Fall Bible Study John Chapter 14
Living Well when Not Knowing - John Chapter 14:6

Glimpses of Glory John Chapter 14:2

John 14:2-4 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

Fall Bible Study John 14Why does Jesus tell the disciples about the mansions smack in the middle of their turmoil?

He is assuring them they won’t be abandoned.


What isn’t mentioned in this passage by Jesus is the significance of our eternal dwellings to us as believers. In my book, Marching Around Jericho, I share an experience where the Lord showed me my heavenly dwelling. It was profound and the impact of that encounter has never left me. Go back and read it in Chapter 18, Glimpses of Glory. You will be encouraged.

I want to share with you here the understanding that God gave to me that day. It was a message for all of us who walk the unequally yoked path. Here is what I wrote:

Excerpt from Marching Around Jericho: I unpacked this experience with the Lord for weeks afterward. He brought clarity and purpose for this unique experience. “Lynn, I want you and those you serve (SUMites) to know that every sacrifice they make, all they endure, every tear, each and every prayer is building their dwelling in eternity. What my children say and do every single day creates. Every time you choose faith over fear and belief over doubt, hope over deception, you are placing another piece into the glorious dwelling place of your eternity.” 

It is real. 

This encounter was life changing for me. A lifetime of laying down my desires for my husband became beautiful flowers and horses. *grin* A life of serving in Bible study, raising kids to faith, a smile at the cashier at Walmart. A kind note sent in the mail and a blessing or prayer written in the comments of my blog, all of it is meaningful and holds purpose in the realm of the kingdom. Prayer by prayer, gold brick by gold brick.


We are building something so profoundly meaningful and rewarding. Be encouraged when you serve in silence, when no one notices or says thank you. Be aware of what you are building because my friends, IT IS MORE AMAZING THAN YOU CAN DREAM.

I love you. Ask in your prayer time this week for the Lord to reveal a glimpse of your dwelling. Or tell him what you want to see or do in your Kingdom home.

Share with me what you have dreamed about your eternal home. I want to dream with you. Celebrate with you. I want to encourage you. Blessings and hugs, Lynn

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