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15 entries from February 2024

Life Changes, From Ann

Hi SUM family Ann and boys

What a fantastic month Lynn has taken us on! I hope you are feeling suitably equipped and raring to go on the spiritual warfare front.

As for me, I've missed you guys!

I had a full month myself, with some big life changes that have taken up much of my heart space:

The first change is this: My wee Miles, who is 17, left home last week. And he did so with gusto: Full of independence and joy. He has gone to university in a town that is almost two hours' flight away. He's in Dunedin, which is a cold but cool university town at the very bottom of New Zealand, and I'm in Auckland.

I took him there just over a week ago, settled him into his room, had a final coffee with him at a local cafe, then wrapped my arms around him - me crying, him laughing, and me kind of laughing too - as we said goodbye.

My family unit has fract-u-r-ed I whimpered dramatically as I sat on the plane back to Auckland.

I'd just walked up the plane stairs alongside another mother who'd just dropped her daughter off at said university town. 

"It's umbilical." She observed. "From the moment I set eyes on her as a newborn I've been dreading this day."

What a pair we were, egging each other on as fellow Mums. But the truth is I'm delighted for him too.

Meanwhile, what did God say?

"Turn, turn, turn - To everything there is a season." You know the song and the scripture?

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). 

Now is the time for Miles to find his feet outside of home. His free will and independence are part of God's package; just like God silently lost me for a while there when I was younger. And so I must turn and embrace MY new season ahead too. 

The other change is that Bryce is taking a sabbatical from work, and we're going to Europe for six months. Much preparation has gone into this, we leave in only a few weeks' time, and it's going to involve us being together as a couple, 24/7. 

We're going to a few countries in Europe, including England where my family lives. And I've rented little self-catering places for us where we'll live like the locals, and potter together.

While away, we're going to walk an ancient pilgrim trail called the 'Camino de Santiago', which goes across Spain. That trail is a centuries-old Christian pilgrimage, and many of the people who walk it do so for spiritual reasons. That will be interesting for us as a SUM pair, as we will probably meet a lot of Christians on that path. And there may be spiritual conversations. 

Knowing that we'll be in each other's pockets, I've been thinking about whether I will find the 'togetherness' too much, or lovely. I think lovely. But we did have one conversation that went along these lines:

Me --"Look I will need quite a lot of time with God in the morning, you mustn't force me to leave the house too early!" 

"We'll see..." He replied.

"I like to linger with God," I said, meaning it seriously.

He rolled his eyes. "Not too much lingering," was his reply.

So we will have to work that out. Will he and I enjoy doing everything together?! I'll keep you posted, and you might get some new SUM thoughts as I navigate this new time.


So that's me. But now from a ministry point of view, we have some plans to share for March. We have a fantastic guest writer who is going to come and take us through a series that I know will be helpful for many of you. Jeanne Ritari, who many of you know through her work with Lynn, is going to be writing on the topic of adult prodigal children.

Are you up for that? I am grateful to Jeanne for taking this on, she is a great writer and an inspiring woman of God, and you will see her kick off this series next week.


Well, that's all from me. Enjoy the guest series, and much love to you all.


It's a WRAP.... At least for Now

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverHey Gang,

Well, my month of hijacking the blog to share what is written in Spiritual Enforcer has come to an end here on SUM. Ann will be back tomorrow to share our next topic.

I will continue to write about the teachings of this book over at my personal website: Join me there to learn more about what I share in the last three sections of the book.

One of my most favorite parts of the entire book is at the back. I share with you about my engagement with the Spirit of Wisdom. OH, my friends, how we need her. 


Later in March I'll let you know about the video training and how you can participate in that. I'll flesh out more of these concepts and expand with my stories of fighting and winning against evil. 

Still to cover is: Taking Back the House. How we defend ourselves, our home and family. And also How we advance the Kingdom of God on the earth. Specific fights like culture and politics and finally commencement. 

Join me on March 3rd for more warfare tactics and help. I love you. You were made for greatness! Hugs, Lynn Donovan

Spiritual Enforcer - Works of Darkness

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverHello Everyone,

In Part Two of Spiritual Enforcer, I offer a deep dive into the demonic realm. Because so much of the church remains ignorant of demons and their rights to oppress people, we are routinely victimized, traumatized, and beaten into submission. 

This section of the book requires maturity. And again, I state that we are to remain Christ focused. However, we must truly understand what we are fighting and how to fight back effectively. In this section I cover several of the most used tactics of the demons to harm and hurt us. 

