Explaining God to Kids OR Perhaps Grownups
October 03, 2024
Hi Sumites, Lynn Donovan here.
A few weeks ago, I was stuffed in the backseat of a rental car with my two granddaughters. My son and his wife were driving us to an overlook in Portland where we would view the entire city and the volcano in the background. It was spectacular.
Somewhere in the conversation topics that ensued in the backseat, ranging from gymnastics, hair styles, boys, and parents, my eldest granddaughter shared a story about a girl at school who said to another girl who didn’t believe in God that “said” girl would go to hell.
Wow, nothing like being put on the spot. So, here is my best recollection of my response to this statement. “Well, you know that we all will make a choice about our beliefs in Jesus and God. And the girl who told the other girl she would go to hell probably heard that from her parents. But, what this sounds like to that child is that God is mean.”
I continued, “Why would anyone want to find out more about a God that is mean?” They both listened earnestly. Parents ears in the front seat tuned in.
“God doesn’t send people to hell. He doesn’t hurt people or make them sick. He loves them and cares about every detail about our lives. He loves our dogs, and he is with you kids in your classrooms at school. He would never hurt you.”
“This little girl only heard that God is mean and cruel but never learns about the good Father that we really have.”
“Now, on the other hand, the devil will do everything to hurt, destroy and make you sick.” At that point the conversation bounced to another topic. But the truth was made clear. God is good and it’s the devil that is the “bad guy.” (PS. Just for clarity, God doesn't send people to hell. Indeed, we choose hell for ourselves. *gulp*)
Sometimes you just have to tell people about the real God, our Father. Who is kind, loving, and filled with goodness and forgiveness.
John, Chapter 14 reveals the entire purpose of Jesus ministry. His ministry, not His death and resurrection.
The ministry of Jesus was and IS: To reveal the Father. And reveal that He is good!
The entire exchange with Philip is our invitation to “know” the Father. To understand and experience God, as an intimate and good Father, because we have seen and know Jesus.
The implications of being known and knowing God as Father are so far reaching, I doubt we can unpack it all, if ever.
Jesus leads the disciples to a statement that is life changing.
Verses 19 & 20: A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. 20 At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
Knowing the Father will lead us to comprehend who we are because He is in us, and we are in Him. We understand the power and authority we hold. The significance and the identity we receive from this statement, is a complete mind-blow.
If we are in God, and God in us, why would we fear the future. If this is true, we can do all things through Christ. We are more than conquerors. We are the head and not the tail. We are loved, strong, stable, fortified, provided for, never forgotten, abandoned, or insecure.
In all truth, I've only slightly begun to unpack the implication of these verses in my life. But knowing this, assures me that I hear God’s voice, that I will overcome everything the devil sends my direction, I am secure in my life, health, finances and I have a GREAT hope for every day of my future.
Sure, sometimes the chaos of the enemy works to pervert this truthful knowledge but, my greatest warfare is to simple return to the truth. Jesus is in God, the Father, and I am in Jesus and He is in me. This is the beauty of the Holy Spirit that abides within. God in us. How could we ever lose?
Gang, if you understand the implications of this message in John 14, please share. I’m waiting with great anticipation to hear what you think.
I love you. PS. If Jesus is in the Father, and you are in Christ and I am in Christ, does this mean we are all connected and within one another?
So many crazy and profound thoughts to consider.