New Adventures in 2025!
December 31, 2024
Happy New Year, dear SUMites. We trust your Christmas went well and you’ve stepped into the New Year, yes, it’s 2025, positively.
As a quick side note, the world often expects us to charge into the new year but after a usually busy December, I find it’s often good to gently step into it. Our souls need it. I’d encourage us all to set aside some time to meet with the Lord and simply rest in His presence. Take some time, if you are able, to simply be peaceful with the lover of our souls. Let Him replenish and refresh you as only he can.
Themes or Words for the Year
For years, I used a ‘Word’ to orient myself for the year head. It’s a common practice. It provides a context, a guiding star of sorts, to what we might want to focus on or lean into for the year.
In the last couple of years, I’ve tended to arrive at a ‘theme’ for the year. Perhaps it’s the same thing I’m not sure. Last year, my theme was ‘new beginnings’. It seemed appropriate at the time (even though every year has an element of ‘new’ about it) as I sought to start some new things and let go of older things.
In December, I began to reflect on the year ahead. For some reason, I felt a sense of excitement/anticipation about 2025, of something significant on the horizon, a new adventure awaits.
As I prayed, waited and listened over the ensuing weeks, this notion of a ‘new adventure’ kept reappearing. I noticed the word in things I read, eg, the Magi on seeing the star in the night sky, “led them to risk and adventure [in seeking out baby Jesus], resulting in deeper revelation and abundant joy.” (AJ Sherill – Rediscovering Christmas)
On Christmas Day, I listened to Dwell’s daily devotional that said, “How might fear be keeping you from being able to lean into the loving arms of God to walk with you through the wild adventure? [like Joseph did when he listened to the angel in his dreams and elected to marry Mary]"
And just today, a regular newsletter I receive had the banner headline: “Adventures happen when we take the time to do what we have not done before.” (Joan Chittister)
To a New Adventure!
“Be who God meant you to be, and you’ll set the world on fire.” – Catherine of Siena.
I’m excited by the idea of a new adventure. But also a little nervous. I’m not really an adventurous person. Sure, I like seeing new things, going to new places, but I’m not a big trier of new things. Fear of failure gets in the way.
I sense this year may involve me doing something I’ve not done before as Joan Chittister’s encouragement states above. I hope so. It’s time I did something new. I sense it’s with God which excites me and provides some comfort. I’m reminded that faith is a muscle and to build it, we must use it, which means trusting God to meet us when we step out into something new.
Please pray for me. For courage. For wisdom and discernment about the ‘new thing’.
Your Turn
What does 2025 hold for you? What are you sensing about this new year? Much of the same or something very new? Would love it if we could get a conversation going in the comments below.
Next week’s Fast might be a great time to reflect on the year ahead and see if God shares something with you about it. I know I’ll be mentioning it during the week in my conversations with the Lord.
Go well this year, my friends. May the Lord keep you and bless you and your loved ones throughout the year.
Big love.