Our Faith Impacts Our Spouse
September 03, 2024
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.Lamentations 3:22-23
SUM Nation,
Lynn Donovan here. I have a quick story to share and some experiential wisdom to encourage all who are traveling the road of the Unequally Yoked behind me.
Mike and I have been married for nearly four decades. Yikes. Where does the time go?
I want to assure you that your prayers, your faith and persistence impacts your spouse and kids. And more importantly the faithful love of our God makes a difference in our lives and the salvation of our family.
Last week as I was sitting in the hospital room with Mike, the Hospital Spiritual Support person arrived in the room. I sat at the back of the room and listened to an interesting exchange.
Daniel, the spiritual support person came in an announced to Mike who he was and that he was there to offer prayer if Mike wanted prayer.
I watched and thought, I'm going to stay quiet and see what happens here.
Mike responded by replying what his condition was and then Mike said, "Yes, I would like prayer."
My goodness I was surprised. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, But Mike didn't hesitate. Daniel closed his eyes. So did Mike and Daniel prayed a general supporting prayer over Mike.
After all these years of persistent faith, Mike truly believes. His faith is so much different than mine. But my faith has rubbed off on him. And it's such a beautiful to witness.
What if I'd given up two decades ago? What if I became discouraged and stopped asking God to save him?
SUMITES, don't give up. Don't stop your intercession asking for forgiveness and mercy for those in deception. Ask because our kind Father listens. His heart is moved by our petitions.
And remember your spouse and kids are also His children. Keep praying. Stand in the battle as the fire rages hot and know that Jesus is right there with you.
I adore you. Blessings and hugs, Lynn