Navigating The Back to School Blues
Perishing vs Being Saved

Lynn Donovan - Where We Are Today

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Lynn Donovan here. Gang, it’s time to catch up with you. I’m going to share a few random thoughts. So grab your coffee, strap in, get ready.  LET’S GO! 

First, I believe that as followers of Jesus, we are amid one of the most challenging seasons of our faith life. This feels especially true when compared to a number of generations that preceded us. For me personally, since January, I’ve faced difficulty and pain that almost toppled me. Even in my marriage. Even though Mike is a believer.

So, if you have walked through or are currently in the Valley of the shadow of death, TAKE HEART.

  1. You aren’t alone.
  2. It will end.
  3. Needed lessons regarding surrender and determination are learned.
  4. Discovery of personal idols are revealed.

Then you will:

  1. Walk into a higher level of intimacy with our King.
  2. Realize how your personal idols were open doors to the demonic.
  3. Discover the blessings of surrender.
  4. Make changes that bring health. Physical health, mental and emotional health and health to your soul.

I’m convinced that we are headed for some interesting times and seasons ahead. The assignment against the Church is intense. Right now, Satan and his minions are working out plans to totally destroy or at least scramble the church. So, when it happens you will know that the effort was intentional. But God will reveal many truths in this season as well. And the Church of Jesus Christ will never be destroyed.

I hear the verse: What can be shaken will be shaken.

Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. – HEBREWS 12:27

We, The Remnant, and I mean all of us who are/were unequally yoked. We have been prepared. It wasn’t a wasted life to live with an unbeliever. We perceive things the majority of the church can’t begin to understand. We appreciate what it’s like to balance and live in the in-between.

And WE KNOW THE TRUTH. We were forced to figure out our beliefs because we lived with persecution within our own homes. So, we will be the first to sniff out deception. To uncover the lies and to unite, even if underground, to bring hope and truth to others who are desperate for a word from God.

One thing I know for certain. Choose every day to arise and…

  1. Follow hard after Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
  2. Forgive Freely
  3. Kick the devil out
  4. Choose to never be offended
  5. Love with truth
  6. Allow wisdom of the Word to be your guide
  7. Know who you are and Whose you are

Finally, for all of you who feel broken. I know exactly how you feel. I can promise you this. When everything is broken and the only thing you have is Jesus. When He is all we have left. He is more than enough. And He is all the matters.

I love you dearly. Keep Marching because your faith is so very important in this season. Hugs, Lynn

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