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Announcing our Summer Study!

Hi friends, Ann here!

The sun is shining as I write from down here in New Zealand, and it’s even more summery up in the Northern Hemisphere. So, with the sun beaming I’m happy to announce we are about to launch into our annual summer Bible study.Sumites in the Bible

This year we’re going to do something a little different. Instead of doing what we normally do and taking a book to work through, this time we're going to take a trip through scripture to examine some of the spiritually mismatched marriages that lie within the pages of the Bible. Yes, we’re taking a look at SUMites in the Bible.

Were there many of them? We’ve thought up a few. And then in some cases it seems that aspects of a marriage were spiritually mismatched without it being overtly mentioned. I wonder whether any particular Bible character springs to mind for you? If so, post in the comments – We’d be interested to see who you think of.

We’ll be kicking the study off next Monday, 6 July, and Lynn, Tiffany and I will be taking it in turns to write. So, have your cups of coffee and Bibles ready, pull up a chair, and let’s have some fun with this topic.

Till then!


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