The most used tactic is FEAR. If the devils can make you afraid you aren't partnered with faith. And it's from faith where our victory is assured. I also cover sexual sin, sexual spirits, sex soul ties and a few other areas that are openings for oppression. 

Even more important in this section is the topic, Idol Worship. Idol worship is one of the biggest deceptions of the evil realm and Christians often participate unknowingly. And the penalty for idol worship is severe. But even unknown sin is still an open door to the devil. And believe me, he will exploit every advantage offered up. And believers are not immune from this sin and its penalty.

This section of the book requires maturity. Demonic and evil legal rights are the least discussed and taught subject in churches.

I truly believe comprehending this section of the book is critical to victory. 

Okay, share with me. Have you experienced a battle with the evil realm? What did you learn?

three dots and a dash... Our Victory is at hand. I love you. God is for you and with you. He is all we need. Blessings and hugs, Lynn


Power and Authority in Christ

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverMy friends, within the first section of Spiritual Enforcer, I also teach about walking in greater power and authority. I outline our authority as believers and also address in great degree why we fail to see that authority come into reality. I cover open doors that exist in the spiritual and closing the doors.

Also, I speak to partnering with the Holy Spirit who is the force or power for us as believers. I didn't flesh this concept out fully but will cover more of this in the video teaching in the future. But know this, real power is at our hands and within our commands. And we can learn to partner with the Holy Spirit to exert real power into our lives and circumstances. 

When we held our SUM get together at my house in September, the Holy Spirit told me to provide a demonstration of power. And with great prayer and belief, I did. Then I asked others in the room to give it a try and they did. It's all about belief. And then the Holy Spirit moves. There is so much more to share about the power and authority we have as believers. I hope you are finding the first section of the book encouraging. And if you are, please tell me about it in the comments. I would love your feedback. 

The next section I explain and expand regarding the demonic realm. I'll address this topic further in my next post.

Share with me what you are learning. Ask me questions in the comments so I can address them in the live teaching.

I love you. You are stronger than you believe and all of heaven is cheering you on. So am I. Hugs, Lynn

What Will You Learn When Your Read Spiritual Enforcer?

Foundations for Effective WarfareHi Lynn Donovan here. 

Order now

Are you curious how this book will help you? Do you want greater victory in your faith, home life, and relationships?

Well, this week we are going to poke our nose into the book, Spiritual Enforcer, and discover some of the critical components that are crucial to launch you into greater effectiveness when confronted with evil powers. 

The book is divided into four sections. The first section is built upon the foundational pillars I cover in great detail in the book, Marching Around Jericho. Thank you for reviewing that teaching last week and for re-reading the book. 

In the first section of Enforcer I share the premise to ALL victorious warfare. If you want to fight against anger, deception, lying spirits, lust, poverty, pornography, weariness, hopelessness and a host of other evil spirits, this premise is an absolute must. It is faith. 

Faith is simple but faith is complex. The faith we need to fight is found in our stance. 

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11

Most of us believe it's the armor that is crucial and it is. However, without the proper stance, the armor is useless. There is too much to write here. Infact, I wrote six chapters about our stance and all that it encompasses. 

The Lord expects us to protect that what is assigned to us. But we must learn what that is and how to pray protection and prosperity over it. 

Let me ask you a question. What areas are assigned to you to protect, nurture, prosper and guide? Think about this. It's larger than you might expect..... And smaller than you might know. Share with me in the comments your thoughts. 

I love you so much. Hugs, Lynn

Valentine's Day

Yep, it's Valentines 2024 day. Sometimes this is a great day because we have been remembered by our spouse. And sometimes it's a great day of expectation and disappointment. 

I hurt with all of you who are disappointed today because you were not acknowledged by a spouse, a child or a friend. But, please know this, I love you.

I wish I could paste pink, red and white hearts all over your garage with love notes written on each. Please know that I would.

I would write:

You are kind.
You are enough.
You are strong.
You are brave.
You are a good mother.
You are a good dad.
You are an amazing spouse.
You are the chosen of God.
Jesus saw your face when he said, "I will never leave your nor forsake you."
You have a hope and a future.
Your life is important.
You are designed to speak life.
You were created to love.
The most important thing about you and your purpose is to be loved.
God loves you more than you comprehend or imagine.

Please see all these words of truth scribbled on hearts and stuck to the door of your heart.

I love you, Valentine. Lynn

Identity - Our Original Design

Hey, first, apologies as the sound on the videos is challenging. So sorry. Bad iPhone recording at the time. grin 

Today, Let's listen in as we consider, Original Design. We are almost there. And watch for video training in the future for the new book as I flesh out the concepts and share true stories of the supernatural in our lives and how we partner with God.

