The Orphan Spirit and Identity Crisis
THREE WORDS ... And Everything Changes

The Marriage Supper of The Lamb

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comSumite Family,

It’s the strangest thing. This week leading to Easter, the Lord is showing me how the entirety of the Word of God is pointing to THIS marriage. So, for the next few days, may I share with you how I perceive our place as participants, walking in the middle of this proposal?

Each day this week the Lord has been pointing to the invitation He has made since the begging of time. I think I want to pick up His proposal as it was given long ago. Although I believe it began with Adam and Eve, let’s peer into the next GREAT ASKING.

The Israelites find themselves at the foot of Mount Sinai three months from their deliverance from Pharaoh. (Which means King – kingdom of darkness) They are camped and the Lord beacons the people to purify themselves. (Purity, another area of preparation for marriage but I don’t have time to get into that now.) The people came and stood at the foot of the mountain (Exodus 19:17)

AND….. The LORD came down. Whoa!

In Chapter 20 of Exodus, the Lord offers to former slaves, mind you, his marriage covenant.

He came into our world and basically said, “Will you marry me?” So this is how I imagine the Lord’s covenant proposal:

Darling of my heart, have no other gods but love only me. (vs. 3) Don’t go looking for anything on this earth in which to pledge your affections.

Will you marry me?

Don’t choose other lovers, (idols), television, over eating, drinking, comparison, achievement, social media. Don’t linger in deception’s arms, nor lean into the love of Mammon (money and possessions). Cleave unto Me only. I will care for you. (vs. 4)

Will you marry me?

Chose holiness and purity and escape the treachery of sin and iniquity that will pollute not only you but our children up to four generations. Choose me and relish in mercy to a thousand generations. (vs. 5)

Will you marry me?

Darling bride, honor Me by honoring My name that I give to you to bear. Do not swear by My name and always defend the name you bare. It is a name greater than any other name. (vs 7) (Phil 2:8)

Will you marry me?

Be intentional to spend time with me, at least one day a week, to rest in intimacy, to keep our covenant vibrant and holy. (vs 8-11)

Will you marry me?

Give honor to your earthly parents and I will honor them but I will honor you even more. You will live a long life with prosperity in the home I am providing you. (vs 12)

Will you marry me?

Darling, my bride, choose mercy and reject murder of another’s character and life, choose fidelity and never turn to another. My Bride, let your name be whispered on the lips of others that you are a bride of honesty, integrity and when you speak, your truth is as strong as iron. Desire only me and I will give you the desires of your heart. (vs 13-17) (Ps 37:4)

Will you marry me?


SUMites, today is Thursday of the Passion Week. In the Gospels on this day, Jesus lifted the Bread and the Cup, at what is remembered as the Last Supper. But I propose to you today to consider, was this once again the Trinity asking with all they have to offer, lifeblood of God.

Will you marry me?

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