Go to the Nations!
Dance On The Mat

Redeemed Clothed In White

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comRedeemed Clothed In White

I am, Because of Who He is….

Because of Jesus, I have a family. We, have a family.

Then Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him. They stood outside and sent word for him to come out and talk with them. There was a crowd sitting around Jesus, and someone said, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.”

Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Then he looked at those around him and said, “Look, these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” — Mark 3:31-35 (NLT)

Wow, Jesus!

Do you know what He did? He looked the faces of those seated in a circle around Him and said, “Here are my brothers. These around me, these men, are My mother. These women, my brothers.”

I have been quietly bothered by this passage for years.

To me, maybe because I’m a mom, I felt as though Jesus in this story cared more about his followers than His own mother. After all, Mary, arrived wanting to see her first-born son and brought all of Jesus’ family because they were worried. They loved Him and heard so much about Him that they traveled by foot to find Him and see to the truth of the many varying and disturbing reports. (Which I don’t think Mary believed.)


This morning the Holy Spirit stepped into my prayer room and said, “Lynn, this isn’t what is happening here.”

Wholly Guacamole, Batman! Can I say that on a Christian blog? *grin*

Jesus is teaching those surrounding Him, a Kingdom principle.

While reading this passage today, I felt as though I joined the disciples upon the floor, criss-cross apple sauce, and became part of the scene. I could “feel” the sense of awe in the room. I could see the twinkling in the eyes of Jesus as His gaze lifted then simply left the room as He stared off into the distance. You could perceive that He was peering into another realm and locking eyes with the Father. His words became more than sound. There was awareness, revelation, which filled the room and rested upon those listening with power and fire. The movement of something undefinable but wholly real and discernible.

Jesus was engaged in another realm and He was viewing those around Him in the truest reality, not what we read in the Word. Well, yes what we read, there were those waiting at the door and people on the floor but what Jesus was beholding was an eternal reality.

Jesus is seeing in the Spirit Realm. He is viewing years into the future where we are ALL -brothers and sisters. He is beholding the truest thing about that moment.

The truest thing about us.

We, who are living on this earth, seated at His feet, are brothers and sisters. Furthermore, Jesus is also our brother. Now get this, even His earthly mother will become His sister and Bride. Ya, let that blow up your mind.

You’re welcome.

Everything about Jesus and His life on earth points toward the Father, our Father. And Jesus in this moment of time is perceiving Kingdom reality and truth. In this singular moment He is also revealing a deception and a disguised mindset. Our earthly view isn’t our truth.

Jesus is glancing about that room and love is emanating forth from His being because He has glimpsed the future where these who surround Him are glorified and standing in their rightful place as His brother, His sister. He already views them, perfected. Clothed in righteousness, a cherished family member for whom He would willingly die to protect, and a son or daughter of Abba, Father.

I wonder….. I just wonder. What would happen if we could understand this reality right now. How would we view others? Our spouse? Can we perceive that our spouse is also a son or daughter but living in the prodigal nation? Lost, separated from truth and reality, held in demonic deception and fear.

Would we love them differently? Would we answer the door and welcome them without judgement or condemnation? Without trying to control, manipulate or change them. Can we glimpse the future and see them redeemed, clothed in glory? Wouldn’t we instantly forgive everything in the past?

Would our approach spin faith differently in his or her eyes today?

I want to ponder this further and ask Jesus to help me see my husband redeemed and clothed in white. I wonder, will you do the same?

Love you, Lynn

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