A Nod From God
How to Handle a Demonized Family Member, Part Two

How to Handle a Family Member who is Demonised

My friends Chess warfare

Today I want to turn to a topic that is a little edgy. I wonder if some of you will read this and find you have a situation like this in your own life.

Ok, let's go --

Sometimes there will be a situation where a family member -- either in your home, or extended family -- is strongly under the influence of demonic activity. I'm using use the term 'demonized'. I don't necessarily mean demon possessed, but they are under the influence. They have let something in from a demonic source that they're enjoying or battling with, and it has got its claws into them quite severely and it is permeating their behavior.

In such a case, that person can be extremely difficult to spend time with and, as a Christian, you see it for what it is. But how can you handle it?

Examples of this might be:

  • A family member who is deeply narcissistic
  • A family member who is in the throes of addiction
  • A strong alignment with rebellious trends in today's society, e.g., Atheism, or sexual sin
  • A deep desire to control or manipulate others, often stemming from rejection from their early life.
  • Or, a religious spirit that is making them downright nasty.

I could go on. 

When it's a family member, the problem is that you can't lightly detach from their company like you could if it was, say, a colleague, boss or friend.

As a Christian, if it is something you have discerned, there is then the question of how you love that person while also containing/limiting what their issue is doing to you. In some cases you might be asking 'Do I stay in relationship with this person, or are there some acts of separation I need to take?' There is also the question of how much you can take authority over this particular thing, that is, the demon(s).

Do you help them get free? Can you help them get free? 

How do you guard and protect your own heart?

So what I want to do next time is share some video teaching I recorded a year ago, How to handle a demonized family member, and we can chat about it some more.

Ok, over to you: Do you have any questions about this area? Do you have a situation like this in your own life?

Love to you all


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