Something's Breaking in the Spirit
The Perfect Son Who Stayed on the Farm

Our Pre-Believers Are Prodigal Sons

Lessons From Prodigal SonSo, gang, let’s look at this Prodigal son and consider our spouses. They have been hoodwinked into a kingdom of darkness. And what is flabbergasting to me is this. They are convinced, passionately, that they are neutral to faith/religion. Or they are committed also with a passion in opposition to our God, in which they believe they know all about, but actually don’t know at all, and are deceived into blindness.

Sounds bleak, doesn’t it?

When I looked closely at this story, the lessons I learned in the Prodigal land were more severe than I realized. Let’s take a look. See if you relate to any of these and consider what your spouse believes is true but is actually a falsehood.

Lesson from the Prodigal Nation:

From Luke 15: About this time his money ran out. The son went to feed the pigs. The son was so hungry the pig food looked good. No one gave the son anything.

  • The son took on a poverty spirit. For the first time in his life he was living in abject poverty. Poverty of pocketbook, poverty of spirit, poverty of relationships and more. Think about the depression that comes with poverty.
  • He left the covering of his Father. Rebellion pushes God away. We walk in our own strength which is never going to protect you from lucifer and his minions.
  • The son then learned, shame, confusion, deception, desperation, uncleanness, etc., etc.
  • The son settled for less than…… Oh how many of us settle for less than what we are offered through the hand of our Father.

My dear SUMites, I can attest that this is the ultimate goal of the devil. If we don’t know who we are or whose we are, we can’t fight back. We are captured and live in bondage, oppression, sickness and are targets for greater destruction.

Now contemplate what is happening with our unbelieving spouses?

This story is in the Word for our enlightenment but also so that we can perceive the poverty spirit in our spouse. Let our understanding of where they are, push us to our knees to pray for their deliverance and restoration to our loving Father.

Okay, gang, what other lessons do people learn when they dwell in the Prodigal Nation?

March on Warriors! We can help ourselves through Jesus and help our prodigal spouses and kids!  Hallelujah!

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