A Must-Read!
August 29, 2023
A couple of weeks ago I walked into my local library. I wasn't even intending to get a book out, but my eyes rested on one singular book, sitting there innocuously on the shelf: 'Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude'.
Looks interesting, I thought, and took it home.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I began reading at 2pm. By 5pm I was glued to the chair unable to put the book down even to go to the toilet. And by 7pm I had to shout upstairs to my two children, 'Sorry boys, can you get your own dinner? I've got this book....'
11pm rolled round and I was two thirds of the way through, having barely interacted with my family the whole evening due to the gripping nature of this book. Bryce called out 'I'm going to bed Ann!' and so I had to reluctantly lay ... this amazing ... story ... down. Until the morning.
I won't spoil it for you. It is a very sad book. It is about a woman whose husband got cancer in his early thirties. But it is a glorious and miraculous book. It is a memoir about a conversion: An unlikely conversion that happened in the most impossible of circumstances.
It will fill you with hope; and it will give you the kind of testimony that is important to have as a SUMite: A testimony that nothing is impossible with God, and that when his power comes sweeping into a situation it changes EVERYTHING.
It's well worth a read.
Hope is Coming: A True Story of Grief and Gratitude, by Louise Blyth (2021), published by Yellow Kite.
And, if you can't get the book and prefer to get a little synopsis of the story from the author herself, here's the video version of her testimony.