What Does Compassion Look Like?
August 12, 2018
I wrote two other posts before this one. But this one is straight from my vulnerable heart. I don’t know what this will mean to you, but for me, it’s a powerful calling to step into the classroom with The Rabbi.
Jesus, speak to us. Reveal to us Your heart and thoughts for our SUMite community today. In Your powerful name. Amen
Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. —Matthew 9:26
I could camp and study out this single passage for a month. Truly, but today in our study of the life of Jesus and our inheritance because of His teaching, let’s look at His compassion.
Gang, as I type the word, compassion, on a Sunday afternoon, my spirit stiffens. I left church an hour ago following a great message about compassion, changing the world, and helping our neighbor. Driving home, the words of the pasor still lingered in my ears….
…. Turn and smile at someone at school with the love of Jesus ….
…. Look around you and see with the eyes of Christ, the person in the grocery store. Ask the Lord, “Do they need groceries?” And then buy them….
…. Buy the coffee for the person behind you in line at Starbucks…. Be Jesus to someone....
…. Lead with compassion and heal the broken and hurting…..
And then....
Driving home, the traffic ensued, and my thoughts of compassion began to slip. I was rudely cut off and then I rudely cut someone off, merging onto the freeway. Good Grief!
A few miles later at my exit, a nearly naked, older and very skinny woman sat on the gravel on the side of the road. I sailed right by her, casting a sideways glance in order not to avoid eye contact. Compassion distanced herself a little further.
Gang, I just can't do It. I began to write about compassion but just reading the Word of God and grasping the compassion of Christ, I just can’t. I feel as though I failed miserably and I wasn't even back from services. Sheesh!
So, from this minute forward, I’m doing something different.
Forgive me. I drove by her and you spoke to my heart, “Do something.” I didn’t.
Lord, in my rush home, I was careless and selfish. And Jesus, I am not going to be THAT person.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. -James 1:22
I choose this hour to be a doer of the Word of God.
Oh, help me Jesus. I’m asking for a fresh revealing of compassion. What does that look like for me this week? Please reveal the people I am to serve with love, compassion and without any expectation from them.
Jesus, this week, help me perceive those You send to me. Those I can help, pray for, encourage and love on. Show me and provide means to be Your hands and feet. To feed them, clothe them, speak words of life over them and to reveal the Father’s love.
In Your name, Jesus, I humbly pray. AMEN
SUMers, that’s the best I can offer you today. But I’m determined to dole out heaping amounts of compassion in my world this week. I pray I have a good story for you on Friday. Pray for me. 😊
Help me, what does compassion look like to you?
Love you, Lynn