The GREAT Power of Our Warfare
Testimony Springboard & Powerful Conflict Tool

Our Father's Love For The Lost

There are many of My children who have languished in this end-time season, locked in the enemy’s prisoner of war camp. The barbed wire of disillusionment and abandonment, gouge and leave bleeding scars. Through this extended, grueling season of illness, persecution has devastated their very soul. They are prisoners of war, left abandoned on the plains of battle. Whispers of finality through betrayal, hopelessness, apathy and fear are the lies that fortify their restraints.

These are My Beloved Children who love Me and once believed in My truths and Kingdom. But the blows of darkness birthed perceived falsehoods that I was unaware of their sufferings. They turned toward the lies that I allowed the brokenness or cared little when tears drowned their faith.

From My Throne; My voice thunders in peeling crack of raw emotions and booming love.

It is NOT SO!

My love and power are always enough to liberate every soul.

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. —Psalm 56:8

I have wept with you as I collected every tear as a token that restitution is due. I have stored each droplet that cries out for vindication of all that the enemy of life has stolen.

Today, My children who are beset by bitterness and strife, determine your heart to trust Me again. Pray. Speak to me again, for I never left you alone. People may have failed you, left you devastated, lost in rejection, but I stand for you. I am your hope, redemption, your healing, life and I have every answer to your questions. I AM your place of refuge.

Delay not another moment. Release your heart to Me. I’m a moment away. Your faith and My love are your healing script. Pray without ceasing and never give up.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. —Revelation 21:4

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