A Few Days' Break
Our Faith Impacts Our Spouse

Donovan Clan Update

Hospital StanfordHi My Precious Family, SUM, Church without Walls,

Lynn, here. Since Ann is on a break, (bless her with healing and health Jesus), I will update you on our interesting journey.

Today, Mike is 14 days out from his transplant. His blood counts are very low, and he is tired.... a lot. But he remains positive and hasn't endured all the terrible possibilities that were outlined for us before we arrived. It's truly miraculous. The doctors are pleasantly surprised at his progress and lack of complications.

This is because YOU prayed. There are people as far away as the Philippines who are praying for some guy in a hospital in California. I'm blown away at the many prayers that have arrived and the encouragement that has come from my church here at SUM. I'm deeply thankful for even a few words you have whispered for me and Mike.


I'll admit, it has been rough for me personally, these past few weeks. I have really struggled but a few days ago, the Lord lifted me up and I'm doing better coping with all that must be managed and handled, and now remotely. It seems life, which is already challenging, becomes even harder (managing life remotely now). Last week my daily Bible started on the first chapter of Job. I've never really related to that story until this week.

However, the Lord has given me some promises. I prayed on the day Mike was admitted to the hospital back in April

He revealed the end from the beginning and I KNOW, that I know, in my knower..... IT WILL HAPPEN. So, I wait for October 6th. And this promise came with a sign that God said would happen on June 6th. AND indeed, it did happen. So, I'll wait and when I see how and what God is going to do, I'll share it with you.

I expect Mike to be released from the hospital next week. And then we hang out here in Palo Alto for two months. There is so much to be resolved, but I cling to the hem of His robe.

I also am so aware that a great number of you are walking through very difficult stuff. My heart aches for you. I have prayed for many of you. I feel the compassion of our good Father as He watches us tough it out. I'm convinced we are on the precipice of a great move in our world. God has those who love him and are sold out for His Kingdom, in His strong and loving hands.

So, for now we pray for one another. I would love to pray for you. I actually need new prayer focus. So, please leave me your prayer requests in the comments. 

I adore you, my SUM family. STAND UP STRAIGHT. We have the TRUTH. Don't waver in what is real and powerful. 

BELEIVE! PERSEVER! PRAY! Then we shall see the miracles. I know I'm in for a ton in a few months. So are you.

Blessings and Hugs, Lynn

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