The Healing Power of The Lord
You Are Not Crazy!

A Special Child-Like Day with God

... Today I'm continuing my story. For part one, see here. SUM graphics

This story is a playful story. It is, in fact, a story about the joy of the Lord.

My friends, I left off where Lynn and I had just sat down at the back of a room where a man was about to talk about healing. Everyone around us had settled in quietly, and the man walked to the front and prepared to start his talk. 


The room was quiet. People shuffled their papers, chatted to those next to them, then settled into a quiet hush as the man took his place at the front.


The man opened his mouth --

- And BAM!!!!  The Holy Spirit hit me!!! 

My friends, I crumpled in my seat. And this hit of power took the form of laughter and joy!

Yes, God endued me there and then with a full-on case of Holy Laughter. Holy, holy laughter. This is not something I'd experienced before. And honestly, it was the FUNNIEST and most joy-filled experience ever. All I could do was burst into fit of giggles, after fit of giggles, after fit of giggles, all the while feeling God's power. Every time I looked at the man at the front, it seemed to exacerbate things and I could do nothing but collapse in my chair disruptively, while everyone else around me stayed sitting perfectly still, listening to the man.

I was slapping my leg with joy, smacking Lynn on the back, burrowing my face into her shoulder to try and control it. And then I whispered to her, like a child --


'Girl, you're getting more than what he's saying', she laughed back.

I'm told later that the man talked for 15-30 minutes. He played a video and got some people with healing testimonies to speak. Well I didn't notice a thing. It was wild. And all I could think was:

There is absolute joy in healing. It is straight from the Kingdom of Heaven. And I'm going to get to see more of it.


Eventually after all that, we got taken into the healing rooms, me still in a wrecked state. It was a big hall full of beauty. There were paintings to sit beside, worship music, and a section of the room where you could go and get prayed for.

By this point the giggles had subsided, replaced by an intensely childlike state. I wasn't feeling my normal earthly self. Instead, I felt like a 6-yr old girl, and I was behaving like that with Lynn, who was pretty much acting as my chaperone by this point.

Scripture speaks of the beauty of being childlike. Those who receive the Kingdom must do so like a child.

We went over to where people were waiting for prayer for healing and, it was there, in front of everyone, that I started to dance, waving the paper on which I'd written what I wanted healing for. Round and round I twirled, childlike.

Giggling, Lynn snapped a quick video -- here. Go on, watch it and have a little laugh :-)

After doing said dance ((LOL)), I then positioned myself beside a particular painting, feeling full to the brim with peace. I sat for two hours, looking at that painting, and talking to God about my life. I pulled my journal towards me and began to write .... It took me about five minutes to craft each sentence. Painting rotated

As I wrote, I looked down and saw gold dust on my girly green dress. Then there it was, on my hand. Then there was more: It was on the page on which I was writing. And finally Lynn said to me, 'It's on your face'. I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and sure enough there it was, on my lips.

Oh God, what a blessed day. 

I said goodbye to Lynn somewhere along the way on this special day, and was left with two remaining SUMites: Jim, and Lucie, who continued to keep me company in my childlike state in the Healing Rooms. 

It was a true, beautiful blessing from the Father of lights, who gives good gifts to his kids.

Next time I will share one final thing that happened with Lucie and Jim.

Beautiful stories... Thanks for journeying along with me. I love you all.


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