Jesus Asks a Question. The Answer is Everything (read to the end. It's good)
Betrayal, Jesus and the Unequally Yoked

This Study Must be Important to God. Here's why.

Fall Bible Study 2024As I was preparing this teaching last week about washing feet, I received the following text from a SUMite. She had no idea I’d just started this study and this week we were reviewing John, chapter 13, Jesus washed the disciple’s feet.

This is what she wrote to me:

I haven’t shared this with anyone, but I thought, you know what, Lynn’s heart would love this, and she would know how miraculous this moment was. 

I’ve been wearing that victory bracelet every day since you sent it, even during the separation (and I had no intention of getting back together with my husband) Then I prophetically drew his ring on one day in a church service a few months back in response to a message I heard on The bible story when Elijah accidentally cooks poison gourds and makes everyone sick but prophetically throws flour in the pot and it feeds His people.

Well last week I wanted to go get a pedicure cause my feet were rough, but I decided not to and instead, do it myself. 

I was in the bathroom and suddenly my husband says to me, “Let me wash your feet.” I sat there on the edge of tub with him. I just sat there in silence and in awe of what God is doing in him and in our marriage.

 Lynn, he washed my feet! I’ve held that close to my heart and I’m only sharing it with you because it was so precious to me. You and your obedience to the call on your life are a huge part of my story!

My friends, God can restore, redeem, refresh, rearrange and restart. Every now and again, we get to participate in the divine and witness His love and miracles in our lives.

This is one of those moments.

Thank you, Father.

Share today how you have witnessed the bible come alive in your life? I can't wait to read these testimonies. When you share your story, your words are written down in the annals of heaven. I love you. Lynn

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