My Husband Led the Way
October 06, 2019
May I start off by saying, “My husband is a true southern gentleman.”
He still opens doors for me when we are out, as well as other ladies. He still says, “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” to the elderly; he stills says “thank you” and “please,” and takes care of repairs for the widow down our street. Why? Because that is the way his mama raised him in the little south Georgia town where we both grew up. If he didn’t, she would have taken him “out behind the barn,” as they used to say in Georgia, for a good old fashioned paddling.
Let me hasten to say that I call him a good old southern boy for doing those things, but I am sure it happens in all geographic regions. In fact, I meet many men right here in my great state of Texas, where I have been transplanted, who opens the grocery store door for me. It especially thrills my heart when I see young boys and teenagers doing the same thing.
But, I am using my husband’s courteous ways to show how he recently helped me maneuver my steps at an event we were attending that required a lot of walking to get to the main entrance. As we walked, we passed through areas consisting of deep grass, an old wooden bridge, and narrow sidewalks to get to the entrance. It was not exactly like a walk in the park.
As we walked, his dialogue to me went something like this:
On the very grassy area, he walked ahead of me, and said, “Watch for small holes, as he pointed to each one of them.”
On the bridge, he moved to my right side and held my arm, saying, “I don’t want you to fall on these wooden planks, so I am going to walk beside you over the bridge.”
On the sidewalk, he moved behind me saying, “This is too narrow for us to walk side-by-side, but it is smooth; just watch your step and you will be okay.”
His courteous ways were protecting me every step of the way to keep me from falling. His mama would have been proud. Thank goodness, I didn’t have to take him out behind the barn when we got home for a good old fashioned paddling.
As we walked, the Lord began to speak to me: “This is the way I always lead, guide, and protect you.”
1. Sometimes I walk ahead of you: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. (Isaiah 45:2 NIV)
2. Sometimes I walk side-by-side you, holding your hand: I am holding you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God—and I say to you, Don’t be afraid; I am here to help you. (Isaiah 41:13 TLB)
3. Sometimes, I walk behind you: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
As if to bring His talk on home to me, the Lord concluded with: “Though your husband did not pick you up and give you a piggy back ride over the rough terrain areas of your walk, I want to remind you of the words of your favorite poem:
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
My dear SUMite friends, I know that this post is not deep into theology, and I know it is not something you don’t already know. But, I decided to write it for two reasons:
- First of all, being unequally yoked does bring with it many challenges. But, sometimes we need to stop and be thankful for the “little things” our spouse does for us that helps and protects us that we may take for granted.
- The second reason is we might all need to remind ourselves that regardless of what we go through in life, God is always with us, and will never ever leave us stranded in the grass, on the bridges, on the sidewalks, or anywhere else we find ourselves. Remember, He walked on water to get to Peter.
So, in the comments, take a moment to share your thoughts of what your husband does to help and protect you and your family that you might sometimes overlook. And, of course, share your gratitude toward our Savior for each step of the way He has brought you.