Close The Open Doors by Lynn Donovan
September 12, 2021
Continuing from the last post. Let’s explore the second reason people lose their healing and freedom following an encounter with Jesus.
- OPEN DOORS: Around six-to-eight weeks following a prayer session a person will experience a moment. They stop and think to themselves, why am I feeling like this again. Why am I having these destructive and negative thoughts once more. Why am I back in the middle of this mess. And then finally they will think: Well that prayer session didn’t work. Humph!
What I know for sure is this. Jesus showed up. And He always brings love, healing, truth and freedom. But, we fail to do our part. And our part is two fold. As I mentioned last time, we must put in the hard work of developing our faith life and practices.
But secondly, WE MUST CLOSE THE OPEN DOORS. You see, if we have open doors in our soul, our home, our life and relationships, the enemy has access to come right back in. And if you remember from scripture. When the demonic returns, they bring friends with them.
JESUS SAID: “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” – MATTHEW 12: 43-45
In my experience, seldom do people close the doors. So, below is a video where Ann Maire Mora and I discuss her experience with closing open doors. This effort produces a powerful difference. Please watch it. Below are some common open doors. And if you have generational sin and curses, please sign up for a prayer session with me so we can close those doors.
Basic open doors that need shutting are:
- Generational sins and curses
- Any Occult participation: Horoscopes, tarot cards, Ouijas boards, palm reading, black & white majik, etc.
- Television violence and sex.
- Gaming violence and sex. Games like Dungeons and Dragons, magic 8 ball (get a prayer session)
- Free Masonry
- Trinkets from any overseas temple.
- Dedications
- Smart phone applications. Check your children’s phone.
- Social media can be an open door. What groups of discussions are you entwined?
- Habitual sin
- Previous home owners
- Anything that you brought into your home that may be cursed.
Okay, there is a lot of issues that allow entry into our lives. Jesus can and will quickly identify them. Watch the video and follow Annie's example.
I love all of you so much. Freedom is ours. Blood bought by the expensive and precious blood of Christ. Let us not waste a drop. Hugs, Lynn
For more information about this topic read: My Child Sees Monsters