Our Annual Community Fast
New Year - New Beginnings!

The plan for our community fast

Hello dear SUMites, Ann here. Refreshing 2

Something amazing happened this week -- I received something from God specifically for our SUM community, and I am going to tell you about it next week when we begin our annual fast.

I'll keep you in suspense about that one :-)

But for now, this week let's get preparing for our annual SUM community fast.

Many of you have taken part in this fast before. For others of you it will be the first time. Here's how it works:

We fast from sun-up on Monday the 8th of January until sunset on Friday the 12th.

If you haven't fasted before, a good way to start would be to go without food from sun-up to sun-set each day and have a small bite to eat in the evening, while still drinking liquids throughout the day.

However, pray about it and see what the Spirit is leading you to do.

Why do we fast? It lifts us into a greater level of intimacy with God, bringing spiritual blessings and power to our situation. Things change when we fast. Honestly, we could write a book based on some of the things that have happened to SUMites in this community when fasting.

It really is a blessed time.

The first time I took part in this community fast, one of my favorite things that happened was that in the final hour -- at 6pm on the Friday -- I walked into my bedroom to find Bryce lying on the bed reading a Christian book. That was unheard of, it completely bowled me over, and I look back now and see it as a God 'wink' to show me that, yes, my fasting had done something in the heavenlies.

Fasting is not about twisting God's arm. Rather, it's about seeking him, and asking for more of him. When we make ourselves vulnerable and hungry it sends us to our knees in a way that other things don't.

So, to prepare:

  • Pray now for your ability to fast
  • Read some scriptures about fasting
  • Clear your week as much as you can, including getting your family to cook next week. or planning some meals ahead for them
  • Get juices and other nice drinks in stock to help you through
  • Consider telling your spouse/family, if you can - I do tell mine, though it wasn't easy to do at first.

Exciting! Yep, that's right, I'm excited about it. Tough as it is.

What questions do you have about fasting? Fire away!

Lots of love


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