I Dare You to Make This Commitment....
Foundational Pillar - Listen In

LET'S GO!!!!

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February is going to be amazing. So many of you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I get it!!!  So, let do something about it.

I want you to know we can have real victory. I know this because the teaching I'm going to share here on the blog and in the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I have lived out. 

I AM CONVINCED that the warfare I learned made the difference in my husband's decision to become baptized. Also, our relationship benefited tremendously. Additionally, other relationships improved and so did numerous difficult circumstances. 

Spiritual Enforcer picks off where Marching Around Jericho ends. The tools, strategies and prayers I share are built upon a strong foundation. This foundation MUST be established to walk out the principles I teach in EnforcerIf you haven't read Marching Around Jericho, please get a copy and read it first. Also, I will be sharing some of the video training I offer as a support to the book.

I will cover some of these basics next week and ask for your input as well. Start this journey NOW.

Leave in the comments your favorite verse that gives you hope, releases victory into your life, or is a power verse to defeat evil. I will collect these and make them available at the end of our study. 

PLEASE take time to leave a verse. It may be the very WORD that helps someone else who is on this journey but right behind you. Love you. See you in the comments. Hugs, Lynn

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