When God Asks Questions. Ugh!
The Heart of the Matter

Delay Is Defeated

This past week the Lord surprised me. He began to show me how many promises, hopes, and dreams have been delayed. He began to speak to me about delay. 

I asked the Lord about delay and He said to me that many in the SUM community are in this place along with me. During my prayer time, our Father's spoke to me about this current season. I know someone is out there who needs this word. Blessings and love, LynnSpirituallyUnequalMarriage

Delay Must Depart

Beloved child, you have tarried in the waiting. Quietly trusting, believing for the promises and answers to your petitions and prayers. When met by delay, you’ve remained steadfast, never wavering from the truths I have proclaimed.

I’ve turned My ear toward you when you arrived before the Mercy Seat, beseeching the answers to your confusion and fears, longing for understanding of the deferrals. In your pain, as you walked the steady path of obedience without reward, grand preparations were underway, tutoring your soul for the greatest treasure. Unbeknownst, you gained profound wisdom of heaven and a deepening knowledge of My Presence.

Verily I say unto you, age after age, a number of My children purpose to seek out this rare gift, Wisdom of the Divine. But in their haste, they seek their own ends and thusly have forfeited this Pearl of Great Price. Forerunners surrendered their promises under the daunting pressures of delay, even as the answer is poised ready, upon the threshold of their heart.

Oh, but alas, my child, you have lingered. Your convictions and faith never wavered. You did not doubt nor relent in your patient petitions. You sought My Presence above all else. Learning My language. Pursing My holy fire. Dancing in worship. Singing praise. Surrendering all. Your obedience has unlocked the door. Wisdom and the knowledge of God, rushes in.

The long season of delay is closing. The blockage is yours to remove. Ask Wisdom the questions to open the gates for you surely, you possess the keys to glory. Invite the knowledge of the Divine to guide your steps. Speak to delay – “DEPART! The will of My Father is my will.”

Now My child, go forth! The season before you will accelerate. Prepare to move quickly. Pray without ceasing. Now behold as the promises come forth, day upon day, freedom upon freedom, healing, health, deliverance, peace, love, joy and salvations. You are a child of the Divine. Your time in the waiting has granted unto you, dominion.

I am in you. You are in Me.

Decree this day the delays are broken, engage the angelic. Then stand and behold as the darkness cracks, light breaks upon the horizon. The change you seek will come rushing in as a flood.

Delay is swallowed up in victory and shall be no more. Hallelujah!

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. — Habakkuk 2:3

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