Praying for ALL the Lord's People!
On Going to Church Alone

Thankful to God for THIS too...

SUMites Thank you

Hello! Ann here, on a peaceful Friday afternoon here in Auckland.

We're going to have a month of thankfulness here on SUM. Why not!

Lynn kicked it off this week with her testimony about Mike's life being saved.

Ian settled our souls with a beautiful prayer for all God's people, on Wednesday.

And now it is my turn. I have something I am very thankful for right now. It is a testimony of something cool that happened for Bryce and me. It's one of those things that you would think initially, 'Meh, was that really God?', but God showed me it was him. So you must read to the end of this story! Here's what happened:

While Bryce and I were away overseas, we often said 'wouldn't it be great' if Bryce could get a job driving boats when we got back. He was not yet feeling ready to re-enter his career. Instead, he wanted do a hobby-type job for a short while: something that really floated his boat, excuse the pun. We all have our passions and interests; well, one of his is boats. 

When we got back to our city, one of the first things he did, then, was walk into a particular boat place and say "Do you need anyone over the summer?"

We didn't hear back for a couple of weeks, so we assumed it was a no-go. But one day an email came offering him a job there! We were SO delighted, both of us, and that evening Bryce spent the night on the couch watching YouTube videos about how to drive different boats. I kept peeking it over at him while he watched those videos. It was such a feel-good thing that I thought 'Was God in that?' Marina

Were you, Lord?

Well, this is where it gets good:

A few hours later, quite randomly, I decided to look at my phone, to see what words from the Lord I had received on this same date in previous years. I have a 10-year diary App, and I put in there anything that I sense from God.

I saw on that app that on this very same date a year earlier I had woken in the night with a name on my mind: Brian.*

Hmm. What was that about? I wondered. Then suddenly, the thought hit me:

"Bryce!" I shouted. He was in the shower. "Bryce Bryce!"

I heard his muffled reply.

"Bryce, wasn't the man who offered you the job called Brian?"

"It was," he now walked out of the bedroom towards me, drying his hair. "Why?"

"Look at this" I showed him my phone. "This is where I store things from God. On this very date a year ago I woke in the night with the name Brian. I think God is saying he gave you this job."

It kind of went in. It made him smile. Yes, God gave us this job, that I believe. See, I have since learned the job market in our city is extremely tight. No-one can get jobs right now. Yet we did, and we got given a treat from the hand of our Father.


Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name (Psalm 100:4, NIV)

SUMites, what are you thankful for right now?

Have a beautiful weekend.


*Not his real name

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