Download PDF Field Guide → Original Design



Kingdom Identity

A SHOUT OUT TO: Nickole and LuAnn who led the studies last week on Intimacy with God. This pillar is an absolute foundation that is needed to stand upon for effective warfare.

Listen to me, I can't emphasize enough how important our intimacy with God is when battling the demonic realm. It is a must. I mean this, don't read the next book if you don't have regular intimacy with the Lord on a consistent and frequent basis. What I write about might be frightful, if you aren't maturing in your relationship with the Lord. 

ALSO, our firmly established Identity in Christ is an absolute. Listen in and work through the Field guide. This is all in preparation for the book that launches this Saturday. 

Download PDF Field Guide → Kingdom Identity 


A Little More Fun???

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverUpdate: We have a winner. I'll email you.

Hey. So, the questions yesterday weren't so easy. Were they????

Enter again today for another giveaway of eBook, Paperback or Audio, your choice.

One: What does the insignia below the word, Enforcer, mean?

Two: What area of spiritual warfare is most interesting to you?

Answer both questions correctly in the comments and you are entered to win.

PS. The scripture verses you provided last week are all amazing. I'll let you know when I have them ready for you in the future.

Love you so much. I'm so excited to hear your feedback about the book. 



Guess What?

Sick and tiredUpdate: We have a winner. I'll email you.

One week until official launch date. 

Let's do some fun things together as we near the launch. Answer these questions in the comments. The person who answers correctly is entered into a drawing for a free, eBook, print or audio (when the audio is ready) copy of the book.

Question One: Why is February 17th launch date significant?

Two: Decipher the meaning of the code in the center of the badge on the cover.

I have more to share tomorrow for ANOTHER giveaway. Stop in tomorrow at 2 pm Pacific and have another go. 

Also, we will visit the next Pillar of Faith that we MUST have firmly established to step into powerful and effective warfare on Monday.

Okay, Let's go!!  We are on an amazing journey. And I promise the warfare tactics I share come straight from the Bible. AND THEY WORK!

Love you all, Lynn Donovan

Spiritual Enforcer

Foundational Pillar - Holy Spirit

Enforcer Banner

SUM Nation, 

Lynn here. We are on a roll now. Let's establish our foundation in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is absolutely vital to know and understand as we enter into a theater of war. Listen in and join the conversation here in the comments or on Facebook.

Download PDF Field Guide → Intimacy with the Holy Spirit

Foundational Pillar - Jesus - Join the Conversation

Enforcer Banner

SUM Nation, Lynn here on this glorious Wednesday.

Did you process that LARGE question of God’s goodness? Whew. Took me a long while to walk through that one.

Now let’s consider what intimacy with Jesus is all about.

Download PDF Field Guide → Intimacy with Jesus

Leave your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation happening on Facebook.

Foundational Pillar - Listen In

Enforcer Banner

Hi everyone. Lynn Donovan here with you. AND Nicole and LuAnn. Nicole and LuAnn will be leading a study of this content on our SUM FB Page and SUM Sisters Group. Check in there if you want to see how others are working through this study.

Today let’s talk about a foundational pillar that is a MUST have in order for effective warfare. In the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I share a significant amount of information regarding the demonic. This is who we are battling.

Today, let’s establish the Pillar of Intimacy with God. And we tackle the GREAT question: Is God Good? And if God is good why does bad things happen to good people?

Download PDF Field Guide → Goodness of God

LET'S GO!!!!

Enforcer Banner
February is going to be amazing. So many of you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I get it!!!  So, let do something about it.

I want you to know we can have real victory. I know this because the teaching I'm going to share here on the blog and in the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I have lived out. 

I AM CONVINCED that the warfare I learned made the difference in my husband's decision to become baptized. Also, our relationship benefited tremendously. Additionally, other relationships improved and so did numerous difficult circumstances. 

Spiritual Enforcer picks off where Marching Around Jericho ends. The tools, strategies and prayers I share are built upon a strong foundation. This foundation MUST be established to walk out the principles I teach in EnforcerIf you haven't read Marching Around Jericho, please get a copy and read it first. Also, I will be sharing some of the video training I offer as a support to the book.

I will cover some of these basics next week and ask for your input as well. Start this journey NOW.

Leave in the comments your favorite verse that gives you hope, releases victory into your life, or is a power verse to defeat evil. I will collect these and make them available at the end of our study. 

PLEASE take time to leave a verse. It may be the very WORD that helps someone else who is on this journey but right behind you. Love you. See you in the comments. Hugs, Lynn