A Chat with Ian and Ann
What is Jesus Doing on the Earth? READ THIS!

The End of a Very Cool Week

Hi everyone, how fun was it sharing that story of the two visitors! The word jolly comes to mind. Piano

That's God and who he is for us. He crafts stories for us, and he is full of joy. But the story is not done yet, because something else just happened. Get this:

Today I was all set to continue our series on navigating church, and was preparing to write my next post. Well just as I was preparing to start writing, the phone rang. It was none other than one of the two visitors!! The girl.

I'm not making this up. I promise.

At this point you may be wondering if you should grab a cuppa. I think so. And let me catch my breath for a minute ... !

Anyway --

I answered the phone and declared "HELLO!" buoyantly, surprised to see her name pop up.

She came straight out with the reason for her call: "Hey I know this is a crazy idea, but I just wondered if I could come over and play your piano? I don't have one at home ..."

Could she? Why not. I was only planning to write SUM posts today, so she could play while I wrote.

"Please do!" I said. "I won't be very present as I have some writing to do, but just come over and make yourself at home, I'd actually love that."

It turns out she is a song-writer. She usually uses her guitar to write songs but she saw my piano when she was at my house the other day ... And being young and having parents overseas she doesn't have one of her own. She was so enticed she just had to ask.

So she is here, in my living room, as I write. She is tinkering on my piano and singing out certain phrases over and over with different combinations of chords.

Now, this is the interesting part. What is she singing? Hang on, she sounds like she's writing a song about my church! And she has the most beautiful, deep, rich singing voice.

How do I know she's singing a song about my church?

Well, the other day when she was at my house she mentioned the fact that God is doing things in my church, which meets in a school hall. She said when we roll out the carpet and bring out the chairs we're doing something wonderful for God ... And she made an especial point about how good the simplicity is in my church. 

And now she is literally singing out those same phrases from my piano. It seems she's writing a song about my church, just as we're about to carry on writing our series about the church. Could this whole story get any weirder? LOL. Audrey Ann

Rolling out a carpet ...

Bringing out chairs ...

This old school hall .... 

Was it always this simple to let you in, Lord?

Quirky. Weird. Cool. 

After all that, I just had to ask our piano-playing visitor for another photo, so here we are, she and I at my front door. I asked her 'Was that song you were writing about my church?' Yes it was, she confirmed.

"Please come and play my piano again," I offered-asked. And we hugged and said goodbye.

So now we come back to reality: Yes, we are the SUM Nation, and we can do church. We can roll out the carpets, bring out the chairs, and be ready to bring that simplicity that God wants to his church: Simple intimacy with him. Next week we will start writing again about that topic ... Well, unless God interrupts me/us again. 

Have a great weekend, all of you. Love you!


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