SUM Community Fast: What Does God Have in Store For Us?
Five Truths for the Unequally Yoked

Preparing for our Fast

Hi SUMites Fasting from food

It's Ann here. Only a few days now until our fast begins! So, on that note let's talk about the practical aspects of this fast.

Our fast begins on Monday the 9th at sunrise and ends on Friday the 13th at sunset.

If you're new to fasting, this may be the most special fast you'll have. God will meet you there!

A good option, if you're new to it, would be to go without food each day until sunset, then have a small meal in the evening. If you do that, make sure you drink plenty of liquids - Juice, tea, and coffee, for example. 

On the other hand, if you've fasted before, you might like to consider the more radical option: A liquid-only fast for the whole five days. Gulp! Hard it is -- But that kind of sacrifice for God holds a power in it that may well radically lift our game.

A few years ago, Lynn shared that she had decided to intensify her fasting practices during the SUM fast. Instead of having an evening meal each night, she went without food all five days. The rest of us watched incredulously, thinking 'I couldn't do that!' For my part, I actually was too scared of doing it, lest I do my body some damage!

I can be a bit silly about things like this, and I actually thought 'Would I die?!' LOL. But honestly, fear just needs to GO, right? 

Well, Lynn actually had an incredible vision from God during that fast. And, after hearing that I too wanted more of God. I was hungry for him and still am.

About three years ago, I began doing that kind of fast, and it's what I'm going to do again this time. I have a little cabin in my garden where I'm going to hang out, hungry, and I know it will be a blessed time. 

Preparation for a fast does help. So here are some thoughts on how to prepare:

  • Pray now about it, asking God what kind of fast he'd like you to do. Apart from food, for example, is there anything else he'd like you to fast from? 
  • Pray for your ability to fast, too. Pray that the enemy cannot stop you from doing it.
  • Clear your week from commitments as much as possible.
  • Have plenty of juice and liquids ready in your house to help you along.
  • Tell your family, if possible, and plan ahead so that you don't have to do much cooking.
  • Find a special space in your house where you can retreat to, to spend time with God next week.

You might also want to talk to God about what you're fasting for. You might have some questions you'd like to put to him this week. Or, there might be some particular things on your mind that you'd like to fast about. I tend to write down before the week starts what I hope to talk to God about.

Do we tell our spouses? Yes, I do, and it helps that Bryce knows. I found it very hard to tell him initially but plucked up the courage. He thought it was mildly weird, but ok. Fast-forward a few years and now he knows it's something I do in January and "Oh, it's that time of year again. Right then."

Anyway, it's exciting. Do you have any questions? I'm praying for you as you prepare for this, and I can't wait!

Let's share in the comments how we're each going to fast, and feel free to ask questions in the comments too.


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