My friends, I am still lingering over Proverbs 24, which encourages us to build our houses with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. 
Sometimes God plants you in a scripture, and you don’t move on from it for a while! Well, that’s the case here.
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. (Proverbs 24:3-4, NIV)
I did a little study of these three words -- Knowledge, wisdom and understanding -- as I was keen to know what they looked like more specifically. Here we go:
Wisdom, in Hebrew, is the word Hakma. It means, skill in war, wisdom in administration, shrewdness, prudence in religious affairs, and wisdom in ethics.
Understanding, in Hebrew, is the word Tabun. It means intelligence, discretion, reason, the act of understanding, insight.
Knowledge, in Hebrew, is the word Da’at. It means cunning, knowing something, discernment, perception.
Together, these three descriptive words – which do overlap in meaning – capture the ingredients of how to build a strong house (i.e., family). They are the builder's materials, as we wisely build our homes.
So now, let’s take some of the above definitions and discuss what this looks like, in practice, when building our own homes:
Skill in war: I understand spiritual warfare. I understand that there are forces of evil as well as good, that are trying to derail my house, and I actively fight in prayer for the protection and spiritual health of my family. (Side note here: If you haven't yet, and want to become upskilled in spiritual warfare for the unequally yoked, read Lynn's book, Spiritual Enforcer!)
Wisdom in administration: This could refer to having Biblical wisdom about things like finances, lending and borrowing, the management of a family, and linking your family in a healthy way to community, church and society.
Discernment: It is important to be able to discern spiritual things in relation to our home. That is, we learn to discern the spirits. If there is a problem, we should be able to ask ourselves and God 'What is the root cause of this, spiritually?' God gives us eyes to see and ears to hear, so that we can keep our homes healthy.
Prudence in religious affairs, insight, wisdom: I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and understand what pure and undefiled religion looks like (James 1:27), then I bring that into my home in insightful ways.
Intelligence: I know why I believe what I do, I have examined truth and error, I have a good grasp of scripture, and I am growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Cunning: I am wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove in my home, and as I lead my family.
When I say 'I' in all the above statements, I don't mean myself: I mean all of us, and what it looks like to build our homes with these ingredients.
My friends, we could go on here, but that gives us a little taster: Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are profound things, and have a key impact on our homes. What’s more, scripture shows at various points that these are things that others unwittingly recognize and find themselves attracted to – Like the Queen of Sheba who came to see Solomon and marveled. There are quite a few statements in scripture that say others will be attracted to, and will notice, your hakma, tabun and da'at.
So with all that said, all the best building your homes with knowledge, wisdom and understanding; and once again I pray for a downpour of these things for our SUM houses!
Love you all