Guess What?
February 10, 2024
Update: We have a winner. I'll email you.
One week until official launch date.
Let's do some fun things together as we near the launch. Answer these questions in the comments. The person who answers correctly is entered into a drawing for a free, eBook, print or audio (when the audio is ready) copy of the book.
Question One: Why is February 17th launch date significant?
Two: Decipher the meaning of the code in the center of the badge on the cover.
I have more to share tomorrow for ANOTHER giveaway. Stop in tomorrow at 2 pm Pacific and have another go.
Also, we will visit the next Pillar of Faith that we MUST have firmly established to step into powerful and effective warfare on Monday.
Okay, Let's go!! We are on an amazing journey. And I promise the warfare tactics I share come straight from the Bible. AND THEY WORK!
Love you all, Lynn Donovan