Confession: Do you Honestly Trust God?
April 15, 2018
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust is at the core of our relationship with God. And from my years of perspective, it is a long journey to fully trust in God.
Today, I want to talk about trust because so many of us in the SUM Nation are at the end of our rope and we want to trust but we aren’t fully convinced that God will catch us in this disaster that we face.
Brick: I think that building trust with God is part of our process. It’s a moment by moment, brick by brick, building of an entwined love. I choose to believe God at His Word and place my husband’s salvation in His hands.
Brick: God chooses to reveal to me His favor in area of faith and I develop an authority over the spirit of fear.
Brick: I trust God to provide during our yearlong unemployment.
Another Brick: God returns my husband to his former job a year later with all benefits and seniority restored.
Brick: I choose to trust God to heal me emotionally as well as physically.
Awesome Brick: God lays down another brick and heals me emotionally, physically and then I am commissioned and trusted to bring this kind of healing to others.
It’s a process.
A relationship building process that for a long time I thought was just one sided, me trusting God. But in reality, God is trusting me just as much. Indeed, I think the Lord sits upon His throne and ponders about Lynn on earth. Is she strong enough to write vulnerably about her marriage? Can she handle public backlash? Can she sustain the momentum? Will her marriage truly model what she writes?
My faithful demonstration of these questions, then opens up the Lord to trust my character to walk in them fully and bear His name that I would bring His name glory, not shame or ridicule.
Do you see how this trust thing works?
This kind of eternal building is summarized in the passage above. Read it again… Look what happens when we choose to trust, submit our free will unto His wisdom, He will make our paths straight.
I don’t know about you, but I have veered off the road way too many times, arriving in the pits. The pit of anger. The pit of disappointment. The pit of despair. The pit of loneliness, comparison, cheap living, fear and a host of other demonic dwelling places.
The more I trust, follow His voice, walk in obedience, I find this passage is absolutely true. God really honors His word.
So my Sumite, brothers and sisters, are you tired of being a pit dweller? As I have forged a path, going before you, follow behind me. Verily, verily, I tell you the truth. Building trust is a two-way relationship and it is the way to peace and life abundant.
Let’s ask these questions of God:
Father, are you good?
Father, can I trust you?
Father, can I trust you with ____________________
Father, what area are you teaching me to trust you?
Father, where am I dwelling in the pit?
Father, today I choose to climb out. Help me. (Current circumstance. Fear, marriage, illness, etc.)
Can I pray for you today in the comments? Also, do you struggle with knowing in your knower that God is really good? If so, please hop over to the SUM Facebook page and listen to how I came to understand fully that God is absolutely good. Click here <-----
I love you. See you in the comments. Hugs, Lynn
Next post: Disappointment