Belief vs. Unbelief: A Final Thought
February 09, 2021
It’s been fun this past week thinking about the different factors that go into belief vs unbelief. Thanks for reading along, and for your comments -- Reading what you had to say was like iron-sharpening-iron!
I know theologians write about deep matters like predestination and free will. But for us SUMites, we live out those questions every day and our view will be home-spun. We tend to do a very personal analysis right in our home, asking: “What is going on here, Lord?” After all, we desperately want to understand our spouse’s story.
From writing about it this past week I am left with one main thought, which is a little humbling:
O the deepness of the riches, both of the wisdom, and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33, GNV)
Yep, much of it is unfathomable. In some ways that helps me sit back and rest a little. If, for example, the spiritual mismatch in my own marriage has an element of God's timing attached to it, then who am I to complain. Alternatively, if the reason for my family's unbelief is that the demonic realm is trying to thwart our faith lives, then my attitude can be: "Ok, Lord, teach me to see it and to fight."
Overall, knowing that our loved ones have free will but the demonic has a role, and (importantly) the Father has some kind of clock or plan, here is a final prayer for us today as we finish this mini-series:
Lord God. We know You are sovereign and we know You are good.
We know You have a book written about our lives. From this day forward help us to align our own feet with the book you have written for us.
Teach us how to fight the enemy for the freedom of our spouse.
Teach us how to fight the enemy for our own freedom.
Show us how to walk in a way that respects our spouse’s free will but brings them the truth You want them to know.
And please keep speaking to us, the SUM community!
In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray this. Amen.
My friends, that's all for now, and I'm praying about what to write next. I hope you are managing to keep marching and are keeping well out there.
With love,