What is Truth?
March 08, 2024
On Monday, I encouraged you to identify the lie that your prodigal son or daughter believes, and to counter that with the truth. I remember well sitting in a counselor’s office with my then-teenager, arguing whether there is such a thing as absolute truth. One of the hallmarks of this age is its relativism, its insistence that each person can define what is true for them, whether or not it’s true for anyone else.
I believe truth is a person. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He told Pilate, “For this reason I came into the world: to testify to the truth.” God created the universe by his word; therefore, his reality is the only valid reality. He created us, and what he says about us is true and valid, regardless of circumstances or the opinions of others or ourselves. What he says about himself is also perfectly true.
What is the truth about our children? They were designed and created by God. Whether their parents wanted a child or not, God breathed life into them at the moment of conception. He has specific plans and purposes for them. Think back to when your child was young, and consider what was unique about them. Take Psalm 139:1-18 and pray it out loud, replacing the references to “I” and “me” with your son or daughter’s name. Receive the comfort of knowing that our good God is incredibly close to our kids, even when we are not.
If you were able to identify one or more of the lies your child believes, find scriptures that refute that lie. For instance, if your child believes that God hates them, find verses about his love for them and declare that truth. Romans 8:38-39 is one of many.
I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate (name) from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
In your prayer time, ask Jesus to reveal to you HIS truth about your unique child, then sit quietly with your eyes closed for several minutes. If you don’t hear or see anything, pick up your Bible and read until you feel the Holy Spirit bring a verse or phrase to life in your spirit. Then stop, and ask him what he’s saying about your child in that verse. Take hold of that truth and wage war with it! Write it down, pray it out, speak it out loud every day.
Do not let the enemy discourage you in your mission to explore how Jesus sees your child. Remember Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.” If there is interference, cut it off. If I sense that something is blocking the voice of God, I might say, “I am a beloved child of Almighty God. I belong to Jesus who has redeemed me by his blood. I bind every foul lying devil and command it to leave my house and not return, in Jesus’ name. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over this house and declare that no force of darkness can enter.” If you have a prayer language, by all means, use it early and often! It’s a great weapon, as the Holy Spirit himself will speak what needs to be said.
Finally, do not be discouraged by the discrepancy between what Jesus intended for your child and what they are currently doing. Our God is faithful, and he will not give up on your child! In Matthew 21, Jesus told a parable about a man with two sons. The father asked the sons to go work in his vineyard. The first son said, “I will not,” but later he repented and went. Your child might be saying, “No” now, but when they repent, he or she will be a fantastic witness and Jesus will work mightily through them. Focus on the joy you – and Jesus – will experience when your child comes home. Allow yourself to dwell on that future joy more than the current circumstance. Our God is more than capable of bringing about this miracle, and it is his will that none should perish.
In addition to Psalm 139, there are a number of verses and passages that encourage me. Look these up if you’d like, or find your own (and write them in the comments!) May you and your family be blessed with the Truth.
- Ephesians 2:10
- Matthew 18:10-14
- Luke 15:3-7
- Hebrews 1:14
- Psalm 91:3-8
- Jeremiah 1:5
- Philippians 1:6