fast: Love is a Verb
Your Spouse is Your Talent

2025 Fast Wrap-Up

By LuAnn Wendover and Nickole Meierotto Fasting

Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

This past week has been an amazing time in the annual corporate fast. When Nickole and I were asked to lead it, I jumped at the opportunity without a whole lot of thought or prayer. I knew it was an honor as well as a big responsibility. However, I didn’t take it on without some trepidation next to the elation. In the meantime, Nickole expressed a need to take a little extra time in contemplative prayer, not because she wasn’t honored to be asked, but because she wanted to be sure she could handle all that would be expected of her.

I had hoped to do a 5-day water only fast. I was looking forward to writing a couple of pieces for the blog. And knew that this would be a stretching experience. I was right on the money with that one! Nickole did a liquid daytime fast, having dinner with her children at night.

I KNEW that this fast was supposed to be centered on abiding in Christ: in using this time of fasting and praying to rest in Him. Warfare in a Sum can be a daily part of our lives and usually is. Many times, we get worn out with constant battling. I was excited to learn what abiding during a fast would mean. I thought of abiding as simply resting but it is more than that…it can also mean enduring. And my word for the year was abiding!

The first two days of the fast were great. Some hunger but not uncontrollable. By the third day, I needed to hydrate and added a hydration pack to my morning water. It helped tremendously. But by day four I knew I needed to switch to a Daniel version for the remaining two days.  And so I did, without self-condemnation or recrimination. Fasting is a wonderful way to get closer to the Lord.

Nickole here. I didn’t know what I expected other than an opportunity to focus on my time with Abba during my fast. As I began the week jumping back into school routines, the Lord showed me that I have had an enduring habit of allowing myself to zone out and live life unintentionally, on autopilot. This revelation led to my word, Intentional. If I am to be sanctified for the Lord, I must be intentional, in everything…how convicting.

The Bible says to fast in secret. But in leading a corporate fast that is not possible, although the particulars of any fast should be spirit led and individual. Both Nickole and I had been holding a Wednesday fast and prayer for several years in the Sumite Sisters group, so we were used to posting for prayer requests and then praying together for the needs of the group. But leading a 5 day fast was a different experience for both of us. Eye opening and challenging.

As we reflected and wrapped up our corporate fast, we wanted to encourage those of you who fasted with us this year to remember to apply what was revealed to you during the fast. Too often we lose focus, return to our daily lives and get caught up in the repetitive day-to-day living. Let us be intentional in ALL we do…whether it’s washing the dishes, folding laundry, our outside jobs, or our recreation and amusement. To learn to be consecrated and connected to Christ 24/7 is truly a part of abiding in Him and being intentional in living for Him.

How do you intend to move forward from this fast? How can you become more intentional in abiding in Christ?

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