Seminar on the End-Times Church, 20 January
January 16, 2022
You'll remember a few weeks ago on Giving Tuesday that we mentioned a seminar that Lynn would be running on the end-times church. Well, that seminar is going to be this Thursday, 20 January, at 11am Pacific time (note that's USA time -- So, it's Friday for those of us in Australia/New Zealand).
It will be a LIVE seminar, and a great opportunity to see other SUMites in person and interact.
If you're a reader of Lynn's blog you'll likely already have seen this seminar mentioned. I've copied below a little of what she had to say about it. Note that if you donated at the time of Giving Tuesday (thank you!) your access to this is free. Lynn will send you the link to the seminar automatically and you need do nothing more. Otherwise, there's a fee of $49 and you can register by going over to Lynn's blog and signing up there. Here's the link for that.
In Lynn's words here's what the seminar will cover:
- The initiation of the plan of God. And the Mystery of God. (Ephesians 1:9-11)
- Lucifer's fall. I will answer this question: Why, after thousands of years serving the Lord, did Lucifer betray God. It's pride but what caused that prideful fall? I know the answer and can't wait to tell you.
- Who is a Gentile, A Jew, the Church. and the Nepheline THESE four parts of humanity matter a great deal to the telling of the story.
- We will cover Matthew 24, all the scriptures in the New Testament and Revelation.
- We will gain understanding of the entire plan.
- We will look at revelation and see how those scriptures are being fulfilled before our very eyes.
- We will examine the Day of the Lord, the Judgement Seat of Christ, the Day of Wrath and the antichrist.
- We will discover the truth, based scripture upon scripture, of the last days. Understand what is to come and the purpose of the church in these days.
Finally, it will be two and a half hours long, so come armed with Bible and make yourself comfy for the session.
I can't wait to see some of you there in person and I get the feeling we may continue to talk about some of these issues here on this blog over the early part of 2022.